Saturday, August 3, 2019

Mermaid Cereal

We had a really nice time in Logan.  We didn't get the van fixed but we had a good time.  We went to Lees and got sodas and treats for Yellowstone  (yes there is Mountain Dew, Rootbeer, Pepsi, and Diet Dr. Pepper).  We went to Walmart and got some school supplies and shampoos and body wash for the trip as well.  We are starting to get organized.  Ruth picked out Mermaid Cereal for her Sunday cereal.  :).  Robin, I am sorry you got sick at Lagoon.  That is hard.  Did you win something fun at Bingo?  I am slowly getting things in a pile for the trip.  I thought we could meet at Idaho Falls around 11:00 and walk around the falls and have lunch if that works for everyone.  I will look on google on how long that takes to get there.  I am sssoooo excited.  I did get the little ones some jackets.  It might be chilly at night and in the morning.  Everyone have a nice sunday.  LOVE MOM


Today we went to Lagoon. It was so hot. We went on the samurai then the ferris wheel. It made me so sick. So I made it to the bathroom and the rest of the day was fine. We went over to the pavillion where his work party was. Then they played bingo from 12:30-3 so we just stayed till the end of bingo and drove home. Then Jenkins had to get his updated vacinnes. He did really good and is a cute dog. I'm excited for Yellowstone it will be fun


My day has been good. I slept in. Then I went grocery shopping. Then I came home and cleaned my tub. It rained here off and on all day, which was nice because it kept it cooler. Tomorrow I am going to precook the hamburger for tacos and maybe make cookies for our trip. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Friday, August 2, 2019


Today was good.  I walked this morning and everyone was up so we went to my exercise class.  It was outside and the kids could play at the park so they had a fun time.  It was nice to go back I really like going.  After lunch we went swimming.  It was so so hot today it felt good to swim.  We picked some beans for dinner and Isaac made some fried chicken that tasted really good.  Randy came over and tiled the bathroom this evening.  They only have one and a partial row left.  It is looking really good.  Thanks for coming up tomorrow and drive safe.



Robin,  that is neat you are almost to the moon.  Dad's jeep has 197,000 miles.  That has been a good car for you.  Karen congratulations on paying another round of tuition.  That is a lot of money.  Rachel, I hope you had a nice day as well.  Robin are you going to Lagoon?  It is suppose to be really hot.  Drink lots of water.  Today was good.  I reread my email and it did say the Fashion Place mall so I am not loosing it.  At least not as much as I thought.  We just vegged tonight and dad worked on getting his new computer up and running.  WE are getting up in the morning and going to Logan.  LOVE MOM


Today was good. I officially hit 200,000 miles on my car. It takes 230,000 miles to get to the moon. So I only have 30,000 miles to go before the cars driven to the moon lol. We played pounce/nertz at work. It's like a solitaire/speed game. We will have to play it one day. Tomorrow Jeramy s work has lagoon day then Jenkins needs to get his vaccination s done. I'm so glad it's finally friday and next week we get to go to Yellowstone

Made it

Well I made it to the weekend. Yeah! Work was good today. My car gave me a warning today that the battery in my key fob was low so I went and got a new battery for it after work. Then I paid my tuition for the fall semester. I hope everyone had a great Friday. Bye

Thursday, August 1, 2019


I am sorry about your mix ups.  That is hard and I do it too.  I don't think you are loosing it though.  Thanks for the books, that will be fun.  I am glad that Dad got a new computer, that is fun.  Today was good.  I walked this morning.  We went to the tabernacle to watch the 4 hims perform.  The were funny and it was a good show.  It was popular though and I couldn't find a parking spot so I parked by the fabric store and we walked over so we were late.  All the places by Randy were filled so we sat across from them.  Afterwards we went to a McDonald's with a playground.  Oliver and Ruth made friends and had a blast playing.  We went swimming after we were done.  It was later so we only swam for two hours but it felt nice to be in the water.  The kids are getting so good at swimming.  I had book group tonight and that was fun.  It was good to talk with everyone.  Love you guys and have a good Friday. 



I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday. It was a long day. Nothing to crazy I had a weird back spasm. Hope everyone has a great Friday


Weird week

I am having a weird week.  First I didn't have an appointment set up for Monday when I was suppose to with the doctor and tonight I waited an hour for Kay and Julie at the fashion place mall and they went to the Valley Fair.  I think that is spooking me a little bit  Put me away when I have totally lost it. It really upset me both times. I worked my lunch hour so I wouldn't be late this time and brought them each a diamond picture to make. There was some good news however.  I met up with dad and we got him his new computer.  I am pretty excited about it.  He is having fun setting it up.  I also went back to Barnes and Nobles to see if they had new discounted books and I walked into the movie section and they had a whole wall of them.  I scored.  Potty treats are going to be amazing is all I have to say.  You may have to finish up the other bathroom soon because they will have to be going potty all the time.  :)  I am glad that tomorrow is Friday.  We are going to Logan on Saturday to help with the Van.  Next week at this time I will sitting on the deck of the cabin.  That will be neat.  The highs are in the low 70s.  I have been watching Yellowstone weather and it is looking really good.  LOVE MOM


I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am looking forward to sleeping in on Saturday. Work is going good. I am working thru my to do list. I hope that everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. BYE

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Wednesday, July 31, 2019


Thanks for talking with Ruth Mom, she is cute.  Lets plan for this weekend you guys coming up.  Casey ordered some new parts for the van and they should be here by Saturday.   Dad and Casey and figure out what is going on.  Thanks.  Today was good but I didn't take any pictures.  I walked this morning which was nice.  The library had a dazzling dog show and we went to it.  I thought it was dumb but the kids liked it.  This afternoon we went to the jump zone and that was fun.  The kids had a fun time.  Oliver felt like he never gets little Caesars so we had that for dinner.   Isaac had pack meeting tonight.  The played water games so the kids wore their bathing suits.  The little kids played at the splash pad and had a fun time.  The boys played water kick ball and had fun.  It was windy and cooler tonight and the kids got kind of cold.  Casey worked on the van and then rode down to met up with us for a while.  I am so sad it is the last day of the July.  I keep crying when I look at the calendar for August because school starts so soon.  Love you guys and have a good night.



