It sounds like everyone had a great Saturday. Robin that sounds like so much fun. I love to walk around like that. I remember all those areas you talked about today. That makes is nice to know that. I am excited to come up again. Kelsey and Mike moved out this morning. They moved to the apartments right across the street from Walmart. It is small but nice. It has two bedrooms and a small living room. They do let them have dogs there. There were a lot of dogs around. That made Kelsey and Mike really happy. We went to SLC to help grandma and grandpa. It took longer than I thought it would so I will have to go get my glasses next weekend. I am going to go get the last part of my teeth done on Friday. The put the posts on and then I let them heal for a month and I can get teeth on the posts. Boy that was a long process. It is nice to have it almost done. Karen did you see a car you liked? They had car wars again just like the one me and Robin went and saw. Dad found a Nissan Sentra he liked. We didn't get to test drive it. We were mostly just window shopping. I am going to research that type of car and see if it is any good. Have a great Sunday.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
cha cha cha
So i didn't make it to casa loma. my friend texted me this morning and there was this thing called Luminosity going on in the city. Its a musical/artsy thing. You go from building to building going to venues. We went to an art show of a photographer/ painter then went and watched a documentary on a music producer. It went on for an hour it was long but the music was good in it. Then we went to dundas square, its the center of downtown were alot of venues go on. We stayed there for a bit and walked around, the eaton center is right there so we went in for a bit. Then at dundas square they were teaching salsa lessons. There were at least 200 people there, it was hard to salsa with wall to wall people but it was cool to see the whole group move in unison. So the night turned out fun, the girl wanted to stay longer but I was tired and went home. I think she stayed for a bit to look around. I will post pictures later i'm tired so i'll do it later. It was cool though they were trying to break the record for the most guitars playing the same song. Everyone had there guitars and at the end of the song they all held up there guitars in the air. It was pretty cool. I don't think they broke it though they were a few short. Well I'm glad that karen went to go look at cars I think that you should buy one :) just make it cute :) I also liked the new background I was going to say something but I forget to add things sometimes. love ya
Well I was brave today and went to the Ford car dealer ship all by myself. They did have some cute cars there. i mainly just looked at the used ones. But I felt really brave going by myself. It looks like it might rain here. Nothing too exciting going on here I went to the bank (I really wish that they offered direct deposit where I work) and then grocery shopping. I should probably do laundry tonight also. Right now I am taking a break for errands and am watching a movie. I really like my wireless router. Well I hope that everyone is having a good weekend. BYE
Friday, June 5, 2009
Friday Night
Dad made it home safe and sound and we went to Abbi's barbeque. It was fun. Dad had a good time also. Kelsey and Mike are moving out in the morning and then we are off to SLC. I like the new design on the blog. I think I like it better than the last one. Thanks Rachel for making us look good. I am excited to get my new glasses tomorrow. I am having a hard time seeing small things at work. My biofocals needs to be stronger. I hope they look good on me.
I changed the background
I changed the background of the blog. I just thought I would see how it goes. If you hate it let me know. Well it was good to be back at work today, I know that seems weird but it was nice. Being at girls camp was so different than what I normally do it felt like a vacation. I don't have much planned tonight. I need to do the dishes and hang up the laundry before Casey comes home. He was at fire school all week and he is glad that it is over. The had to simulate a fire today, I guess all the fire fighters came, it was a big production.
Tonight I am going to make these.

They are Brownies with marshmallows in them. I have never done it before so I will let you know how it goes. I went over to Janis house and she had made them and they tasted really good. I am glad that your Makeup is going well Robin. I am excited for you. Everyone have a good weekend .
Tonight I am going to make these.

They are Brownies with marshmallows in them. I have never done it before so I will let you know how it goes. I went over to Janis house and she had made them and they tasted really good. I am glad that your Makeup is going well Robin. I am excited for you. Everyone have a good weekend .
