Wednesday, June 24, 2015

My plan of attack

Thanks for looking karen. I found it. It was in my sewing bag at the bottom. It's a good place to hide things. To day was good I worked at scheels so nothing to crazy. Tomorrow is my friday. I don't have plans after work but I thought I would meet up with everyone on Friday morning. Walter can't do day stuff but he said he was free at night on friday. We can go to the murray swimming pool that looked fun on saturday... I am good with whatever. I need to buy mom some shoes for her birthday so we can go to scheels and ride the Farris wheel. Well see you all soon. Rachel I love those bags you made they are cute. I put a picture of my door guy in have been working on



Today was a good day.  We spent more time outside which was fun, we just stuck to the shade.  They had a magic show at the library this morning and we went to it.  It was a lot of fun, he put on a good show and it was fun.  He had curious George magically appear at the end and you could get your picture taken with him and the magician.  After lunch Casey and Isaac went to Idaho to finish fixing the truck and I stayed with Oliver while he napped.  Isaac had a splash party at the church for primary this evening so they came back for that.  He had a really fun time, they do a really good job at primary.  We picked him up and they had ice cream for a snack.  We will see everyone tomorrow.  We are going to stop on our way down and visit with Casey's grandma for a while.  Casey is going to drive a separate car and head home afterwards.


Plan ?

I think I have a good plan.  Tomorrow night Rachel and the boys are coming to my house.  Then around 9:00 or 10:00 on Friday we will drive up to Snowbird and play.  They have a ton of things to do up there.  Someone said they have some fun places to eat up there so we will for sure have lunch up there.  When we get done we will come back to SLC.  We can go to the show that night if everyone wants to or just come over and have dinner and play.  I am good with anything.  Then Rachel and Kids and who ever else wants to is spending the Friday night.  We can go to the show on Saturday also or just do anything fun we want to.  How does that sound for kind of a plan.  We are doing good.  Dad's jeep should be ready tomorrow.  That will be nice.  I am so excited to have Friday off.  It sure is hot.  Not much else going on with us.  WE did go grocery shopping so we are ready for anyone who wants to come over.  Drive safe I am so excited about your air conditioner Karen.  LOVE MOM

One more day

I am glad that I have Friday off. One more day of work then it is the weekend. My day was good. Work went by pretty quickly. At work one of the guys told me about the air cooler rebate thing at Home Depot. So I got a nice window air evaporator with a 500 dollar rebate, so I only had to pay 50.So I went and picked one up. Now I just have to install it. Robin I haven't seen any extra cables here. Sorry I will keep my eyes open though. I hope everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow. Bye

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Count down

Thanks Rachel for the count down.  I love it.  I am sorry you had to get new tires.  It isn't our week for cars.  Robin, I love your spider diagram.  I agree with it.  Karen, I hope you are getting some sleep with the birds chirping.  I worked late to make up leaving early yesterday.  I did get my laundry all done so that was nice.  Not much else going on with me.  I am getting excited for Friday.  I have Isaac all excited to ride a Tram.  Everyone have a great hump day.  Stay cool.  LOVE MOM

New Tires

They got a flat tire yesterday on the van so today we took it in and got new tires and rotors and a new joint.  It is nice to have it all fixed we also had to get it inspected so we killed two birds with one stone.  It was hot today so we spent most the day inside.  When Casey went to scouts we went and got a snow cone and a present for Mom.  When Casey got home we walked up and down the street to burn off some energy.  Everyone have a good night and thanks for everything.


It's a day

Today was ok. Nothing crazy. It went by so slow so it was kinda pain full I worked at scheels so that was nothing to exciting. Karen I will go see the show we can talk about it this weekend. Also I had a question for you. Do you happen to have a computer cord at your house. I was 100 percent certain I had it but now I can't find it. I wasn't sure if I just left it when we had sewing night. Well not much else have a good one



Rachel the bucket looks nice. I thought we got black and blue for the colors but it looks good. My day has been good. It was kind of a quiet day but I made it thru. Robin you said you wanted to go see Inside Out. Just let me know when you are free to go and I am set to see it with you. Well I hope that everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow. Bye

Monday, June 22, 2015


Today was good. Busy day. It was hot outside. Walter came over and I made fajitas. We watched Jupiter accending. Walter liked it. It wasn't my kind of show. I like your Legos karen good job. Tomorrow I work at nothing to exciting. Have a good night



Today we took dad's jeep in because white air kept coming out of the vents.  It is a leak and they are going to fix it and it will be ready on Thursday.  I like this car mechanic.  He is nice.  Then we went to work and dad had a doctor's appointment.  It was his arthritis doctor.  They gave him a cortisone shot in his shoulder. I am hoping that will make it feel a lot better.  It has really been bothering him.  They don't think it is a RA flare up so I think that is good.  Karen I can glue it you want me too.  :)  Rachel that is a long day in Clifton.  Robin, That is an amazing likeness of the door handle man.  You are so gifted.  Not much else to report here other than it is hot but I am sure you already know that.  LOVE MOM


Wow Karen, I thought it would take you a lot longer to put that together.  Good job.  I hope that it was fun.  Are you going to build it again with kragle?  Today was nice and calm.  We ran some errands this morning.  After lunch Casey and Isaac went up to Clifton to fix the truck and I stayed with Oliver and gave him a nap.  I was able to make Karen's bucket which was fun.  I don't know if I got the right color and I don't know if it is the right size, other than that I think you will like it.  Me and Oliver just hung out the rest of the day.  It was nice.  Isaac and Casey aren't back yet but are on their way.  I am going to try to fit more sewing in before they get back.


Where's my binki?


Well my day has been good. Although it did seem like a long day. I stayed up a little late last night putting my legos together, but it was fun. I did finish it and there is a picture below. I had a fun weekend. I hope that everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, June 21, 2015


Today was good I didn't have to work which was nice. I cleaned my place. It was in dire need. The. I went and bought some shoes for walter. I get them at cost so it was  cheap. After I went over to mom and dad's for a bit. I wanted to give dad his present. While I was there walter called
So I met up with him and we went to dinner. This Halloween at work we decided to be alice in wonderland charaters. I told them i would make the door nob that talks. So I started on that tonight. I just put the first layer of gesso on. It needs like 5 more coats the I will paint it. But I put a beginning photo of where I got to tonight. Have a good weekend. I'm excited for Friday



Thanks for coming up guys, it was a lot of fun.  It was fun to see a movie also.  We should do that again.  They rest of our day was good.  Me and Isaac watched a tinker bell movie while Oliver napped and he liked that.  We went to church and everything went smoothly which was nice.  All the ladies in relief society liked the lucky charms marshmallows, they thought that was pretty neat.  Randy invited us up for dinner so we went up and had hamburgers.  They bought a new grill.  It was a nice evening.  Everyone have a good Monday and we will hook up again on Friday/Thursday night.


All the way home

We made it home safe and sound.  It was hard to leave Logan but I did it.  Thanks for the fun time.  I really enjoyed the Jurassic Park movie.  We took Grandma Bodily out to Olive Garden for lunch and the waitress wasn't very good at all.  Robin came over to visit this afternoon and it was so nice to see her and get caught up.  Thanks for coming over.  She bought dad this ball like Rubic cube.  We are going to have great fun with that.  Karen thanks for coming down and driving.  I sure had a nice weekend.  I only have to work 4 days this week.  We are taking dad's jeep in to have the air conditioner looked at in the morning.  Everyone have a great day.  Today is officially summer.  The longest day of the year.  LOVE MOM


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...