Saturday, February 5, 2022


 Karen, I am so excited that you got a library card.  That is amazing.  Install the Libby app on your phone and you can borrow books for your Kindle and borrow audiobooks.  Thanks for coming up Mom and Dad.  It was such a fun day.  Casey got the main part of the bed done.  It is really nice.  I cleaned Oliver's room and threw away two bags of stuff.  It looks really nice now.  We gave Tony a bath and saved his bum.  Love you guys.




 We got up and drove to Logan and watched basketball games. It was fun. We went to old navy and lunch. We got all the Valentine's hearts done and Ruth and Rachel and I put them in their gift bags. Casey started working on Oliver bed. It is going to be cool. Casey is very gifted. We came home before dark and just vegged we are watching lost in space series. Everyone have a nice Sunday. Karen that capstone is a lot if work. I am glad you only have two classes. Robin I hope you are ok. We live closes if you need anything. Love you all mom


 My day has been good. I got my management class homework done this morning. Then I started looking into the requirements for the research section of my paper and it said I need 10 to 15 sources and not all of them can be online. So I signed up for a library card. Other than that it was a quiet day. Robin I hope everyone is feeling okay at your place. If you need anything just give me a call. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Friday, February 4, 2022


 I am sorry you guys are sick Robin.  Hang in there.  Isaac joints hurt really bad this morning from skiing.  I gave him some medicine and sent him to school.  I thought it would help moving.  He said he felt better in the afternoon.  We went to exercise class and I got Josh Groban tickets.  I just took a break and bought them.  I am so excited to go.  With the shorter school days they switched the time to help on Ruth's class.  So I was able to walk Tony and then help.  We had a coupon for free cupcakes so we went and got them after school.  The kids were so happy and nice.  We had a fun time.  Then we went and cleaned the van.  It was awful and it feels better now.  I had a free hamburger at Culver's so we went there for dinner.  Thanks for coming up tomorrow Mom.  We are excited to see you.




 I went into work and that was good. I don't go back until Wednesday. I work from home for two days. We are going to Logan tomorrow and watch basketball games. Robin what can we do to help. Do you want me to bring food and leave it at the door? I hope you don't get real sick. I can come help if you need me to. Take a lot of vitamin c. Karen good luck with your studies. I can't believe this is your last semester. Rachel got us Josh Groban tickets. That will be fun love mom

we've been hit

Me and Jeramy came down with a cold aka COVID. So today was long. Jeramy called in sick. Luna didn't sleep well and struggled with naps. We are rotating sleeping all weekend and relaxing since this week has been a bit rough. Hopefully Luna's teeth come out. And she sleeps again. Jenkins is tired lol


 My day has been good. They needed more room for packaging so engineering had to move all our old prototype parts out and go through them and see what we could get rid of. I spent most of the morning doing that. It wasn't too bad of a job, but the parts were dusty, so my allergies sucked. Then I just worked on drawing changes in the afternoon. After work I came home on worked on my operations management homework. I still have one chapter to read and a quiz to take this weekend, but I have run out of motivation, so I am going to do it tomorrow. I am also going to work on my capstone project and get the "research section of my paper done. At least that is the plan. I hope that everyone has a great weekend. Bye

Thursday, February 3, 2022


 I worked from home today, I was a little over my hours so I slept in and quit a little early. I have to go into work tomorrow and I will work the full day. I don't mind it is.nice to be home and have a short day. We did change the oil in my car. It has been a month since we got it fixed.  Good luck getting tickets tomorrow Rachel. I am glad it is Friday also. Sure wish Luna was sleeping better. Love mom


 I grind my teeth too Karen but the just had cheap generic mold I can use.  I hate then though, I should try again.  Today was good.  Me and Ruth went grocery shopping and walked around the hobby lobby.  I walked Tony when she was at school.  I studied and sewed a bit also.  I made me and Ruth matching bags which was huge.  Ruth had dance class but usually we have to run to get there but with the shorter school day we had an hour better which was nice.  Charlotte, Mandy and Craig sent the kids a gift from Disneyland.  It was really sweet of them.  Oliver got a backpack for his spider robot.  Isaac got a Star wars jacket.  Ruth got a Disneyland sweater and a cute purse.  I really liked it.  Casey stayed late and ran on the treadmill at work.  He said it was boring.  I am going to get the josh Groban tickets tomorrow morning.  I am so excited for the concert.




Luna didn't sleep very well. I give her Tylenol at night and she wakes up when it wears off. She just wants to be held the whole time. I'm tired but plowing through. This weekend we are napping alot. Hopefully her teeth pop through soon. 
Work was good. They said we can go back to daycare on the 14th. So next week I'm working from home



 My day was good. I took the day off because I had to go get a cavity fixed. The appointment went good. I also got a mold done so that I can get a mouth guard. Apparently I grind my teeth in my sleep. The had to do the top model twice because the first one didn't work good enough. So it felt like that took forever but i made it through. After I was done I went grocery shopping. Then I came home and did my dishes. Then I had lunch and took a nap. It was nice. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday and I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Hump day

 I went into work and tomorrow I get to work from home. It is so cold. We got drugs and went to valley fair to walk because it was too cold to walk outside. Robin I am sorry Luna has covid. I am glad she isn't really sick. Oh well you get to stay home with her. Maybe nap on your lunch hour. That has to be nice. Karen good luck on your project. That is a lot of work. Good luck with your dentist. We are going up to Logan on Saturday to watch basket ball games.  Friday I am getting tickets to josh so let me know for sure if you want to go. Love mom


 Today was good.  We got up early and got Isaac ready for skiing.  He was so excited.  He had a fun time but was tired.  He wouldn't tell me alot other than it was fun.  Casey left his car at work so I drove him this morning.  Exercise class was so fun today and I always feel so much better going.  We met Casey for lunch and we were the first customer.  Ruth thought that was fun.  I walked Tony after I dropped Ruth off.  We cleaned the little kids rooms after school and hung up laundry.  I am sorry Luna has covid.  That is nice you can work at home.  Love you guys.




