We made it safe and sound to SLC it was a nice day. The car ran really well. It got 37 miles per gallon. Dad was excited about that. We got home early and that was nice. Karen I am glad you had a good time at the ER. It is an interesting place. Did you ever read the books The city of Bones etc. Kay said they were good. Robin good luck with Thanksgiving. You are one good cook. I am looking forward to you cooking again here in the USA. The weather is nice here. Cool but nice. It is nice to have the garden all done with. All the corn mazes are open. We haven't been to one yet. Have a great weekend.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
I am alive
Well I made it thru the first shift of my ER duty. It was pretty busy and boy can you get some loopy people in there. I am tired now though. I just finished writing up my patient reports for class. I have got my 5 patients but I am still going to go in for another shift, just incase I can learn something. I hope that everyone else had a great Saturday. Take it easy. BYE
lazy daisy
So today has been kinda chill which has been so nice. I went shopping for thanksgiving dinner. I making triple berry crisp, and yams. Other then that I've been ultra lazy. I watched the office on line. I thought it was really cute. Well have nice night
Friday, October 9, 2009
Two Thanksgivings
I am jealous that you get two thanksgivings Robin, that isn't fair. Well I had a better day at work. It is customer care week and they had chinesse food today. It was really good. It was nice because all week they had food so I didn't take a lunch and was able to make up some time. It is really really windy up here. It is crazy. The goats are doing well though. I watched the office online tonight and it was really funny. I am glad that they finially got married. I am also working on cutting out all my templates for my Sea Urchin quilt. I am almost done and about ready to start cutting fabric. It will be awesome. Mom I talked to Casey and we are going to come down on Sunday for dinner and we will pick up the car. Thank you so much. That will be great.
I am glad that it is friday. We got the sundance back so it is ready to go. That is good. Dad made it home safe and sound we are watching a movie. It feels nice to have a quiet night. Good luck tomorrow on your ER tour. I hope it goes well. Robin that is neat you got to make up a teenage boy. I bet he thought he was great stuff. We are going to drive the car to Bountiful tomorrow to try it out. Its maiden voyage to SLC. Not anything else to report
I agree
I thought it was a joke when I heard the he won the noble peace prize. They must have been desperate. Oh well. I wish I had Monday off, it is Columbus day. But we don't get that day off. The quilt looks good so far Rachel. i am sure that Mom's would be awesome also if she posted a picture. I have to go grocery shopping tonight. Fun times I know. Well I hope that everyone has a good holiday weekend. BYE
So monday is thanksgiving up here so I have monday off. A girl at school isn't going home either so we are going to try to bake a turkey all on our own. wish us luck. :) Then for american thanksgiving everyone is going to get together to cook and have a party for us americans. I think it will be fun. Well today in school a high school group came in and we did makeup on them. It was fun. I work on a 10th grader boy, I put a pencil in his head and gave him bruises and cuts. I think he had a good time. He kept it on, to scare people on the street. Well on another note. obama won the peace prize. strange. well I better go its institute is tonight and I'm working on photo shoot stuff.
love ya
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Fun Class
I had a fun time at class also. I will however not show my work. It needs a little more practice but I am getting a lot better. I could keep up with everyone and that made me feel good. Work is really slow right now. I hope it picks up. No one has very many patients. Car is doing good. I am enjoying it. I took the sundance today to get tuned up. They said it was in pretty good shape but hadn't been tuned up in a long time. I already new that. LOVE MOM
Quilting Class
I had a crummy day at work, but then me and Mom had a quilting class and that was really fun. We meet and went to the Coppermill for dinner. It was really good. Then we went over to the Red Rooster. The quilt we learned tonight was the Winding Ways quilt. It has a lot of curves in it. Their were two girl in the class that it was their first quilt, it was a hard first quilt. Our teacher Marie, had the wood roller that Robin got me at the quilting show. She was raving about it and I was like I own one also. They also have a rotating board that you can buy. I want on. Anyway we used the fabric that Karen got us for our birthdays. They turned out really good. We were able to make 2 blocks. I like how she set it up so we just had to do two, it wasn't as overwhelming. Here is a picture of one of my finished blocks. The other one has the colors switched.
It was a great class and we had a good time.
