Thursday, September 13, 2018

Birthday miracle

It was a birthday miracle to get your pump ordered:) things were good today nothing to wild I'm really glad tomorrow is friday. I will come home from work to pack and then I will head up. I bought a dog training book to get a head start. It was delivered today. It's actually a really good book so far. See you all tomorrow



Congratulations Karen, that is exciting.  Their are so many fun things happening.  It has been a good year.  Today was good.  The little kids slept in and I was glad about that.  Oliver had school and he had a fun time.  He is cute.  Me and Ruthie colored and then my visiting teachers came.  I had quilt group and that is always fun.  It is fun to talk with people who like to sew, it is uplifting afternoon.  We ran to Sam's afterwards and grabbed a couple of things.  Then picked up Isaac.  Isaac didn't sleep last night but he seemed fine today and had a good day at school.  We just played this evening which is nice.  We are headed to Kamas when Casey gets home.  We are excited.


I finished another one of Mom's unfinished tops

Baby Stepping to Weekend

Today was good.  Not much going on so I was glad about that.  I stayed a little late and worked on my project so that felt nice.  I talked to Robin tonight because I panicked that her new apartment didn't have a washer and dryer hookup.  I know I am too crazy.  Rachel dad signed the paper so I will send it to you tomorrow.  Karen congratulations on the pump.  I figured it would take until Christmas before you got it.  YEAH.  We are going to Kamas after work.  I am stopping at Park City and getting groceries and cake.  We should be all set.  Karen got a 25 dollar gift card to Panda so tell Ruth we are for sure going.  Everyone have a great day and drive safe.  LOVE MOM


Well I called the pump place again and it is offical my pump is now on order. It only took 3 weeks. Robin I am good to help you move also just let me know. My day was good. Work is still moving along, it was busy. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


So I closed my eyes after Karen went home and I never woke up again.  I was out.  I think I was tired.  I had a really nice day with Karen.  It was fun.  I do owe her a coke big time.  ROBIN YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!  I will plan to take that day off.  We will rent the UHAUL for you.  Is that OK?  I am so excited for you.  That is perfect.  Rachel, I am glad all is well with you.  You are going to have to buy solid tires if the weeds don't go away.  Have a nice day.  LOV EMOM

Wednesday, September 12, 2018


Happy Birthday Karen, I am glad that you had a fun day.  That sounds nice.  Robin we would love to help you move.  The 27th is great and Casey said he can take that Friday off if you want.  I am excited for you.  Good job.  I worked out this morning and then Oliver had school.  We read books and played this afternoon.  Isaac had a flat tire on the way home so we walked.  Isaac thought it was the worst to have to push his bike home but he made it.  We went to the bike store to get liners for his tires and a new patch kit.  Then I fixed a million holes in the bike tubes.  The girls saw came over and played in the front while I fixed it.  It was a watchdog meeting this evening so we rode our bikes down and met Casey at the school since he had scouts.  It is for Dad's to volunteer at school and Isaac wanted Casey to do it.  Oliver stayed with them and they had fun.  Happy Birthday again Karen, we love you.  I didn't take any pictures today.



I had a great day. Thanks mom and dad fir the fun day. I shot better than mom so she owed me a coke. We did see a car crash into the back of another one. It was crazy. Mom i found a cool experiment check out the video Hot ice. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


So I have my final move date for my new place. I am moving in Oct 20th. I have  a mini plan. If everyone could help me on the 27th?? Would that interfere with Halloween weekend. I figured for the week of the 20th I could move small stuff and maybe start shopping for a couch. Then on the 27th all I'll have to move is book shelves and my bed. So hopefully it will be speedy. If you guys are ok moving a few things. My lease is up on the 31 regardless so I will have a ton of time to move. Well not much else with me work was busy and I just relaxed tonight. Have a good one


Tuesday, September 11, 2018


We went to Cubbys for dinner.  I had one of their salads and it was really good.  We went to Walmart afterwards and got some treats.  I am going to have to work for just a little bit and then come home and play.  Karen is going to sleep in while I am gone.  Rachel, I am glad the appraiser was nice.  Robin it was nice to visit tonight.  Everyone have a nice Wednesday.  LOVE MOM


Today was good nothing super crazy. I met up with mom dad and Karen for dinner it was fun. Happy birthday tomorrow Karen. Im glad the guy liked the deck :) have a good one



Oliver slept in his bed last night because I cleaned up the air mattress for the appraisal and he didn't sleep very well so Casey was tired today and Oliver was kind of grumpy.  I cleaned this morning and the house looked really good.  Oliver has school and we went grocery shopping while he was gone.  The guy came after lunch.  He was really nice and he really liked our deck, good job guys.  We made cookies and they tasted so good I ate a million.  After we picked up Isaac we just played at home.  We took the kids to get ice cream for helping clean last night.  We rode bikes their and it was a nice evening.  The young women we taking flags out and I was glad it wasn't me.  Love you guys.


