Saturday, January 10, 2015


Just wanted everyone to know that everyone made it home safe and sound.  I sure had a nice weekend.  Thanks for everyone coming down and Robin for meeting us for dinners.  It was nice to visit.  Have a really nice Sunday.  LOVE MOM

Friday, January 9, 2015


Well i don't have much to report. I had a good day at work. I am also excited to see everyone tomorrow. Have a great night. Bye

Poor little oliver

We went to dinner and then the jungle gym. Oliver rode all the rides and then barfed all night. Poor little guy. I am excited to play tomorrow. I hope Oliver feels better.  Poor little guy. Love mom

Thursday, January 8, 2015


Robin your embroidery is amazing.  I just love it.  You are going to do some amazing work on that machine for sure.  YEAH Isaac for talking mom to spend the night.  That will be so much fun.  Karen I am glad you survived your meetings.  I took trax to Smiths tonight and did some shopping and then dad came and picked me up that was fun.  It has been so smoggy here.  We need some wind.  Robin you work at such a fun place.  That is a cool idea.  I am excited for everyone to play this weekend.  LOVE MOM

Wild Card

Robin, I love your machine, that is so fun.  Today we were playing Uno I told Isaac about the wild card and he got excited and had to show Casey.  We say Wild Card all the time from It's always sunny, it was funny.  I cleaned up the cedar chest upstairs that holds the toys.  It looks a lot better and it feels better in that room.  We spent a lot of time outside in the afternoon, it is just so pretty.  It feels so good to be outside in the sun.  Last night we watched Jersey Boys and I finished binding the table runner, it is cute.  The Jersey Boys movie is not as good as the play.  It was very disappointing. Well Isaac talked me into coming down tomorrow so we are going to spend the night.  It will be fun.  We will get down their around dinner time.  Thanks for having us Mom.  Well everyone have a good night.




Today was a good day. Work was slow but fun. We had a work meeting last year our office did game day on people's birthday but this year our theme is weird holidays. So today was bubble bath day. The gave us a rubber ducky and bubble bath. It was cute. Then I went to Walmart to buy new windshield wipers. I now have cleanish  windows. They don't streak anymore. Then I came home and embroidered. I tried a new design for the pumpkin idea. The one I did last night was nice but I tried a fun color for the edge and I didn't like it. But the one today was better. I think I am going to make gloves. And then finish a whole pumpkin. Well that's about all with me. Have a good night



Well it is almost the weekend. Things were good here. I made it thru the all day meeting. I even got free lunch. Wow I know. I almost forgot to put my trash out, but I remembered before it got too late. It was nice and warm here today. I love seeing the sunshine. Well I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


I am glad that everyone is doing good.  Today was another pretty day.  We played outside this morning for a while.  We had guacamole at Randy's yesterday and it was so good we made it for lunch today.  It was good.  Isaac had preschool and afterwards I thought it would be fun to go to the zoo.  It ended up being closed so we just played at the park and it was fun but it didn't end well but it is alright.  We got home and Isaac calmed down.  Casey made brauts on the grill tonight and they tasted good.  I am excited for summer when we can grill a lot.  Mom I think that we will just come for the day.  It will be easier but we can play it by ear.


Isaac crawled into Oliver crib and they had fun.

So glad

I am so glad we made it through Wednesday.  The week is getting over.  That is a good thing.  Not much going on with us either.  We did have cub scouts but only two showed up so we just folded origami tonight.  Rachel if you change your mind you are more than welcome to spend the night.  I have no other news.  Karen good luck with your meetings tomorrow.  LOVE MOM


I'm glad it is Wednesday. It's been a long week. Work was good nothing crazy. I went to Joann's after work since I broke my needle on my machine. I started doing the pumpkin project but I was tired so I stopped through the project. Nothing else to report have a good night



Well we have made it halfway thru the week. Yea. Things are going good here in Kamas. It has been almost warm here the last couple of days. I think we hit 45 here today. It has been nice. Well I hope everyone had a good Wednesday. Bye

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Fun times

The mystery puzzle room was a lot of fun.  It was a little too confusing for me.  It took so much time to find the clues and then figure out if the clues were to get more clues or to use to open the door.  It was a good activity.  I think we should try it one time.  You are all so good at puzzles.  It made the day go fast so that was nice.  We went to Lowe's after work and got dad a new key chain.  His had broke and he saw one there the other day he liked.  Rachel we can get a new post for the fence.  I guess we will have to wait until the ground isn't frozen anymore.  Karen good luck with your meetings.  I hope they are interesting.  Robin good luck it has been a long week.  I am with you, I think we haven't worked a full week for a while.  This one is going to seem long.  It is nice to have it a little warmer outside.  We have cub scouts tomorrow night.  We haven't meet for 3 weeks.  It is be interesting to get back to it.  Have a great hump day.  LOVE MOM

Beautiful Day

I am sorry Robin, hang in their.  You are an amazing person.  Karen I am glad that you are busy.  That sounds like a lot of meeting, good luck.  Mom I hope that the mystery puzzle room was awesome.  I am jealous you get to do that, that sounds fun.  Today was so pretty outside.  We played in the front for a while and it was fun.  After lunch Jenn came and sewed, we haven't sewn since before Christmas and it was fun.  The time went fast.  While we were sewing the fence by the grapes had fallen down so Casey and Isaac went out to see what they could do.  It needs a new post so we will have to fix it in the spring.  Isaac saw the grill and wanted a grilled hot dog.  We were out of propane so Casey went and got some and grilled him a hot dog which he didn't eat because it was kind of black on the outside.  Then we went and visited Grandpa Randy.  Isaac is really excited to go fishing this spring.  Casey had scouts tonight also.  Everyone sleep well and have a good day tomorrow.