It was a great class and we had a good time.
So today we learned how to make stubble and also old age stipple. I was fun to learn. I defiantly need more practice. But last night I was stressing about my photo shoots for school. because I have to come up with 4 ideas. But one idea I came up with last night I think will be cool. I'm doing grimm fairy tales as my theme, so I am going to ask an old lady from church to be turned into a witch from hansel and gretel and then make her face burned like she got burned from being pushed into the fire pit. I think it will be pretty sweet. I was excited. I just hope the lady will be up for it. anyway i'm sleepy, have a great night.
Me to
Well I didn't blog last night either. I was tired and just went to bed. Tonight I am having to do my laundry. I signed up to do my first ER shift this weekend so I have to get stuff done. My second shift is on Halloween. The Senior games are going on so I figure this weekend would be a busy one. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday and payday. Best day of the week. Saturday is 6 hours in the ER so I it will be a busy weekend as well. Oh well it will be good to get my hours over with before the very end of the semester. Well I hope that every ones Friday goes well. Love ya gals. BYE
Late Blogger
Well was going to blog on my way to bed and I guess I was way tired because I didn't do that. It was a nice evening. I just puttered around the house and I even washed the kitchen floor. It was black. I needed a quiet evening. I did spend a majority of it on the phone. Kyle is really sick. His bladder has stopped working. I am really worried about him. He is really going down hill fast. I took the sundance in for a tune up so Casey will be able to make it to SLC safe and sound. I know I am an over protective mother. Not too much else going on here.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
So today we learned how to hand lay hair on a face to make a beard. It was fun, The girl that worked on me had green hair so I had a green beard and then she added eyebrows it was quite a look. I'm going to try to make a werewolf hand and add hair to the hand. my first attempts weren't to hot. practice is key. :) well nothing exciting going on tonight I am going to clean my room and try to come up with some ideas for my photo shoot. have a great night.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Nice eveining
It was a quiet night. It felt really nice. I did 5 batches of laundry and picked apples. It felt good to just go slow. Wow Karen you are going to be famous. I am excited. Robin I am glad you are getting a lot of experience. That is nice. I am glad that Casey got his car home. That will feel better. I hope it will be alright for him. My car was awesome driving today. I hope it will last for a long time. The sundance is Ok but the Sonata is sweet. I am spoiled. I hope your test went well Karen. LOVE YOU GUYS MOM
Well today was a busy day. We learned burns at school and frost bite. Then after school a girl at school has been doing makeup for photographers at a school to help with head shots and then in return they give pictures. She needed help so last minute I went with her to help. The theme they wanted was chess and wanted it to be high fashion. I really didn't like mine I had like 5 minutes to come up with an idea and I just did whatever came to mind. I will show you a pict when I get it I think it will be a few weeks. any way it was bazzaro. I am so glad that you got a new car mom, it brings much joy to my heart. I am excited to ride in it. That is exciting that you get to work in the ER karen. I don't think you will have a dull moment there. :) I'm glad that caseys car is still drivable. with the back seats missing maybe you could make a traveling garden :) ha ha it can be the ambulance for plant er. :) Well have a great one love ya
Getting my winter coat
Karen, I think that will be fun to dress up for work. It will be awesome for you. My day was really busy. I had a four day weekend and i had to get caught up. Dan had a couple of projects waiting for me also. Casey brought the his car back up to Clifton. He was going to go back down to SLC but he was tired so he is spending the night up here which is great for me. I brought pizza home for dinner and we had Helen over. It is getting cold. I will have to put pictures of the goats on with their winter coats on, it is cute. I need one of those.
