Saturday, May 23, 2009

well as mom said it was way foggy when we got to the grand canyon. I was sad that I was going to be one of the only people to have gone to the canyon and not have seen it. But luckily it did clear out so we could see it. It was really pretty. Mom and dad got me a wireless router so now I can email from my laptop. It is way nice. I am sorry about the fire alarm, it always seems to go off in the middle of the morning. It sucks. Well I hope that everyone has a great Sunday. Love ya

Grand Canyon

Well we made it to the north rim and thought we had made it to the grand canyon but have never seen the grand canyon, it was so foggy. We wandered around for awhile and it finally cleared out. It was amazing especially as the fog would roll in and out. It was a beautiful drive. You go up into the forest and it was a beautiful. There was a big fire there not too long ago. We drove down the way we went when we were looking for ghost towns and then came home through Zions. We went through the tunnel. It has been a long time since I have been through the tunnel. I am glad you had a good time at the flea market. It sounds like you can get a lot of stuff there. Tomorrow me and Karen are going to try to download the pictures. I didn't bring my cable so we will have to see if her cable will work.



So i am soooo pissed. At 4 am this morning the fire alarm went off. I tried to sleep through it but it was so loud i gave in and went outside. There were only 10-12 people that left to go outside. Then 4 fire trucks showed up then after 10 minutes they told us to go inside. I was so mad, why don't they do fire alarm stuff during the day grrrrrr. it took me forever to go to bed again. Anyway I went to the market today it was really cool I really enjoyed it. It was in a huge building with tons of meat,fish, and cheese you can buy. It was so funny there was a booth selling cloths and they had onesies for babies and one said "you think i'm cute you should see my aunt" i almost died laughing it was so funny. I was going to buy it for future nieces and nephews but then i figured I have no where to put it and i don't think the goats will like wearing it. ;) Anyway i bought some hot rollers for my hair kit. I didn't have a nice set and you are suppost to use them everytime you do hair. It gives it volume and movement. I also picked some stuff up for my fantasy hair do. I'm super excited its going to look so cool. I will take pictures. :) 

Friday, May 22, 2009

Safe and Sound

We made it safe and sound to St. George. Provo to Nephi was interesting we went about 30 miles an hour the whole time. It is nice here in St. George. We went to Walmart and got food for our trip to the north rim tomorrow. There isn't suppose to be much around there. I can't believe that little goat can jump that high. Are you sure he just didn't get out through a crack. That has to be like three time higher than he is. That is amazing. I am glad you had Helen looking out for you. Robin I remember going by the farmer's market. It is closer by the lake. It is a huge building. I think our bus driver talked about it. I think that would be fun. Good luck with your hair styles. The black goat is so much more calmer than the brown one. I do like Conrad as one of the names. That is funny. Well have a great weekend and I'll keep you posted. I did bring my camera for pictures. I am going to try to download some.


We have a jumper

I like robins suggestions for names, I was thinking about Tina also, but I was also wordered about him being confused. I like the tinamoecasolivenachel, but they are both male so no babies. :( How about Tina and Conrad for names. We are trying them out. We had some fish named Conrad so I am not sure about that. Moe is a good, that may stick. We were also thinking of calling the brown and white one Jumpy, the reason is in the story below.

Today was a tramatic day for the goats. Helen said about 11:00 she saw the brown and white one out in the front yard about to eat my flowers. So she was able to put him in the workshop. she said that he followed her where she went but I had locked the front door. He got out because I had left the back door open in the stables to give them some air and the little guy jumped over the door. The door comes up to my shoulder and I didn't even think about him being able to jump over it. The little black one didn't do that but he missed his brother all day. he had jumped into a corner trough but their was a log in it and he was sitting on it. When I came home I carried him the brown and white one back in the stables. I let them out in the corral and Helen helped me put up some fencing that Mom bought me in places that they could escape. I cleaned out the stable next to the one that we put them in because it has a full door so they can't get out. I think though that I am just going to have their doors open and keep the stable shut so they can wonder around. One other funny thing is in the stable with the full door that I had cleaned out, they were exploring and I went to help Casey in the pasture. I heard them crying, so I went to see how their were. They had jumped into the corner trough but this one didn't have a log in it so they were stuck. So I lifted them out and put a log in that one also so they could get out.

