Saturday, January 3, 2015


Today was good.  We went grocery shopping this morning.  It was so quiet, Saturday morning is the time to shop.  I had both boys ride in the car shopping cart and they got free cookies.  It was so cute to watch them.  We just played the rest of the day.  I am sorry you went to work early Robin, that sucks.  I love your hair Karen, I am glad that you got it cut.  I am glad that your got new glasses Mom, that will make you feel a lot better.  I hope that Grandma feels better soon, that is scary.


Now I see it

Karen, I really like your hair.  That will feel so nice.  Robin, I am sorry you showed up early.  I hope you shopped for an hour.  We had a good day.  We took Grandma Bodily to lunch and she wasn't doing all that great.  She got confused and was wobbly today.  She said she was really tired and didn't want to go shopping.  After we went and got me a new pair of glasses.  I am so excited.  I went to the eye doctor the first of December and I needed a stronger prescription.  YEAH.  We went to the vision works and if you bought one pair you got one free. I got me a back up pair.  If any one needs glasses you can split the cost and it would be really cheap.  I should have thought of that one.  We went to Walmart's also and got pillows and other supplies.  The pillowcases look so cute.  I love them.  Have a nice Sunday.  I hope you don't have to work too many hours Robin.  LOVE MOM

So early

I like your hair karen. Good job. Today was good I slept in which was really nice. Then I worked at scheels I thought I worked at 4 but instead it was 5 so I was an hour early... o well I guess it's better the being late. I work tomorrow at scheels so not to much going on. This is pay week so that will be nice. Have a good one



Well my day has been good. I went and got my hair cut. It snowed a little bit today. Not a whole lot just  little bit off and on. I really don't have too much to report. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Friday, January 2, 2015

Day off

I feel like a sloth Karen with you working so many hours.  I slept in until 1030 and then just did laundry and ironing.  I also paid bills.  My stomach is starting to feel better this evening.  Around 8 is just stopped hurting.  I am glad of that.  It was weird.  Dad worked all day and tonight I cut his hair.  Good luck working this weekend Robin.  You are working a lot of hours.  I am glad you had a good day Rachel.  I love the pictures.  It is suppose to get a lot warmer next week.  LOVE MOM


It felt like Monday today but luckily it was Friday. That sounds fun Rachel to to have sewing time. I tried to be ambitious and broke my needles so I need to go by new needles. I downloaded a new pattern the instructions are vague but I thought once I bought new needles I would try it out and see what happens I work tomorrow night and Sunday so nothing exciting this weekend, friends is now on netflix so that is my night tonight it's nice to veg, 



Karen, that is a long day.  Good job working, you will have a nice paycheck.  We had a really nice day today.  The kids slept really well last night and seem to be feeling better.  Isaac took a super long bath this morning and then we made his new legos which was fun.  It was so nice outside we played in the snow for a while.  Oliver's shoes worked really well.  Isaac's new primary teacher came over and introduced herself to Isaac.  I thought that was so sweet and really went the extra mile.  Everyone have a good weekend.  Oh Robin I know what I want to sew on your machine.  I have this Christmas tree that I need to applique and I want to use a fancy stitch on your machine when we have a sewing day.



Well  I got to work at 6 this morning. It seemed super early. So I was supposed to get off at 2:30 since I came in two hours early but I left at 4. In was helping to finish audit counts. I am glad that it is the weekend. Well I hope everyone had a great Friday. Bye

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year

Thanks Mom for the fun time.  I have a couple of pictures from the museum.  It was a really fun place.  I am excited for 2015, it will be a great year for all of us. :)



What a fun way to start the New Year.  We had such a nice time yesterday and today.  Isaac woke up sick and throwing up but he started to feel better and we took him to the Lego store again to buy more wheels.  It is fun to build cars.  He likes that.  Me and Rachel made pillow cases today.  Isaac said he couldn't sleep on Grandma's pillows so we made some pillow cases for when they come down.  They are a lot of fun to make.  I really love that pattern.  I am going to make me some more of them. 
Grandpa was teasing Isaac that he needed a new pillowcase and he loved his.  Isaac said he had to be older (13) before he could get a new one.  I wasn't feeling 100 percent today either.  I think me and Isaac picked up a bug.  I decided to stay home just in case.  Have a great Friday.  I am sorry you have to go to work so early Karen.  It is so cold and dark then.  You are brave to do that.  Robin, I hope you had a good New Year's Eve.  I hope Scheels wasn't too busy.  LOVE MOM


Things are good, nothing to crazy. I had to work at scheels today,  well I hope every is having a fun 2015. Sorry I don't have much to report. Have a Good Friday 



Well they set off fireworks last night so it was pretty nosey until 1. My day was good. I took a nap. I have to go to work at 6 tomorrow morning to help with inventory. It is going to suck having to wake up early but at least I get off early too. Mom I finished your scarf so I will bring it down next time I see you. Well I hope everyone had a great first day of 2015. Bye

