Saturday, January 8, 2011

Two Weeks

Isaac is two weeks old today and we left the house for the first time that wasn't doctor related. We meet Robin at the mall and had a hot dog on a stick. I bought a new kind of jacket with my Christmas money. It was a fun day. We were tired after so wee took a nap. Here is a picture of Isaac sleeping.

Marrissa got him a build a bear and it was cute. Here is a picture of it.

I ordered some birth announcements today also. I am having them mail them to me so I should get them next week. I hope that they turn out. I think that they should be cute.


Well I hope that everyone had a good Saturday. I have got a lot done. I paid my bills, went grocery shopping, went to the bank, and made the church program. Whew! I was going to take a nap also but you know there was donkey kong and I ran out of time for one. Oh well there is always tomorrow. I am glad that mom and dad made it safe to Logan. Hopefully the weather will be just as good for when you have to go back to SLC. I am procrastinating doing laundry but I will get it done sometime this weekend. Hope everyone has a great Sunday. BYE

Friday, January 7, 2011

Safe and Sound in Logan

We made it safe and sound in Logan and everything was good. It is really cold here today but the fog wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I am going to run errands in the morning while dad works and then I think we are going to play for a little while and then come home. Rachel I am reading the sequels to the Hunger Games. I bought both of them and have just started to read the second one. I am enjoying it. Well have a great weekend.


This and That

Today flew by, Casey was working late tonight so he watched Isaac this morning and I took a nap, it was nice. Isaac didn't sleep that great last night, he woke up a lot. I got two new books with me kindle gift card. Thanks Mom and Dad. How is your kindle Mom? What are you reading. I need to find a blog thing so we can put the books we have read on it and rate them so we know what everyone liked. I will look around. I am going to work on getting a birth announcement going this weekend, I looked a little today and their are a lot of choices. Well everyone stay safe and have a good night.


Well I mad it to the weekend, Yeah! Work was good today I stayed busy all day so that made time go by fast. I am glad that Robin and Rachel had a good time sewing. How is your sewing machine working out Robin? DO you like it? Well I went grocery shopping after work today. I was really running out of food in my house. It was busy at Walmart so it took awhile. Oh well at least it is done. I hope that you had a good drive up to Logan Mom. Well I hope that everyone has a great weekend. BYE

my feet are sweating

today was a fun day I went to rachels house to sew. I got alot done on my corset. I think there is alot of room for improvement but I guess that is why I'm practicing. :) then on the way home I bought the It crowd season 4. and have finished the season already ;) so anyone who wants to see it can borrow it. I also made some more pinapple cake, grandma really likes them so I made a few more to tie us over through the week. everyone have a great friday


Thursday, January 6, 2011


Well I was warm today, since I didn't leave the house and I have been keeping it warm for Isaac. :) I had a good day, Robin came over and we sewed all afternoon and she got me lunch and dinner. I owe her big time. I put the binding on my baby blanket and am almost done with it. Drive safe to logan mom and try to stay warm Karen.

cold and an inversion

Not only is it cold but we have a really bad inversion. It looks like smoke. Not much going on here we took grandma to Barnes and Noble and got her a big print book. She is going to try and read it. I think it will be good for her. Tomorrow we are going to Logan. Grandma is going to stay in SLC. It is too cold for her to go to Logan. I am going to get laundry caught back up and run errands. Have a good friday



Well it was cold here today. And the heat in engineering was all messed up so it was cold there too. I miss being warm. Well other than that things were good today. I still could use a nap though. I cooked dinner using one of the new pans that mom and dad got me. They are really nice thanks for getting them for me. Yeah tomorrow is Friday. I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Sorry I keep forgetting to blog. I use to be really good but I pull the whole I will do it later and then later never happens. eeeek. well today we went to rachels for dinner my day was pretty chill. I did wear my rinestoned gelly shoes. It was pretty awesome. well nothing else is going one have a great one



The IT crowd sean four was back on netflixs online tonight so I am watching that now. I had a good day. I did the laundry and cleaned up a bit. It was really nice to have. Everyone over tonight. Isaac doing well after his procedure so that is good. I don't have much else going on. I am glad everyone had a good day.

