Tuesday, May 19, 2009

i hate ponytails

So we did our ponytail and 5 minute updo test today. I really glad to have that over. I have to do it again for our final but hopefully it won't be so brutal. I have done so many ponytails i could gag. but i guess that is the point of practice. I think Rachel's flowers look lovely. They will look really good in the summer. Well Mom said that Karen was thinking about coming down in july. WEEELLLL i was thinking since i don't have a set date yet maybe you could be my theater model. I don't know yet the date but it should be sometime in july. I can give about a 5 week notice if that is not enough i understand. but i will update as i know. :) tell dad good luck with his meeting, I know how much fun they are ;) i'm just glad its not me. have a great one. 

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