Friday, November 17, 2017


I am so ready for a weekend and next week we only work 3 days.  SWEET.  We went to target to look for that lighten McQueen switch game.  I thought it was 20 dollars but it was 60 so I decided to wait and get it another time.  We walked around and just looked.  We came back and played bomber man.  We are going to pick Robin up around 9 or 9:30 and then be on our way.  I am pretty excited to play.  Wow that was cheap.  Buffets are going to be your friend with growing kids.  They can eat and eat and eat.  LOVE MOM


Thanks for coming up tomorrow guys.  I am glad that you got your snowblower fix and I am sorry you had problems with it.  Oliver woke up and said his stomach hurt and then he threw up in the toilet which was awesome.  I put him in bed with Casey and took Isaac to school and me and Ruth ran a few errands.  We came back and just played and Casey got Oliver some nuggets and he felt better after that which was really nice.  Casey went and gave a estimate on trimming a tree.  When he got back me and Oliver did some grocery shopping and then picked up Isaac.  Casey went to his interview and we went on a walk and then rode bikes.  Casey's interview was an hour and a half long, he said that it went well and they are going to call on Monday if he made it to a third interview.  We went to the pizza pie cafe for dinner since Isaac had a free meal since he read enough in October.  Ruth was free and Oliver was only $3 so it was cheap.  It is a buffet and Isaac loved it, all the kids did.  They had pasta, bread sticks and a ton of dessert pizza.  It is a buffet so you can get as much as you want.  They were happy afterwards and we played with Oliver's train.  Drive safe tomorrow.  I hope that the weather cooperates.


Thursday, November 16, 2017


I forgot to blog last night that Casey had another job interview tomorrow for a different place, it is exciting.  He is going to call in and just stay home tomorrow.  Ruthie didn't sleep well/at all last night so I was tired today.  I woke her up this morning and am sticking to her schedule, I am hoping that will help her sleep better at night.  I cut the boys hair yesterday and I did it too short on the side so Isaac let me blend it better this morning, it looks ok.  After we dropped Isaac off we walked around Joanns just to get out a bit.  Oliver had school this afternoon and his teacher says he is doing really good and has made a friend.  Isaac had a fun day at school, he took hot lunch but didn't like it so he was starving when he got home.  It is Randy's birthday today we took everyone out to dinner, we went to a new place that was pretty good Bullshead up on campus.  It is Mexican and really good.  It has rained most of the day here, it is gloomy.  I am sorry everyone's jobs are stressful, hopefully it will get better soon.  That will be fun to have everyone up this weekend, thanks guys.



I woke up an didn't want to go to work. I was tired. I should have listened to my body. Ha ha I just wasn't in the mood to work. But I guess I should be happy to have a job... so I stayed all day. But I am on count down to the weekend. Mom I can go up with you this weekend. I am tired tonight so I am just relaxing again. I'm good at that. Have a happy Friday. Next week we will be eating turkey and shopping. That is what I am thankful for :)


Almost there

Yeah we are almost to Friday.  Tell Casey good luck with his job interviews.  I think he would love working there.  Robin, I am glad that things are calming down for you.  Karen, I hope you don't get snowed in.  Work was work.  They had a food competition and I made my baked beans.  I didn't win but they tasted good.  I really didn't want to win.  I had a really bad headache all day.  It is getting old.  We just watched Stranger Things and finished it up tonight.  It was a pretty good ending.  Everyone have a great Friday.  There is so much anxiety at work. It is really wearing on me.  I am with Robin, I would work like a mad dog rather than have drama.  LOVE MOM


My day has been good. It rained a bit this afternoon. But so far no snow. Work is moving along. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday.  I am ready for a weekend. After work I ran to the post office to mail off my medical form for my drivers license. Then I did dishes and laundry when I got home. I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye

Wednesday, November 15, 2017


Well today they announced we get a 375.00 bonus.  I will get it on black Friday.  I was pretty excited.  I didn't think we would get one this year.  Work is still drama but I have decided to just go with it.  One of the guys I work with wife is a pharmacist at a complex care clinic and they came in the other day and said they were closing in the clinic in February and to find everyone a new place to get care.  That really bothered me.  They said they weren't going to change anything medical.  So it is anyones guess what is going to happen.  They were teasing at lunch that we are going to get transferred to St. George and we will get an apartment during the week to share and call it One Apartment.  Robin, I am so glad that things are going better.  If you need anything we aren't far.  We are going to Logan on Saturday if you want to ride along.  Karen that is sweet you finally got your tooth.  That is a big step forward.  Rachel, you are one busy lady.  I love the inventing room.  That just makes me laugh.  I love the way Ruth plays with her baby.  She is growing up way to fast.  We went to the new Winco tonight to check it out and if you bought 50 dollars worth of food you got a free turkey.  I called Julie to see if she wanted it.  LOVE MOM

