Wednesday, December 21, 2016


Robin, I wrap like a T-Rex.  I even had to cut and paste.  That made me laugh so hard.  I did get everything wrapped, went grocery shopping and made some food.  I was like on fire.  I am tired now.  I am so excited for tomorrow.  I have to work a little late so I will be home around 6:00.  Karen are you spending the night.  My couch is open if you want to stay.  Robin what time are we hooking up for birthday party celebration.  I am excited for that.  Everyone drive safe.  Karen good luck at the doctor's tomorrow.  Dad is taking the afternoon off and putting new tires on my car.  Call him when you are done.  LOVE MOM

Alphabet Train

I am glad that everyone had a good day.  We had a fun day.  At school they had all the parents come and make a alphabet train with the kids.  Randy came and watched the little ones and I went with Isaac.  It was fun and the train was really cute.  Isaac said he didn't sleep well last night and was tired so he laid on his bed all afternoon.  I eventually gave him some medicine and then he seemed fine, he might have a bug.  My friend in the quilt group was showing a quilt at a Christmas party at another stake so we went and saw her quilt to support her.  I never saw her though but we had a fun time.  They had a live nativity scene and the kids loved the camel.  It was a fun night.  We are headed down tomorrow after Casey gets home.  I will send a text when we leave.  I can't believe it is almost Christmas.



Today was my Friday, just to make everyone jealous.  My day was good, but busy. It seems like there was a bunch of stuff people wanted done before the holiday. I got it all done though. I am excited for the holiday. I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow.  Bye


Today was good. We had our office party and we did fondue. The girl liked her quilt. Then I worked at scheels. I am tired though. I am really glad tomorrow is my friday. I am ready for a nap and no work. I still have to wrap christmas :/ I'm baby stepping.


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

So ready

Today at work was crazy.  I ran all day and didn't even get to look at emails until 3:00 in the afternoon.  We went shopping after work.  WE didn't find what we were looking for.  Might have to figure out something else.  It was fun to walk around.  Robin, I love your ideas.  How about this.  Is the jingle bus just at night?  I thought we could go to the gateway and ride the jingle bus and then have lunch and go see the movie at gateway.  Go up to Karen's after the movie in the afternoon and have dinner and cake and play games all night?  Is that too much?  Robin I would love to make your gingerbread houses.  They are so much fun.  I bought some candy tonight at Target for them.  Just bring up the mold and I will pick up some cake mix.  I love your quilt.  If Ricky isn't nice just keep it.  Put minky on the back and have a really warm quilt.  You can get it 40 percent off at Hobby Lobby.  Ruthie is doing so well walking.  She has got it.  Have a nice hump day.  LOVE MOM


Well my day has been good. I only have to work tomorrow and then I am done for the week. Robin I think all of those suggestions sound fun for your birthday.  I hope everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow.  Bye

Scheduling Problems

That is a nice Indian quilt Robin, good job.  That is a lot of work and it turned out really pretty/manly.   Today was pretty good.  The kids didn't want to go anywhere and were happy to just play at home.  They had fun and did pretty good.  Tonight I thought it was the messiah concert.  Casey's car wasn't working so he was trying to work on that and we were rushing to get to the concert.  So we went and picked up a car part and then went to the tabernacle and the concert wasn't tonight, it was on Sunday.  They changed the dates and I didn't notice.  So Casey took us to the center street grill and we got ice cream.  It was fun.  He is working on his car now and I think he should get it fixed tonight.  I have attached a video of Ruthie walking, it isn't great but she is cute.



Today was busy. I'm just trying to play catch up till Thursday. Then I am done work the week. I don't even care if I have a load of work to do. Tonight i finished the top to ricky's quilt. We are going to meet up after the holidays. It just better to not rush and I didn't want to make christmas a deal. But he said he would take me out for my birthday next week. We'll not.much else with me have a good night


Monday, December 19, 2016


What a fun weekend we have had.  Super star was a lot of fun.  Isaac was so dang cute.  We left Logan and drove all the santa presents to Karen's house.  We are ready to play.  We went out to dinner also.  It is going to be tough to get back to the real world tomorrow.  Robin, I think all of those sound fun.  It is hard for me to make the major decision.  I will think about it and let everyone give their opinions.  LOVE YOU ALL  MOM


Good job to Isaac for being a super star. I'm excited ruth is walking. Let's hope the running takes her a bit longer to figure out. Ha ha. Today was good. I am so glad I have friday off. I have some options for my birthday let me know what will be fun I listed them below.....also do you want me to bring up my ginger bread house cake pan and make houses on Christmas eve??


- See the movie "sing"- me and Walter always got movie gift cards and never used them so I have a couple to burn through :)

-boondocks/fat cats/kids place

- jingle bus? I guess it's a bus that takes you around to see all the lights

- play games ie. Catan and eat junk food

Love you



Well my Monday was busy. Maybe because I only worked half day Friday. I made ut thru. I gave out the plates and cookues today. Robin everyone loved the plates. Thanks again for doing that. Then after work mom and dad came down and dropped off the santa stuff. It is all securely hidden away. I hope everyone has a great Tuesday tomorrow.  Bye

Super Star

Thank you so much Mom and Dad for coming up and making today so special.  It was so fun and we really appreciate it.  Thanks for taking all the presents also, I think we are ready to go.  This morning we took Isaac to school and then checked out the housed in our new ward boundaries, it is kind of crazy.  Then we went shopping and that was fun.  Oliver was cute and enjoyed being the only kid.  We did Isaac's super star at school and he was beaming, he loved it.  We had lunch at the Mongolian barbecue and then went to a bounce house place for kids.  After dinner we took all the stockings around to the neighbors.  It was so fun to walk around and give them out, it was a nice evening.  Oliver fell asleep, we wore him out.  Thanks again for everything.  I forgot to get a picture of everyone.  Also in other big news Ruthie is walking, she started on Saturday and it just going farther and farther everyday.


Sunday, December 18, 2016

We made it

sorry I didn't text to let you know we were safe. We made it safe and sound and saw the movie. It was a good show. Ruthie walked around today and is getting really brave. We have all the Christmas in the jeep.  Karen I think we will come home by your way to drop them off if that is ok. It will be after work. Robin I hope all is well with you. Love mom


Well my day has been good. I got the cookies made to give out with the cute plates Robin made for me. So that took up a chunk of the day. Other than that I had a quiet day. I am excited that I only have to work three days this week. Have there been any decisions made on what we are doing for Robin's birthday? I hope mom and dad made it to Logan safe and sound and I hope that they have a great super star day at Isaac's school tomorrow. Have a great week everyone.


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...