Saturday, February 18, 2012

no snow

Well we have no snow so far. I am still glad we came home when we did. I didn't want to get in a bad snow storm. That is what we get for watching the weather. I had a really nice day also. Thanks for letting us come up. It is fun to just hang out. Karen I love the new bathroom stuff you got. It is beautiful. Did you get it hung up. I went grocery shopping this evening and it is nice to have food in the house. Robin made brownies and they are amazing. Have a nice Sunday.



It was a good day thanks everyone. I can't believe how fast isaac is growing up. so cute. I did make some brownies so I can blog about something yeah :) they are good I made them from scratch, they are not like the bricks that happen when I bake from a box. well not to much else going to watch some modern family :) thanks rachel.


Go Team

Thanks for the nice day, it was nice to have everyone up. I am glad that everyone made it home alright. Isaac went to bed early which was nice and I think that I will follow suite. I just wanted to say thanks for the nice day.


Friday, February 17, 2012

Cute Quilt

Rachel that is a really cute quilt. I have been working on taxes all night. That enough to drive me crazy. I hate them more and more each year. I really miss the easy taxes. I thought they were really bad. I was wrong. I had a good day at work. I made a good dinner. I am excited to go to Logan also. I hope the weather stays nice. If it is bad we might have to cancel. I have Monday off but I am going to work a couple of hours. I have a huge meeting on Tuesday and I need to make sure I am ready for it. I am going to get my tooth pulled on Tuesday. I guess I will use the rest of the time then. The rest of the filling fell out yesterday at dinner. It has been a lot sorer since then. I guess it is time to get it out. I hope it goes easy.


Better late than never

I finished my valentine quilt today. It wasn't done in time for valentines but it is still February. I am sorry about your internet Karen, hopefully it is resolved soon. Today was good. They fixed my bank account so that is nice that it is taken care of. It was a really nice day today, me and Isaac walked to the canal and saw the ducks. He liked that but really wanted to go in the canal so we had to leave. We went and visited Casey's Dad tonight, we haven't seen him in a while. They are remodeling their kitchen. They were laying the floors today and it looked really nice. I am excited to see everyone tomorrow, it will be fun. Drive safe and we will have a fun day.

well i still have no internet and no tv. apparetly the guy that took my call did tell the guy that came to go to the office to get in. so they are going to try on monday to see if we can get it then. the internet is apparently suppose to work already but i am just the lucky one whose internet doesn't so i have a work order in for that. what a day. well i hope that every had a great friday bye

Thursday, February 16, 2012


That sucks about your card rachel. It sucks when that happens. I can't believe Isaac is walking so good. Such a grown up kid. Well not to much with me worked on taxes and me and mom went out to dinner with Karen it was fun
Have a good Friday. :)

Bills Bills Bills

Karen, I received some bills in the mail for you today. I will give them to Mom to give to you unless I see you this weekend then I will give them to you personally. Today was good, the weather was nice so we spent a lot of time outside. Isaac loves his swing so he wants to do that a lot. He doesn't want to hold my hand when we are walking, he is growing up so fast. Someone used my debt card number and spent $760, so I had to spend some time on the phone getting it all taken care of. They said they should credit the amount back in 48 hours so that will be nice. It takes 10 days to get a new card but I can get a temporary one at a local branch. Everyone I talked to was really nice and I am glad that they are taking care of it. Not much else is going on. I am excited for this weekend, that will be fun to have everyone come up on Saturday.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Me and dad went to the class tonight on dealing with Chronic Illness. It was OK. It goes for 6 weeks. The lady that is teaching had RA really bad in her hands. It is good to see her up and moving. We went to the store afterwards to get some ice cream and put gas in my car. It snowed here today also and now it is really cold outside. Casey is going to feel like he is back a Seer working 10 hour days, he was working 18 down here though so it probably still feels like he has some time off. Karen I am sorry your door is broken. That sucks you have no doorknob. They better fix it tomorrow. I am excited for the weekend. LOVE MOM

Weird Weather

This week has been crazy weather. It snows in the morning and then it melts in the afternoon. It is nice for me so we can walk around outside, it is a weird winder. Today was good, we went to the mall this afternoon and walked around and that was fun. Casey is going to work 10 hour days this week. He made dinner for us tonight and that was fun, he is a good cook. I am glad that you are getting everything worked out Karen, I am excited for you. Well I hope that everyone has a good night and stay safe. Here are a couple of pictures of Isaac, he closes his eyes when I take pictures now. It cracks me up.


