Saturday, December 4, 2010
I can't believe you are on world 3 I just barely got there. I hope I can get a little ahead before karen starts playing. You two kill me at games. I might have to get the cheat book to get a better percentage. :) well today was a 2 show day... I am beat. During the break me and a girl went to zuppas for dinner. It was quite tasty. well tomorrow I have off but am going to go see a friend in a play. hopefully it doesn't go all night. I am ready for a day off. :) anywho I hope that everyone is doing well. have a great one
All Ready
We had a good day. We meet Vickie and Steve for lunch and they are doing good. It was good to see them. Then me and Casey went baby shopping and got a ton of things. We got a Snug-a-Bunny swing that is really nice.

We got a bumbo seat with a tray, a changing pad. A light that has monkeys and a sail boat on it. It is pretty sweet. We also got a garbage can for diapers.
I was going to go Christmas shopping but we were shopped out after so we took a nap. Casey got me donkey kong and I played that all evening. I am on world 3 now. I have video game problems, they are addicting. Well I am glad that everyone is having a good weekend. Stay safe.

We got a bumbo seat with a tray, a changing pad. A light that has monkeys and a sail boat on it. It is pretty sweet. We also got a garbage can for diapers.
I was going to go Christmas shopping but we were shopped out after so we took a nap. Casey got me donkey kong and I played that all evening. I am on world 3 now. I have video game problems, they are addicting. Well I am glad that everyone is having a good weekend. Stay safe.
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
I got a lot of shopping done today. It was fun. I even got dad a present but he can't wait until Christmas so he is playing with it now. It will be fun up to Christmas. Grandma wouldn't get dressed today. She doesn't change environments well. I don't think she will be coming to Logan much. It is just too hard on her. I am going to have to work something out. I hope everyone had a good day. It was fun to get ready for Christmas.
Well I got a lot done today. I went to the bank, got the program for church made, went grocery shopping, wrapped presents, and now I am doing laundry. I am going to make cookies for work tonight or maybe tomorrow. I hope that everyone has had a good Saturday. BYE
Well today was pretty much the same I worked tonight. Tonight was opening night I thought it was yesterday but It was today. I think it went pretty well nothing to crazy. Tomorrow we have a matinee so its an all day event and then sunday I have off... yeah. have a great relaxing saturday :)
Friday, December 3, 2010
safe and sound in Logan
We made it safe and sound in Logan. We stopped and saw Grandma Bodily and then went to Village Inn for dinner. It is foggy in Logan. It feels nice to be here. I do love this house. It has a lot of memories for me. I am glad you got to go to Temple Square Rachel that is fun and I am glad you car is OK Karen. FUn times. WEll dad is going to take me to the midnight buying of Eclipse. I am excited. Have a great weekend. I am going to go Christmas shopping tomorrow. LOVE MOM
Temple Square

