Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Happy birthday

 I can't believe she is three. Time goes to fast. I am glad she had a good day. I got up and went grocery shopping and then mowed the lawn. It got to hot so I didn't sweep afterwards I will do that tomorrow. It is suppose to cool down. I am glad you had a fun day Rachel. Just two more days and then you can play for a couple of weeks. You need that. We are meeting the gumm gang tomorrow for lunch at jordan landing. That should be fun. It is suppose to be cooler tomorrow. Love mom

Happy birthday

 I am glad that Luna has a good birthday.  She is so cute.  I hope you have a good birthday tomorrow Mom.  Work went well this morning, the kids are so cute.  I like the smaller groups.  I listened to the Tarzan Broadway musical most of the day, I am obsessed now.  The kids got their allowance and they wanted to go to the toy store so we did that.  Ruth got a Lego, Oliver got a stuffed animals and Isaac got gravitracks. I signed the little kids up for a craft at the library.  They made pan flutes and a tambourine.  Oliver's friend came and he had fun.  We did Legos and crafts when we got home.  I went to exercise class this evening.  It was the same class I went to on Saturday and she did all the same songs.  It was fun.  We weeded the garden and it is looking really good.  Ruth got a net for her stuffed animals and hung it up in her bed.  It is crazy.  On Monday I went in her room and she had all her clothes laid out and labeled for what day she was going to wear it.  It was cute 

Love Rachel 

Happy Birthday Luna

 I am glad that Luna had a good. My day was pretty good. Work is moving along. After work I had a headache so we didn't go to the gym. I think it is just allergies. I hope everyone had a great Tuesday. Bye

Lunas birthday

It's officially Lunas birthday. Everyone at daycare was really cute with her. Thanks everyone for calling and talking with her. She misses everyone alot. We went out to cold stone after dinner. It was so hot today. But it's way better than freezing and snow so I'll take it. 


Monday, June 24, 2024


 We had a fun day.  School went well this morning, I can't believe it is the last week.  The little kids had the summer primary party and Isaac went to his friend's birthday party.  They all had a really good time.  The primary got a water slide and the bubbles and the kids loved it.  Isaac was hired to water flowers so we met with her and he saw what to do.  We went to the library to get new books.  Casey went caving in Logan canyon and I took the kids to Tarzan the musical.  It was so amazing and I love it so much.  Everyone was so talented.  

Love Rachel 


 I had a quiet day. I cleaned and worked on my diamond art. I also pulled weeds in my flower garden. They are so beautiful. Tomorrow I am going to work on the garden area. We went to they gym and I rowed for awhile. I need to work on upper body strength. I miss the kids. Thanks again for the fun time. I bought new sheets for the bunk beds they are getting old. Hope Luna has a fun time at school for her real birthday. Love you all mom


 My day was good. It was super hot outside though. Work is busy so it goes by pretty quick. After work we went to the gym. We haven't been since I got my tooth pulled so I didn't last as long. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye 

Happy birthday

 I can't believe she is three. Time goes to fast. I am glad she had a good day. I got up and went grocery shopping and then mowed the la...