Friday, January 13, 2017

So many choices

Robin we will sign you up for the class it isn't that much.  That will be fun.  Karen do you want to join us?  There is a lot going on this weekend.  Lego festival at the Leonardo, car expo at the south town expo center.  Aquarium.  So many choices so little time.  Drive safe Rachel.  We are so excited for you to come down.  Karen I never heard what your plans are.  I am sorry work was crazy today.  Robin, those cups are really cute.  Way to go on your winnings.  We had a work party tonight.  It was nice to visit.  I am tired.  Everyone drive safe.  LOVE MOM


Ya I can sign up for the class how much is it? I work tomorrow but if it's to much stress no worries. I forgot to blog last night about my winnings. We have been playing chop stick games for huntsman and yesterday I won a mike water bottle and today I won another tinker bell one. I didn't have to work scheels tonight so that was lovely. Have a good one


On our way down

Today went pretty good.  This morning we went to Joann's and walked around.  We had Henry come over to play after school.  His favorite food is pizza so I got that for lunch and they had a fun time eating that.  He likes to do a lot of things so it is a lot of work to keep switching things but they had fun.  Isaac went to Judo and had a good time.  I went to pick him up a little early so I could watch for a while and I could see he is getting better.  Their were two other new little boys the same age as Isaac and they acted a lot the same so was good to see.  Me and Isaac picked up Costa Vida for dinner and brought it home.  We are working on cleaning up Robin's old room for Isaac so last night Casey moved his office into the freezer room and we cleared the rest up tonight.  He has grand ideas for what he wants and it is funny.  We are headed down tomorrow.  Robin I keep forgetting to call you, do you want to take that class with us?  We sign up tomorrow.



Yea, we have made it to the weekend. It snowed lightly until about lunch time. So i had to shovel a bit after work. I also got a notice that I had to dig out my mail box. So I did that after work today. I still got mail today so I don't think it was too bad. I hope everyone had a great Friday. Bye

Thursday, January 12, 2017


Well it did snow here most of the day. It looks like it has stopped now though, so keep your fingers crossed it stays that way. Work was good nothing too wild and crazy. I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am ready for a weekend. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye

I agree

I agree with Robin, why not.  Today I think I could have stayed home and got more done.  The girl quit today and just grabbed her coat and walked out.  Didn't say one word.  It was weird and really shook me up.  Oh well it is over with.  I texted Melody to see why Lisa got flowers.  She had a miscarriage.  I didn't get that from facebook.  We met up with Kay, Julie and Jeff tonight.  It was fun to visit.  Jeff is all excited for his new grandbaby.  It was due on Tuesday so it can come anytime.  I am so glad it is Friday tomorrow.  The storm didn't go very south.  We got snow and fog all day.  It was weird.  Robin, I thought you didn't have to work much at Schell's in January.  You seem to be keeping busy there.  Karen I hope the snow finally stopped for you.  LOVE MOM

Why not

Today was ok. Nothing to exciting I had to work at scheels tonight. It was a chill day. Hope everyone has a good friday



Today was pretty good.  We had to get a couple of things at the store this morning and then we went home and made brownies.  I had quilt group this afternoon and it is fun to talk with everyone but the kids were so wild and grumpy it flustered me.  I have been trying to be really positive and a better person this week but it was hard.  I think I will have Randy watch them next time, they will have a funner time I think.  They mentioned fish and chips in one of the Thomas's movies so Isaac wanted it for dinner so I bought some fish and they had abry's curly fry's at lee's and I knew Isaac liked that.  So we had that for dinner and it was fun.  Then we went to Lowes and got some paint chips so we can figure out what to paint Isaac and Oliver's rooms.  Casey had to meet with the bishopric about a calling and they want him to stay with the boy scouts and he is happy with that.  Everyone have a good Friday, I hope that it slows down for everyone and is calm.


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Oh ya

Today was busy again. Next week is Chinese new year so it's busy before the factories close. Friday I was making candy sushi for our mulan themed month. But I reliezed I work at scheels tomorrow so I made them tonight. Mine are not as cute as the picture I used as reference so I put the reference picture below. I also made mugs with the mushu saying for fun. But it's all done and ready for friday. So that is nice. You got a crazy amount of snow karen.



