Saturday, January 15, 2022


Today was good I took a nap. Then we went on a walk. Jeramys mom fell and has a bladder infection on top of high blood sugars. So we drove down so Jeramy could say hi in the hospital. She wasn't doing great, she lost her memories but can remember Jeramy. She's been getting better. I stayed out with Luna because she is plauged. We didn't want to get her more sick. So we ran and had pita pit while Jeramy was at the hospital. Then I glowforged when Luna went to bed. I am working on a temple cut out. I didn't line it up right and I messed up on some design stuff. But it was my first complicated design I did so I was happy it wasn't a complete failure. Mom we can meet up on Monday. Are you going up to Layton?


 We slept in and then met Karen for lunch at park city and then drove to kamas. It was Karen's  work party and that was nice they sure have grown. There were a lot of people there. The food was good. Karen bought a flight stimulator game and dad loved it. She got a hundred dollar gift card. We are spending the night and going home tomorrow. Drive safe Rachel. Robin are you going to play with us on Monday? Love mom


 Today was good.  Oliver had a basketball game early this morning and had fun.  He got the most enthusiastic award.  Ruth's birthday party was fun and I think it went ok.  I didn't take any pictures during it because it was so busy.  Isaac and Oliver were really cute to help and Casey was amazing.  We spent the afternoon cleaning up and Isaac worked on his homework.  Isaac had a basketball game and it was a good game.  They tied and had a two minute overtime and ended up tin a tie.  Isaac is playing a lot better.  We are headed down tomorrow after church which is later sorry.  Thanks again for having us.  I asked them kids what they wanted to do Monday and they want to go to the jump zone with a zip line.



Friday, January 14, 2022


 I am glad it is Friday also. Work was good and then we came home and went to WinCo. Robin I am glad that Luna is good. I can't get over she can touch the floor in her jumper. I remember when you stacked books under her. She is growing up way to fast. Karen enjoy your last weekend before school we are excited to come up and play. Rachel good luck with the birthday party tomorrow. I think it will be so much fun. Love mom


We did a lot of party preparation today which was fun.  They cancelled exercise class so me and Ruth put together treat bags.  I ran out of printer ink so we picked that up.  I helped in Ruth's class and then made cupcakes for her party.  Ruth and Isaac both had playdate after school and had a fun time.  Me and Oliver made a test puppy and Oliver loves him.  We just watched a movie after dinner.  I hope Luna feels better soon.  Karen you should do a monthly subscription, they are always better than the free ones.


 I am so glad that the weekend is here. But I am jealous everyone but me gets Monday off. Work is still moving along. Covid is making the rounds but only 3 people a week are testing positive so it isn't too bad. I was looking for an exercise app for the occulus but everyone I found you needed a monthly subscription. I hope everyone had a great Friday. Bye 


Luna had a terrible night last night. She was up till 11:30. Then she woke up at 6 because Alexa glitched and turned her light on. I finally got her back down at 7 and she slept till 9. I worked from home so she could rest. I took her to the doctor to get covid tested. He didn't test her and said we should act like she has it. But with her cold it just needs to run it's course. So it was a dud of a doctors appointment. Then I made some lemon chicken from Costco and it wasnt good so we had cereal for dinner. I have Monday off. I'm excited to have some down time. It's been wild 


Thursday, January 13, 2022


 Today was good and a lot slower.  I walked this morning and me and Ruth lifted weights this morning.  I studied and sewed while Ruth was at school.  Ruth had dance class and she learned how to do a handstand to a backbend and was so happy.  Isaac cooked dinner for us which was really sweet and tasted really good.  He is still plugging away at his homework.  Love you guys.