Tonight when I got home from work it felt so warm outside I thought it would be fun to go and see the lights at temple square. Casey had to work for a while so I took a nap and when he got home we went out to dinner and then went and saw the lights. It was fun. It was pretty warm so it was fun just to walk around. There were a ton of people and Casey said it was nice so we didn't get stopped by the missionary's every two steps.
In the middle of the night
Well I went to work at what I consider the middle of the night. But I made it thru. I also got my wipers checked and they said that it was just ice hat made it not work. It works fine now. The good news is I didn't get charge for anything. I am now super tired. Just three weeks until Christmas. I can't believe how fast things are just flying by. Well I hope that everyone had a great Friday. BYE
patty wack
Well today was productive. I went christmas shopping and am now done with shopping. I wanted to get it done before stores were crazy and time speeds up. only 22 more days. yikes. I also worked to day as well. Things are starting to become not so chaotic. I have more control of what I need to do. well nothing else to crazy, I bought me a copy of donkey kong for the wii so now my life is going to be full on donkey kong. :) have a great friday!!!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
No Rick Rack
Well I went to sew my rick rack on and the bobbin holder was lost. I hope it is at Logan. So my rick rack is still pinned on. It is taking forever for one little thing. I did cut out two more blankets tonight though and that was fun. It just seemed nice to sew. I missed sewing night. Good luck Karen tomorrow. I hope you make it. That is so early. I am so not a morning person. I had a good day at work. I even did some of the papers on my desk. That felt nice. Robin I hope your phone is working. That sucks. I wonder if it is still under warranty. Tomorrow we are going to Logan. Grandma is going with us. I am not sure if we are coming back on Saturday night or Sunday Morning. Laundry here I come. I hope I get it all done. Well have a great weekend. HO HO HO
Well i have to go into work at 6 tomorrow morning. Ugh! At least I am going to get off at 230. They doing something to the power at work and so it will be off at three. I am taking my car to get the wipers checked after I get off. So it work out well for me. I am going to wrap presents this weekend. Since I put up the tree Rachel gave me I decided that it should have presents under it. Well have a great one. BYE
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Well today was good I slept the first part of it. I was really tired, I don't sleep well I think. I am glad this week is half over it. I charged my phone this afternoon and when I went to go get it for work it spaced out. I had little lines all down my screen. I kinda freaked out. Then afterwork it was black so I charged it when I got home and the home screen came up. I hope it was a one time glitch I don't know what I would do with out my phone. Well that was my trauma for the day.... maybe tomorrow my phone will behave.
I had a good day. It was fun to go to dinner with Mom and everyone. Casey was home when I got there and that was nice. He even had gone to the store for me for some cottage cheese so I didn't have to go. It was really nice of him. Mom also gave me the left over yams so I am good to go. Thanks for all the change you gave me Karen. I felt rich today when I looked in my drawer and I had a ton of change to buy a candy with. Thank you.
Hump day
Well we made it through half the week. I got trained some today so I have a billion stuff to do now. YEAH. That will make the day go really fast. I am so glad because I hate sitting there when I know Ihave tons of work to do. We went to meet Kay's family for dinner. They took grandma to the Festival of Trees. She had a really good time and it was nice to see everyone. Rachel came with me and I got to feel Isaac kick. It was way fun. Well I am tired to I am going to go veg for awhile.
Half Over
Well I made it thru the insurance meeting. We got a new insurance provider, I will have to see if it as good as the other one. It was cold here today. It is going to be a very cold winter. I am glad that you found less stairs to go up Robin. Less it always better when it comes to stairs. Tomorrow is our company meeting, exciting I know. Well I hope that you all have a great day.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Well today went a lot better I am starting to know where I am in the maze of things. So now instead of a bazillion stairs I'm down to a million. :) I can't believe that its december.... I'm sure its going to fly by. I guess thats life. have a great one
Internet is back
Well my internet is back on line. It took dad most of the night last night to get it working. I am glad everyone is doing OK. I want to see Robin's play also. We should go together one night. Tomorrow grandma is going with Kay to watch Rylee dance at the festival of trees. Me and RAchel are going to join up with them for dinner. Work is going good I think. I am slowly plugging through things. I kept busy so that is good. Not too much else going on with me. Have a great day.
I had a doctors appointment today and it went good. My stomach measured 36 for 36 weeks. Everything is looking good. I go to the doctor every week now, so that is fun. Work went good day, it was busy since it is the last day of the month. I don't have much else going on, I am going to watch glee tonight. Everyone stay warm.
Well it was chilly here today. I get to go to an insurance meeting tomorrow. I guess they are changing insurances again. i hope that they get a good one. Then on Friday they are loosing power in the afternoon so we all get to work 6-230 again. Then I am going to go and get my car checked out on Friday. My sprayer is working again. Maybe it was just frozen. I am still going to go have then check though. Well tomorrow I get the first chocolate out of the cool count down calendar Robin got me. Thanks again for that. Have a great one. BYE
Monday, November 29, 2010
White christmas
Sorry I haven't blogged in a while its been really crazy and last night the internet wouldn't work so that is my excuse. yesterday was the first dress rehearsal it was chaotic at best I was sore today and then I had another crazy night today so tomorrow i am really going to feel it. The show is called white christmas. Well I am glad to hear everyone is safe and sound. I think I am going to head for bed. have a great night
Back to the Grind Stone
I made it back to work today. The roads were snowy but it wasn't too bad getting to work. Casey took me out to dinner and then he went back to work. I slept too much on Sunday so I had a hard time sleeping last night so I am tired tonight. Robin is your play A White Christmas? I heard a commercial for it on the radio this morning. How do I get tickets? Can I buy them online. I would like to see it. Well everyone have a safe night and try to stay warm.
Well I actually woke up and made it to work this morning. Yeah for me. I am tired today though. It was worth it for the fun weekend though. I went to Walmart after work today to pick up a few things. I needed bread and milk and some fruit. It wasn't too bad at walmart so I got in and out pretty quick. I hope that everyone had a good Monday and that it wasn't to crazy with all the snow you got yesterday. Have a great week. BYE
Sunday, November 28, 2010
snow, snow and more snow
Boy it really snowed today. I am so glad you went home Karen or you would still be here with us. The roads weren't bad when we went to Rachel's though. THat was good. Robin had to work tonight and she took the Jeep. She still isn't home so I hope she is OK. I am not looking forward to a week of work. It always is hard to go back when you have had time off. Good luck at the doctor's on Tuesday. I can't believe what nice gifts you got. You are spoiled. I am glad the chest of drawers turned out so well. They are really nice. They will hold a lot of stuff for sure. Well have a great week. I hope the roads are good in the morning.
Thank you
Thank you everyone one for everything, you guys are spoiling me. I had a such a fun weekend. It was fun to be all together. Karen I am so glad that you left yesterday, the weather was bad today. It is good just to have a day to rest anyway. Casey and I, mostly Casey, built the chester drawers last night. We built it in the living room and couldn't get it in the bedroom so Mom and Dad came over and helped. It looks really good and I feel a lot better about things. I have a lot of it organized now and will keep working on it this week. Hopefully my apartment will start to look better. Well everyone have a good night and get a lot of rest.
Well mom said that you had a lot of snow in SLC today. So I am glad that I left last night. I haven't done a lot today, just been lazy. It was nice. Robin's Christmas gift come in the mail while I was up north. So I think that I am all set for Christmas now. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...