We didn't get much snow and it rained a bit.  It was a very pleasant day outside.  I am glad that you have a snow blower Karen.  Today I took the little ones to the fun park while Isaac was at school.  It was fun to get out and Oliver was even happy, it was really nice.  We played out in the snow after lunch.  I shoveled off the trampoline, their was a ton of snow and it was really weighting it down.  I feels good to have it cleared off.  Isaac dug a path in the snow and was worried deer would destroy it.  He wanted me to watch it all day to make sure that it was ok, I told him I couldn't do it.  Isaac loves his slippers, he put them on after we came in from the snow.  They were cute.  Isaac had martial arts and I think it went good.  He was hungry so he just went for a hour.  I had a relief society thing tonight and it was fun to visit.  My old ward is the smallest group and I bet 60% are retired people.  I finished the orange quilt, Karen bought me at the quilt fair I think two years ago.  I didn't mark the quilting and I think it turned out pretty good, it isn't amazing.  It looks like you are getting 4" tomorrow Karen, good luck.


Hump day

My day was crazy again.  I really need a quiet day to get some things done but I don't think that is going to happen for awhile.  Her last day is Friday so I am going to be doing two jobs again.  Lucky me.  We had another person quit in our department also and we are going to Sawadee tomorrow for lunch.  I haven't been there in such a long time.  I am excited to go.  We went grocery shopping and me and Isaac made a list as we went along.  It was fun.  Karen, I think that is the most snow I have seen in a long time.  You really did get pounded.  Robin I hope you get some rest. You work so hard.  Go slow.  I am meeting Kay and Julie and Jeff at the Italian place tomorrow for dinner.  I think that will be fun.  The weather is suppose to be a lot better the rest of the week.  LOVE MOM


Well the week is half over. We got a ton of snow here. I am really glad for the snow blower. Work was good. It went by pretty quick so that was nice. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, January 10, 2017


Nothing to crazy today. I was really tired. I am ready to hibernate. I hope everyone is safe in this crazy weather. Well I didn't have to work tonight. I don't feel very productive on my nights off. But what can you do. I work this Saturday and sunday. Sorry. I hope the jeep gets fixed ok.



We got the jeep back home and you can see the big hole in the value case.  It was interesting.  Dad thinks he can follow you home with it on Sunday but I wanted to see what Casey thought.  That is fine Rachel.  I need to work on Monday morning anyway so we will save the time for another day.  Is it OK if we go to the aquarium on Sunday?  Robin and Karen you can come if you want to.  I am excited for you to come down.  It should be good weather.  My last Children's Place coupon expired tomorrow so we went to the mall to spend it.  I couldn't find any race pants for Isaac.  He is going to have to go shopping with me.  Let him get what he wants.  I did find a really cute dress for Ruth and then I had $10.00 off at Carters so we spent that as well.  We looked at phones for dad.  I am not use to just getting the free one they offer.  It is a different world nowadays.  Groupon even sells phones.  Go figure that one out.  Karen I hope you aren't snowed in.  On the weather map it looked like you were getting pounded.  Robin, I hope all is going well.  I have been loving this warmer weather.  My meeting went well this morning, I was really stressed.  WHEW glad that one is over with  I love the pictures of the boys.  That turned out really good.  Ruthie looks like she doesn't feel 100 percent but is always so dang cute. LOVE MOM


That is funny Karen, it is hard to gain a day.  Today was good.  It was warmer and rained on and off.  Isaac had school and had a good day.  We didn't go to the martial arts class today but will go again tomorrow.  Jenn came over today but didn't have anything to sew so we just talked for a while which was fun.  Casey went and met the scout boys this evening, I think that they just have one or two.  Then when he got home I went to young women.  We were combined with the young men and we played get to know you game.  It has been fun to play games with a bunch of people, it is a nice change.  It does go longer than I thought, they were still have refreshments after an hour and half so I left to help put the kids down.  Casey probably wont be able to take Monday off now but we are still coming on Saturday and spending the night.