Well they are making some sort of movie tomorrow at work to show our customers, so I have to dress up. Yuck! I am going to take a test for my class tonight. I hope that I do okay on it. Work was okay today. Nothing too exciting but I wasn't too bored either. I like your car mom. I still think that you should test drive it down to St. George to see how it does on long drives. Just a thought. Well I better go. Have a great one. BYE
Monday, October 5, 2009
What a weekend. I am sorry that it ended with a stolen car. My day today was pretty good. I am really tired. I signed up to do my time in the ER. I an going from 1-7 on Halloween. It should be interesting. Robin I think that your scars look good. Mom I am proud of your car purchase. Maybe that will inspire me to get me one. You will have to take it on test drive to St. George. Work was not. I wasn't too bored which is good cause I would have fallen asleep. Well I hope that the rest of the week goes better for everyone. Good luck all
New Car
Thanks Rachel for posting the pictures. It made me remember how much fun that was. I am glad that Casey's car isn't totally destroyed. Just 3/4. I also love the pillow. That is really nice. Robin your pictures are incredible. They look so real. I can't believe that. Well I took some pictures of the car but I haven't had time to post them yet. The car is a 2007 Hyundai Sonata. It has 36,000 miles. It is a really nice car. I am spoiled. I did keep the sundance. I felt like it might be needed to tie Casey over until he can get his car up and going again. I guess this makes it easy to get a birthday present. Things for his car. Rachel has driven in the car and liked it. We did get a carfax and it checked out. I will send pictures. I want to take some in the morning with the light. Right now they are all dark. Karen the lady we talked to that did the paperwork says she can get loans for 4 percent easy. Just and FYI.
Well Casey car was stolen but the poilce found it. The interior had been stripped and the lights were taken. Casey was able to start it though, he is going to tow it to Clifton tomorrow and we are going to try to fix it. Here are some pictures of Aida. We had a good weekend.
Here is a pillow that cover that I made tonight. We got the pillow at IKEA, it is pretty awesome. I put the soft material on back.
Here is a pillow that cover that I made tonight. We got the pillow at IKEA, it is pretty awesome. I put the soft material on back.
sucker punch
Sorry that your car got stolen rachel :( I hate it when those things happen. It makes me mad that one person can make things a mess. It sounds like everyone is car shopping now except me. Maybe I will research my dream car for fun. then it will be family car week :) for the positive side of things. :) well we did laytex cuts, and me and another girl slit our throats. mine didn't turn out well but it was the first time. so i'm going to practice on a smaller level and go from there. The first week of november is going to be so crazy. I have 4 photo shoots for my film course, and our written test for film, then for school we have to have a comprehensive practical test. So we have to have a test on all of the classes that we have had. ahhhh. I'm stressing a bit. So i'm going to get as much done as I possibly can now. so it won't be so bad. cross my fingers. well I haven't posted a picture in a while so I thought I would show you what I've been up to. Love you.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Nice Trip
We have made it home safe and sound. It rained half way home and it was so windy it started out as mud rain. It was a fun trip. However it did end on a sad note. When we drove in the parking lot of the apartment Casey's car was gone. They looked around to see if maybe it got moved but it was gone. There was a message on his phone from the police. It has been stolen and striped. It is impound right now. Rachel was planning on spending the night and going to work from SLC but now I guess they will go look at the car and see what it looks like. I feel bad for them. He loves that car. I will post some pictures tomorrow of our trip. It is nice to be home. It is cold here. LOVE MOM
Robin, it sounds like you have had a busy weekend. I bet your people will get in the magazine because you stuff is always awesome. I had a really fun weekend. It was fun hanging out with everyone. It is really windy here today. I nearly got blown away when we went to lunch. Well I hope that everyone travels went well and that everyone has a great week. BYE
bugle boy of company b
I'm so glad that adia was amazing. I like watching the plays cause it does make the story flow better. I love listening to the soundtrack after because you get the visual image with the songs. Well my photo shoot went well today. We were doing 30 style makeup, I was nervous about the hair because it was finger waves but everyone complimented on my hair. So it made me feel good. It was funny though my second girl I was working on was black and when she sat down she was kinda dressed like a newsies paper person. Well her face and really short hair I didn't know if she was a boy or girl. eeek so I asked questions to try and formulate what gender I was working on. Luckly it was a girl So I put on really elaborate fake eyelashes. I think she looked girly after. I asked my friends to see if I was weird but they had a hard time to, they actually thought for a minute I was putting fake lashes on a guy. I felt bad but it was a awkward scenario to be in.. But anyway the girl in charge said that some photos may be published in a magazine. So hopefully one of my girls get in . :) well I better run. Have a great night.
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Today was good. My classes went surprisingly well and I had a good day. The kids liked all the projects we did and were really good. Me...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...