Robin I am glad that your make-up class it going so good. I am sure that you will get the hang of the hair stuff also. You are good at that sort of stuff. Well work was kind of boring today. I figure that I will be bored most of the week next week too because one of the engineers is gone until Friday. It will be a long week. I am glad that it is the weekend. It is really windy here, we have wind warnings until 11 tonight. You could get blown away if you go outside. It is a little cooler here though so I guess the wind is wroth it. Well Have a great weekend everyone
very nice
I'm sorry that grandpa isn't doing very well that is really hard. I'm glad that they are getting hospice care though that gets more attention that they need. Are they going to help grandma to. It sucks that dads work is being drama, that just adds more un-needed stress. Sounds like logan is falling apart. you should move up to canada and enjoy life. :) jk. So I made an important decision last night. I don't like were my hair skills are at so I bought a short haired mannequin head on amazon last night and a bridal magazine to copy hair styles. I will prevail. ha ha ha ha haha. Make up is fun i really like it, i think its starting to click. Our teacher was talking about our foundation which is Cover fx. Its just a thicker foundation that covers the discoloration and blemishes. Its also made for sensitive skin so most people can use it. Anyway he was talking about burn victims and people with severe scarring or wreckage, and how you can apply the makeup (on healed skin) and cover the damage and make the face re freshed. It was amazing what they did to those people to help. I think once I get all my skills It would be fun to volunteer at a hospital and give makeup advise and make overs to victims. We will see what happens but I think it would be cool. Well I hope everyone has a great weekend, I might go see the Casa Loma its a huge castle building it looks pretty cool. I will take pictures if I go. Love ya
Thursday, June 4, 2009
this and that
I am glad Rachel made it home safe and sound and had a good time. That is a really good picture Robin. You are doing good. Karen I can change your doctor's appointment if you want me to. What every works. Kelsey and Mike got their apartment and can move in on Friday. Mike is doing a working interview tomorrow all day so they are going to move in on Friday evening. Kelsey doesn't like her job so they are at Kohls to get some applications. I think she would like towork there. There has been a lot of drama at dad's work this week but he seems to be doing good. I don't know if I can say much on a blog. I am doing laundry right now and trying to get caught up from memorial weekend still. It has been raining here off and on also. Work is going good still no firm information on when we are moving. I guess we will find out soon at least I hope. I get to pick up my new glasses on Saturday and that is good because I am having a hard time seeing out of my old ones. Grandpa got accepted to the hospice program and now they are coming in three times a week to bath both grandpa and grandma and once a week a nurse is coming in and checking out grandpa and doing his pills. They are also going to have a doctor come once a month and look after him. They will also come in and do all the blood tests and give him any shots he might need. He hasn't been doing so good lately. His mind is starting to fade a bit. It was a way to keep people coming into help them. They reevaluate him every 90 days to see if he can stay on the program. They will also get all his pills instead of the pharmacy but grandpa wants me to continue to that. I didn't want it to be too hard on him. There are a lot of changes going on. I also got my name on his checking account so I could start helping him with that. He is having a hard time balancing his check book and some days he has a hard time writing them. Well I am glad everyone is doing good. I am looking forward to a weekend.
Robin I don't know if I can do it that week, I have a doctors appointment that week. i am sorry. Mom is planning to come up there sometime in the end of Aug or Sep I will probably come up with them. I am glad that Rachel had a good time at camp. It sounds like everything went well. It sounds like normal camp experience to me. Well tomorrow is Friday and payday. Yeah! Best day of the week. Well I can' think of anything else to report so I will get going. Love ya BYE
So today I found out that at mac I can get 15 percent off while I'm a student and 40 percent after I'm done with school. So i am applying for that today its 10 dollars a year. I figured its worth it. I also found out the dates of the photo shot for theater course Karen, she said that it was august 11 and 13. So that is right in the middle of the week. I was going to talk to my teacher and see if I can go the 11th if you wanted to still come up and model. Its a tuesday so I don't know if that is to many days to take off or not. I will keep you posted on when Know for sure that is just a ruff estimate. whatever is cool with me. We did more beauty techniques today, I worked on a girl in our class from Pakistan I took a picture so you could see it. Its simple but its suppose to be for day wear so more light and natural. Anyway I'm glad rachel made it home safe and I'm glad you had a good time. I'm sure the girls had a blast. have a great day.
I am back!!!
Well I made it through girls camp. It was really fun and I am glad that I went. The girls were really good and very friendly, they were great. I really liked being a leader, it was nice to go as one. It was nice to get to know the young women leaders better. I forgot to bring my camera so I don't have any pictures. If I get copies of any I will post them. On Tuesday we meet up at the church at 7:00. It was rainy and cold. We had muffins and juice at the church and got everyone loaded up. Since it was rainy we decided to do the certifications in the cabin. I am glad that we stayed in the cabin, it was huge and was nice to be inside during all the storms. I had to only teach two certification classes so I talked with people and help set things up. Then we had walking tacos for lunch and that was really easy to do. We only had one first year and she had to help with two meals so I helped her cook the meat. Then the girls played games after lunch but I played uno and talked with the other leaders, it was a lot of fun. For dinner we had tin foil dinner. It had cleared up a bit but a storm was coming fast so we went down to the fire pit and cook the dinner and sang some songs. Then it started to rain so we went back to the cabin. It was a huge storm, they said that it almost turned into a tornado. We played murder in the dark for 3 hours after dinner. It was really fun, the girls were really loud and had a lot of fun with it.