We had a good evening together. I let them calm down and cleaned the stables and sweep. Then we walked around the pasture and they wondered around. They are really cute and are going to be fun. I know now that they can jump really high and can plan around that. Casey really likes them and is excited to have them. He think that they are cute too. Thank you Mom and Dad for the goats.

easy peasy

well we ended up not doing our french braid test. We were having a conversation about wedding up do's and it went a little longer then expected. So monday we are going to do it instead. On friday it is our last day of hair and all class period we are going to do fantasy hair day. We can do any design we want i'm kinda excited. I'm going out tommorow to find stuff to use. Everyone keeps telling me about Lawrence square i guess on saturday its this huge farmers market thing. I might go check it out to see what its like. I heard you can get some yummy cheeses and fruit. So i'm excited. OH I forgot, Did you hear about john and kate plus 8 having problems. I couldn't believe it I knew Rachel would be in shock. When i stayed at dads apartment before I left I watched a few episodes, crazy. well that was the big thing i've been meaning to bring up. Well i better run i have to practice practice practice. have a great memorial day weekend. :)

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Well Mom got me some really cute and awesome goats. We got them to Clifton safetly and put in the stables. They wouldn't come out of the animal carrier so I had to pull one out with a lot of goat crying and the other one followed. The brown and white one is the dominate one and eats first. I have a ton of weeds for them to eat. Here are some pictures. If any one has suggestions for names I would like to hear them. I can only think of Tina, but they are boys and I am not sure that would work. :)

Should have practiced

Robin you should have practiced your french braids when Rachel tried to get you to do mine when you were here for Easter. You could have got a lot of critics on it. I am sure that you will get it just takes practices. IF you want to try something really hard try french braiding you own hair. I wish Rachel good luck with the goats. i am sure that you will love them. I bet they are so cute. Have you named them yet? Just remember to save David for your cow. Well I figure tomorrow is going to be a really long day because I am excited for the weekend. The last day before the holiday always seems to drag. Be sure and drive careful tomorrow mom. I will have my cell phone so you can call if you needed anything. Well I hope that everyone has a great Friday. Love ya

its getting hot up here

So today it got pretty warm, i don't know if its because i was out side for most of it but whew i'm boiling. There is a patio on top of the school and before classes we had a meet and greet just to meet everyone in school and the teachers. It was kinda boring but it was nice up on the roof. so for break and lunch I went up there. It was so nice to be outside in the sun. This girl told me about toronto islands I guess you take this ferry out and there's beaches and stores. I might check it out on saturday. I think the girls in my class are planning to go to the beach next week to celebrate the end of our hair course. I excited for Rachels goats you will have to come up with awesome names. Well I got moms packages its nice to wear glasses and give my eyes a break. Thanks again. Well tomorrow I have my french braid test so tonight I'm becoming french and braid. ha ha ha i also have to work on my french twist if I get anything ok i will post pictures. :) we will see how the night goes. Well i hope everyone has fun in, relax and play. :) toodles 

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Beautiful Logan

Joseph came over and helped me this evening and it went well. I think he will be a good helper. The front yard looks nice. Rachel and I went to Lowes and got some more flowers for the front. It is shaping up. Joseph also helped me clean the windows. The computer window was so bad. I hope the plants will like all the new light coming through. Tomorrow I am going to out Clifton with Rachel and spending the night. We are going to pick up the baby goats and take them out to her place. I hope that goes OK. We are using the pet carriers that Brandy has. She says they aren't much bigger than cats right now. One is black and the other one is brown and white. I will make sure she posts pictures tomorrow night. On Friday I am going to work 1/2 day and then go down and help grandma and grandpa and hopefully leave around 4:00 for St. George. It will be nice to spend some more time with Karen. The weather is suppose to be perfect for hiking. We should be able to see a lot of the grand canyon. I wasn't able to get a hotel. I waited to long so it won't be as long a time as I had hoped. My bad. I am glad that all is going well with Robin. I just love that 5 minute bun you are learning. I can hardly wait until you can practice on us and make us beautiful.