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Fun day

The museum was really fun. They had a celebration for kids so it was busy but it is really a fun place. We will need to go again. We meet dad for lunch and then went shopping. We got a bucket of Lego parts. Lots of wheels. We had fun playing with them tonight. Julie isn't going to sew to morrow so me and Rachel are going to make pillow cases.  I bought some material so isaac and Oliver can have pillows here.  Have a happy New Years.  Love mom

Even colder

Well the low last night was -23 and the high today was 6. At least we got in the positive numbers. I helped do some pre-counts for the inventory. We are doing the full inventory on Friday. I hope that you guys had a fun time at the children's museum today. I am glad that you guys choose an indoor activity. I am glad that I have tomorrow off. I am so going to sleep in. I hope everyone has a great new years eve. Bye

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Safe and sound

Rachel and family made it safe and sound. It is so cold. We had to turn on the heat. It was 56 in our house when we got home. We are going to the natural history museum tomorrow. They are having a special New Years celebration for kids. They are suppose to have some amazing dinosaur bones. I will let you know if it is good. Be safe in the cold. 10 below. That is so cold you might want to drip your sinks,  open the sink cupboards to let the air circulate.  Love mom


It was really cold here today also. We didn't get above 10 degrees today. I had some snow on my walks this morning and was hoping that the sun would melt it, but it never got warm enough so I had to shovel it after work. It is -10 here right now. Work was good. I hope mom, Rachel, and crew have a fun time tomorrow. I have to work, but I get Thursday off. Only one day but I am so going to sleep. In. Well have a great one everyone. Bye

Let it go

It was so cold today! They wouldn't let truck drivers drive through Davis county it was so windy. I took me three hours after work to dethaw. It was a crazy day. It started crazy and in the middle it was a little crazy then it ended with insanity, it was nice not to work at scheels I have vegged all night, it's been nice. Well not to much else stay warm and travel safe.


Monday, December 29, 2014

So Cold

It is really windy here also.  I worked today and I am with Karen it was hard getting back to work.  However I shouldn't complain because I only have to work one more day.  Rachel is coming down tomorrow night.  On Wednesday we are going to the Utah Natural History Museum and then Thursday we are sewing.  If any one wants to join for dinners or anything else just let us know.  The weather is suppose to be pretty good for the rest of the week.  Just really cold.  Me and dad went grocery shopping on the way home tonight.  It is nice to have food in the house again.  Drive safe tomorrow Rachel.  I am glad you have internet Robin.  I just never realize how much I love that until it doesn't work.  Dad did get Walters virtual stuff up and working.  Let me know when you want to get together and get that to Walter.  LOVE MOM


Robin, I am glad that your internet is working, that sucks.  Today was good.  Isaac had a doctors appointment for his 4 year old check up.  He is doing really good and checked out.  He weights 40 lbs 80%, 41 1/4" 75%.  I asked about him being a picky eater and he said that most kids his age are.  It was so windy here today, it is driving me crazy.  I don't like it.  I was able to go to My Girl Firends quilt shop and use my gift card and Casey watched the kids.  I got some cream fat quarters for my sampler quilt background.  It was nice.  Well we are going to head down tomorrow to SLC around dinner time.  I am excited for New Years, it will be fun.  I finished a quilt last night.  It isn't my best one but it went fast.



Sorry I haven't blogged in a while my Internet was down and I'm at 75 percent on my data till the 4th I'm on restricted phone internet. But they have my wifi working again so that is nice. Today I did laundry and cleaned my room. I now have to do my living room but it's a work in progress. well stay safe in this weather and stay warm!!


Well it was cold and snowy here today. I shoveled about four inches off my driveway this morning. Then about another inch after work. Work was good. It was rough going back to work after having all that time off. But I was tough and made it thru. I hope that everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, December 28, 2014


I forgot to blog last night, sorry.  Yesterday was good.  Casey had to go fix Calleen's furnace last night after work so he was tired today.  He is a trooper.  We made it to church today but not the sacrament, it seemed like a lot to me this morning.  Church will be at 1 next week.  It will be easier to get their on time I think.  Oliver is feeling better, he still isn't a hundred percent but he is a lot better.  He is all over the place and into everything which is a good sign.  Isaac has his four year old check up tomorrow.  It will be good to see how much he grew.  We painted the last of the cookies tonight, thanks Mom.  He loves doing that.  I took a lot of pictures of Oliver today, he was just so cute.


Quiet Day

It was a really quiet day here.  I even cleaned and cooked.  Grandma Bodily didn't want to go out so we just stayed home.  It snowed off and on all day.  I am not ready to go back to work.  Oh well it is only for two days and then I am taking some more time off.  It should be really quiet.  A lot of people are taking the days off.  Robin I hope you had a quiet day off also.  Be careful in the snow tomorrow.  LOVE MOM


Well it has been snowing off and on today. I shoveled this morning I am hoping that the sun will come out tomorrow, but after looking at the weather report I don't think it will. It is going to be rough to have to work a whole week after working just a day and a half last week. I hope everyone had a great Sunday. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...