Friday, February 14, 2014
That was a cute joke Rachel and I loved the picture of Isaac. He is growing up so fast. I am excited for tomorrow. Everyone drive safe and we will play for awhile. Not much else going on with me. I am looking forward to play. LOVE MOM
What did one pickle say to the other?
You mean a great dill to me.
Karen, it sounds like you had a rough day. We will find a fun new game tomorrow. Robin, I love the flowers, that was really sweet of Walter. That is fun. We had a alright day. Casey bought me and Isaac some chocolates yesterday and I got some sugar cookies for Isaac. He loved all of it. This morning I had a doctors appointment and everything is looking good. Oliver is head down. I didn't gain any weight this time and he measured the same size but the doctors says that can happen and everything is going good. Casey went and cut a tree down and cut it all up, it took him most of the day and he is worn out. Me and Isaac went down with him but it was rainy so we went to McDonald's and played on their slide for a while. When Casey came back we went to Cafe Rio for dinner and got some Ice cream. It was fun. Well we will see everyone tomorrow. I think we will leave around 9. I will text Mom when we leave.
Karen, it sounds like you had a rough day. We will find a fun new game tomorrow. Robin, I love the flowers, that was really sweet of Walter. That is fun. We had a alright day. Casey bought me and Isaac some chocolates yesterday and I got some sugar cookies for Isaac. He loved all of it. This morning I had a doctors appointment and everything is looking good. Oliver is head down. I didn't gain any weight this time and he measured the same size but the doctors says that can happen and everything is going good. Casey went and cut a tree down and cut it all up, it took him most of the day and he is worn out. Me and Isaac went down with him but it was rainy so we went to McDonald's and played on their slide for a while. When Casey came back we went to Cafe Rio for dinner and got some Ice cream. It was fun. Well we will see everyone tomorrow. I think we will leave around 9. I will text Mom when we leave.
the end
Well I am at the end of pet saga. Until they added more levels I am all done. We may have to find another game to start playing. Work was pretty good. The afternoon dragged a lot though. I think the reason that the morning didn't drag was because we got doughnuts. It has been raining off and on today. I am just so glad that it isn't snow. I hope that everyone had a great valentines day. Bye
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Today was good work went by fast. Walter sent me roses at work. I thought it was sweet. I was surprised. Then I came home and made cookies and did laundry. I needed to wash my sheets. I hope everyone has a good valentines day. Love you. See you Saturday
Low Energy
I would like to watch Enders game. It is such a good book, it will be interesting to see how the movie is. We had some rain today but nothing that incredible. I was really low energy today but the day did seem to go pretty fast. Isaac is feeling a lot better and is acting like himself again. His sunbeam teacher brought over a valentines treat for him which I thought was really nice of her. I made greek turkey burgers for dinner and they turned out pretty good. I guess turkey burger is supposed to be better for you. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow and then Casey is going to cut down a tree. Everyone have a good night.
Thunder and Lightening
We had a really good thunder storm this afternoon. Dad had to come pick me up because it was raining so hard. It was fun to watch. We went to Walmarts after work and bought the Ender Games. Robin you were right it was a really good movie. I enjoyed it. If anyone wants to borrow it this weekend you are welcome to. Work was busy today, I had a really hard time moving today. I think I would have gotten more done staying home. I did get a coke at 10:00 and that helped. Rachel good luck tomorrow at the doctor. I hope all goes well. I am excited to hang out this weekend. Everyone have a great Valentines day. Congratulations Karen on being with White Knight for 2 years. LOVE MOM
almost Friday
Well my day was pretty good. I had enough stuff to keep me mostly entertained all day. It snowed or rained for part of the day. I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am excited for the weekend. It will be fun to hang out. Have a good day. Bye
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Today was good. Nothing to crazy someone called me for a sewing job but it was less money so I wasn't interested. I came home and took a nap. I was tired it was nice to sleep . Hopefully I can sleep tonight. We'll not to much else pretty boring this last couple weeks have a good night
Quiet day
I got my new computer today at work and that was nice. Everything was working and I got a lot done. It was nice to have a quiet day. My desk is starting to look a little better. That makes me feel better also. Not much else going on with me. I am excited for Saturday. That will be fun. Dad called Grandma Bodily and she wants to go to lunch with us. I thought we could go to lunch and the fun park. Robin wants to go to Gordmans. Then for dinner I am going to make a turkey breast. Thanks guys for the fun day. It rained here most of the day but I did walk over to dad's that was good. LOVE MOM
We will have a fun time this Saturday. Thanks guys. We are not going to spend the night just come down for the day. I don't have anything going on in the morning so we shouldn't be too late getting down there. We had a good day. It was crummy weather outside. It rained or was gloomy. Isaac had taken the tracks off of his train table so we used it for marbles and he had a really fun time. It kept him occupied for a while. Casey can only work over time every other day because they have people coming over from production on swing so they have been splitting overtime up so today he only had to work 10 hours which was nice. It was nice to spend the evening with him. We walked around hastings for a while and that was fun. When we got home Casey headed to bed and me and Isaac started to watch a show and Isaac fell asleep in 5 minutes. He didn't take a nap today and was tired. I hope that everyone has a good night and a good day tomorrow.