I'm rocking my baby

Me and grandma and Robin went and took Rachel dinner tonight. It was a lot of fun to visit and rock Isaac. He is so cute. Work was good today and tomorrow I have a big project to work on so it should be a good day. I am also excited that tomorrow is Thursday. This week has gone by fast. Just think Karen next week is a 4 day work week for you. Crazy. I am excited for you to come home again. I don't have a lot of news just same old same old. We are going to Logan this weekend. I think we are just going for Friday night. It is so cold here also but the last two nights I have parked under the pine tree and no frost on the window. I didn't do that tonight. I will have to scrap my windows in the morning.



I am sorry that I didn't blog last night. I just never got a round to it. It is still cold here. I have had frost on my windows in the morning, even with covered parking. Work has been going good. Tom had everyone work on clearing their desks off while I was gone those three days between Christmas and New Year so that meant my desk had a lot on it. I have gotten it all cleared off now though so I hope I get a new project to work on tomorrow. I got my Christmas stuff all put away tonight. I also did dishes. Now if I could just get motivated to do laundry I would be all set. I am glad that the week is half over, I could use a nap. Well I am glad that Rachel and Isaac's doctor appointments went good. I am also glad that Robin got her pan. You will have to make another cake when I come up so that I can see if the pan makes the cake better. Well have a good one everyone, one more week and I get to come up again. BYE

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Back to work

I made it back to work today. It was nice to get back. I was even busy all day. I hope it keeps up. We went to Sam's tonight and grandma rode the jazzy. She just loves that. It is hard to get her out of the store. I got a lot of exercise. Not much else going on here. I am glad everything went well at the doctors. I hope you do OK tonight. LOVE MOM


Today we spent most the day at the docotors. I had a check up and he said that everything looked good and I can start doing my regular activities. My blood preasure was back to normal so I don't have to take that medicine anymore. We got Isaac circumsized today. He did really well, it was hard to watch. He almost weighs 8 lbs so he is gqaining a lot of weight which is good. Caleen and Allen dropped by on their way back to calfornia, it was good to see them again. I put some pictures on facebook for Juile. I am not a good photographer. Well that's it everyone have a good night.

Monday, January 3, 2011

pineapple pan

Today was good. I went over to rachels with mom and sewed. I got alot done it was nice to have a sewing machine thanks for the nice christmas gift :) then mom bought me a pineapple upside down cake pan for fun so I made some cake tonight for dessert. It was tasty. Well I had fun time this week, thanks karen for coming up and thanks rachel for letting us play with isaac all week. hope everyone has a great week.


Back to blogging

Karen I am glad that you made it back, that sucks that you had a spill. I am glad that you found your gift card. I had a nice day. Robin and Mom came over and it was really fun. Mom watched the baby and me and Robin sewed. Isaac had a hard time eating today and threw up a lot. Casey bought me some really pretty flower, it was really sweet of him and makes the apartment look nice. Thanks everyone for the nice week and for all the support, we really appreciate it. Mom I will let you know how everything goes tomorrow.

Glad you got a coat

Karen I couldn't believe the snow in your pictures. I am surprised you made it to work with all that snow. Did it melt? I am glad you got a new warm coat because you are going to need it. Me and Robin spent the afternoon with Rachel. I help Isaac and they sewed. I had a great time. He is getting bigger. He is so cute. He is a good baby. Good luck with the doctor tomorrow Rachel. If you need help just let me know. It was nice to have one more day. Karen I can't believe all the bags with handles let you down. I am glad you found your Amazon card however. Now you can have a new book to read. I get to go back to work tomorrow. I hope it goes good. I can't decide which new outfit to wear. Decisions, Decisions.


Made it

Well I made it thru Monday. Boy did it seem like a long day. And there was about 2 inches of snow on the ground when I got up. I thought I left that all behind in SLC. Well when I was unloading my car yesterday it was an adventure. First the bag mom put the food in was paper and by the time I got here it had defrosted enough to make the bag soggy so when I picked it up it broke. Then when I pick up the bag with my stocking stuff in it one of the boxes in it had also ripped a hole in the bag. SO I finally got it all in my place then I went to put my amazon card on my account and I couldn't find it. So I had to go back outside and look for it where the bag had broken and I found it there. i am glad that I didn't wait until morning. I never would have found it. Then today I had to go into the office here at my apartment because I have to renew my lease. But I got that done so that is nice. I had a good Christmas thanks everyone for the great time. And thanks to Rachel and Casey for having a cute baby to play with. I love ya BYE


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...