Saturday, February 4, 2017

I don't want to

Ruth is a girl.after my heart. Ez cheese is delicious. I worked today. I really didn't want to but I made it through the day. I cam home and glued the Inside of the hat. But while the inside was drying I started to paint the outside. I have been watching forensic files while I work on it. Have a good sunday


I like your sorting hat Robin, you are very creative.  We had a good day also.  My visiting teachers came over this morning which was nice.  We were supposed to clean the church but we slept in and missed it.  I took the kids and went grocery shopping and Casey worked on the jeep.  Casey likes working on it and it is fun for him.  Calleen and Allen came and visited for a while and it was good to see them.  She is working on fixing up the house and it sounded nice.  Isaac has been working on making a Robot out of boxes and he worked on that for most of the day.  Casey and Isaac went to Lowe's and bought a bigger box for him to use.  Oliver woke up really early this morning so I put him and Ruthie to bed while their were gone.  It is nice to have them in separate rooms so we can put him to bed early.  I hope that everyone has a good Sunday.


She loves EZ Cheese

Nice Day

We had a nice day.  The sun came out and it felt so nice.  Most of the snow has melted here.  We went to Gateway and got some oil.  I went to Charlie's and got me a new necklace.  I broke one of mine the other day and I like Charlie's necklaces.  We went to Sam's afterwards and got a chicken for dinner.  It tasted really good.  I got up late and took a nap.  I think I needed that more than I thought I did.  Everyone have a nice Sunday.  I sure love this warmer weather.  Rachel Thank Casey for working on the jeep.  I hope it isn't too much work.  Robin, I love your sorting hat.  That is cool and Rachel I love your rug.  Karen I am glad you got the oil changed.  I am sure you will use it a lot more before the snow is over with.  LOVE MOM


Well it rained here off and on this morning, but it cleared out in the afternoon. I did change the oil in my snowblower, so I felt productive. I made BLTs for dinner and they tasted really good. Robin I am impressed with your sorting hat. It looks really cool.  I hope everyone had a great Saturday.

Friday, February 3, 2017


I like your rug rachel. Mom for my valentines day event I am making the sorting hat from harry potter. I put a picture below I'm still on the modge podge part. I will color it later. Work was good. I feel like I need more hours in the day. I didn't have to work tonight i judy started my sorting hat. I'm working both Saturday and Sunday so it will be a slow weekend.



Isaac had parent teacher conference so they had early out yesterday with no school for kindergarten and then no school for everyone today.  I had his conference today and he is doing really well at school.  He got 100% on all his tests and he is doing a lot better at following directions.  His fine motor is a lot better also.  It was so fun to go and hear great things about him.  Randy watched the kids while I went which was really nice of him.  He took the boys up to his house after I got back.  They were having another sewing day to finish up the pillow cases so I went up and sewed for a bit with Ruth.  It was fun to talk and we got a total of 86 done, her daughter said that was good enough.  When Ruthie napped I finished up making a rug for the kitchen.  It turned out pretty good.  I had to use my old machine and it made me love my new one so much more.  Isaac came home and I ran him to Judo.  We had a late dinner and then put the kids to bed.  I hope that everyone has a good weekend and get some rest.



I am glad it is Friday.  It always means I made it another week.  I like that.  We had firehouse subs for dinner and they tasted good.  We haven't had them for awhile.  We have been watching Sherlock and I have been enjoying them.  WE also have been watching the Harry Potter movies we are getting at the end and they aren't as good.  Well everyone have a great weekend.  I hope you don't get snow.  LOVE MOM


Yeah we have made it to the weekend. Work was good. Nothing too wild and crazy happening. I did run to Walmart after work to pick up my prescriptions. It rained the whole way. Then later today it turned into snow. That is fun Isaac didn't have school. It is fun having a day off once in a while. I hope everyone had a great Friday. Bye

Thursday, February 2, 2017


I love protest over ground hog day Robin.  That made me laugh.  I am glad everyone had a good day.  Work was good.  I am so far behind but I don't care so that makes it OK.  We did meet up with Kay, Julie, and Jeff at Red Robin for dinner.  It was nice to visit.  Everyone is doing good.  Kay leaves Monday for Florida.  She is excited about that.  Not much else going on with me.  I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday.  It was nice talking to you and the kids Rachel.  I didn't know Isaac didn't have school today.  LOVE MOM


Today was good.  Isaac didn't have school and I had ideas but everyone just wanted to play at home and it was fun.  We did go to the hobby lobby and got some wood things to paint and then we went to panda for lunch.  Isaac went to marital arts this evening and their were a ton of people their.  We went to the cheese factory while we were waiting.  Oliver was in heaven.  Everyone have a good Friday.



Today was surprisingly busy. We are suppose to be slow because of chinese new year. But I have so many projects that have been on the back burner that I have had to deal with this week. I had to work at scheels tonight. So it was uneventful. I hope everyone has a good friday. It's sad the ground hog saw his shadow....6 more weeks of winter



Well my day was good. I got Oliver's birthday present order, so that is good. Thanks for going in with me Robin. It did snow here today, but it warm warm enough that it didn't stick to the walks. I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday.  I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, February 1, 2017


Today was better. We had meetings all morning so it was slow. I didn't have to work at scheels tonight. I finally got caught up on my laundry. My last batch is in the dryer. That felt nice. I've been behind on life. I am glad it's finally February . Rachel I don't work the 18th or 19th so I can come up to paint if needed. Have a good thursday



I am glad that you got your sink fixed Karen.  Mom for Oliver's room maybe on his birthday weekend we can work on it again.  Do you guys want to have the party on Saturday (18th) or Sunday (19th).  This weekend Casey is working on the jeep and next weekend I am meeting up with my old college roommates.  Isaac had a 100 day of school party and had fun.  I took Oliver and Ruthie to the fun park for story time, there were a lot of kids today.  Isaac had martial arts today and it felt good to get back at it again.  I hope that everyone has a good night.



