Saturday, March 27, 2010


Well I am doing laundry right now. I am washing my sheets and everything. Hopefully I will be done by mid night. I hope that everyone had a great Saturday. I hope that dad is feeling better. It was nice here today, I really enjoy spring time. Well I don't have much to report so I will go BYE

one more hour

Well I made it through the day. we started shooting at 1 and then we ended at 9. I got ready and went to lagoon. I think lagoon will be fun. I don't get a lot of hours till may time but that will be ok because they are trying to get in alot of shooting in the next few weeks. Well I am going to go sleep away the rest of the day love you.


Friday, March 26, 2010

Like mother like daughter

Well our DVD player did the same thing as Karen's. We took it to Best Buy and they wanted 31 dollars just to mail it to Samsung. We are going to mail it ourselves. I guess we will be in the que with you Karen. Lucky us. We did go buy another one however (I didn't want to worry Robin) so we are back with DVD's YEAH It has to be the player. On the good note however I finished all my blocks. I just need to put them all together now. I am so excited. I did it. YEAH. I am going to go shopping for Vickie's wedding dress tomorrow. I think that will be fun. LOVE MOM

sewing night 2

I am spenidng the night again in logan so we had another sewing night. It was fun, mom finished all her blocks and I have all my strips sewn together. I did have the right tool with me to cut them so I will do it later. Tomorrow we are going wedding dress shoping and then I am going to slc to see casey. It will be a fun day. Everyone is having dvd problems, it is crazy. Good luck tonight with your movie robin. It will be fun.


I aint got no spelling skillz :)

please hold for the next available associate.... you are a valued costumer

Sorry karen about your dvd player. I hope it gets fixed soon. :) I will send good thought vibes that way :) ha ha ha. anyway today I got a call at 12 to do makeup for the x-posure again. they were the ones I did the makeup test for the bud girls. It was fun, I rushed to slc and now I am waiting to start on the movie which starts at 1 am so I think I will take a nap for a while. maybe. have a good one


Annoyed again

Well today I got a call from the samsung place saying that I was gong to be charged 45 dollars to get my player fixed. Since when I called and reported this they said that there was not going to be a charge I called to check this out. They told me I had to call samsung directly so I did so I was on hold for awhile and then they said that my case was elevated to advanced customer care and they are closed until Monday so I have to call back on Monday. This is getting a little ridiculous. I am going to watch Soap to hopefully bring down my blood pressure. Well I hope that everyone has a great night. BYE

Thursday, March 25, 2010


I am addicted to soap its so funny. I am glad that you are watching it karen :) well tomorrow I am going to head to slc for the weekend. we are starting shooting at 1:30 am on saturday then I have lagoon. SO Saturday I will be sleepy. Anyway have a great night
love you

6more left

I only have 6 more squares left to sew and then I get to start hooking my quilt together. YEAH. It looks really nice. I am excited. We did have a nice time sewing and dad made it home safe and sound. He has to have an MRI of his shoulder tomorrow and then go to the stomach doctor. Lucky him. I am excited for you to come home next weekend Karen. That will be fun. We will dye easter eggs for sure. Not much else to report.


Cloudy Day

Well it was really cloudy here today and a little chilly. Work was good nothing too exciting to report. I hope that mom and Rachel had a good sewing night. Is your quilt almost done mom? I am excited to come up to Logan Conference weekend. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I love weekends. I am watching Soap right now. Robin was watching last time I was up there and I now I got hooked again. It is a funny show. Well I hope that everyone has a great Friday. BYE

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Well I don't have any of the materials that you need for farmville, sorry rachel. I'm sorry about your blu ray player, karen hopefully surgery on it goes well and it will return home safe :) Well I didn't do anything to exciting today. I did by this new stuff to do cuts and scabs with. I'm pretty excited I heard its a million times better then wax. So hopefully I can do some cool things when it comes in the mail. I will post pictures when I start practicing with it :) Any who have a great night

love you

Always blog first

I totally forgot to blog last night. That is what you get for going to Farmville first. I tried to get tickets for Joseph and the amazing coat but they were sold out. I am excited that you are coming home for Easter Karen we will have to do something fun. I will look around and see if there is anything good going on. We will have to dye easter eggs with Robins amazing easter egg twirling dye machine. Well not much else going on here. I slept through a movie. That is always good. Grandpa Bodily is going into surgery tomorrow morning. I will keep you posted. LOVE MOM

Out of shape

Karen you have been having fits with that blueray player, that sucks. netflixs online is calling for you. It was a pretty day today. When I got home I went out with the goats. We ran around the field and the horse was running with us. The are as outshape as I am, we were all out of breath. It was funny. If any one was thinking of what to send me on Farm Ville I need aged bricks and paned windows. I am really close to being done, I finished the stable yesterday, yea. Thanks for the help.