 My day was good. It is still super cold here, but there is hope. They say Friday will be warmer so I just have to hold out til then. Work is just the usual. I have a dentist appointment tomorrow so I am being lazy and taking the whole day off. After work I came home and worked on my paper for a while. I got the background section pretty much done. Next I was going to work on the literature review section. I am going to do it on selection and statical biases. I figured I could find a bunch of articles on that. Robin I hope that everyone gets feeling better soon at your house. Since Luna isn't acting too sick I wouldn't be too worried about it. The test are only about 60% accurate anyway. If you need anything let me know. I hope that everyone had a great Wednesday. Bye


Today was good. Luna still slept terrible. I read online and she has all the symptoms of having teeth come through. Bad nights are a big one. But she is being so good for me while I work. I took her in to get a covid test. Then we could go back to day care Friday. But when they did her test hers came out positive. So I had them check me and I was negative. So that sucks. I think she had COVID back in the day when she had a nasty cough. I remember back in the day hearing you can test positive for 3 months after you have covid. So who knows. So we for sure are home the rest of the week. I am waiting on the daycare to confirm when we come back. So quarantine weekend for us 😂. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2022


 I love Dear Evan Hansen.  I didn't know it was on Netflix's, I will have to watch it.  That is fun.  It is so cold I can't walk in the morning.  Today was better than yesterday.  I was so mad today though which wasn't great.  I told Oliver is he didn't pay attention and had to bring his math home he had to do the dishes.  I told Isaac if he cried when he did his homework he couldn't go to the basketball game.  He was calm and got it done in twenty minutes.  I felt better after that and was glad everyone was happy and successful today.  Isaac went to a Utah state basketball game.  I think they are so fun and was jealous he got to go.  He had a really fun time and is happy.  He is going skiing with his school tomorrow and he is so excited.  I am also jealous he gets to ski.  Ruth was cute today.  She made herself a chart and when she does something good she makes a box.  When it is all full she gets an erase.  She thought and made the whole thing.  Love you guys.




 I went into work and so I thought it was Wednesday all day. I am going into work tomorrow also. Robin kids love boxes. My house looked like that all the time when you guys were little. It is funny because you clean one room and then go to the next and they always play in the clean room. Not much else going on with us. It is so cold.  I am ready for warm. It is nice it stays light a little longer. I love coming home not in the dark. Tomorrow is groundhog day. I hope he doesn't see his shadow. Love mom


Today was good. Luna didn't sleep well. She is waking up at night hysterical so hopefully it passes soon. Work was good still working from home. Luna is a tornado of toys. I watched dear Evan Hansen it was on Netflix. I thought it was good. It had terrible reviews so I was surprised. We went on a walk after work and it was so cold. I'm ready for summer



 My day was good. It was cold though and it is supposed to get colder tomorrow. It was meeting day at work so that took up most of the day. After work I  played the occulus for a few minutes and then worked on writing the  abstract for my senior project. So yeah I started my paper. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Monday, January 31, 2022


 I worked from home today. I was upset this morning with emails and calls saying I had to do things right now. Me and Isaac must have been under a bad moon. We took dad to the doctor this afternoon and she thinks he had a virus and it is going to take a couple more weeks to clear up and then he should be fine. Just stay on a light diet for awhile. We got done and decided to meet Karen for dinner it was nice to visit. Man it is cold. Rachel be careful Wednesday is suppose to be bitter cold. Your hair might freeze again. Luna is a goer for sure. Wait until she finds your upstairs. She will play for hours there. Stairs are fascinating. I am going into work tomorrow to cover for someone. Her mom died. She was 93. Everyone have a nice1st day of February


Luna's daycare is shutdown so we are working from home for a few days. She needs a covid test because she was exposed. 3 if her teachers are positive. It's difficult to find anyone to test a kid under 3 . The clinic at dottera said they will do a rapid test for me. But Luna did great today. I barricaded her in the living room. And when she was tired she would just sit in my lap and watch wiggles. I was working and she pulls herself up on Jenkins stairs to stand . I looked over and she figured out how to climb the stairs. So that's a new trick. She's wild


 It was freezing this morning.  I got up to walk and then didn't go.  I did make it to exercise class which was fun.  Isaac was upset this morning so we were late getting to school.  Ruth wanted to go to the hobby lobby so we walked around after exercise class.  It was is the shorter schedule today and I didn't mess it up. The kids rode and I walked Tony to pick up Isaac from orchestra.  There were some tears but the way home was nice and the sun felt good.  Oliver hasn't been paying attention great so he had extra homework tonight.  Isaac had basketball practice but was upset so he didn't go.  I don't know what was going on with him today.  Casey wants to start running so me and him went shopping.  We got him some shoes and an outfit.  It will be fun for him.  Love you guys.




 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...