Moving right along

Today was good. It's amazing how not having drama helps the day. It's super busy but I would rather have busy than negativity. I'm sorry your work is still drama mom. Hopefully It's cools down soon. I'm glad you got your tooth Karen. Ready for thanksgiving :) Rachel the kids.are cute. You definitely have your hands full now your boys are "inventing". I came home and did some laundry and dishes. I was energized so I ordered around my place it was nice to tidy up a bit.



Good job getting your tooth Karen, that will be nice for Thanksgiving.  We had a good day.  The little kids were tired this morning so we just took it easy.  We went and volunteered at Isaac's school and the little kids did pretty good and it was fun to go.  We sat with Isaac at lunch and those boys make me laugh.  My visiting teachers came after lunch and it was good to talk with them.  Casey had scouts tonight so we went and walked/ran the hobby lobby.  Isaac was sad because he is saving his money for black Friday and he wanted to buy something, it is hard to save but he did it.  They were having fun running around so when we got home they ran around the backyard and killed monsters.  They are funny.  This week is flying by, love you guys.


We got the snow boots out the other day and everyone has a pair that fits so we are good for this year.  Ruth likes Isaac's.

Isaac and Oliver were locked in the supply room with the do not disturb sign inventing things.  I made them unlock the door.

Ruthie gave her baby a bath, read her a book and then gave her a dog to go to sleep.  It was so cute.  Ruth always sleeps with her dog so it was so funny she gave the baby one too.


My day was good.  I got my tooth in at lunch today at lunch. It is nice to have in. I saw a bumper sticker in the parking lot at the dentist that mafe me laugh so I attached a picture below.  Work went by fast today.  I am excited for Thanksgiving, just 1 week away. Have a good one. Bye

Tuesday, November 14, 2017


Well my day was pretty quiet compared to everyone else. Work is going good. I haven't got my tooth yet, but I am scheduled to get it tomorrow at noon. It will be nice to fill in one of the holes in my mouth. Have a great Wednesday tomorrow everyone. Bye

Moving along

Robin, I thought about you all day and I was worried.  No wonder you haven't been feeling well.  With everyone being so mean.  I am glad they are all gone.  That is an awful environment to have to sit in all day.  It is hard to see someone get fired but they never stopped.  They weren't very nice people.  I hope that changes and you get some nice people to work with.  I bet you start feeling better with not so much negativity around.  That is nice you get overtime.  That will give you play money for Christmas and it is a lot more than you would ever get at Scheel's.  Rachel, I am glad you had a nice day.  I am so glad that Oliver is liking preschool.  You are one busy lady.  Karen, I hope you got your tooth today.  I left work early to take dad for check up with his heart doctor.  We were 3 minutes late and then stood in line for 15 minutes to get registered and the guy said he didn't know if we could be seen because we were so late.  He had to check with the doctor.  It pissed me off.  We then waited over an hour to see him.  Then he had to have some blood work done and that took another hour.  We were going to walk the mall but ended up just going home.  It was after 5 before we got done. Not much else going on with us.  Thanks for letting me vent.  I think this reorg better happen soon or I might snap.  I am going to start working on my resume and be ready if I need to start looking for jobs.  I am so excited for Thanksgiving and this weekend to come up and help prepare.  Have a nice hump day.  LOVE MOM


Crazy Robin, I am hope that you survive until you get people hired.  Today was really busy but everything went really well and it was fun.  I babysat this morning and the kids were really good.  Oliver loved playing with Thomas so he was happy.  They stayed until lunch so we ate and then Oliver went to school and Ruth took a good nap, it is the best part of my day and really recharges me.  We played outside until we picked up Isaac and then we played outside until everyone was cold.  We met Sean at Costa Vida.  Casey had to help someone but he was able to meet up with us.  It was really sweet of him and it was really nice to talk, it was fun.  I had young women's afterwards and we played volley ball which is fun.  Casey had a meeting after I was done but he went a little late.  I can't believe Thanksgiving is next week.