Nope I will call you Wonderwomen though

Well things are good here. I got an email saying they received my blueray player and that it will be fixed within 5 days. So hopefully it won't be too much longer before I get it back. I am glad that everyone is going good up north. Things are good here. My allergies are still acting up, but other than that it is good. Well have a good rest of the week.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

will you still call me superman

Well I made it home, I didn't stay in slc I was done by nine so I just drove home. I had a good time it was nice to get out and do makeup again. They also paid us so that is another bonus. I also hadn't tried my airbrush since I moved home so I wasn't sure if it would work after the move but it worked really nice. well better run love you


Orange Tic Tacs

I had a good day, I got a lot done at work and it went better today. I went with Mom and Grandma to get Mom some thread for her Logan cabin quilt. We went to dinner at Center Street grill and I got the Chillie Monser, it was pretty good. Then we went grocery shopping. It was a fun evening. I don't have much else going on. That sucks that it is windy in St George Karen, I hate the wind. I hope that it went well today Robin. You are the best makup artest.


Well not too much going on here in St. George. It is really windy here. The winds are at 10-20 mph with gusts going higher than that. It dose not make for a good hair day. I hope that Robin had a good orientation day. Well I better get to work on dad's stuff. Love ya bYE

Monday, March 22, 2010


Tomorrow I am going to go down to slc to do the superhero makeup. I think I am going to spend the night in the apartment if it goes really late. Hopefully it goes well. I didn't do anything to crazy today just got things ready for the rest of the week. anywho I am going to head for bed have a great one


Harry Potter

I had a good day, work was really craz and it flew by really fast. I am sorry that the bird isn't working out Mom. I wil pick her up this week. I watched Harry Potter, the Half Blood Prince and it was good. I haven't read that book yet. I need to do that and return the books to Karen, I am sorry that I have had it so long. Well have a good night and I will talk to you later.


Wild Monday

Boy it was a wild one today. I just run all the time lately. Work was crazy and I got called to a meeting to tell me my billing is all messed up. Lucky me. Well the doctor's visits went well. Dr. Strong thinks we should wait a couple of years to have the surgery. He said things are getting better so fast it might be wise to wait. So we will think about that one. Grandpa Bodily is having a stent put in his heart on Thursday. I think either dad or Jed with help them.


Well I made it thru Monday. It was a busy day. I had to do a whole bill of materials and routing for a sytleline, then a lean meeting, engineerng meeting, and then a new proposal. Whew! Although Robin dose sound busier. I hope that dad and grandma had good doctor visits and that mom didn't have to rush around too much today. Well have a great week. BYE

Sunday, March 21, 2010

wait a second

Well I think I kinda have this week planned out ish. On tuesday I am doing makeup at the salt palace, I'm doing makeup for super heros like superman, joker, and such. Then on saturday at 1 am we are shooting our first scene for the movie. so early. I think I will just sleep all day and then see how that goes. Then at 12 pm I have my orentation for lagoon. Hopefully I don't get to sleep deprived. anyway They passed the health care bill now the president needs to sign it. sigh... well have a great monday.


sleeping my life away

I think I slept all day. It did feel nice though. I have been really tired lately. Good luck Rachel tomorrow with your interview. I am praying for you. I am glad you got to spend some time with Casey. Dad and Grandma are both going to the doctor's tomorrow. I hope that goes OK. I have to take a long lunch but that shouldn't be too bad. I am going to go to work a little early to make up for it. I made barbeque pork with potatoes for dinner and asparagus. It tasted really good. Have a great week. I am jealous of the people at Karen's work. They get cookies for a Monday.



Well I made oatmeal chocolate cookies to take into work tomorrow. It was a nice day here. Church was good although sacrament meeting kind of dragged a bit tough. The high council men were talking today. I get a nap though and that was nice. I hope that everyone else had a good Sunday. BYE


Sorry I forgot to blog yesterday. We have had a good weekend. Casey has been working and I read my book. I did get a sub for nursrey so I am just hanging out today. The power was out at the apartment till three so I read. When it got turned on I got some sewing done. I am bringing casey dinner and I am going to read. I am glad that everyone is having a good weekend.


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...