Today at lunch I mentioned to a lady at work that today felt like Wednesday. She looked at me and said it is Wednesday, so I had to tell her it was actually Tuesday. She said that news just ruined her whole day. I felt the same way. Other than that my day was good. I had two meetings so that took up most of the day. I never feel very productive when I have to go to meetings. It started snowing here about 3:30. I think I am going to get to use my snow blower in the morning. I hope everyone had a great Tuesday. Bye

Monday, January 9, 2017

big busy day

Dad stayed home today to take the jeep in.  It is really broken so we are going to tow it up to Logan and have Casey look at it.  They just kept saying it was the value cap but when the took it off it would probably be more and then they might find more after that.  It was just a lets see how much money we can get.  Dad is going to pick it up tomorrow and try to drive it back home.  Work was crazy busy and I ran all day. I had three meetings and one lasted 4 hours.  I have to do that web ex tomorrow again at 10 am.  I am not looking forward to that one at all.  Pray for me that it works.   I don't think it is going to slow down for awhile.  The one girl is leaving on Friday and they haven't found anyone to replace her.  We did interview but one had already accepted a job and the other one has gotten really bad references.  I am with Rachel, I love the rain.  It gets rid of all the dirty snow.  Robin, I hope all is going well with you.  Karen, I am glad you didn't get much snow.  Have a wonderful Tuesday.  I think that is fun that Isaac is liking Karate.  LOVE MOM


It rained here too. It's probably because karen bought a snowblower she scared off all the snow. ;) today was so busy. I am so sore from inventory on sunday. I need to work out more. My whole body feels like I ran a marathon. Not that I know what that really feels like. But I'm guessing. Well have a good night



I didn't take any pictures today, failure.  It rained here all day also and melted a lot of the snow.  It was worried about it but it was kind of refreshing to have it warm up and get ride of some of the snow.  The ice is going to not be fun though.  Isaac had school today and it was harder to find a place to park but I did it.  He didn't want to go back but had a fun time.  We walked around Shopko while he was at school.  Isaac went to his martial arts class again today.  He went to the 4 o'clock one and Casey was going to pick him up on his way home from work but Isaac wanted to stay for the next class also so I picked him up later.  Casey went up to Clifton to help his Mom fix the truck so she can sell the cows and goats.  I feel bad for them.  I hope that everyone has a good night.



Well it rained here most all day. Then just before I left work it turned into snow. It has stopped now, and there was only about an inch or two on the ground so I just shoveled it. It wasn't enough to pull out my new blower. My day was good. Worked went by fast so that was nice. Well I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Lazy day

Well we had a really lazy day.  Grandma said to just stay home so we did.  WE took naps and just vegged all day.  We were bad.  I love all those funny sayings.  I relate to the grocery bag one.  I am sorry about Casey's mom stables.  That is scary.  They are really close to the house.  I hope all the animals are OK.  I think we are going to take the jeep in and just see what is wrong.  If it is too crazy we will have Casey look at it.  Dad thinks it is just a sensor that went out.  Tell him thanks.  It is going to be a long week.  I agree with you there Karen.  I think it has been over a month for me working a full week.  It might be brutal.  I am really busy this week also.  I am with Robin however and I think it is dumb and stupid so I will try and get it done.  LOVE MOM


Today was long. It was inventory at scheels. I worked 11 hours. I was totally over it by the end. I was with this young girl that was like.... isn't this just so fun. It's not to bad. I was nice, but inside I was thinking this is dumb and stupid. I was going to do laundry tonight but I was tired so I'm just being lazy tonight. Hope everyone stays dry and warm


The Weekend

Good job on your date Robin, you need to have some fun.  It think that is great.  Good job Karen on your snow blower, I think that you are going to love it and use it a ton.  Yea!!  I am sorry about the Jeep Mom.  If you wait until this weekend Casey could fix it if you want.  We had a good weekend.  Yesterday we went grocery and then after lunch we worked on shoveling snow some more.  Then we just played inside since it is so cold.  We also made cookies.  Today we went to the new ward and it was fun.  It was still pretty big but their were some kids from Isaac's class in his primary which is fun.  Oliver went to nursery by himself which is fun.  He told me he bumped his head and then his teacher told me he fell down four stairs, poor guy.  I had a YW meeting after church and that was good.  I think it is going to be a good calling but more work then I was thinking which is good.  Casey's Mom's stables caught on fire and Casey went up to help her when I got back.  I just got off the phone with him and I guess it is pretty bad.  It was hard to hear him so I didn't get a lot of details.  Robin if you want to me and Mom are taking a quilting class on March 18 from 10:30 to 4:30.  It would be fun if you wanted to.  We are going to sign up on Saturday.  Well everyone stay warm and I hope it doesn't rain, just snow.  This has been crazy weather.



Well no snow here today, but it did rain. My day was good. I got my laundry done and dishes done. Well this is going to be the first full week i have had to work in a month. Hopefully it won't seem like a long week. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...