Saturday, December 3, 2016

Wrong time

Today was ok. I wrote down the wrong time at scheels. I was suppose to work on the morning and I thought I worked at night. I was an 1 1/2 late. Sorry I missed joanns mom. I cam home a rested a bit. I was going to go christmas shopping but I was so busy everywhere. So I just went home. I started working on Christmas projects. With plates and quilts. At work we picked names and I picked my boss again. So I am making her a tsum tsum quilt. It's her favorite disney game. I'm just embroidering 4 blocks so it will be easy. Have a good one


Friday, December 2, 2016


Today was busy. I forgot it was friday and then everyone was leaving they said have a good weekend. I was so excited. It was like a birthday month miracle. Lol. Then I had to clean my house a bit. It was in shambles from thanksgiving. This is the first day I've had energy. We can meet up mom if you are free. I am working at 3. But I am free other than that. Well have a good night



I am so glad it is Friday.  We went to the pharmacy after work and then to the Valley Fair Mall.  I had a $5.00 coupon for Children's place.  They had some fun things. We ate at Pizza Rev.  I am excited to hook up tomorrow.  I am going to JoAnns in the morning to find fabric for PJ bottoms.  I am going to try my hand at them.  See how it works out.  I love your pictures Rachel.  I am glad you had a nice day. Thanks for the trying out your credit card Karen and getting me a book.  Robin do you want to hook up for JoAnns by your house?  LOVE MOM


I am so glad that the weekend is here. Work was good. Nothing too exciting to report there. I did get my new credit card in the mail today. It is nice having again.  I also did my laundry.  It will be nice having clean clothes. Havea great weekend everyone. Bye


Today was good and the kids are feeling/acting a lot better.  It was also payday so we did a lot of shopping.  I ordered the rest of Christmas/Birthdays online and am done buying things.  We went to Sam's and got diapers and formula.  I am weaning Ruthie off the bottle so hopefully we wont have to buy more formula, wishful thinking.  Ruthie took a short nap so we went on a walk.  It was a pretty day but still pretty cold.  It is so nice to be outside I think it helps all of us be happier.  Oliver took a nap and Casey was tired so he took one also.  I took Isaac and Ruthie to pick out party decoration.  Isaac got star wars and some hotwheels and I got Ruthie butterflies.  We went out to dinner also which was fun.  Casey is going to work tomorrow instead of fixing bikes but that shouldn't change any plans.  We will still meet up around 4:30.  I made Isaac and Oliver Star wars/hotwheels quillows for Christmas but I still needed to wrap them.  I told Isaac I had to wrap one more present and he was insistent I do it today so I took pictures of them.  I love how they turned out.


Thursday, December 1, 2016

Time is flying

I am glad everyone had a good day.  I love count down calendars.  They are exciting every day. I am glad that everyone loved them.  Robin, I am so glad you are feeling better.  I was worried.  I am sorry that Ricky's dad is sick.  That is scary.  Karen, you are so sweet to get those count down calendars.  Work was good.  We have free lunch today and I made a slide show with everyone's pictures and we watched it as we ate.  It was fun.  I was so tired today and then on the way home from work I got a bad headache.  I was going to meet Kay and Jen at the festival of trees but it just didn't work out.  Have a great Friday.  I think the first week back from a holiday is rough.  LOVE MOM

The 1st

We had a good day today and it seems like everyone is in a better mood, especially Oliver which makes it nice.  Ruthie is still really stuffy but is in a good mood.  I think Isaac had a fever again last night but he woke up fine.  He woke up really early because he was excited about the countdown calendars, and they were fun.  Thank you Karen and Mom.  They are so spoiled.  Ruthie loved hers also, it was really cute.  I sent Isaac to school and he did really well and felt good the rest of the day.  After we did homework Oliver wanted to play outside and it started to snow.  It felt nice to be outside and it was fun to play in the snow.  Casey made turkey soup for dinner and it was really good.  I love Thanksgiving, you can eat the food forever.



I think I'm finally over the worse of the cold I have. I'm glad I got feeling better by the weekend. Work was busy like usual. But at least time went by fast. I am working at scheels tonight.I am really glad tomorrow is friday. Ricky's dad had to go to the hospital today so I might bring them dinner tomorrow. I am just didn't want to go over until he felt a bit better. Well not much else have a good night



I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. Rachel I am glad that the kids like the calendars. It did snow here this morning.  At least I didn't have to shovel. Have a great Friday tomorrow everyone.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Tis the season

The cold that is going around is bad. I'm sorry the kids are sick. I am feeling a bit better today. But I still didn't do anything tonight just so I can fully get over it. I work at scheels tomorrow. Well have a good first of december. It's crazy christmas is 26 days away. I need to get crack'n on decorating.



Congratulations on getting paid Mom, that is fun.  I like going to the festival of trees, just don't read any of the stories, it does get really really depressing.  You have been really busy at work Karen, I hope that it is a good busy.  Ruthie and Isaac have a cold.  Ruthie has a hard time sleeping because she can't breath through her nose.  Yesterday Isaac was complaining about being tired and he laid on his bed for an hour which isn't like him.  Then at midnight he had a fever and he said that he felt awful.  So I kept him home today and let him sleep in and just take it easy.  We were doing homework and coloring and he got really cold so we went downstairs and covered him up and he had another fever.  Casey brought home A&W for dinner for him.  The medicing kicked in and he was fine again.  It was kind of nice to have a lazy day.  I cleaned up a lot and the kids rested and were happy.


