We went to Logan today and watched Ruth's dance recital. It was good. We are spending the night and coming home tomorrow. We did find Isaac a violin to rent to own so that was good. I really like the book table. Karen I sure wish your cough would get better. I am glad you are taking a quiet weekend. Robin I hope you had fun with jeramys mom. Have a restful Sunday love mom
Saturday, May 21, 2022
I still have my cough so I just took to easy today. It was nice having a lazy day. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Friday, May 20, 2022
I didn't get the job but it is ok. It wasn't a very interesting job and I can do better. I walked this morning and went to exercise class. Emily came over and we took her to school. I helped in Ruth's class for the last time. After school we went to get a treat for Oliver to sell and Sam's. The kids wanted a snack so we eat there. It was so much fun we haven't done that since before the pandemic. I took the kids to a violin concert at USU. It was very good and we had a fun time. We just watched a movie and I fell asleep when we got home. Thanks for coming up tomorrow. Ruth is excited.
Love Rachel
I went to work and it went good. I had a farewell party for someone and it turned out nice. I came home and just slept. I sure hope we didn't get Luna sick. I thought we were all well. I am so sorry about that. We are going to Logan tomorrow to see Ruth dance. Have a nice weekend. Have fun with your lawn mower that will be fun. Let us know if you need help setting it up. Love mom
My day was good. Work was just the usual nothing too exciting. It was cold and it snowed for part of the day. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Thursday, May 19, 2022
I made it to work today and I am feeling better. I got a lot done.i did write the doctor to see if I could get something for my ears. They are bugging me. I am glad that Isaac is feeling better. This cold is a bad one. Karen I am glad your shot wasn't bad. I had to go get drinks for a party at work tomorrow. While we were there we got an angel food cake with frozen strawberries and whip cream. It sounded so good. I am glad it if Friday tomorrow. Have a really nice day. Love mom
I got up to walk this morning and Isaac was up. He didn't feel well so we put in a movie and watched it. He stayed home because he didn't feel great and his eyes were still red. This evening his eyes looked a lot better and he can go to school tomorrow. I am so glad. Casey has a cough so he worked from home today. It was a slower day and we didn't do much. I walked Ruth to school since I didn't walk this morning. It was so cold. Oliver had a ar party today. He got enough points that he could go and he was so excited. Isaac could have gone also but he was sick. They had pizza and root beer floats. Ruth had dance class and I confirmed what was going on for the recital. Me and Casey mowed the lawn this evening. It looks so nice. I love the yard when it is mowed. I have a million dandelion and they are driving me crazy. Everyone have a good Friday.
Love Rachel
Things are going good here. I went and got my allergy shot this morning. I have to go weekly for 3 weeks to build back up to the maintenance level. Work was just the usual. There is a hard freeze warning here for tomorrow. So that sounds cold. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Wednesday, May 18, 2022
I was tired today also. I only worked half day and then we went to see dads neck doctor. Everything is healed up and we don't have to go back. He said his neck gets tired so they said to go once or twice to.pt and get some exercises or look them in Google. We went to visit robin and Luna. We had a lot of fun. It was fun to see Luna walking all over. She is good. We tried a new restaurant and it was good. Rachel I am sorry Isaac's eyes are so sore. I hope he didn't get it from dad. I am glad you got him some drops. Karen Texas instruments is right down the road from robin. We drove around it. We'll have a nice Thursday. Love you guys. Mom
Ruth's teacher Mrs B had her baby this morning. That is all the info I got. It was another busy day. Isaac's eyes are still really red so he stayed home. I took him to sterling medical tonight and got him some antibiotic drops so I hope that helps. Me and Isaac were reading books while we were waiting and the doctor gave him 2 dollar. He said he always gives kids two dollars is they are reading. He said it doesn't happen very often. Isaac thought that was awesome to get it. Casey called and the physical therapist wasn't cover so I cancelled and went over before exercise class to pick up my order so I could take it somewhere else. I made an appointment with someone on the list. I hope they are good. Exercise class was good. Ruth last a Valentine card and was pretty upset until she found it in her sock an hour later. Isaac was making pasta for lunch and accidentally turned on the back burner and burned up a pan. He oblivious and didn't notice. I ran to the store after I dropped Ruth off. I got a dandelion remover tool. It leaves big holes in the yard but it does get them out. It was really hot but I worked on it for a while. Casey went rock climbing with a friend from college so he was gone all night. Ruth went to her friend Emily's house to play. Me and Oliver made cookies. Everyone have a good night and stay cool
Love Rachel
I am glad that the week is half over. I was tired today but I made it through. Work was good. Nothing too exciting, I just worked on my to do list. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Tuesday, May 17, 2022