Readers digest

Well the two girls are officially gone. My boss gave them the opportunity to quit and only 1 girl took it and the other one was fired. Its kinda the same difference. they were pulling away as I pulled into work. So I missed it all. So work was busy but it was nice to not have all the drama. Everyone and their dog came in to talk about it though. It was good but I also didn't get a ton done. Lol my boss approved over time so I'm taking advantage of that. I'm already 2.5 hours over. I am just going to relax the rest of the night. Maybe embroider a bit.


Monday, November 13, 2017


WOW Robin you do have drama at work.  I better watch what I say on my Skype.  They have been really bad to Amy.  You can't be that way to your boss.  Good luck.  You might be working 24/7 at this rate.  Rachel that is fun that Sean is hooking up with you.  I thought something bad had happened when he called me.  I was so glad he was just wanting to hook up with you.  I bet he is lonely.  You know all day on Saturday Isaac said his stomach hurt.  I wonder if he had a bug.  We might all be in for a 24 hour flu bug.  Poor little Ruth.  She has had a bad time of it.   Karen, I am glad you had a quiet day.  My day was uneventful.  I am afraid in a couple of weeks drama is going to hit my work but right now all everyone knows is that big changes are coming.  It is stressful.  Dad has a check up tomorrow so I am going to leave work early.  LOVE MOM


Robin, I think that is wonderful they are getting fired and that is the best thing that could happen for you.  You don't need mean people in your department.  I am happy you get to make it the way you want now.  Today was full of ups and downs but it was good.  I babysat this morning and that was fun.  Oliver was grumpy so he spent the time by himself.  He was really excited for school and that made him happy before lunch and he even played with Ruth.  Ruthie didn't sleep well last night so she took a good nap while he was gone.  Oliver so nice and happy after school and I was refreshed from the break.  Right before we were supposed to pick up Isaac I woke Ruth up and I was holding her and she threw up a ton all over me and her.  So  threw her in the bath and hurried and cleaned up and we ran to get Isaac.  She threw up again in the car.  She ate an apple during her second bath and threw that up.  I was only giving her water after that and she threw that up.  Casey had a dentist appointment and he fed her some chips and she was fine and was running around all evening.  Sean called and we are going to dinner tomorrow with him, that was really sweet of him to think of us.


They played together

Isaac made this sign and hung it on his "supply room" and was in there inventing things.


Robin, all I have to say is I am glad that my work is drama free. Good luck with your drama and I hope things get better with the new people they hire. My day was good. I made progress at work so that was good. I hope that everyone has a good Tuesday tomorrow. Bye

Another one bites the dust

Well today was full of drama. The two girls that have been snarky left for lunch. Then I guess one of the girls dog had to be put down. So they both stayed at the vet..... so I guess my boss was asking them when they would be back and they were being snarky and rude. So while the were gone my boss looked at their business skypes we have and let just say it was pretty bad. They were on company property so she had i.t. pull all their conversations. So tomorrow they are getting fired. I guess the Skypes were pretty bad. My boss said maybe one day she can tell me details. And I said I was good. So tomorrow I am going in late to hopefully miss the hurricane Maggie that is about to happen. So it's now just me and the older lady. And my two bosses. Luckily 3 people are starting in 2 weeks. So that is the light at the end of the tunnel. It's going to be a busy week for sure. Thanks for the fun weekend. It was fun to get out a bit.

Sunday, November 12, 2017


It was really good to see everyone yesterday, I am glad that we get to spend a lot of time together at Thanksgiving.  Oliver still likes his train, we set it up this morning and he has played with it a lot.  He doesn't turn it on really just plays with it which is great.  Everyone was tired today.  Mom got everyone nice church clothes and no one wanted to wear them.  I finally got everyone in them and I wanted to take some pictures since they were so cute and no one wanted to do that and everyone was sad.  I got a couple of good ones though.  We went to church and we ended up in the hallway for most of it.  The kids loved the new sticker books and the peez candy.  My lesson went really well and the boys had a fun time in their classes so they were happy.  Their is a bucket truck for sale so Calleen and Allen came down and looked at it with Casey.  I think that Calleen is going to get it but I am not sure.  We just played in the basement in the evening, I miss the longer days.  Well good luck with your Mondays, love you guys.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...