I am with Karen

I agree with Karen, November went in a hurry for sure.  Isaac is sure excited to start his advent calendars.  That will be fun for all of them.  I went to work early to set up a class.  I am tired tonight.  There is a bit of good news.  Dad got a paycheck.  That was pretty neat.  Kay wants to go to the festival of trees tomorrow night.  I am debating whether to go.  It is just so sad reading all about everyone and why they made the trees.  I think I just need to look at it as a fun time to just talk and walk around.  Well everyone have a good first day of December.  Robin I hope your cold is getting better. Rachel I hope that Isaac is feeling better also.  LOVE MOM


I can't believe that today is the last day of November. Crazy! My day has been good. Work was busy so it went by quick. After work I went to Walmart and got my grocery shopping done. I love the moment right after grocery shopping is done because right now is the longest moment until I need to go again.  Well I hope everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow. Bye

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Just keep swimming

Today was about the same. Nothing to crazy. Work is busy. I felt ok all day until I got home and I felt crappy all night. I just relaxed all night. It's kinda forced vegging but I don't mind. I'm sorry ruth is sick. Mom I work Saturday night. I hope the lights are fun. Have a good wednesday


Kohls Cash

Robin, I hope you are feeling OK.  Do you need anything?  I am really close.  Dad took me to Kohls after work and I spent Karen's Kohl's cash.  It was a lot of fun.  I got me a shirt, Karen a shirt, Isaac a hat and gloves, and some candy.  We went grocery shopping afterwards.  It is hard getting back to school and work when you have time off to play.  Robin, I am not sure if you work this weekend but I was thinking of going to Willard for dinner and then go see the lights at Willard bay on Saturday night.  Work was work and I was tired and just did data.  I have to go in early to set up a meeting.  I am so not good at early.  Have a really nice hump day.  LOVE MOM


Robin I hope that you are feeling better today.  Ruthie has a cold also and hasn't been sleeping good, poor thing.  We had a good day today.  The boys were tired so we just took it easy.  Isaac was dismayed and surprised that he had to go to school again today since he went yesterday.  He is used to playing and forgot he has to go everyday.  I cleaned up the house and played with the kids in the morning.  I "sewed" with Jenn this afternoon and it is so nice to visit with her.  Ruthie fell asleep in the car picking up Isaac so she was wide awake the whole sewing time so we didn't get much done.  Casey fixed sub for Santa bike after work all evening with the scouts.  They got like 15 bikes done and are going to do it a couple more time.  I took the kids to panda for dinner and then Lee's to picked up one thing.  They boys both had a melt down so we had a quiet talk at home and that went really well, it was really good to talk it through.  Ruthie fell asleep again in the car so she was out for the evening.  Me and the boys made ornaments for the tree, it was fun.  I forgot to say we put out the Christmas lights and they are really fun.  Everyone loves them, thank you.



Well things are going good here. I did have 2 meetings today so that made the work day go by pretty quick. I hope everyone had a great Tuesday. Bye

Monday, November 28, 2016


My cold bested me today. I didn't feel good, and it was a busy day. Hopefully tomorrow is more chill. I didn't have to work at scheels so I just relaxed and watched movies. Have a good tuesday. Stay safe in this weather


I made it

I made it through Monday after a holiday.  It wasn't bad at all.  Man did it storm all day.  There was a huge wreck outside of my window around 2:00 and it made a grid lock around the hospital.  It didn't look like a bad wreck, I think the roads just got really slippery all of the sudden.  I was wondering it if was ice rain.  Dad left work early and I rode trax home.  Karen, I am sorry that Dr. Miner is retiring.  Dad thought you might want to look for someone in Park City.  I wonder if they have an endocrinologist.  Just a thought.  Robin, I hope you survived the storm and that you didn't have to work Scheels tonight.  I was worried about that one.  Rachel, I am glad that you got to volunteer at school today.  That is always fun to see how all the kids act.  LOVE MOM


We were back to normal today, thanks everyone for the fun time.  I didn't take hardly any pictures and I am sorry.  Today went pretty good.  We turned in Isaac's lego design.  Another boy did a car garage also.  I said something and his teacher said they are boys that is what they do.  It was funny.  I volunteered at his school and Randy watched the little ones which was really nice.  This afternoon Imogene came and played with Isaac and I took Oliver to Shopko and we spent the four shopko coupons.  It was so fun thank you for sharing them with me.  I got humidifier filters for the kids, medicine and a present for Ruthie.  It was so fun not to spend any money.  After dinner we went to Walmart to look for flashing shoes for Isaac.  They just don't have them in the big boy sizes, just little boys.  Sad, sad day.  We didn't get hardly any snow, maybe tonight we will get a bit more.



Well I made it thru Monday. Work was good. I did have to go to 2 meetings. It made the day drag a bit, but I made it thru. It did snow all day. It didn't start really blizzarding until 4. I did have to shovel this morning and after work and then before I blogged. I have been enjoying the Thanksgiving leftovers, thanks Rachel they are delicious. I hope everyone had a great Monday.  Bye

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Thanks for the fun time

I sure had a fun holiday.  I did crash this afternoon and took a nap after everyone left.  I am so not ready to go back to real world.  I had such a nice time.  Thanks everyone for making it so nice.  Not much going on with us.  We did go shopping a little bit this morning and got Isaac a new pair of shoes.  That little boy is growing like a weed.  All three of them are.  I sure love all of you. I feel so thankful for all the Lord has given me.  LOVE MOM


Well my day has been good. I did have to shovel a bit of snow this morning. It also snowed off and on most of the day, but I only had to shovel once so far. Other than that my day has been quiet. I did get a nap which was nice. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...