 I worked from home and got some stuff done. It was nice. We went out after work to lowes to get bug spray for the roaches. When we got in the car it wouldn't start. Luckily we had jumper cables and someone helped us. We went to O'Reilly's and got a new battery. Dad thinks they put an old one in when they did the engine. Who knows we have one now. We even got new batteries in our fobs. We are all electrified. I have to go into work tomorrow. I am not excited about that one. I get more done here. Robin I hope Luna doesn't get very sick. That picture of Jeremy holding her hand is priceless. Karen I am excited for the dinner on Saturday. Rachel I hope your day went well. Love mom


Sorry I didn't blog last night I was so tired. Once Luna went down I fell asleep at 8. Lol Luna had a cough this morning that sounded raspy. Jeramy called out yesterday and today. He wasn't feeling 100 percent. So he watched Luna today and I went in. It was nice to get some things done. It gets a bit wild with Luna and work. :) But the day care called to see who they should schedule for tomorrow since it's a holiday weekend. I told them Luna was coughing and I wasn't sure how she was feeling. I guess if she goes in and is coughing they send them home anyway then require a covid test. So I might work from home tomorrow to be safe. I don't want her to get a covid test unless she absolutely has to. 


 Yeah, tomorrow is Friday. My day was good. The email was broke again so we couldn't get external emails. It made for a quiet day. Recycling came this morning and took the rest of the Christmas boxes away. Just after lunch the supreme court blocked the vaccine mandate so I was excited about that. I hope everyone had a great Thursday. Bye 

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Home again

 So we had a meeting this afternoon and they want not to have 6 administrative assistants out the doors.  We are going to work 3 days home and 2 days at work.  I am going in on Wednesday and Friday.  It should work out.  I do get to sleep in a little bit every morning now and that is always nice.  Not much else to report on my end.  I am glad that Isaac and Ruth checked out.  I hope allergy medicine works.  I coughed really bad yesterday and took some last night and this morning and it has really helped.  I guess I must be allergic to something as well.  Robin I am sorry you have to go back to work.  I was hoping you would get all week at home.  Karen I can't believe this is your last semester. Way to go.  LOVE MOM 


 Today was good.  Everyone made it to school.  I walked this morning in the dark and cold.  Isaac and Ruth had wellness checks this morning so Isaac was late to school.  Ruth is in the 86 percentile for height and Isaac is 69 percentile and they are moving well up the growth chart.  Isaac had to get his middle school shots and his arms hurts now.  He got a Thomas the train bandaid but he wouldn't let me take a picture of it.  She also thinks he has allergies so I got him some medicine.  After we dropped Isaac off mr and Ruth went shopping and got stuff for her party.  We are going to do a adopt a dog party.  It should be fun I hope.  I had quilt group this afternoon.  We went out to lunch and then went to the fabric store.  It was a lot of fun.  I helped Sylvia pick out some fabric for a quilt.  Isaac had orchestra.  He missed yesterday so he had a lot of homework that he didn't get done.  Ruth and Oliver played outside with Tony and that was so nice.  I was supposed to have book group tonight but they postponed it until February because of covid.  




 I am glad that the week is half over. Work is going good. Just the usual. I really don't have anything to exciting to report. School starts a week from today, so I am enjoying the last of my free time. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, January 11, 2022


 Work was good. I coughed about 4 and everyone was worried. I just coughed. We came home and just vegged. It felt nice. Robin that is fun to have Luna for a week. She is up and moving. You can sleep in a little bit. The best part of working from home. Karen I am so glad they found the leak. Dad had fun at your house. Rachel I am glad Ruth is having a birthday party. That will be fun. Love mom


 I am glad your leak if fixed Karen, what a mess.  They moved the covid test center to elk ridge park so the line won't be by our house anymore which will be nice.  I walked this morning and it was pretty cold.  Oliver and Isaac stayed home today.  Oliver for his cough and Isaac said his stomach hurt but I think he was tired.  Oliver's cough is a lot better and hopefully he can go to school tomorrow.  Isaac slept all morning and then finished his makeup work this afternoon which is amazing.  I got him and Ruth sushi and Oliver bread sticks for working hard on everything.  This morning we did beads.  Oliver made a necklace for someone he loves.  I was teasing him about the girls in his class.  Later I went in my room and he had put the necklace on my pillow and it said I love Mom.  It was really sweet of him.  Oliver and Casey had activity days tonight and Isaac had young men's.  They all seemed to have a good time but it is busy.  I started cutting out a quilt and cut the squares the wrong size.  I think I will just make a smaller version of the quilt. I need to pay better attention. Love you guys.



