Saturday, November 28, 2009

its beginning to look a lot like Christmas

I am sorry I didn't write last night our internet went out. Dad got a new modem today so when we go back to Logan tomorrow hopefully it will be fixed. I got some solar lights that look like snowmen and I put them up on friday and put the candy canes around them. It is so cute. I took a picture and when we get back to Logan I will down load it off my camera. We had a good day. We went to a Thai place for lunch with Grandma and Grandpa Bodily and Jannie and then dad and Karen and Jannie went to get a new modem and went to the ceramic show. I went to Grandma and Grandpa Gumm's. It worked out good. Then we went to spagetti factory for dinner and went to see Kyle and Julie and Kay and Jen and Rylie showed up and we all went to pizza. It was fun. I am tired but it was good to see everyone. If you don't hear from me tomorrow you will know the internet in logan is still not working. LOVE MOM

a wink and a smile

Well I'm glad that you were able to get all the amazing deals. I think thanksgiving is best served in november. Everyone in canada doesn't enjoy the splendor of a great holiday. They celebrate it in october but its really not a big deal. anyway i just chilled today. my room is a wreck. I keep thinking I'll clean but then I figure I could just start packing instead. so its just sitting around until I get motivated to pack. well have a great one..

love you

Awesome Holidays

We had a great Thanksgiving weekend. Thank you everyone. We missed you Robin, it was hard to shop without you. It was really fun though. We started shopping at Walmart and that was really nice. It made the whole morning nice because we didn't get cold. We were able to wait inside and it was great. We got everything we wanted. It was the longest line we waited in. It took a while to check out, their was a lot of people. Then we went to JC Penny's. I wanted a coat and it was still there!! It was pretty awesome and we didn't have to wait in line to check out. Then we went to Kohl's but the line was really long so we left. Then we met up with Linda at Fred Myers. I got some socks. Then we went to McDonald's and got some really good hot chocolate. I was surprisingly good. Then we went to Joann's the line was kind of long their. Then went to Staples and they still had the hard drive I wanted. It was a perfect shopping day and we had fun, even for Karen. I most of my Christmas shopping done and Robin you can go in with me on some of the presents. I will email you.

We ate leftovers today and they were so good. The baked yams warmed up really good and tasted really good. We just had a laid back day. I took a nap and did some sewing. We cleaned up the goats stable and spent some time with them. They are doing good. Thank you everyone for the fun holiday and I am excited for Robin to be coming home soon. I am excited for Karen to come back up to Logan also.


Friday, November 27, 2009


I'm glad thanksgiving was fun. It looks like shopping was fun to. I'm glad that you guys went out such troopers. Nothing exciting here. just same ole same ole. Its another girls birthday at school so everyone is going to party but I'm going to stay home and sculpt. I don't want to waste money to watch people get drunk. anyway i'm going to head off. have a good rest of the holidays ;)

love you

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Nice Thanksgiving

Robin I am glad you got your hands going. We you get it all done. You always do. We had a really nice time today. Everything went just as planned. We had a good time. We missed you but Christmas we will make it up. We are going to start shopping at Walmarts and then go to Penney's and then JoAnns and then we are going to wing it from there. It should be a good morning. No snow and we don't have to wait outside that will be even nicer. There is a Terabyte hard drive for $79.00 that Rachel wants. We will see if it we get it. There are solar lights that are snowmen that I want. They are really cute. I thought that would be nice outside. Have a great weekend. LOVE MOM

Happy thanksgiving

Have a happy thanksgiving and shopping day tomorrow. Today I started sculpting hands for my cheetah they are coming together slowly but hopefully I can get it together by the end of school. well have a great turkey day. I'm thankful for all of you. Love you



Well I thought that I would blog really quick before everyone starts getting moving here. The drive was good for the most part it did get really trafficy around Odgen, but other than that it wasn't too bad. I am excited for all the turkey. I saw dad's blue ray and it is cool. Well I better go. Love ya

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The eagle has landed

Karen is safe and sound in Logan. YEAH the party can begin. Her car is really nice. I like it. I am excited for this weekend. I hope the dinner turns out OK. With Rachel and Casey bringing the potatoes and pie that will make it good. I hope Robin has a good time sanding. I am more excited for black friday. We went and got dad some new shoes tonight and there were 3 people lined up at Best Buy for the friday sales. I thought that was crazy. LOVE MOM


I was a slackers today. I went down to Ogden for their Thanksgiving
party and we messed around for a while. It was fun and good to talk
with ever one. Then I left early and went to Logan to drop off some
Turkey rub for Mom and pick up a pizza for Casey. Then I came home and
it was still light outside, I made it by 4:30 it was nice. Me and Casey
made some awesome pies. I took pictures but I am having trouble loading
them so I will do it tomorrow. We mad pecan, apple andpumpkin . They
look really good and it was really fun to make. Then we watched Glee. I
really like that show. It is fun to watch. I am really excited for
Thanksgiving. Mom Casey's brother Kelly may come tomorrow.Casey's Dad is going to Terry family. We haven't gotten a hold of him yet but I think that he is coming, I just wanted to let you know. I am excited to see you tomorrow Karen.


