Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Try try try

Today was good. Dinner will work for me what time? I tries to tidy up my place but once I clean one section another section looks bad.. so I'm some here in the middle of a hoarders episode and tornado but it works. Tomorrow will be nice because it's my friday :) drive safe everyone!


I can do it

I am so excited to start our vacation.  I think that will work for us for dinner.  Are you OK with that Robin?  Not much else to report.  I did laundry tonight and I will pack up tomorrow.  We really don't need that much.  Work was good.  Tomorrow is the BBQ for work so free food.  They are going to have food trucks.  It should be fun.  Everyone drive safe tomorrow.  LOVE MOM

Crazy Days

Ruthie and Isaac didn't sleep well last night so I was tired today but I kept a positive attitude.  This morning Isaac's friend Henry came over and played.  He is a cute boy and it was fun.  They made some cupcakes for Dad's birthday.  We dropped him off and then got some nuggets for lunch.  We were playing downstairs and their was a spider in the bathtub and the boys got their weapons and killed it, it was pretty cute.  When Casey got home Oliver was napping so I took the other two to the hobby lobby and we got some stuff to do in the car.  I needed some stuffing for pillows also.  Isaac has been wanting the beads that you melt so we got that also.  We made bead cars for over an hour after we got home.  It was fun to do crafts with him.  After dinner we went to walmart to get Oliver some new sandals but they aren't selling sandals anymore so he ended up getting some BB8 shoes.  Nothing fit Isaac's wide feet so we are going to look somewhere else tomorrow.  We probably wont make it to dinner tomorrow but have fun.  I am excited to see everyone.


Spider killers

All packed

Well my bags are all packed. So I am all set to leave after work. Are we still meeting at Spaghetti Factory tomorrow? My day was good. Nothing wild and crazy. It was a quiet day. I hope everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016


I watched the neighbor girls this morning.  I was kind of dreading it but it went really well and we had a fun morning.  Ruthie even took two long naps which was nice.  We just played the rest of the day.  Casey had a court of honor tonight and he took Isaac with him.  Me and the little ones got out the kitchen and pretend food and played with that, it was fun.  Everyone have a good night.


getting closer

Robin that sucks about your parking.  They did that here as well and took forever.  They even towed cars.  I thought that was awful.  My day was good.  We went to Sam's Club after work and got drugs.  We also went to the pharmacy.  I know we lead an exciting life.  Not much else going on with us.  I am wondering about Thursday evening.  Should we go out for dinner or should cook something.  I was voting for eating out.  Everyone have a great Wednesday.  It is suppose to be a little cooler tomorrow.  LOVE MOM


Well since i am not working Friday the week is officially halfway over. My day was good. Nothing exciting to report. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow. Bye

Walk 1000 miles

So last night I came come and they blocked off my covered parking along with everyone elses. I guess they are painting lines. But every free parking spot was taken. I had to walk like 1000 miles to get home. I should just walk to work. I guess it's like that for a couple days. :/ work is going good. Just busy as always. I am working at scheels tonight so it's pretty chill.


Monday, August 1, 2016


Karen you are spoiled.  Those are the best pillow cases.  You will love them.  Rachel, I love Ruthie's hair.  You could save that one and use it as a bad hair day picture.  She is so beautiful.  She is growing up way to fast.  Robin that was a really good idea about dad's birthday. He loved that idea.  I think that will be so nice while we are all together to celebrate.  I worked late because I had a project that needed to be done by Wednesday and someone else has to run the data.  So I put the data into the database tonight.  No sense waiting until the last minute.  I was going to work yesterday but I had a headache.  I am counting the days until we leave.  LOVE MOM


I am glad that you like them Karen, I will make you a couple more.  We had a pretty good day.  We went grocery shopping this morning.  I needed a bunch of stuff and the boys got tried and grumpy near the end but we all survived.  When we got home Randy picked up the boys and took them to the zoo, they had a fun time.  They were gone while Ruthie napped so I got some sewing in which was fun.  When Casey got home I went to Sam's while he watched the kids, they had enough shopping for the day.  After dinner Casey went and cleaned the van for the trip and cleaned downstairs.  Tomorrow I am watching the girls next door in the morning so it should be a busy day.  I only took pictures of Ruthie today, whoops.


Just keep swimming

Well Monday is over. Work went good. Then when I got home there was a surprise package on my porch. Rachel noticed I had a few pillows without pillowcases, so she was super nice and made me some. Thanks again Rachel they are awesome. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, July 31, 2016


So I have a proposition. I am working the whole weekend after the trip and dad's birthday is right in the middle of all of it. Can we do a birthday celebration thursday /friday? Let me know your thoughts. Today was good I took walter dinner. He is starting to feel a bit better. Than I just relaxed and was lazy. Have a good 4 days of work. We can do it :)

4 more days

I am with Karen, I am pretty excited for a 4 day work week.  I might have to work a little bit of overtime but it will be nice to get away.  I was going to try and work a little bit today but I had a headache and it didn't just didn't want to.  I might regret that decision.  I am so glad that Ruthie's teeth are coming in.  Poor thing.  I hate teething.  I can't believe she is old enough to have teeth.  We took grandma out to lunch today and then we went to Walmart and I got me some sandals for the beach.  I didn't have any and neither did dad.  I got him some also.  Not much else going on with me.  Everyone have a safe Monday.  LOVE MOM

Hot wheels camouflage

The boys didn't sleep well in the tent so Casey was tired today but he survived.  We had a pretty good day.  We went to church and Oliver made it through all of nursery, it was a miracle.  I taught me lesson and that went well.  The apricot tree is struggling with all the fruit so Casey trimmed it a bit.  I need to go grocery shopping so we ordered a pizza for dinner and it tasted good.  Isaac changed into his hot wheels camouflage outfit today and was pretty cute.   I was getting Ruthie ready for bed and I noticed a tooth had broken through on the top, not her front teeth but the one next to it.   I think she may be getting all four like Oliver did.  She was a lot happier today and took two really good naps.  Everyone have a good Monday and don't work too hard.


Still good

Well my day was good. I cooked so I have left overs for lunch this week. I also got my laundry and dishes done. I am excited to only have to work 4 days this week. I hope everyone has a great week.


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...