Friday, May 5, 2023


 I am sorry Karen.  That sounds stressful.  I don't think we will be able to leave here until 9 so we won't make it to Kamas until 11:30.  We are excited to help.  We had a fun day.  The boys ran the Greenville this morning.  Casey took the morning off and watched them.  Oliver got third place and did really well.  After work me and the kids went out to dinner at El Toro to celebrate.  It was fun.  We dropped Isaac off for his concert practice.  I took the little kids to a Cinco de mayo party at the fairgrounds.  Ruth's friend was going and Ruth really wanted to go.  They had bounce houses so they played in those.  Then we got ice cream and went and watched the concert.  Casey met us there.  Isaac was so excited and it was a good concert.  See you guys tomorrow.

Love Rachel


 Work was quiet and I got some stuff done. I was tired. I left at 4 and came home. Karen had a bad day. For some reason she still owed 8 grand on her loan. So she had it from the Sale of her stock and they needed proof it wasn't a loan so it slowed the process down. The clerk closed at 5 so they can't approve the payment until Monday. The sellers said we can leave everything in the garage. So that will help. Crazy day. They did get the gas switched over but the power company can't find the address. It has been a stressful day. We did go to taco bell for tacos and then watched princess bride. Everyone drive safe love mom


I'm glad today was Friday. I'm sorry you didn't close on the house for moving in Saturday. Moving is stressful. I took Monday off so I can help move stuff around that day. Work was long but I made it out alive. The missionarys came over tonight. They took up half the night, then Luna peed in the potty. That was fun. She was wild tonight and on the I spy quilt Rachel made her she would pick out all the butterflies then run around. Jeramy found this thing called brown noise. It's like white noise but a lower pitch. It's supposed to help with ADHD people to sleep. The last 2 nights she has fallen asleep in 10 minutes. It might be vudo but it seems to help. I also am getting peaches on the dwarf tree Karen got me.


 Well I spent most of the day signing papers or on the phone. I didn't get closed on the new house so I can't move in til Monday. It sucks but what can you do. Thanks everyone for coming to pack up tomorrow. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Thursday, May 4, 2023


 I was really tired also. Must be something in the air. Work was all right. I rode trax to work because of graduation. I am doing it again tomorrow because of graduation. Traffic will be horrible. I am working tomorrow. Karen and dad are doing my to do list. I am going to drive my car to Kamas so I can be flexible with kids. I am excited. Have a good Friday. Cinco de.mayo taco day. Love mom


 Today was good and we did some fun things.  I worked till 12:30 and then went and did a class party for Oliver's class.  It wasn't as smooth as I would have liked but it was fun and his teacher loved everything we did so I was a success.  I checked the kids out of school and took them to the dentist.  Oliver has a small cavity and Isaac need some sealant on his new teeth and has a small cavity.  We stopped and got some lady bug and praying mantis.eggs for our backyard.  The kids really wanted them.  Ruth and Oliver had piano lessons.  Ruth had tumbling and she made a tick tock with her class.  Me and Oliver met Casey and got Oliver some running shoes.  The Greenville mile is tomorrow and Oliver has been really excited.  He has been winning the race when the practice.  Me and Oliver were running today and he said I still had it.  It was funny.  

Love Rachel

long day

I'm glad things are going well Karen. Get some rest moving is stressful. We will be up in kamas on Saturday Luna's been really chatty lately its funny. We have no clue what she is saying but she's funny. It was raining today so we just watched movies. Today felt like a long day. I'm glad tomorrow is Friday



 It seemed like a long day today but I made it thru. I signed the papers to sell the house in Kamas. Tomorrow at noon I sign to buy the new place. So yeah almost done. I am taking Tomorrow off so I get to sleep in. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, May 3, 2023


 Work was good today, al the little detail make it stressful.  The kids wanted sandals so we went and got some after school.  We had to run to the plant store to get a plant for Mrs Whelan.  Isaac went bowling for young men's.  I went to exercise class.  It is later on Wednesday but it is high which is fun.

Love Rachel


 It took me an hour to get to work today. The road was still one lane. I am taking trax tomorrow. Graduation is on Friday so I bet traffic will be bad the next two days. Work was busy but i didn't get much done. We did meet Karen at the new house for a final inspection. It was fun to walk around the house. We figured.out what room we wanted for our bedroom. Not much longer now. Karen signs for her old house tomorrow and then the buyers sign at 930 on Friday. I guess once the money is transferred then the people sign for the new house. Move for saturday is a go. Love you all mom I love your tree Robin. That is funny Lunas new toy is your car


Jenkins has been waking up at 6:30 then it wakes up Luna so this week I keep waking up at 6:30. Jeramy made waffles tonight. He couldn't find the eggs so he made them with bananas it actually turned out. We did have eggs though they were on the wrong shelf. Luna keeps wanting to play in the new car because it has a million buttons. I've had to start locking the garage door so she will stop going out there. 