My hair is not that different. I just had a trim and my benags blended. I doubt you could see much of a difference. Well I took dinner into a girl in my ward who had surgury. I hope that she likes it. I stress about hose sort of things. Oh well. Just tow more days until the long weekend I am so excited to go and see the Grand Canyon. It should be great fun. Well at work today we didn't have water for most of the day. The city got a water truck for us so we had limited water for most of the day. They didn't get the really water on until about 330. I wonder what was wrong with it? I guess that it dosen't matter. Well Have a Great One. Love ya BYE

twist and shout

So today we did an up do. it was the french twist or the elegant version of a beehive. Lets just say its going to be a struggle. Mine looked like a whirl wind of pins and hair. A rats nest would be a nice way of putting it. We have a test on it on monday so i guess I know how my weekend is going to go. I was looking at the job board and there was an opening for Mac makeup. I think that is a good option for when I move back to the states until I can get a break into the movies. It will be good practice. I will see but my teacher worked for them and that is how she got into the movies. One day a she did a girls hair and she said that she did a great job and traded numbers a month later she was doing hair for movies. we will see i guess. :) But I am glad everyone's yard is going well. I think its funny helen keeps Rachel on her toes about the yard. I love people like that it makes me excited to grow old. :) I am jealous that karen is getting her hair cut. I need mine done so bad I might have to break down and get it done. I think I will wait till after my hair class though. I don't need more hair stress.  have a great one. love ya

My feet are sweating

They filled my propane tank and a really nice guy came yesterday and checked everything and made sure everything was working alright so I wouldn't blow up. He was really nice. Now I can cook and have heat. It was nice to have the morning off also. I slept in a little and did the dishes. Then Helen came over and she wanted to water my lawn so I got some hoses out. It is nice of her to help me out and I think that she likes it. She is taken care of the peas also. I was a couch potato last night, I really should of worked in the yard but I didn't I just sewed and watched TV. Well tonight I am spending the night at Mom's and we are going to work in the yard and sew. It will be fun. I think that is fun that Karen is going to visit Robin in July, that sounds like fun. I am excited for Karen to get her hair cut, you will have to post a picture.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Weeds, Weeds, Weeds

Well I got a lot done tonight in the flower beds. I sure grow good weeds but you all know that one already. Luke came over and talked with me for awhile and that was nice. Baby his cat came over and visited for awhile also. He is a nice cat. The final plans for our new building at work go into the state tomorrow. I guess they will decide if it is going to be good or not. I'll let you know how that works out. Joseph is coming over tomorrow to help in the yard and that will be nice. I am going to have him help me weed in the front. Teresa is going to have to have surgery on her shoulder. Jed took her to the doctor this morning and I guess they will do it soon. I am not sure what kind. Have a great day. I am glad Robin is enjoying pony tails. I guess she knows what not to go into.

Robin five weeks should be plenty of time. I would have fun being your model. Did you pass on your 5 minute up do? Well it is hot again today, but it is not in the triple digits so I am gratful for that. I am going to go and get my hair trimed tonight and My bangs blended in. I will let you know how that goes. Rachel I think that you did a great job on the flowers, they look really pretty. I don't think that it is possible to plant flowers badly. Work was long today. I had a design review this morning and it went for three hours. Don't worry though I get to go to another one tomorrow. I am just lucky I guess. Well I better go. Love ya BYE

i hate ponytails

So we did our ponytail and 5 minute updo test today. I really glad to have that over. I have to do it again for our final but hopefully it won't be so brutal. I have done so many ponytails i could gag. but i guess that is the point of practice. I think Rachel's flowers look lovely. They will look really good in the summer. Well Mom said that Karen was thinking about coming down in july. WEEELLLL i was thinking since i don't have a set date yet maybe you could be my theater model. I don't know yet the date but it should be sometime in july. I can give about a 5 week notice if that is not enough i understand. but i will update as i know. :) tell dad good luck with his meeting, I know how much fun they are ;) i'm just glad its not me. have a great one. 

