Friday, July 12, 2013
We had a good time at the party. Mom and dad did get a little lost, but they made it. The weather was even nice for the party. I was worried that is was going to be rainy but it was pretty. Work was good but I am really glad that it is the weekend. That is cute about the beef jerky, Rachel. It made mom laugh. Well I hope that everyone has a great weekend. Bye
I love it
Karen, I love love love your table runner. I have been wanting to text you to see how it was going but I didn't want to be noisy. We will have to get a back for it this weekend and then I can show you how to quilt it or I could do it for you. I think that you will really like to hand quilt. I hope that you had a fun time at the party in Kamas everyone. I am glad that you are having a good time with Walter, Robin. It sounds like you guys are doing some fun things. I am excited for you. We had a good day. Half of our corn blew over yesterday so Casey fixed it this morning and I weeded. We went swimming after Isaac's nap and then picked up the beef jerky. I forgot that Isaac liked beef jerky. He kept handing the cashier all this beef jerky and then it donned on me that he wanted to eat it. So I got him a single to eat. We are coming down with Casey tomorrow and we should be down around dinner time.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
got it
today at work was rough every project was just a mess. so I was glad it was over. then me and walter went out for dinner it was nice to relax at night. I like your table runner karen very cute. I'm glad your doing well mom. :) Rachel I got your birthday present YEAH!!!! birthday ready
Well things are good here. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. It did rain here a little bit also. I went to Heber after work to go grocery shopping. It was nice for a shopping trip. I finished sewing the table runner together. I think that it is pretty. I took out all the cards. I hope that was okay. If not oh well to late now. I hope that everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Here is a picture of my table runner. Bye
I`m not hot
That sounds like a rough day Mom. I am glad that it is over. We just have fun things now. The weather was cooler today and we got some rain. It was sprinkling this evening and we were outside and Isaac said I'm not hot. It was funny. We met Calleen for lunch in Richmond and picked up the car seat. It was good to see here. Isaac took a long nap and he was acting a lot better afterwards. I think he is over his cold. I don't have much going on. I am going to go and get beef jerky tomorrow for our trip.
Friday is coming
I made it through the colonoscopy. I am glad that is done for years. This afternoon I got a bad headache. I just hate those. Dad went and bought me some coke so that has helped a lot. I slept all day and now I think I will go to bed early. Not much else going on with me. I am excited for the weekend. LOVE MOM
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
well next week I will be working ;( lame sorry I have to miss some of the fun. I am excited for a mini weekend excursion. today was good I didn't have to go into work early that is the first time in weeks. and then walter had a friend who got married so we went to the reception. they had leatherby's cater. Brilliant. well have a good night
Yeah for vacations
Just think next week at this time we will be sleeping in a cabin by a lake. That sounds like a lot of fun to me. Not much going on with me. I am going to have a colonoscopy tomorrow so I might be drugged most of the day. I hope they have good drugs. Well have a great Thursday. LOVE MOM
Well my day has been good. I am glad that the week is half over. I got my laundry done so that is nice. Just one week until your birthday, Rachel. I didn't know if you had noticed 😊. Work is going good. Nothing too exciting. Well have a good one bye.
We had a pretty good day. We went visiting teaching this morning and then my visiting teachers came and visited me. Casey fixed the hole in the deck which is nice. Jennifer couldn't sew yesterday so she came today and that was fun. Isaac is kind of low energy today which is nice. We just took it easy this evening. Callers has our extra car seat so we are going to meet her for lunch tomorrow and get it back. I hope that everyone has a good night.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
today was good nothing to crazy. work is really slow so I have been working on other departments stuff. then I meet up with mom and dad for dinner it was delicious. I also have not recieved rachels present in the mail but Its on its way ;) its nothing that you will guess, totally off the wall. then i started working on some stuff for a photoshoot on sunday. we will see how that goes. well have a great wensday
Start of birthday shopping
Rachel, I love that quilt. It is beautiful. You did a really good job. Zucchini sounds really good. I love it when the garden starts coming on. It all tastes so wonderful. I am glad your scouts turned out. I wondered how that went. You do a good job. Work was good. Not much going on but it seems like I am always busy. I did plan our work summer party for August 1st. It is going to be at Sugar House Park. Karen is it OK if we are late to the party? I am worried that will look bad. I don't think we can get up there before 6. I will keep you posted on that. We picked Robin up for dinner tonight and went to spaghetti factory and then we went birthday shopping. Rachel was that a hint? I hope so. I want to get one more thing and then I will be done. I hope that got you all excited. I ordered some wall decals tonight with my birthday gift card. They are gerber daisies and I am going to put them in the hallway as you come out of the bathroom. I think they will look cute there. Have a great hump day. Just think next week at this time we will be packing and in the morning we will be leaving for Yellowstone. I just thought that might make you all excited. LOVE MOM
The start of zucchini
We had a good day. I had the scouts come over this morning and we made a buzzer game. They did a really good job and seemed to like doing it. I also picked raspberries and we had 5 zucchini. Isaac wanted to help me grate the zucchini, I attached a picture. I made zucchini bread, it turned out pretty good. I cooked it too long but it tastes good. I finished my block of the month quilt and I like how it turned out. It was a lot of work and I am not going to do a block of the month for a while. I need to think of how to quilt it. I also cut out my next quilt thanks to Karen for ironing all the fabric. After Isaac woke up we ate and went swimming. I think that he mostly wanted a snow cone but the water felt really nice. Isaac is getting really good at taking on and off his clothes. He is so proud when he does it. It is fun to see his face. He is associating it with sitting on the potty so we have been doing that more. I have been teaching him all the steps. He hasn't gone yet but we are just learning the steps right now. It is all positive. Well everyone have a good night and a good day tomorrow.