me too
I should be able to meet Saturday as well. It will be fun to hook up with everyone. I had my soup for lunch and it tasted good. It snowed for awhile here and then it rained for awhile. Work was a little slow in the morning but it pick up in the afternoon. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
I should be free to hang out on Saturday to. I thought I had a meeting for much ado but I don't have to go. Today was good. It was sunny and a little warm so I didn't feel so gloomy. Me and Walter started watching arrow on netflix the main guys name is Oliver. I thought it was cool it's a pretty good show, we'll have a great Wednesday
I agree with Isaac
For sure Isaac is related to his grandma. I said the same thing tonight. I would love for you to come down on Saturday. That would be so much fun. We could go to Grandma's fun park. My computer was weird at work today and I am getting a new one tomorrow. I am not sure what happened but the same exact thing happened to someone else in my department. Dad thinks it might be a virus. Karen I am glad the dentist went well and I am sorry your soup didn't get done in time. I hope it tastes good tomorrow. Do you want to spend the night or are you just coming down for the day? LOVE MOM
Chocolate is good anytime - Isaac Anderson
Today was pretty good. We went to story time and that is always fun. I was thinking today that when Isaac start preschool we wont go for a while. Isaac will be gone and Oliver will be too little. It surprised me to think about that. We will have to enjoy it this summer. Jenn came over and sewed and we had a good time. Isaac did good and just watched movies downstairs. He fell asleep a little after she left so I was able to do more sewing. It was like a day off. The guy who has the tree Casey wants to cut down called him and said he could cut down today and then Friday cut it up. So he went down there after work and they decided to just cut it down Friday. So he is going to do that which will be good. We were thinking of coming down on Saturday if that is alright with everyone. Let me know. Not much else to report. Karen you will have to share the recipe with all of us if it is good. Also I started hand quilting my table runner and I was thinking I could do your also if you want. Bring it on Saturday and I will do it.
made it
Well I made it thru the dentist. It seemed like it took forever, but it wasn't too bad overall. It snow for a bit here this evening. Melody gave me a recipe for cheese burger soup. She made for the luncheon and it was really good. So I made it tonight. It took a little longer to cook than I thought and I had to run back to the store, so I guess I will have to eat for lunch tomorrow. Oh well I was close. Well have a great Wednesday tomorrow. Bye
Monday, February 10, 2014
If you can dream it, you can do it. - Walt Disney
Mom, that is a lot of steps. I used to get 2,000 a day, you are doing really good. Robin I wouldn't write anything too bad about your boss. You still have to work there, just make it vague. Good luck with the dentist tomorrow Karen, you are good to keep up on your teeth. I had energy today which was really nice. I copied some pages out of Mom's books and we did a craft. It was fun to do. He took a nap and I was able to do some sewing which was fun. It was really nice day in the afternoon so we went outside and dug in the mud. When Casey got home they built a fire outside and toured the yard. We went grocery shopping this evening and made some lunches for Casey. It was a good day. I hope that everyone has a good day tomorrow and I hope it is good weather.
Today was good it was slow but good. We are having our yearly review and the owner wanted to spice it up so we we were given the exit interview worksheet and they want to see our opinions on the company. One question is what do you dislike about your supervisor. So I have been stressing out all day on what to write because I hate my boss but I don't want to have long talks about it. I guess it will be good to get it out in the open. Well that's about it for me. Have a great night
Boots are made for walking
They are having a contest at work to walk 10,000 steps and exercise and I joined a team. They gave pedometers out last year and I haven't used mine so I got it out and have been tracking my steps. I did 7723 today. I thought that was good. It made me remember all the nights I shaked Rachel's pedometer for her health insurance. If I win I get gift cards so I thought that would be fun. I only have to do it until the end of March. That shouldn't be too bad. I am a sucker for free gift cards. It was a really pretty day today. Work was busy but nothing too crazy. It was pouring rain this morning. Nothing else to report. Love MOM
Well my Monday was good. It was a little slow but I made it thru. Tomorrow morning I have to go to the dentist. Hopefully it isn't too bad. I actually got to see the sun today. It was nice I have missed it so. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye
Sunday, February 9, 2014
it's gridlocked
Well it did snow a little bit today. It didn't last night though so I haven't had to shovel. It looked like another big storm was headed this way though. Sorry I didn't make it to grandma's dinner. I do have a dentist on Tuesday, but it looks like it should be between storms at least. I hope that everyone has a great week. Bye
I think I am in the wrong lane
I had a nice day. We went to church and me and dad subbed for the 4 year olds. It was nice. I haven't done that in a long, long time. Their Primary is really wild. I don't think we helped that much but it was fun. We got home and then we went to Golden Corral with Jed's family and Grandma. The food was OK but it was nice to get together. Robin came with us and then we went to Walmart. It was nice to hang out. There was a big fire so me and dad went and investigated. There were so many police and fire trucks we couldn't get close so we went home. I looked it up on KSL and it was a big apartment fire. It rained here most of the day but no snow. Karen I hope you are doing OK with all your snow. It should be a quiet week for me. Nothing too exciting. I am looking forward to a 3 day weekend next weekend. I get Monday off for President's day. LOVE MOM
When everything’s coming your way, you’re in the wrong lane.
Casey ended up spending the night last night in Clifton since their was so much to do. He came home this afternoon right about when we came home from work. Church went good for us. My lesson was a little short but it worked out alright. We just stayed at home today and took it easy. Isaac seems to be feeling better. He was jumping off the couches and being really active. He was still kind of grouchy today. Well we don't have much else going on. I hope that everyone had a good day and has a good Monday.
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...