My day was good as well. Work went by quick. It rained here this afternoon. It rained for about 3 hours so that was nice. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Today was good.  Work was busy but I got some stuff done so that was good.  We came home and then met Robin and Jeramy for dinner.  We went to Best Buy and I had dad all talked into the computer and they didn't have it any more.  I was very disappointed.  I will continue to look for a computer for him.  Not much else to report from my end.  Ruth was so cute on the phone.  She can really talk now.  I am meeting the Gumm girls for dinner tomorrow night.  LOVE MOM


Today was good. I thought it was Tues but I'm glad it was really Wednesday. I met up with mom and dad for dinner. Then we came home and watched deadliest catch. Hope everyone has a good Thursday


Tuesday, July 30, 2019


Your pictures turned out really nice Robin, you are beautiful.  We had a good day.  I walked this morning and then sewed whiled the kids slept in.  We went to story time and tomorrow is the last day of summer reading so we got our last prize.  We came home and had lunch and then went swimming.  I admit I had a coke at the swimming pool so I could keep up with them.  We had a fun time and it felt so good to swim on a hot day.  It wasn't crowded either which was nice.  We swam until 6 and came home and made zucchini bread.  It tasted good and Isaac did everything, he loves to cook.  Isaac decided to wear the sleeping braces at night and this is the second night doing it.  I haven't made them tight just so he can get used to it.  I hope that it starts to help.  Love you guys and I am glad that you had a good day.



Robin you look really pretty in all those pictures. Things are good here in Kamas. It was meeting day today so work went by pretty fast. I hope everyone had a great day . Bye


It was a busy day at work but made the day go fast.  Dad picked me up and said let's walk the zoo so we stopped and walked the zoo.  I love going there.  I have to admit that the elephants are my favorite.  They were squiting water at me and dad when we first showed up.  We were the only ones there.  It was fun.  It got hot so we came home and had dinner and just chilled.  Dad put the doors on his table so now it is all finished.  I think it is printing better having it in a warm place.  We are going to hook up for dinner tomorrow with Jeramy and Robin.  It is suppose to be really rainy and cooler.  I love your pictures Robin.  They are just perfect.  I am so glad they turned out.  LOVE MOM

Monday, July 29, 2019


Today was a long day but I made it out ok. I was ready to be Friday already so it will be a long week. Me and Jeramy were just lazy tonight it was nice to just watch TV and chill. Hope you have a good Tues.



That is stressful about your appointment Mom, I am glad that he saw you anyway.  It was cool and rained a bit on my walk this morning which was nice.  The kids slept in so I skipped my workout class and just sewed which was fun.  We did our workbooks this morning and then played card games.  The kids really love playing games lately.  Isaac had a birthday party for his friend this afternoon.  While he was gone we went grocery shopping.  When we picked him up we stopped at the cheese factory for a snack.  The little kids made pizza for dinner.  The were cute, they grated the cheese and rolled out the dough.  After dinner Casey mowed the lawn and it looks nice.  I have book group on Thursday and I finished the book tonight.  I was cutting it close but I finished it.  Love you guys and have a great night.



So it was payroll Monday and it took until 11:00 to finish.  It was a busy payroll.  Holiday ones always are.  I left early to go to the doctor and they didn't have my appointment.  He say me any way but didn't fix that mole.  I have to go back.  I lost it.  I was so worried about it and then they said I never made an appointment.  Go figure.  They did fix my running toilet today so that was good.  We did go to dinner afterwards at Salt Lake Burger and it was good.  Dad wanted a glue gun for work so we went to Hobby Lobby and it was by that.  I found the cutest penny collecting kits for the kids.  I thought they might enjoy collecting pennies.  I also bought some pillows so they could make some pillows. They are just small square ones.  Karen I am glad the beef jerky turned out.  It is suppose to be another hot one tomorrow.  LOVE MOM


My day has been good. At work we had the new EE start today. So we all went out to lunch. It was fun. Other than that it was just the usual for a Monday. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, July 28, 2019


We just rested today. I pulled out a quilt kit and started cutting it out but I didn't get very far. We just watched movies and took Jenkins out a million times. I hope everyone has a good Monday



My day was good. I dried the last batch of jerky and then cleaned up my smoker. Other than that I was just lazy also. I like you plan Robin. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye

Lazy day

I had a pajama day today.  We slept in and took naps.  It felt nice.  I am getting so excited for Yellowstone.  I am with Rachel.  I am not ready for school yet.  I can't believe how fast a summer can go.  We still have a whole month left to party.  Everyone have a nice week.  It is suppose to get hot again.  Karen thanks again for making beef jerky.  I am pretty excited about that one.  LOVE MOM


That sounds like a really good plan Robin, thank you.  I can take the Sunday breakfast also if that is ok.  It will be here soon, I am excited.  Today was good.  Casey went to work and we went to church.  The kids were kind of rowdy but it was good to go.  Casey came home about the same time we did and that was nice.  We worked in the backyard for a bit but it was so hot we retreated to the basement and watched a movie.  After dinner we sat on the deck and it was a nice evening.  Good luck tomorrow.  I have been sad all day that school starts so soon.  It is hard to have it be August already.  Love you guys.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...