Well I got my lawn mowed. I came home from work today and got it done. It was hot though. So thanks for the air cooler mom. It was nice to have after mowing. Work was good, nothing to wild and crazy. On Friday everyone is working from 730 to 4. Because they want everyone to have time to get family members for the party that starts at 5. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye
Monday, July 8, 2013
today was good. we were really slow at work so I was helping other departments today. it was ok. I think it is the same for the rest of the week. it will be nice it won't be stressfull. well not to much else going on with me I did dishes and cleaned out my fridge. I now have no food I need to go shopping soon. have a good night
Robin, thanks for the cute pictures. You did a good job. Karen good job on the table runner, I love doing them. I am excited. Mom I am excited about the fabric store. I see shopping in our future. We had a good day. Last night the rotten board on the deck finally gave up the ghost so we went to the store and got new boards. We were going to get beans also but we forgot. We will have to do it tomorrow. We have been spending a lot of time jumping on the tramp. It is my new fitness regiment, I am going to be in shape. I hope that everyone has a good night and thanks for everything.
Well my day was good, long but good. I need to mow my lawn sometime soon, but it looked like rain when I got home so I didn't do it today. I have 5 of the panels done for my table runner and just 7 more hexagons to sew together for the last one. Then I get to sew the 6 panels together. It is looking cute. Thanks Rachel for the nice craft. Well I hope that everyone has a good day tomorrow. Bye
Nice evening
I had a nice evening. Traffic was horrible to get to Gardner Village but once I was there it was fun. We ate at Archibalds and it was really good. We walked around and the fabric store has moved and it about 3times bigger. The furniture store there had the perfect couches for Karen. So we are going to have to go to Gardner Village soon. It was kind of hot but it was fun. Work was kind of quiet and I am getting all caught back up. Not much else going on. Robin thanks for the pictures. I love them. Have a great Tuesday
Sunday, July 7, 2013
I am not looking forword to this week either its going to be a long week. Today was good. I went to a barbeque with walters friends. they were nice. I am really tired though. He did like his present mom, sorry I forgot to blog about that. he thought it was cool well I attached some picts have a great monday

Long week
It is going to be a long week for sure. I am meeting Kay and Julie tomorrow night at Gardner Village. That should make the day go fast. I am having a colonoscopy on Thursday so that will make a really long week. Just getting done all the check up stuff and then I am done for the year. YEAH. It was a quiet day here. I took two naps and just vegged all day. I think I better go to work or I will become a lazy lump for sure. I am so glad everyone had a good weekend. Don't work to hard.
S is for Karen
Mom, good job cooking. I love the hot pads also, thanks for the picture. Robin that sounds like a fun weekend. I am glad that you got to work a little also. Good job. Karen, I am glad that you made it back safety. We had a really fun time and Isaac is missing you. He has been talking about you a lot this afternoon. At church he said S was for Karen, it made me laugh. We had a good day. We spent this morning with Karen and then went to church. Isaac did really good in nursery and is cute. It is kind of rainy but nice enough that we were able to play outside. It feels nice to have it cool down. I am excited for our vacation. It is coming up fast. Thinking about it will help me make it through the week. It is going to be hard to get back to it tomorrow. Everyone have a good Monday.
I'm back
Well I made it back to Kamas. Thanks for letting come up Rachel, I had a really fun time. It is going to be rough going back to work. I have to work a full week also. Oh well, next week is our Yellowstone trip. Then we have the demolition defy on Saturday the 27th. Well I hope that everyone has a great week. Bye
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...