I had a hard time with my throat drying out and so I took some cough medicine and went to lay on the couch until it kicked in and fell sound asleep. I couldn't wake up so I was late for work. It was crazy. I did feel better today so that is a good sign. I came home and made dinner and feel sound asleep in the couch again. Dad has a recheck on his neck tomorrow in the afternoon so we are doing that and then going to Lehi and hook up with robin for dinner. That will be fun. Not much else to report on my end. Rachel i am glad your fingers are healed. That has to feel nuce. Good luck with your pinky. Love mom
It didn't rain here and it was so hot. I am dying. I walked Tony this morning. We went a different way and it was nice. Isaac didn't feel well and had a red eye so he stayed home. I laid out my star quilt this morning. Ruth did her beads and talked. I had my hand appointment this afternoon. They took an x-ray and my bones are healed which is good. I am going to the physical therapist tomorrow to get the movement back in my pinky. I don't need to go back to the doctor so that's good. I also.had a job interview. The job isn't that interesting, I would just be taking people's finger prints for new employees. But I would work 9-2 which is when the kids are in school. I don't know if it got it or not. I am fine either way. The little kids walked home from school together since I had an interview. They did really well. Oliver's ball was popped by Tony and he was sad. I needed milk also so we went and got a new ball and milk. The milk some how was pierced by something and was leaking milk everywhere. It was a mess. We also got a pizza for dinner. Ruth wouldn't eat it since I didn't make it. I just warmed it up. She had tumbling and did a handstand slide turn something on the beam. She was super excited. Love you guys and have a good night.
Love Rachel
Well it rained a little bit here and it was a little cooler. Work was good. It was meeting day so that took most of the morning. Then I worked on my to do list. Then I was tired after work so I was just lazy tonight. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Monday, May 16, 2022
I made it back to work today. I was glad to get back. I still get tired easy but it was nice to be back. Dad is doing better. He isnt coughing as much. Dad helped some one at my work tonight on the phone with her math. He was happy. I read the book Rachel lent me. I am enjoying it. Thanks. Karen I am sorry your pants didn't fit. That always makes me made. Rachel good luck with your interview and the doctor. You need to fight that charge. They should have pre-approved that. Robin I am sorry you didn't sleep. That makes a long day. One more hot day and then it cools down again. Did you cut Luna's hair? It looked different. That is a shock about the divorce. Where is Frankie going? They live in Laurie's house? That is going to be hard. Good luck tomorrow everyone. Love mom
My day was good. It was warm here today also. Good luck on your job interview Rachel. You are awesome and they would be lucky to have you. I really don't have anything exciting to report. I hope everyone has a great day. Bye
Today was good. The kids all made it back to school and had a good day. They were happy when they got home. I went to exercise class and that was fun. I had a phone interview and have a in person interview tomorrow. It is a part time job and is really flexible. I wouldn't work my hours together. It would be a couple hours in the morning and then some in the afternoon. I think it will be perfect. I went to Kohl's and got a new outfit for my interview, thanks Mom. Oliver liked a water jug and made a boat out of it today. Then he filled a bucket with water to try it out. Then the kids got the hoses out and got wet. We met Casey at Costa vida for dinner, thanks Mom. Isaac was craving it when we were hiking. I got to the hand doctor tomorrow. The insurance covers the doctor just not the surgery. It will be good to hear what he thinks about my pinky finger. Love you guys.
Love Rachel
Sunday, May 15, 2022
We had a really nice time at Karen's. Thanks for having us. We took all her shredding to staples and then headed home and played with Rachels gang at the park. It was so pretty outside. Robin I hope you had a nice day. Dad isn't feeling great but hanging in there. Love mom
We are back
I love you kitchen Karen. It looks a lot less cluttered. Good job. We made it back home today. We had a good time but nothing worked out the way we wanted. We made it down Thursday and just car camped. Their were coyotes down in a gully and they were driving Tony crazy so he didn't sleep. The next day we wanted to backpack down to the dirty devil river but we could not find the right place. We drove most of the day. We found house shoe canyon but it is part of canyon land so we could take Tony there. We had lunch and found another place to hike around. Oliver fell down and scraped his elbow. The kids really wanted to backpack so we stopped and backpack for a while to a river bed were we camped. That was a lot of fun. Oliver found parts of an old wagon and thought it was awesome. Saturday we thought we could drive towards lake Powell so the kids could play in some water. We found a hike called hog springs. It was a lot of fun and the kids were able to play in the water for a while. We drove to the Colorado river and it was so pretty. We drove back up and saw gobelin valley. The kids love that and we had a fun time hiking there. We backpacked in the mountains next to it and camped there. We got up Sunday and headed home. We stopped and had lunch with Mom and Dad. It was really nice and a wonderful break from driving. We are all sad to get to real life. It was really nice to get away from it all. Love you guys.
Love Rachel
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...