well i should get internet on friday. yeah! well they said that i could take a half hour lunch at work. so i am going to work from 8 to 430. i think that will be super nice. i am glad that you like the washer and dryer rachel. did you have any trouble running them? well just 2 more days until the weekend. i am sure ready for one. well have a great thursday everyone.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Sorry you got locked out karen that sucks. but I'm glad the job is going well. nothing to crazy here just same ole same ole. have a good wensday


Thank Karen for the washer and dryer, the are so quiet it is nice. I am sorry about your door, you should have your apartment pay for it. I am glad that you are liking you new job, that is exciting. I am glad that they dentist went well for you Mom, I hope that he is a good person for you to go to. I think that is a good idea to go the the meeting got chronic diseases, It will be nice to have a support group closer. I had a good day. I got a heart shaped pizza for dinner and that was fun and tasted good. I finished by triangle quilt and I love it, it turned out so good. I have attached a picture. I still need to put a border on but I need to get some fabric for that first. I also made a table runner for Karen, it is different than what I showed you. The picture is gay and I am not sure you will like it so I will just show you in person. I may have to make another one.

Happy Valentines day

Karen that is sad about your door. It was hard to work. I hope they fixed it. I hope you get internet soon. I left my phone at work today. I guess I must have been nervous for the dentist. It went well. They just did a couple of fillings. When I went last time he said he was going to have to do crowns. I was way excited about just having fillings. I signed me and dad up for a class at the old Cottonwood hospital on living with chronic illnesses. It is every Wednesday and it was free for six weeks. I am hoping I find some good doctors here that will be helpful for him. We need to find some closer to us. Tomorrow is hump day already. I did have a quiet day at work. I am going to have to work extra this week to make up for going to the dentist but that is OK. Anyone have good ideas for the weekend?
Well i still don't have internet so i am going to refax it tomorrow. so i am blogging from my phone. work is going good. today though when i got back to my apartment my door wouldn't open. so they had to get a locksmith to get me in. it was crazy. i hope that the dentist wasn't too bad for you today mom. well have agreat rest of the week very. bye

Monday, February 13, 2012

v day

thanks for the chocolate rachel I haven't blogged in a while. and I also got a ice tray from karen. they look like jewels, they are cool. not to much else going on today just a monday. have a great valentines day :)


One more thing

Rachel I like the new back ground on the blog. It looks so springy.

Back to work

I made it to work this morning and it was so busy. I spent 5 hours observing the OR and then had meetings all afternoon. I haven't even read my emails from last week. I am hoping the rest of the week is quiet. I need it. There was ice all over the stairs to my work and that took me an hour to get that all cleaned up. It really snowed here. Karen still doesn't have cable yet but she said that work went well and that the commute wasn't bad at all. She said not much happened mostly just orientation. I am glad you went out for dinner. I fell sound asleep after dinner and just woke up. I for sure get Monday off. I am ready to play if you would like to. LOVE MOM


Today was good. I went grocery shopping in the morning, it was pretty exciting. Isaac took his nap really early so we went to the fun park in the afternoon but he wasn't into it. They had painted the skating rink and I think that the smell may of bothered him. We went out to dinner tonight for Valentines day since it gets so busy tomorrow. I wanted some fabric for valentines so we went to Berninas and then to the Indian Oven for dinner. It was fun. I got Isaac chicken soup there and it was really good, he liked it. It was flavorful and he likes that. Then we went to Joanns to get some batting so I can quilt my mystery valentine quilt. I hope that everyone is doing well. Today was so nice. When I woke up there was snow on the ground but it all melted by the afternoon and was warm outside. It was a nice day.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

This and that

Karen, even though you can't read this I just wanted to wish you luck tomorrow at your new job. I am supper excited for you. Isaac had a rough night last night so he was tired all morning. His teeth are bothering him. We went to church and that was nice. A lady gave a really nice talk. Isaac got fussy so we went out in the hall for the last half and he walked all over the place. Everyone thought he was so cute, which he is. Overall today went really fast. Casey made it back home, I am glad that he doesn't have to go back down for the rest of the week. It is nice to have him work closer.

I'm Back

I am back in SLC. Back to work tomorrow. I am going out to the lab tonight to help dad so Casey can go home before it gets to dark outside. The weather has turned winter. Karen in back in town. I had a great week helping Karen get moved up here. It will be fun to have her closer. I had a good time yesterday in Logan. Isaac is so cute when he is walking around. Karen doesn't have cable yet and she tried to use someones else's wireless but they were all secured. That is a good think in my opinion. Have a great week. LOVE MOM


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...