shut down

This morning Lunas daycare called and said a teacher in her class tested positive for covid. The other classrooms were shut down because the teachers and kids had covid. So the infants were the last to be hit. She said she was waiting to hear back from the CDC but if they were shut down I would need to take Luna. So I just decided to make it easy and work from home all day. They said they are planning on being back up th 18th but I am still waiting to hear. So the rest of the week I am working from home. Luna can crawl a few places forward and tries to pull her self up on everything. But she was great today and hopefully the rest of the week goes as smooth.



 Well my my leak is fixed. Yeah! My day was good. Work was busy so it went by fast. Thanks again dad for coming up and dealing with the plumber. After work I came home and was just lazy. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Monday, January 10, 2022


That is interesting about your power Karen.  Where was the leak at?  That is a long time to be without power.  Luna is cute and is getting a lot of hair.  The covid testing line went from the specialty hospital all the way to our house this morning.  It was hard getting out of our house.  I walk this morning and it was cold.  Oliver had a cough so we kept him home today.  I still went to exercise class and Ruth and Oliver stayed home which may not of been the best parenting move.  We cleaned Ruth's and Oliver's room.  It feels so much better.  Ruth wants to have a birthday party with her class so we handed out invitations today.  She is excited.  Oliver wanted a hamburger so I got him one.  Isaac had orchestra and basketball practice tonight.  He was busy and didn't get a lot of homework done.  The dinosaur origami book came today thank you again.  I also finished quilting my Christmas quilt.  It will be good for next year.


I went into work today. It is quiet a lot of people are quarantined or waiting tests. It was payroll Monday and that is always busy. We went and picked up drugs and then went to the pie for dinner. It tasted good and I have lunch for tomorrow. Dad is going to kamas tomorrow to help the plumber. Jeff thinks he has covid. He was at James house and Jen and Chaz tested positive. He is doing good. We were going to dinner on Thursday and postponed that.  It is crazy. Not much else to report on my end. Luna is so dang cute. She wants to walk. There is no stopping her. Bruises are just the way it is. You feel bad but it happens. She knows what she wants. Rachel I hope spring cleaning went well. Love mom


Today was good. We made it through work
 Luna was trying to climb a bookshelf at daycare and bonked her head and now has a bruise on her head. She is wild. They called me and filled out a report at the daycare. They may require bubble wrap soon 😂 we had ribs from Costco for dinner and just ran around with Luna. She wants to walk every wherever



 Well I have power in my front room again. Apparently I have a leak and it dripped on a connector and shorted it out. So now I have a plumber coming tomorrow to fix the leak. So I missed most of work today. Dad is going to come up tomorrow so that I don't have to miss tomorrow. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Sunday, January 9, 2022


 Today was good.  I walked this morning.  I had a meeting for church.  Isaac got a bit of homework done but he still has some more to do this week.  Isaac did a good job passing the sacrament today and was cute.  Primary is busy.  People are moving and sick so I need to think of a lot of callings.  We went to Randy's for dinner and it was a fun evening.  It was good to visit.  Good luck this week and love you.




 We slept in a little bit and then decided what we needed for dad's new computer desk. We got a keyboard and mouse. We also got a monitor mount. We are going to use the computer monitor we bought for me when I worked at home. We need one more monitor but it is nice for him. We just watched TV afterwards. I am glad you got some rest robin. You needed that. Karen I hope he figures out what is wrong with your power. Rachel I hope you had a nice day and Isaac. Got all his homework done


Today was so nice. Luna woke up but then about an hour after being up she was grumpy. So I fed her another bottle and she fell asleep for 3.5 hours. I decided to nap at the same time. It was very much needed. Then it was warm so we took Jenkins on a walk. Jeramys mom needed us to come pick up some money to add to her savings. I think she just wanted to see luna. So we went to Provo. Then we came home and just relaxed. Hope everyone had a good Monday


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...