She made a bridge

Monday, September 10, 2018


That is crazy about Dr Stong, that is such a pain to find a new doctor.  That is funny about Kneaders, I would never go to that again.  Isaac had a flat tire this morning so I just drove him and then we went and worked out.  It felt good.  Oliver had school so we had to leave early.  He had such a fun time at school and was so happy when I picked him up, I love it.  They are going to appraise the house tomorrow so we cleaned a bit but the kids didn't want to clean but I made then clean their rooms.  Last night I didn't want to work on my sampler so I sewed Mom's mystery class quilt together.  It is the faster quilt I have ever made.  It is a fun easy one.  Everyone have a great night.


One noodle

Work was busy because I had been gone for so long.  It was nice to get back to the groove.  I left a little early to go with dad to his physical.  Dr. Strong said he just broke up with his fiancé and he was quitting and moving to Seattle.  He will work one week a month in Logan.  I am going to miss him.  We met Karen for dinner and went to Kneaders.  It was quite the experience.  We bought cokes and after they said the coke machine was broken but we could have water so dad got water and the spout wasn't on it and it squirted everywhere.  They fixed that and I said for no coke maybe we could have a free brownie and they said no but later they did give us a brownie.  Karen's soup was all juice and had one noodle and one carrot.  It was weird.  We did find Karen a good garbage can at Walmarts so that is fun.  Robin, I will text you where to meet.  Rachel good luck with the inspection tomorrow on the house.  I hope it goes well.  Karen bought us a NES Nintendo and we played Dr. Mario,  I still love that game.  She bought a second controller and it has a long cord but the one that came with it is only like 2 ft long.  It was funny. LOVE MOM


My day was good. Work is still busy, but I am making progresscat least. After work I met mom and dad for dinner. We walked around best buy and they had the mini classic nes so i got one for me and one for mom and dad for theur anniversary. I was socked they had some. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


I'm glad everyone had a good weekend. It looked like a fun time on your anniversary weekend. Sorry I didn't blog I kept falling asleep and waking up at odd hours. Today was ok it was a Monday. I can meet up for dinner mom. Let me know a good place to meet. Have a good night


Sunday, September 9, 2018


Bryce Canyon is beautiful.  I was amazed at how you can do that in less than 48 hours.  We didn't do a ton of hiking but we did hike 3 miles around the rim of the canyon and it was amazing how you would walk a bit and look out and everything changed.  It was neat.  We went to the Ruby Red Lodge and had lunch today and then walked around the tourist shop.  We were going to go on a hike down the canyon but decided to just finish the mile we didn't get done last night around the rim.  So many things I would love to do when we go again.  Dad took some amazing pictures of trees so we can use those next time we take a art class.  I am glad you had a fun weekend Rachel and Karen, I am glad you got all your tutorials done.  I hope you are a pro now.  Dad has a doctor's appointment tomorrow in Park City.  I wasn't sure if you wanted to hook up or just wait until Tuesday for your birthday.  Robin, I hope you got a lot of sewing done.  Do you want to hook up on Tuesday night?  Everyone have a great Monday.  I am so not looking forward to going back after being at class for 3 days.  It might be kind of scary.  I am going to take Wednesday off and take Karen shooting for her birthday but I am planning on celebrating this weekend officially.  Everyone be safe.  Rachel, I am glad you got your hair cut.  That is fun.  LOVE MOM


I am glad that you had a fun time Mom and Dad, I am so glad that you got to go.  We had a good weekend.  Saturday the kids had primary practice.  I thought that they wanted me to help but they didn't need me so I just sat with Ruthie and a little boy having trouble sitting.  Casey mowed the lawn while we were gone which looks nice.  We picked up Leona and took her out for ice cream.  Then we too her to our house and I went and cut my hair.  I cut it above my shoulder and I love it.  It looks really nice and it is so light.  When I got home the girls were over playing and Casey took Leona home.  He stopped and got a part for my bike and fixed it which was awesome.  After dinner we rode bikes to the park and it was really fun.  It was a pretty evening.  Everyone slept in the backyard Friday night and Saturday night so no one got a lot of sleep all weekend.  Today was the primary program so we had to get up so early to go to sacrament meeting.  It was so hard to get their but it was good once we were their.  The boys did good in the program and looked so grown up.  Casey worked all day and we just played at home.  Imogen came and played for a while.  Ruthie cut her finger on a toy tea pot and bled a lot poor thing.  She couldn't walk for a while but I think she recovered.  When Casey came home we had a picnic for dinner in the backyard and that was fun.  I hope that everyone has a good Monday.  Sorry if I was rambling.  Love you guys.


We gave Stanley a bath


My day was good. I was just lazy for most of it. I did finish watching the insulin pump training videos. It was boring but I made it thru. It is going to be rough going back to work after 3 days off. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...