Well we made it to February and the smog wasn't as bad today.  Work was work, I had to go in early so I left at 4 and we drove up to Karens.  It was fun to visit and hang out.  It is staying light a lot longer and that is nice.  I hope everyone had a good hump day.  Tomorrow is ground hog day.  I hope that Isaac liked his 100 days at school today.  Not much else to report.  LOVE MOM


Well there was no flooding in my house today. So that is a huge step up from yesterday. Work was good it wasn't as busy today so I got some of my list crossed off. Mom and Dad came up after work to check out my sink. So we had dinner and then did my sink. I hope everyone had a great Wednesday. I also hope everyone has a good groundhog day tomorrow. Bye

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Nice day

Well my day was good.  The secretary's in administration bought me a thank you gift for helping them.  I thought that was awful nice of them.  It is a beautiful picture and a blanket.  Work was OK.  I am just so overwhelmed, I can't keep up but I did make progress today.  That is a cute poem Rachel.  Robin, I love your speakers.  Karen we are going to come up and help fix that leak.  I wasn't sure what the plan was to paint Oliver's room.  Do we have a plan?  I think I am getting a cold.  I have the worst runny nose and I have been sneezing all day.  I made a casserole tonight and it tasted so good.  I made enough so we get to eat it again tomorrow.  Everyone have a great 1st day of February.  We made it through January.  Karen said it was really warm at her place today.  I was jealous.  LOVE MOM


I am sorry you guys had crappy days.  That is a lot of problems Karen, good job fixing them.  I loke your speaker Robin.  I think Isaac is on the mend and was able to go to school today.  I bought some hangers for Oliver and a curtain for Isaac's room.  I moved and cleaned thing up today and it felt nice to get things done.  Jenn came over for a while and we talked and hand sewed.  I made soup for dinner and it tasted good.   At young women's we planned the activities for the beehives for the next couple months so I felt good about that.  I may need to borrow your sewing machine Karen if that is alright with you.


Isaac wrote a cute poem this afternoon

Their was a snowman
with a eaten nose
it went up stairs
it went inside
a house it melted
inside the nose
fell off first


I had about the same as karen. My fridge didn't freak out but today was kinda sucky. The girls at work were just really caddy. And then I kept making mistakes on stupid things. It just was a weird day. But at scheels they had their 115th. Birthday and they gave us free speakers. So scheels was the win for the day. Hopefully tomorrow runs alittle more smooth.


What a morning

Well this morning my fridge beeped that it was time to replace the filter. Since I had one already I thought I would throw it in really quick. Then I ran a gallon of water thru like it said you are suppose. But apparently I needed to turn it a little bit more. So i had water sprayed everywhere in the fridge. It was even in all the draws. So I fixed the filter and then I had to dry my fridge out. It took a while, but silver lining my fridge is now clean. Then as I dumped the gallon of water in my sink I heard water dripping. Apparently when I used my disposal last night it shook my drain pipe loose. So I cleaned that up befor work also. Then after work I fixed the pipe. So whew! It was a crazy morning. I considered just going back to bed, but I was good and went to work instead. Work was good but busy. One of our customers is presenting one of our products in development tomorrow so I had to get models and helped with pricing done today. I got all my stuff done so that was good. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, January 30, 2017


Today was good..we had breakfast this morning at work. Bacon and waffles. It tasted good. Then it's chinese new year so we were doing odd projects. I didn't have to work at scheels tonight so that was nice. Well not much to report have a good night



Thanks for helping with the room this weekend.  It turned out really nice, we are getting good at remodeling.  We finished it up yesterday and Isaac slept downstairs last night.  Oliver is the one that loves his own room and is pretty territorial about it.  Isaac was sick last night and stayed home from school.  Everyone stay warm.


End of the month

I was busy at work also.  It is the end of the month and I came back after two days off.  I sure had a good time with my days off.  I had to go into work early so we left at 4 and went grocery shopping and then got gas.  We lead an exciting life.  We just vegged after that.  It was smoggy here today.  Everyone enjoy the last day of January.  It is nice that the days are starting to get a little longer.  I will take all the daylight I can get. Our house has even been chilly the last two days.  Yesterday I cooked and did laundry and it warmed right up.    LOVE MOM

Busy Day

Well my day was busy today. There were several things that popped up that needed to be done right away. I got it all done though so that was good. I also got my dishes done tonight so I was on a roll. I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye

Sunday, January 29, 2017


I didn't finish everything I needed to today but I did a good chunk. I finished some valentines cards. I did sleep in it was nice, but I still feel sore. I need to work out. I hope Isaac likes his room


Quiet day

WE had a quiet day also.  Grandma went to Annette's house for her birthday party and we took a nap and just vegged all day.  I love Isaac's room also.  I am glad you were able to finish it today.  I have to go to work early tomorrow to set up classes.  It is hard to go back to the real world.  I don't have any news since last we were together.  That is scary about the deer Karen.  It is so cold and so much snow.  I was worried about them.  LOVE MOM


Well my Sunday had been good.  I slept in and then took a nap. It was nice. I saw a lot of deer last night when I was driving home.  They were all in the road also. I think it was because it was easier than walking thru the snow. But I stopped in time so it was fine. I had a nice time yesterday and I thin Issac's room looks good. I hope evryone has a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...