Me and Karen washed her car and went shopping. I gave her wrong instructions everywhere we went. I was consistent. I had a really good time. We went to Texas road house for lunch and had enough left for dinner it tasted so good. We took naps and dad and Casey worked. We drive them up dinner. It was nice to visit. They are still at work. I hope Ruth is feeling better. Love mom
Saturday, September 21, 2024
Friday, September 20, 2024
I took dad to work so i could have the car. I ran errands and went grocery shopping. I also go my hair cut. I came home and did yard work. I had to rake the lawn was so long. The gopher had made a hole in the front yard and I kicked it in and mowed over it a lot. I was sitting on the porch and he dug out the hole and kept looking at me. I got mad and grabbed insect poison and pored it down the hole. It was all I could find. We are going to ifa to get gopher poison. Rachel I am glad you had a nice day. I bet isaac had a fun. Robin I hope all went well with teri. Love mom
Today Casey and Isaac took the day off and went rock climbing with Casey's college friend. They had a really fun time and got a little sun burned. Work went well for me and all the kids were good today. I took the little kids out for dinner and we took Tony to the park to throw the ball for him. He loves balls. Casey is working down in Salt lake tomorrow and I am not sure what me and the kids are doing
Love Rachel
Thursday, September 19, 2024
I had a fun day. Luna did really well. She slept until 8. We got up and played and played. We made rainbow water and then I saw a video on how to make a really nice play dough. You use cornstarch and hair conditioner. We had fun making it and Luna played and played with it. Robin came and got her and boy we both had a hard time letting her leave. We just vegged the rest of the night. Rachel are you and the kids coming down with casey? You are more than welcome. Have a nice Friday. Love mom
You guys are busy. I hope your conference is fun. Work went well today and then we had a plc meeting. Allen came over and played with Oliver after school. I cut out fabric which was fun. I made eggplant for dinner and it was really good, thank you Robin for them. I went to two hours of exercise class because it sounded fun but it was kind of long. I just love both of the classes.
Love Rachel
I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. This has seemed like a long week. My day was good though. Work is still busy. Nothing too exciting to report. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
We had a fun busy day also. I dropped dad at work and then went to Lehi and got luna. We drove and picked kay up and went to Gardner village. It was really fun. They had a petting zoo. We met the gumm gang for lunch and then walked garner village. It was the perfect day. We fed ducks. Jeff stayed with us the whole time. We took kay back home and then came to Karen's house. It was 3 by the time we came home. We went to olive garden for spagetti. Luna ate and then for bed time snack finished it off. Isaac is just so handsome. Ruth looked beautiful even if she doesn't like that stuff. I am glad Oliver loves his cello. Luna is spending the night. Robin has doterra conference in salt lake. Drive safe. Love mom
Well it was still busy today. I had three meetings so that might have had something to do with it. After work I met mom, dad, and Luna at Olive Garden for dinner. After that we came home and just played with Luna. I hope everyone had a great Wednesday. Bye
Oliver had orchestra today and he was really cute walking in with his cello. I didn't work and worked on the dog collage quilt all day. I met Casey for lunch also which was fun. Ruth had activity days and they did a princess night and did their hair and makeup. She hates that stuff but had. I took the boys to game stop and they bought some PS4 games. Isaac went to young men's and the did an egg drop and he had fun. It got too busy and I didn't make it to exercise class.
Love Rachel
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Thanks everyone for the fun weekend. My day was busy also. It makes the day go by fast though. I really don't have anything exciting to report. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow. Bye
It was a quiet day. I did laundry. We did go to Walmart after work to get some treats for luna. I am going to pick Luna up in the morning and then we are picking up kay and going to Gardner village for lunch. Dad is going to work. I am sorry Oliver is sick. I hate throwing up. I hope he feels better. I am glad everything turned out for the class. It was a really good storm. Love mom
It rained here also so we drove to school. We were getting ready to walk out the door and Oliver threw up in the sink so we had him stay home. I took a long lunch and Casey ordered him a pizza. He was fine. Casey went to the doctor and his blood sugars were worse so he needs to eat better. He also had a Excel class and he really likes it. I don't have classes and it is a slow day. I try to study programming which is fun. Isaac had violin lessons and Ruth had tumbling. I went to exercise class and it was step aerobics and I am getting better at it.
Love Rachel
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...