On Wednesday I had to lead the girls on a five mile hike and teach them 5 plants. Since it had been raining the night before we made sure everyone had something else to change into because we got wet. They really liked the hike and were fun. They made up songs about it and didn't complain about it being wet. The hike didn't take as long as planned so we did the craft next. We made scripture covers. They turned out cute. Then it got kind of boring and I wanted to go home, to check on the goats but I stayed. We ended up just playing games all afternoon and painting prayer rocks. We had a big dinner with the Bishopric and a guest speaker, we had dutch oven chicken and potatoes. The guest speaker everyone loved but I though that he was crazy. He is the band teacher at the high school and he talked to God constantly and it seems like God is micro-managing him. It was ridiculous and he talked a long time. He has a half and hour late and he talk too long so we didn't start testimony meeting until 10:30. I was kind of in a bad mood at this point but the testimony meeting was really nice and it made me feel better. I wasn't going to bear my testimony but everyone else did and then they all looked at me because I was the last one so caved into peer pressure and I got up and did it.
This morning we just had cold cereal and bagels. We had to clean everything up. Then had the girls tell who was their secret sisters. Then Janis wanted everyone to say one nice thing about each other. So we picked a girls and went around the room and said something good about her. It was really nice and a good activity but it just took a while. Then we left. I got home around 11:00.
The goats and birds are a live in case everyone was worried. I am glad that everyone are having a good week. I am glad that we have the blog so I can catch up with everything. It sounds like a lot had happened. Well thanks for listening about girls camp. I am glad that it went well and is over. :)
On Wednesday I had to lead the girls on a five mile hike and teach them 5 plants. Since it had been raining the night before we made sure everyone had something else to change into because we got wet. They really liked the hike and were fun. They made up songs about it and didn't complain about it being wet. The hike didn't take as long as planned so we did the craft next. We made scripture covers. They turned out cute. Then it got kind of boring and I wanted to go home, to check on the goats but I stayed. We ended up just playing games all afternoon and painting prayer rocks. We had a big dinner with the Bishopric and a guest speaker, we had dutch oven chicken and potatoes. The guest speaker everyone loved but I though that he was crazy. He is the band teacher at the high school and he talked to God constantly and it seems like God is micro-managing him. It was ridiculous and he talked a long time. He has a half and hour late and he talk too long so we didn't start testimony meeting until 10:30. I was kind of in a bad mood at this point but the testimony meeting was really nice and it made me feel better. I wasn't going to bear my testimony but everyone else did and then they all looked at me because I was the last one so caved into peer pressure and I got up and did it.
This morning we just had cold cereal and bagels. We had to clean everything up. Then had the girls tell who was their secret sisters. Then Janis wanted everyone to say one nice thing about each other. So we picked a girls and went around the room and said something good about her. It was really nice and a good activity but it just took a while. Then we left. I got home around 11:00.
The goats and birds are a live in case everyone was worried. I am glad that everyone are having a good week. I am glad that we have the blog so I can catch up with everything. It sounds like a lot had happened. Well thanks for listening about girls camp. I am glad that it went well and is over. :)
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Half way
Well the week is half over. It is suppose to be nice this weekend. The highs are only going to be in the 80's so that will be nice to be under 90 degrees for awhile. Work was kind of slow today, but I am getting use it to. Robin one of these times the fire alarm is going to go off for real and no one there is going to take it seriously. I am sorry that it keeps going off so early, but at least you won't sleep in and miss class. They wouldn't let me get my cholesterol medication when i went to get my insulin prescription filled. Apparently it was too soon for that. It is going to be a pain to go back and pick it up. It would just be too convenient to let me pick it up all at once. Oh well what can you go. Well I will keep my fingers cross that your fire alarm doesn't go off tomorrow for you Robin. Love ya all BYE
So the fire alarm went off again at 7. I am so tired. I think its just an early wake up call like the army. Maybe i'm in the bunkers and I didn't know........Well school is going well we are learning how to correct eyes. Some eyes are to far apart and others are to close and so forth. I practiced on a girl from dubai that is in my class it was fun to talk to her. It is finally sunny up here it has been raining for a week. Its still cold though I have to wear my jacket. Its so windy up here its crazy. The tall buildings create a tunnel affect and it can be pretty fierce and so can the rain. I always carry an umbrella with me now. If it starts to sprinkle you better run or get your umbrella out cause it will drench you in a few minutes. There is a 7-11 on the corner by were I live I went in to get a soda. I walked there to my place which is a block and I was drenched, dripping water. it can be pretty fierce. Well i better go i might take a nap i'm so tired. hopefully the fire alarm won't go off. :)
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Well it is raining in Logan tonight. I took Kelsey and Mike to dinner and then they are sick so I let them watch movies and I read for awhile. Not much going on here. I am glad that Robin got my package. I will send another one probably on Thursday. I'll see how tomorrow goes. Not much else to report
I am amazed that the card got there that fast. I only mailed it on Saturday. I thought it would take about a week. Well at least that means I put enough postage on it, I was worried. And you are suppose to go and have fun with the money...order pizza or something. I hope that things go good for Rachel at camp. It would make me nervous to be in charge of it. I had stress just planning an hour activity for FHE and they were adults. Well work has been alright. I told Tom in our engineering meeting on Monday that I didn't have a lot to do, so now I am updating build books. It is really easy but time consuming so at least I have something to do. Well I better go I promise to email some stuff to Jed tonight and I have to finish it still. Take it easy. BYE
I think its funny????
