Saturday, March 4, 2017

Nice day

We had a nice day also. We meet the Anderson bunch at the train museum in Ogden. They were having the model train show and it was so crowded. Oliver got an engine and he was so cute. We went to lunch and the target. Isaac got a battle bot and it has been a big hit. We got Pisa but for dinner and had an indoor picnic.  Cookies sound good Karen, I hope they turn out. Robin I hope you had a nice day love mom


Well my Saturday has been good. I got my living room and kitchen cleaned up. It looks nice. Sugar cookies sounded good so I made the dough tonight. It is in the fridge now so I will bake them tomorrow. I hope everyone had a great Saturday. Bye

Friday, March 3, 2017


Today I got up early and went running, it felt good and was fun to do.  I took the little kids to story time and they had the ballet come so it was crowded.  I need to go more often.  Ruthie loves the slide their and today she went down by herself, she is a wild women.  She went a lot and stood in line and then went down.  We went to Sam's for lunch and got a couple of things.  When Ruthie was sleeping we finished up the Carbonite delight and it didn't look at all like the pictures, I failed.  We played outside for a bit and then too Isaac to Judo.  Oliver fell asleep in the car, we have been waking him up but we just let him sleep tonight.  We got a ton of packages today which was fun.  My fabric and Casey's climbing stuff came and then Mom's package for the boys came, thank you so much.  I got a frame for my embroidery, it isn't perfect but it is nice to have it on the wall. I am excited for tomorrow, thanks for meeting us.



Today was good. Work was work. I came home and had a bee in my Bonnet. I organized my craft room. It's sooooo much better than it was. It still is out of control but I can at least work in there now it will be really nice. Hope everyone has a good weekend



Well I got my cavities fixed. After getting my tooth pulled next Friday I should be good for a wile, I hope. So I only had to work half day today. Work was good for the time I was there. Then I went to the dentist and then came home and had a nap. The nap was super nice. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Bye

2nd day

We had a nice day today.  We took trax downtown and walked around.  It was really nice to get out in the sunshine.  I took the first tutorial on the board dad got and made the light flash.  It was cool.  Tomorrow we are meeting in Ogden and going to the train museum.  Then we are bringing the kids back with us to sleep over night.  Everyone have a great day.  LOVE MOM

Thursday, March 2, 2017

1st day

We had a nice day on our first mini vacation.  We did a lot of errands and calls that I have been putting off.  My tire kept losing air and dad took that in and it had a nail in it.  We went goofing around for things for dad's terrium and tried a new place that had authentic Chicago hotdogs.  It was good.  We met up with Karen for dinner and that was fun.  Robin how did all of your farewell music go.  I was hoping it turned out nice.  Everyone have a nice Friday.  I am loving the sunshine.  LOVE MOM


Today was slow but it was nice to have sun. I am glad tomorrow is Friday. I didn't have to work tonight..which is nice. I did a batch of laundry and started working on organizing my craft room. It needs a lot of help. Well not much else with me have a good one


Casey isn't sure that he will be ready to paint this weekend so lets not plan on painting.  Mom and Dad are going to meet us at a model train festival on Saturday morning and then take the kids for the weekend.  I am hoping to paint Ruthie's room.  Today was pretty good.  Oliver didn't sleep well and has a little cold so he was grumpy again.  Oliver wanted to go to Lee's after we dropped Isaac off so we went and got a couple of things.  They like to get the free cookies and a drink.  I made octopus hot dogs for lunch and the kids liked that.  Isaac said that he was frazzled after lunch and wanted to watch the troll movie so we did that.  Then we played outside the rest of the afternoon, it was a pretty day.  Imogene came and played for a little bit also.  We went to martial arts but they were testing today and Isaac didn't need to stay.   We started making a hans solo brownie from a star wars cook book but we will have to finish it tomorrow.  I am glad that you guys met up for dinner, that sounds fun.



I am glad that the weekend is almost here. My day was good. Work is just the usual, nothing exciting to report. After work I went to Park City and met mom and dad fir dinner. It was fun. Then we went to Walmart and I got my grocery shopping done. Traffic was horrible in Park City. I hope everyone had a great Thursday. Bye

Wednesday, March 1, 2017


Mom, I am jealous of your mini vacation. I hope it is a good one. Rachel my car is doing good. The check engine light turned off so I guess it fixed it self. My day was good. It started out busy, but then it calmed down. I am good to help paint the bed this weekend also. Just let me know. Well I hope everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow. Bye

My friday

Well it was my Friday today.  I really don't care what we do, it just feels like a vacation right now.  Work was good and then I made grilled tunas for dinner and they tasted really good.  It was such a pretty day with the blue sky.  Not much of the snow melted but it was just nice to see some sun.  Robin, I am glad you got a night off.  Everyone have a great Thursday.  If you want to paint this weekend we can do that.  LOVE MOM


Today was good nothing to excited. I didn't have to work tonight so that was nice. I spent all night finding music for tomorrow. We are playing goodbye music.for the president of the company that is leaving. Hopefully everyone likes the music.  Rachel I don't work this weekend if you need help painting the train bed. Well have a good night



Lame about your computer Robin, that sucks.  Karen how is your car?  Mom I hope that you have a fun mini vacation, I hope that you are feeling better.  We had a pretty good day.  Oliver was grumpy, i think that he is growing and it hurts.  Isaac had a empowered kids presentation at school where they talk about child abuse and what the kids should do.  They invited parents to come so I went and took the little kids.  The kids did really good being quiet and it was a good presentation and Isaac liked having us at the school.  After lunch we watched trolls, did homework and then Isaac went to martial arts.  After dinner we bought some paint for the train bed, it is coming together.  I didn't take any pictures today, sorry.


Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Slow mo

Today was good. Work was really slow. At the end of the day I finally got in the groove but then I was so much in the groove I forgot to save:( and my computer failed and I lost an hour of work. It sucked. Then I heard that Verizon was having better deals. So I went to see what they can do. I ended up with a new phone and more gigabytes of data for the same price. I could have kept my old phone and had a cheaper plan. But my phone was dying and I thought an upgrade would be nice. That took all night. So not much else. Have a good night

My Thursday

I am looking forward to having a couple days off.  I think it will be fun.  Today was good and just as we were getting ready to leave a blizzard came in.  It was really bad.  We had Karen's steaks for dinner and they were really good.  Then we went Dr. Strange and put it on Vudoo but it is a Disney movie and they won't let us share it.  WE will see if we can figure out how to do it but I thought that was dumb.  I am glad everyone had a nice day.  LOVE MOM


It seems to snow every time you want to do something fun Karen, I am sorry you had to miss your class.  Today was good.  I had a staples rebate card so we went to the fabric store this morning and got some white fabric and then we went to Lee's.  Somebody thought Ruthie was 18 months old and I was like no she is just a year but then it made me think and she is almost that old :(  Ron was having a mardi gras lunch where he cooks really delicious food.  Casey had to work but I took the kids down and had some food.  Isaac ate the breaded catfish and loved them.  It was fun but hot and crazy with the kids but I am glad that we went.  Then Jenn came by and we talked for a bit.  I had young women's tonight and we had to deliver flyers to the villas, it was cold but fun to walk around.  Casey took the kids to the jump zone and the had a really fun time.  Everyone try to stay warm, it is cold.


Oliver was cold so he was getting warm by the fire

She was whistling with the straw and thought that she was funny

Still snowing

Well my day was good. It was meeting day, so I did that most if the day. After work I started down to meet mom and dad for art class. It was snowing really bad though so I i turned around at Park City. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, February 27, 2017

I am ready for Spring

Make it go away.  I am ready to play in the grass.  I had a nice day today and work went fast.  I think I got a lot of sleep because I felt a lot better today.  WOW Rachel that bed is amazing.  Casey is so talented.  Oliver is going to love it for sure.  Are we going to have a paint party to paint it?  We are fine coming up there this weekend.  Dad got his electronic kit today in the mail to work on his lights for his terrarium and he needs his anti static mat.  He is super excited for that.  I got my taxes done tonight so dad is going to call Tom and get them going.  Not much else to report from our end.  I always feel like a big weight is off me when I get my taxes organized.  Everyone have a great day.  LOVE MOM


I forgot to say that I love your board also Robin, you are very talented.  Mom Isaac was telling me he thought it would be funner to have you come up to our house but we can still go down if you want too.  He is funny, thanks for talking to the boys, they loved it.  We got a lot of snow up here also.  The guy who usually snow blows our driveway was having problems so I did it before school.  Isaac had a good day at school.  After Ruthies nap and homework Isaac wanted to go to the bounce and slide so we went.  It was fun and Oliver even went on the big slides near the end and loved it.  He kept climbing to the top and then just climbing down but finally was brave and went down the slide.  We brought Isaac's martial art outfit and I was going to have him change and then drop him off but he forgot his pants so we just skipped it.  We got panda for dinner and the kids loved that.  Then we went to Lowes to get the hardware for the bed.  Casey is making good progress.  Everyone have a great night.


Go away

I agree I am done with winter. I am ready for summer! Today was chill but I didn't want to work so I did very little. Then I came home and decided to just take the night off. A girl at work gave us bath bombs for christmas that smell like peppermint. So I tried that out and now I smell minty. I just watched netflix and relaxed. Everyone loved the Beaty and the beast board. Hope everyone has a sunny and warm day

Make it stop

Well we got about a foot of snow here today. I am tired of snow. I got my driveway all cleared so I am good to go until tomorrow at least. Other than the snow my days was good. Work is still moving along. I can't believe that tomorrow is the last day of February.  I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Let's do it

Today was ok. I worked at scheels. But I was still training thr new girl so it was nice to have someone to talk to. I came home and just chilled. I was going to work on projects but I was tired. Have a good week


Quiet day

We had a quiet day.  WE went out and took grandma to lunch and Walmart.  We haven't done that in a long time.  It was nice to walk around.  She said that Matt had their baby.  I need to call Melody and get the details.  We just kind of vegged after that.  I am looking forward to a couple of days off this week.  The visitor center is closed at the dam so we are not sure if we are going or not.  I guess we will see what the week brings.  Have a nice Monday.  Be careful out there it is going to snow.  I love the bed that Casey is making that is something.  He is very talented.  Robin, I love your rose.  LOVE MOM


Last night Casey started working on the train bed and has a lot done.  Right now he has the two sides cute out and working on the front and back.  It is looking good.  We went to church today and the kids were terrors at sacrament meeting which is hard.  Oliver did end up going to nursery and Isaac went to his class and they both did good.  I had to teach a lesson on how we can find comfort when people die, it was depressing but it shouldn't have been I guess.  We found Oliver's Thomas pull ups and he has wanted to wear them which is good.  After church I just had him naked and Isaac smelled something so we knew that Oliver had to poop.  Oliver wanted his diaper on but I ran him to the potty and he pooped.  So we went to Walmart and got him a prize, he picked out a front end loader and Isaac said he needed a prize so he got a lego.  He built the whole thing by himself, I didn't even help, crazy.  I hope that everyone has a good week, I can't believe it is almost March.



Well the weekend is coming to an end. The weekend goes by too quickly. My day has been good. I really didn't do much. I was just lazy. I hope that everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...