Well its starting to get cold up here. Its still raining though no snow. Well I just sanded again all day, its starting to get old. but I still have a lot more to do. I think I might start something else tomorrow to rotate the madness. Well hope thanksgiving dinner is great tomorrow. I know you'll do a great job with the food mom. Well Nothing else to crazy have a great night


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

clean, clean, clean

Well I have spent the night cleaning and I know this may sound crazy but I really enjoyed it. I have been neglecting things and it felt good to be organizing again. I needed that. I am going to have to stay on track with that. I got the sheets on the bed washed for Karen and vacuumed and dusted and clean the downstairs bathroom. WOW. I am excited for thanksgiving. It will be fun. I am missing Robin but I am so excited for my Canada trip that I know it won't be long and she will be back home with us. YEAH. Drive careful Karen. I am working 1/2 day tomorrow. I was going to take it off but I have so much to do I thought with everyone gone I could get a lot done. I am taking off though and cooking, cooking,cooking. I hope I remember how. LOVE YOU GUYS MOM

Rock band

So today my friend asked me to help again with the george brown class. The theme was rock band. so it was fun. I am getting the photos from the other shoot soon so I will post some when I get them. I hope you guys have a great american thanksgiving. I'm sorry I can't make it this year. I wish they at least gave us the days off here. I have to still go to school, I guess sanding chester can be just as much fun ;) any way travel safe and eat loads of food. ;)

love you

my bags are packed...

Well I think that i am all packed up for Thanksgiving. I always feel like I am forgetting something when I pack though. Oh well, if it is really important there is always Walmart. I have to go to work at 6 tomorrow. I go get off at 230 which is nice for traveling, but the only 6 I like to acknowledge is the pm one. But it should go by pretty fast because once you are fully awake the day is half over. I also went and got my desk done tonight. I figured that it was better to get it over with now than worry about it all Thanksgiving. This was I also don't have to bring my test book. Well I hope that everyone has a great day tomorrow. Love ya bYE

One more day

I had a good day. Work went pretty fast. I am listening to a good book called "Outlander", so the drive is good. My visiting teachers came tonight and that was nice. Casey is making good progress on his car. He switched the tail lights and is still working the secerity system. I am excited for Thanksgiving and to see Karen and her new car. Have a good day.


Monday, November 23, 2009

Covers for your Car Seat

Do you remeber the game on the computer that said "You just won yourself a prize enforcer, come on over and check it out. Cover for your Car Seats!" Well today Casey has won that prize. His parts car driver seat had a big hole in it so tonight we patched it up. Here is the finished product.

It was fun to do and it turned out realyl good. We had a good evening. I am glad that it is a short week too. I am really excited for turkey and yams and shopping. It will be a fun week.

Nice Day

I went to work early today and I am going again tomorrow. I think it is helping me get caught back up. Dad is going to SLC tomorrow but coming home on Wednesday. That will be a short week. We don't have too much going on right now. Dad went to the doctor today and they increased his methotrexate. He has been having more pain and Dr. Vonk said this would help. I am excited to go to Canada. It will be fun to go and get Robin. Karen you might be studying the whole month of December. You will be able to rescue us. Robin I hate to say it but it might be you are counting down. That is fun



Well just the same old same old here in St. George. I am glad that it is a short week. I just got back from class. We are getting to the end of things. I can't believe that it is almost over. I take my practical exam for the collage on the 7th of December and the State practical exam on the 12th. Then the written exam for the collage on the 14th and then I have to schedule my state one with the dixie testing center but I can't do that until after the 10th. Lots of studying for me. Well I better get going BYE

dang quedilla

Well Today I made my head and two shoes in plastic. its so cool. I was excited. well my room is trashed I have stuff everywhere. bags and wigs and costumes form everything. I think I'm going start packing it up so then its easier in 3 weeks and 6 days to get everything together :) well nothing else to exciting. I'm going to sand my chester head tonight and relax. have a great one love you


Sunday, November 22, 2009


Robin, you did an amazing job, that is great. You look really pretty also. It didn't really snow in clifton much to Casey's dismay. It is interesting that it snowed in Logan. I don't have much else going on. Casey made some delisious french toast for breaksfast and I made some homemade mac and cheese for dinner. It has been a good food day. We only had 8 kids in nusrey so that was nice. I am proud of you Robin, you did a good job.

I would have voted for you

Robin I think you did a good job on your model. I think that it looks really cool. Well I just have to work three days this week so that will be nice. I also only have class on Monday so it will definitely feel like a holiday. I can't believe that it is snowing in Logan. You barely need a jacket outside today here. It makes me cold just thinking about snow. Burr!!! Well I am making blueberry muffins right now because they sounded good. At least I had the mix for it. I hate it when something sounds good and I don't have the stuff to make it here. Well I hope that everyone has a great week. I love ya BYE

I think you should have won

Dear Robin;

I love your makeup. You did a good job. The blog picture is fantastic. You are soo good. Well get some rest. I am so proud of you. Rachel I am glad you didn't come for sunday dinner it is really snowing here. It is suppose to clear out tomorrow so Karen should be good to go. Well I am going to vet and watch the IT guys on netflixs. LOVE MOM

No dice

Well I didn't place at the IMATS. the rumor was that I was close to 3rd but the other girls was pretty cool. Once I know about you tube and picts I will let you know. They try to upload them fast. but it was fun non the less. Anyway it does not feel like sunday. I don't want to go to class tomorrow. I feel like hibernating inside and sleeping for a week. Luckily this week should be calm so that will be nice. well I'm tired I'm going to hit the sack I added a pic of me and my model. have a great one

love you


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...