So my fire alarm went off again today at 7:00 am, as I was laying there I felt like I was in a movie and laughed. This is the 5th time. I think i'm going insane but its getting pretty comical. It would happen to me. Well today we did "day" make-up. Its just a natural makeup using mostly nuetral colors. The teacher said mine turned out pretty good for the first time. I think he just saw me struggle through the whole thing so he was being comforting. But luckly the whole class is with me on the struggles. :) Well I got my package from mom so that was fun. I also got Karen's card thank you that was really sweet it made me laugh. But don't worry when you come up I will take you out for dinner. I am going to try to find out the dates this week so we can start planning a trip. I forgot rachels camping thing was here good luck with that, don't stress to much all the girls worry about is that they are dirty with bugs and no boys. Not to exciting. I am glad mom and dad are doing well, sorry to hear about kelseys apartment that sucks. Well Have a great day.
Monday, June 1, 2009
I'm alive
I'm sorry I haven't written much lately. Life just got so crazy. We had a good time on Sunday out at Clifton. The goats are so cute. They are so cute with Rachel. She runs and they follow her around leaping. It is darling. Kelsey moved up to Logan tonight and the apartment is a mess so they have decided not to move there and they are going to stay here until they find another place. I feel bad it didn't turn out for them. They were so excited. I am glad that Robin is doing good. Improv was never something I thought you would do. I think that is fun for you. Rachel is going to camp the rest of the week. I hope that turns out fun for her. She was nervous on Sunday. Dad is going to SLC tomorrow for the rest of the week. Things are going go down there. I am excited. It was fun to sit down there on Saturday and see all the pictures and the progress that has been made. I was very proud of him. I was going to paint the deck on Wednesday. Joseph was going to help me. Not much else going on here. LOVE MOM
Well my Monday was alright. I wasn't crazy busy like Robin, but I wasn't too bored. I made cookies last night so everyone was happy to get a cookie. It is amazing how much people like cookies there. I made 4 dozen and they lasted about 3 hours. Every time I bring cookies they seem to go faster. It was hot today. Well I hope that you guys have a great week. Love ya
I know eh...
So today has been crazy busy but fun. We started fashion makeup. We have one teacher for a week Dino and then we have another teacher barb for the next 5 weeks. Most of what we did today was theory so we took notes and stuff. But we did do cover up and foundation techniques. The only guy in the class sits by me so he was my model. I guess I will be really good at doing drag make up. I made a packed with the other girls that after classes sometimes we can all work on each other and be models. I went to improv class today also. It was pretty funny, I had a good time. It was good to get out of my shell a little. I think me and the other girl are going to go back next monday. We are hoping to rally some models for some of our practice days. plus its fun to play for 2 hours and laugh. I think in a few weeks I might travel to Montreal. This girl from school has a loft there and her brother lives there. Her brother is a WFC fighter so he is big and muscley. so don't worry no one will mess with us. I guess we are all going to car pool and look at the city. Well see about that its still in the works. well i better go I just got in and I have to read my text for tomorrow. have a great night. Love you all.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Well things are pretty quiet in St. George. I went visting teaching this morning, no sense leaving it until the last minute. And then church. To looks really cloudy outside, but I have learned not to get my hopes up about having it rain. It always looks like it is going to rain but it never does. Oh well what can you do. I am gald that you had a good Sunday Robin, that comedy thing sounds like fun. Good luck starting your movie makeup. I am sure that that will be lots of fun for you. I hope that Rachel, Casey, mom, and dad had a good Sunday dinner at Rachel's place. Have you made it so the goats can't escape yet? Well have a good one. BYE!
So my friend texted me and said that there was a free improv comedy skit going on. It was a bunch of students that were putting on a show so it was free to the public. So I went it was actually pretty good i laughed alot. I guess on monday they have a class for 2 hours and is 5 dollars. I think a bunch of us are going to go. It will be interesting but hopefully fun. Tommorow I start fashion makeup i'm nervous but hopefully with practice I can do well. Well better run have a good one.
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...