Monday, May 18, 2009

I am glad everyone had a good weekend. I did also. I didn't win at Wendover but it was fun to be together. Everything went really well. I am excited to go to St. George for memorial weekend. I am going to stay until Tuesday because all the girls from work are coming down to look at the NICUU in St. George and I am going to ride home with them. Dad just left to go to SLC for the week. He has a big meeting in the morning and instead of getting up at 6 in the morning we decided it would be better tonight. We are so not morning people. Well have a great week. Rachel and I are going to sew on Wednesday. I am hoping to get a lot done on my quilt.



I am glad that Karen got her carpet cleaned, that alway feels nice. Robin those hair styles look really good. I am growing out my hair now so Robin can do that to me. Mabye you could teach me how to do it too. I am sorry that it is cold up their, it is so hot here. It is lucky because we ran out of propane this weekend. I called them today and the came and filled it but I have to be here when the light the pilote lights for safety so I am going to work late tomorrow, it will be nice. Well I planted flowers in the planters on the side of the house. I didn't do a great job but they look alright, mabye Mom could give me directions when she comes up here. Well here are some pictures.


Well I did find a carpet cleaner so I cleaned my carpets Saturday morning. They look so nice now. Well Robin enjoy your jacket weather it was 100 degrees here today. BUt don't worry I nearly froze at work this morning, it was 68 in the engineering depwartment. They got it warmer after lunch, but I really could have used a sweater. I am using the cute bag Rachel made me as a scripture case and it is way cute. I really like it. Well Hope you guys have a great week. Love ya BYE

Victoria day

So today is victoria day today so i had the day off of school. It was nice to have a long weekend. I finished all my homework and did laundry. The laundry room is on the very top floor over looking the lake. There were so many sail boats out today i couldn't believe it. Its still pretty cold up here and the wind is crazy. I still wear a jacket wherever I go. Well I've been taking a few pictures of my hair do's. I'm still working on being good but practice makes perfect. I added some picts so you can see. The yard is looking really good. I am glad the cherry tree is chopped up I'm so proud. I think that rachel should tear down that witches hat thing in your yard I hated that thing. Your kids shouldn't have to experience that. maybe you could tie your goat up to it and it can eat the grass in that area. :) Robin

Sunday, May 17, 2009

And I can't stand it

The title of this post is from "Singing in the Rain", it has been stuck in my head all day. Well I had a busy weekend working out side. I am starting to get a tan so that is nice. On Friday we went and saw Star Trek. It was a good moive. We both liked it.

On Saturday Casey had a bike class and I mowed the lawn again. I also helped Helen plant her garden. Then when Casey got home we planted some seeds, Peas, Carrots and Beans. The plants in the picture are helens and we made ditches next to ours for irragation, it was Casey's idea.

Then on Sunday I got set apart as the camp assistant and Casey went home teaching. Then we went to Mom and Dad's for dinner. We had delious Salmon and home made mach and cheese. Then Casey cut up the Cherry tree. It is off the patio and stacked on my patio waiting to be burned in the fire place.

Robin's Holand Tulips came up and are really pretty.

Robins big grape is also budding and doing really well. All the graps have buds and look good.

And Mom and Dad's herb garden is doing really well and they gave me a bunch of cives, they smell so good.

I love this time of year.

One more thing, we have this in our yard and I always thought that it was for horses. But some people stoped by yesterday when we were out in the yard and she said that when she was little they would hang on it and swing around. Like the witches hat in dugway. I thought that was interesting it is for kids not horses. I am going to have to try it one day, mabye.


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...