Friday, October 6, 2023


 I am sorry I didn't blog last night. I got the stomach bug also. Yuck. Work was so quiet it was weird. Everyone was at a retreat. We went to the play tonight and it was really a good one. I am excited.for tomorrow. Everyone drive safe. Love mom


Congrats on the new job Rachel. That will be fun to do something new. It was quiet at work so that was nice. Then we decided to pull the trigger and get a quarter cow. I guess you split a half cow with another person. So we met them at the meat place and divided our the meat equally. I think it will be nice to have for the winter. Then we picked up dinner. Luna is getting chatty and is really funny. She is excited to spend the night tomorrow. She pretend called every one tonight on her flip phone


Thursday, October 5, 2023


I am feeling better today. But stomach still feels off but I have energy again. So that was nice. After work Luna helped make waffles. She likes to cook. I put her in big girl underwear. We called mom to say hi and she had to go potty. She didn't make it but we made a valent effort. I'm glad tomorrow is Friday. We are thinking of dropping Luna off on Saturday for a sleepover with all the kids. Then in Sunday we can pick her up.


 I have a job interview tomorrow morning.  It should be fine and I hope it goes well.  Today was good and busy.  Work went well and I took pictures and edited instructions.  We had quarterly meeting.  We did it outside and it was so cold in the shade.  It wasn't that cold of a day but the meeting was cold.  The little kids got out of school early but Isaac didn't.  We went to parent teacher conference at spring Creek for Isaac.  It is an open house so you walk around and talk to the teachers.  I didn't realize but you wait in line and it took longer than I thought so we only made it to three classes.  He is doing well and they are so good to work with the kids.  We hurried to his chamber music practice but he didn't have it today.  I messed up the day and I felt dumb.  He starts next week.  The little kids had piano lessons and they got Christmas music for the recital in December.  Ruth and Oliver had parent teacher conference tonight and Casey met us at the school.  They are doing good.  Oliver is still having a hard time focusing but he is doing better and getting better grades.  He is amazing at reading.  Ruth is a good student and is doing well.  We need to practice her spelling better.  Love you guys 

Love Rachel 

Wednesday, October 4, 2023


 Sorry I am late, I had book group tonight and I get home late.  It was a lot of fun and so good to talk with everyone.  Work went well and I am still taking pictures.  This morning was stressful because Isaac's backpack zipper broke and we were trying to find him a replacement for today.  Then he forgot his violin and ran back to the house.  So we picked up Oliver for after school and went and got Isaac a new backpack.  We also used Ruth's coupons and got some cookies at dirty dough, they love it there.  Then we were all starving so we stopped at zuppas for dinner.  Tomorrow is super busy.  The kids get out early for parent teacher conferences and then they have no school on Friday.  

Love Rachel 


 I like being at my desk. It was just a normal day. The fence it fixed and the feels so nice. It was right by the busy road. I did do some roundup and stared drying another batch of apples. I am sorry your stomach was off. I hate that. I am glad that Luna loves pizza. That is fun. Rachel I am glad you are coming down. That will be fun. Have a nice Thursday. Love mon


My stomach was off all day. I still went to work but I just felt blah. After work we picked up some little Caesars didn't want to cook. Luna ate 1.5 pieces. She was in heaven. Luna keeps refusing to go to the bathroom nothing is motivating her. She likes her paw patrol underwear. So I put her in those tonight. She pooped in her underwear. But we changed her into another set and she was dry for the rest of the night. I think I'm just going to do that now. Just put her in her underwear when we get home and let it work itself out 😂



 Sorry I have sucked at blogging. My day was good. I do wish it was Friday instead of Wednesday though. Work was good. I had a bunch of meetings in the afternoon so it went by pretty fast. Then after work me, mom, and dad fixed the fence. It looks nice again. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Tuesday, October 3, 2023


 I stopped and got donuts for Whitney coming back today. It was so nice to sit at my desk. I even got some hard emails done. Rachel your work has been crazy that hard. They want to hire my job at the end if the.month. that is so lame. I am pushing back tomorrow. I don't want someone just sitting there for 8 weeks. That is dumb. I did.make hamburger pie for dinner. It tasted so good. Robin I hate being cold. I hope you aren't getting sick. Rachel I love your kitchen. It is beautiful. We replaced the door cover on the bottom of the soon. Hope that stops the rain coming in. Have a nice hump day. Love mom