Tuesday, May 2, 2023


 That's great Karen, I am glad everything is working out.  That's exciting.  Today was ok.  We are making embroidered panels that button on a pillow.  You sew a back in the panel and then hand sew the bottom close.  I felt like mine was crooked and it was stressful.  Ruth had her party at school and was super happy and had a fun day.  Oliver bought two Pokemon cards from his friend and was excited.  I went grocery shopping and then picked Isaac up from orchestra.  The kids helped me fold the laundry and then we had dinner.  I went to exercise class.  Casey went to Randy's to give back the sleeping bags we used for robbers roost.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel 


 Well they have these huge pot holes on my way to work and today they decided to fix them at rush hour. It took me 25 minutes to go two blocks. I wasn't sure if is sure be mad or grateful they are fixing them. They were huge and the whole road had them. Work was busy it kept me going. Robin your garden pictures are beautiful on face book. I called kay tonight and she said Jen is doing a little better and might go home tomorrow. I am glad the move is working out. We canceled the pods and got a uhaul. I hope Karen move in her new house this weekend. Love you all mom


 Well things are moving along here. I think I am getting a cold. Hopefully it won't be too bad of one. Things are going good on the house front as well. They want to close on kamas on Thursday and the other place on Friday. So that would be great. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Monday, May 1, 2023


 It was payroll Monday. It was a busy day. I got these barely breaded chicken from Costco and they make really good sandwiches. Isaac hands down is the best cook. So it looks like the move for sure on Saturday. Thanks everyone for coming I am sorry Luna isn't feeling well. Some people at work said they have colds but allergies are bad right now. I am glad it is may. Robin your garden looks so nice. I am glad you are having fun. Have a nice Tuesday. Love mom


 Things are going good here. Work was just the usual. Nothing too crazy there. My watch broke. The face became unglued and was lifting up. So I bought a new. It is a heavy duty one so hopefully it will be nice. I also replaced the windshield wiper on the back window of my car because the place wiper part was falling off. Then we came back to mom and dad's and played bubble bobble. It looks like that I am closing on Kamas house on Friday and if all works out the one in west valley also. So keep your fingers crossed. I hope that everyone has a great week. Bye


Today was good. Nothing wild. After work Jeramy wanted to get more plants. So we went to ifa and Luna watched the bunnies and chicks and Jeramy pick up the things he wanted. He's been really getting into gardening and having fun. So he's researching everything. After ifa we came home and gave Luna a bath. She has allergies or a cold. Her eyes keep watering and her nose. Hopefully she feels better soon. It was the perfect temperature after Luna went down it was hard to go back inside


 We made it back to school and work.  The kids are getting so tan from being outside all the time.  Work was ok.  We edited most the morning and then had a meeting.  Isaac had violin lessons after school.  He wanted to make zucchini fish for dinner and it took so long to make.  I cut everything up for him.  It turned out really cook and it was worth all the effort.  I didn't make it to my regular exercise class so I went to the next one.  It is high and it was a lot of fun. 

Love Rachel

Sunday, April 30, 2023


 We went to Kamas and worked on the shed and feel the same you guys felt it was so hot. You should see the water running down the hills. The snow is all gone in Kamas but a lot around. Robin I am sorry you got dizzy that is scary. Rachel we are planning on you coming up. That would be so nice. We will for sure need another trip to the dump. Robin your fairy garden is so cute. I love it. I was wondering when you came up on Saturday if you could fit the dollies in your new fancy car. I hope it cools down. The roof is all done and they are putting on gutter tomorrow. Hopefully that will be done and Karen can close on her house. Have a wonderful 1st day of May. Love mom


Luna woke up tired. So we took it easy in the morning. She got the the point where everything was a tantrum so I made her lay in bed. It angered her even further. About after an hour of crying she finally gave up and took a nap. When she woke up we went to Costco and Lowes. She did great at the stores. I started to get dizzy and hot at Lowes. I think we were outside and I didn't drink any water. So the rest of the day we just took it slow. We would play outside till I got to hot then watcha show. Then head back outside. I feel like we went from 40 to 80 so my body needed to adjust and drink water. Lol 😂 our tree outside bloomed and it's really pretty. it's crazy tomorrow is may. 



 Good job going to Kamas Karen.  That is a lot of work and you are almost done.  We would like to come up next Saturday and help if you would like us to.  Today was good we went to church and it was nice because we haven't been in a month.  I played the piano and I think it went ok.  Casey worked this morning and then went grocery shopping.  We went to the park when he got home.  It was so hot today though.  It seems like we missed the middle spring temperatures and went right into summer.  Isaac burned dinner so we went out to eat and it was gross.  Isaac is really sweet to cook for us all the time.  Everyone have a good Monday.

Love Rachel 


 My day was good. Me, mom, and dad went up to Kamas. We painted the shed so it would not have peeling paint. It was hot, but we got it done. We also packed a bit. Then we stopped at tangers in Park City and got new shoes for me and dad. Then we stopped at yellow fin for dinner on the way home. The river is super high there. I hope everyone had a great Sunday. Bye 


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...