Rachel and Casey needed a better sleeping bag so we went looking for one. They ended up using Randy's. We drove them up.and had sandwiches and then went on a hike. It was getting late so we drove them down a little ways so they didn't have to hike.as.much since we started late. We just hung out for awhile and then went to dinner and winco. We are ready to.blow up coke with mentor tomorrow. Drive safe tomorrow Karen. We are going to the play singing in the rain. I have been hot all day. It was cold at the place we had lunch. I am glad they started a little lower elevation. Love mom
Friday, September 23, 2022
I am glad that the weekend is here. It was chilly here today. I don't think we got much above 70 and there was frost on my lawn this morning. Work is still moving along. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Thursday, September 22, 2022
Work was good. I am still.behind but I am.off tomorrow so it will.be there when I come back. We made it safe and sound to.logan. traffic was really nice. We went to.ice cream. It was fun. We are taking rachel.and Casey to bear lake tomorrow. Love mom
I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. Things are going good here. Nothing too wild and crazy. Work was good. I just worked on my to do list. Then I came home and started on a new puzzle. It is a hard one so I didn't make a lot of progress. I hope everyone had a great Friday tomorrow. Bye
Wednesday, September 21, 2022
Today was good. I had a lot of meetings at work. I had to present what we have made the other departments so they know what is coming and I bombed it but is fine. I also didn't trim some leafs the right way on a wreath. We got most of the houses approved and then I worked on step by step photos. It rained quite a bit today which is nice. I had to go grocery shopping to get things for our backpacking adventure. The kids did homework and Isaacs math was fun and he was nice to let me do it with him. I went to exercise class. My shins were hurting near the end. I was missing my old class tonight also. Thanks again for coming up Mom and Dad. We are excited to see you. Drive safe.
Love Rachel
Well tomorrow is my Friday. Yeah for me. Work was busy again. We are short handed and I am feeling that. There are only 2 out of the 6 of us on Friday. We just vegged tonight it felt nice. We are leaving for.logan tomorrow after rush hour. We will come home on Sunday. They are having a free dump week so I am going to get rid of my green chair and odoman. I am hoping to put the computer table there instead of in front of our coat closet. I think it will make it not be so crowded. Rachel we are excited to come up. Robin I am so glad Luna is feeling better. Karen I hope your allergy shots feel better. Love mom
Well things are going good here. It was just the usual for a Wednesday. It did get really stormy this afternoon. I hope we get a ton more rain. I hope Luna is feeling better today. Being sick is the worst. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Tuesday, September 20, 2022
Work was crazy busy. I think that is the norm right now. I came home early because dad had a.doctors appointment that was virtual. It was his ra doctor and he gave him some prednisone. I think he is going to feel better. Hopefully it will.last long enough for a freeze to kill weeds. We kept katrn at spaghetti factory and it was good. We just vegged the rest of the night. I love that puzzle. Can hardly wait to see how hard the tiger is. Robin I am sorry Luna is sick. I bet the diaper rush is related. Poor kid. Let us know if you need us to babysit. Rachel I am sorry Ruth's finger is sore. That is hard. I am so glad you found a good place to exercise. Have a nice hump day. Love mom
My day was good. I worked half day and then went to the foot doctor. Hopefully the warts go away soon. Then I met mom and dad for dinner. It was fun to hang out. Then I came home and finished my elephant puzzel. It was a hard one. Bye
Ruth is studying about apples at school and today everyone brought an apple. Then they had an apple party. She had fun. He burn on the thumb broke open and was bleeding at school but she didn't want a bandaid so she wrapped a tissue around it. At home she tried a bandaid and it felt ok. She didn't feel like going to tumbling with her thumb so we skipped it. Isaac had orchestra today and is going to apply to be an ambassador. Oliver had a hard time doing homework and was sad. We made it through. Work is going good. I made two Christmas houses and I am getting better at doing them. I folded laundry and then went to exercise class after dinner. It was a ballet type of class which reminds me a lot of pilates. It was fun. Casey finished mowing the lawn and it looks nice. Love you guys.
Love Rachel
Monday, September 19, 2022
It was.payroll.monday so it went fast. I even got some.of.my contracts done. That felt good. I still have a lot.to.do. i.am sorry Luna has diaper rash. That hurts. Rachel I am glad work is going good. Karen your puzzle is doing good it is a hard one. We did go to winco. We were getting out of the fun stuff. Have a nice Tuesday. It is suppose to be hot. Love mom. It is fhe fall equinox. Days are getting shorter. I can't believe how fast September is going
Today was good. Work is busy and the day goes by really fast. I learned today how to take step by step photos. Isaac had violin lessons after school. We did homework. Oliver forgot his so he will have extra tomorrow. After dinner I went to exercise class and everyone else mowed the lawn. They didn't get it done but we can work on it tomorrow. Tonight was high and it was fun. It feels so good to go. Love you guys.
Love Rachel
It was quiet in my office today. I stayed busy though. I really don't have anything exciting to report. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Sunday, September 18, 2022
We had a nice day. We stayed the night in Kamas and then met Robin and crew at the zoo. It was nice to walk around. We came home and had naps. It was nice. I am doing.payroll tonight. Rachel that is fun to play guns. They need to build forts.for.battles. I am excited to work a.short week this week. We are going to Logan on Thursday night. Love mom
Today was good. The kids hate getting up early for church but we made it. Primary went well and it is good to be in there. We had a meeting after church and we have a lot of stuff coming up. The kids have been playing with the needs guns a lot and wanted to spend their money on a new one so we went to Walmart and they got some. Then they played needs guns all afternoon and I sewed a bit. Then we went up to Randy's for dinner. Casey worked all day and met up with us there. We had a good time and walked over to the park and played. I hope everyone has a good week.
Love Rachel
My weekend was good. Saturday me and mom helped out with the Kingdom Ball. It was fun. Then today we met up with Robin and crew at the zoo. It was such a pretty day. Then I came home and took a nap. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...