Slow mo

Thanks for all the support. Nothing new to report just a quite night. I worked at scheels. Although time today went by so slow. I attribute it to having to work a full week after the holidays. Well I don't have much else going on just tired. Hope you had a great night.



Robin I am sorry you are having boy trouble. If you need a girls night out just let me know. My day has been good. We are having a Graco visit tomorrow and Thursday. So I will probably be in meetings in the afternoon tomorrow and all day Thursday. So today I just got stuff ready that people needed for the meeting. It kept me busy. Well I hope everyone had a great Tuesday. Bye

Monday, January 5, 2015


I have to work on Saturday but thank you for the invite. I'm not sure about Walters birthday. We got into another fight and I'm not sure if we should plan for his birthday anymore. I think we might break up. I don't have a lot of details sorry. I just thought I would blog to keep you all in the loop. But I will keep you updated. Sorry dad spent so much time on his internet stuff. But anyway sorry I'm working or I would like to hang out. But I will catch you guys another time. Well I am tired I work at scheels tomorrow so that will be good. Have a good night


I did it

I made it back to work.  It was so busy today.  I am already behind again.  I need to have another holiday :)  Rachel, I am sorry you didn't get any sleep.  That doesn't help your arm feel better.  I am so sorry.  I am glad that Casey and Nate had a good time skiing.  It was really warm here today.  Karen good luck with your insurance decision.  I think the traditional is the way to go.  I will firm up that decision on Saturday.  Robin on Saturday Rachel and I are going to the open house at Quilt's etc and Karen and Grandpa are babysitting.  Do you want to go with us?  We can either go out to lunch or dinner.  I am very flexible.  Dad can also help Walter get that virtual stuff on his computer.  He has it all figured out.  Well have a great Tuesday.  For a group building exercise we are going to the Mystery Puzzle Room at the Gateway mall tomorrow afternoon.  I had to pay my own way but I thought it would be fun and I could check it out.  Wish me luck that I can figure out the puzzle.  LOVE MOM


Thanks everyone, my arm is feeling a bit better and I can move it better.  I think I just pulled a muscle.  Oliver did not sleep well again last night.  I wish his poor tooth would break throughand we can be done for a while.  Casey went skiing with Nat and they had a fun time.  It was really windy.  We had a good day, we went to the grocery store in the morning and then Isaac had preschool, he had fun.  I hope that everyone has a good night and a good day tomorrow.



Rachel I am sorry that you hurt your arm. I hope that it is feeling better. My day has been good. I can sign up for benefits so I am working on that. I have until the end of the month so there isn't a big rush on finishing yet. Robin good luck getting thru boring times at work. I hate being bored. Well I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Back to the real world

I am back to the real world tomorrow.  I am not looking forward to that.  I have had a good time off.  Rachel that is scary about your arm.  I hope you get feeling better.  Karen I love bacon.  That sounded good.  Robin, I am sorry you were bored.  That is weird they don't keep you busier.  We had a really quiet day.  We watched the new Dr. Martin season and it was the best one.  I really enjoyed it.  They had the new Jack Ryan show on Netflix and watched that one.  We really vegged today.  Everyone have a good Monday.  I hope Casey and Nate have a good time skiing.  It is suppose to get to almost 40 tomorrow.  It might not be that great of snow.  I think that is so cute that Isaac is a CTR Boy.  He is so cute.  I hope Oliver gets feeling better.  Robin did you and Walter pick a day yet when we can celebrate his birthday?  I was sure if you wanted to do it before or after.  LOVE MOM

Keep it together

I am going to have to bubble wrap everyone. I'm sorry you feel on your arm Rachel. Things with me are good. Nothing to crazy. I worked at scheels it was so boring. I had 4 hours of nothing to do and only a phone call every half hour, so I luckily brought a book with me I got through half of it. Well have a good one



Oliver did not sleep well last night and was up early this morning.  I think his other tooth is coming in.  It worked out since church is at 1 I could give him a nap before we left.  Isaac loved his new CTR class and was excited to be a CTR Boy.  He was cute.  Oliver did really well at church also.  I got a new class with all boys so it will be a little different but they seem like good kids and participated really well.  Casey is going skiing tomorrow with his friend Nate so Nate came and is spending the night tonight so they can leave in the morning.  I fell on the stairs last night and hurt my arm a bit. Casey had some hot pads that you can stick on and it is feeling better tonight.  Everyone have a good Monday.  It will be weird getting back to real life.



Well I don't have too much to report. It has been a quiet day. I made bacon and bash browns for dinner. It was yummy. I hope everyone had a great day and that everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...