It was super cold and dark today.  At work my team lead is quiting and her last day is in two weeks.  It is sad and she knows so much it will be hard with her gone.  I worked on step by step photos again today.  I have a like 60 more to do and Klies has the next two weeks off to visit her daughter who is having a baby which is exciting.  Ruth had tumbling and we were really late because she made a involved snack.  I got the second row sewn on my class quilt.  The third row she cuts off three squares at the bottom.  I think because their isn't enough fabric but I am going to try to use the whole panel.  I hate to cut off the bottom off.  Me and Ruth made cute ghost sucker toppers also.  Casey ran to the store on his way home and we worked on the kitchen for a while.

Love Rachel


Today was ok. After work I was so cold. My bones were frozen. So we just took it easy tonight. Love you 


Monday, October 2, 2023


 This morning was busy but this afternoon it got quiet. I moved all my stuff back to my desk. That felt so nice. Whitney is coming in on Tuesdays. I get one day at my desk. I am super excited. She got all the emails today and I was in heaven. Rachel your kitchen is gorgeous. I love it. That has to feel so nice. I love the backdrop tile. Is that what you have decided on. We got all the plums either dried or in the drier. We also got a patch of apples started.  Apples go a lot faster. There are lots of those. Robin. Luna so cute with her zoo cup. It is so fun to play over the phone. Boy did it rain today. The insurance called back and said Karen has a thousand dollar deductible and it won't cost that much to fix. We are going to just try and put the posts back in. Have a nice Tuesday. Love mom


 Today was busy but good.  At work I took step by step photos and the day went pretty fast.  Casey left work a little early to put the sink in and Randy and Terri came over to help him.  I was running kids around.  Isaac had violin lessons and the I picked up Oliver.  Me and Oliver went and got some cash for the fall festival.  After we picked up Isaac I dropped him off at home because he didn't want to go and we got Ruth and went to the elementary school fall festival.  Isaac should have come because a lot of his friends were there.  Their were a ton of people and the lines were long.  Oliver went with his friend and lost his punch pass so I just had him and Ruth share.  In the way home we got Tony more food.  They were able to get the sink in and plumbed and the dish washer going.  It looks really nice and I love it.

Love Rachel


I was so tired today. It was rainy and cold so it was hard to snap out of it. After work we just had dinner and played. Luna drew all over her arm so we took a bath to scrub her down


Sunday, October 1, 2023


That is crazy about your fence Karen. Hopefully they can fix it soon. I like your kitchen Rachel good job. We had harvest day. I used the new juicer and juiced a batch of apples. Then we used the food processor and smashed up all our tomatoes and had chili for dinner. The we picked out pumpkin and I made pumpkin puree. Iade a pumpkin pie and chocolate chip pumpkin bread. It was a lot of cooking. But it was good to use od some.of the food. Our demon didn't fair well in the weather last night. I didn't get time to fix him. So tomorrow I will have to make home look good again.



 Thank you again for coming up yesterday and decorating the house so cute and all the help.  We had a fun day.  Today we worked on the kitchen.  We didn't get as far as we wanted but we will hopefully get the sink in tomorrow.  When everyone got up we went to Lowe's and got a unde cabinet microwave, a dishwasher and counter tops.  We took everything home and then went out for lunch.  Ruth got a coupon book yesterday and was so excited to use it.  Their was a coupon for El Toro so we went their.  Jed, Teresa and Kelsey were their.  They went on a autumn drive.  We just worked the rest of the day on the kitchen. We have half the countertop on and will cut the hole out for the sink tomorrow.  I stained it just now and it is really pretty.  I hope everyone has a good Monday.

Love Rachel

Lazy day

 I had a.lazy day. I slept in and dad turned on conference and I slept through that also. Went with Karen for lunch and then I cam back and slept right through dinner. I sure had a fun time yesterday. Thanks for everything. Love mom


 Thanks for the fun day yesterday everyone. I slept in this morning. Then we were going to einstein bagels for lunch. I looked in the backyard and yard part of my fence was down. It looks like something hit it. So I filled out a online insurance claim and they are going to call me in a day or two. So we get to einstein and they have no turkey or ham. So no tasty turkey. They also have no coke machine there. So lunch so I little lame. We went to best buy after so dad could look at watches. Then we came home and I took a nap. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...