Saturday, April 10, 2010


Well it was really nice here today. The wind started blowing about 3, but before that is was beautiful. I went for a hike and then went and saw Date Night. It was cute, but there was one scene that I thought they could have cut out but it war pretty good all in all. I hope that the egg hunt was fun. Did you get any house shopping done Rachel? I got my stable built. Yeah! Well have a great one. BYE

I have a plan

We are leaving here (Logan) around 10:00 maybe 10:30 and we are going to have a treat at Old Grist Mill in brigham city and then I am going to drive out to Julies. I will make plans from there. I would love to look at houses with you guys if we can hook up. Let me know. I will send you boards Karen because I have them. Have a great weekend.


Friday, April 9, 2010

wood chuck

I don't have any wood karen sorry. But I hope you get a stable soon :) once I finish moms co-op I will join yours they only let you do one at a time. Well today I worked at xpose again, I did makeup on 3 girls. One of them was a bridal shot so it was fun to do something different. well Rachel made it up to slc and we went to spaghetti factory. I think tomorrow we are going to look around for houses a bit. love you


2 More left

I just 2 more wood to finish my stable. I never thought that I would get this close. Well things were good here today. I meet Jed and family for lunch today. It was fun, but I did get back about 20 minutes late to work. Oh well. Being late once in 4 years is okay I guess. It sounds like mom and Rachel had a busy night last night. I am impressed with the amount of stuff you got done. Well I hope that everyone has fun at the Easter egg hunt tomorrow. Love ya BYE

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Oh what a night

We got a lot done tonight. We got grandma a bed and that was good. I have been needing to do that for a long time. Rachel was able to get part of the package deal for her place also. It worked out really nice. They will deliver it on Tuesday. We will have to sew on that night. Work was really quiet today and I did go slow but got some things done. It felt really nice to just have a quiet day. I did get all the pills picked up for the weekend so I can get dad all packed up. Grandpa Bodily has his stent put in tomorrow. Dad is going to take them at 7 in the morning. He is worried about them. Have a great weekend. LOVE MOM

Big Spenders

Today was a good day, I felt a lot calmer. The weather was a lot warmer too. We didn't get any sewing done tonight we were to busy shopping. We went to fishers and got grandma a new bed and side table. We got a good deal and I was able to get some new dressers which we need when we move. Then we got me some new pants because I can't wear jeans to work anymore. I will send you some wood Karen, you are getting close to being done. Well I am going to slc tomorrow. It will be a fun weekend.

Walk like an Egyptian

Well things are good down here. I only need four more woods to finish my stable. Work was good today. Nothing to exciting to report. I hope that mom and Rachel have a fun time sewing tonight. I have some stuff to do for dad's work tonight so I better get going. Have a great one. BYE

almost there

Congrats rachel on your 2 weeks. I will take you out for lunch or dinner if you come up this weekend. :) Well I am shooting tonight they are short scenes so hopefully we get done soon. I am working 3-6 at the photography place on friday. I don't know what everyone is doing this week but I should be able to see everyone every once and a while. :) well nothing else to exciting have a great one.

love you

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Nice day

It was nice to go to dinner with Rachel. I am so proud of you for all you do. It was good to talk with you Karen tonight. Robin I am glad you got to spend some time with your dad. It was a nice day. The sun was out and I think I am getting better. Just takes times I guess. Well have a great Thursday. It is going to be a quiet week for me. It is spring break for the kids and so a lot of the therapists are taking time off.



I gave my two weeks notice today, my last day at Icon is April 20 and I will start April 21. It is exciting but it is hard to leave. Thank you everyone for all your support and listening to me. I went out to dinner with Mom and grandma. Then we went to hooby Lobby to get some stuff for our quilting class. It was a really nice night. Well I hope that everyone is safe and warm and I will talk to you later.


Well the week is half over. Work was busy today I had two new proposals to work on. It was nice to be busy. Good job Rachel on your 2 weeks notice. I have trouble doing that it is stressful. I am excited for you though. I am glad that your stuff is going good Robin. Well I better go. BYE

where is this place?

Well sorry I didn't blog last night I got out of shooting late and it was in eagle mountain. so it took me till 3 to get home. It was the craziest house to find, it took some creative directions to get there. But today is pretty chill I have to go into the photo place and do makeup for an hour or two. nothing to crazy. we're not shooting tonight so i am going to chill and relax. its finally sunny up here. :) anyway have a great day


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Snowy day

Boy spring has come with a winter fill that is for sure. We got about 6 inches of snow. It was a quiet day. I did finish up laundry tonight and we watched the 2nd movie of Harry Potter. I like those movies. Grandma seems to be enjoying them. Congrats Karen and Rachel. Netflixs is amazing on line. You will love it. Robin I hope all is going well with makeuping. Do you need us to bring anything down. I am going to get a hotel room for saturday. I thought you might enjoy sleeping on a bed. I know it will be better for Grandma.


It Works

Well I finally got my blue ray hooked up to my wireless. Yeah! Congrats Rachel, I do have a question though are you going to take us all out to dinner to celebrate? Well things are going good here. It is nice and sunny here today, but still a little chilly. The wind is blowing so I am assuming that it is snow up north though. Well I better go have a great night.

Monday, April 5, 2010


Karen I was going to comment on how proud I was of your farm. It was way organized. It looks really nice. I guess you got enough neighbors to get a bigger farm that is nice. Robin congrats on working so much this week. That is really a lot of hours. That is good. Rachel good luck with your quilt. I am excited to start putting mine together. It is snowing like crazy right now. I hope dad makes it to SLC tomorrow. I am glad you left early Robin. Not much going on here. We did try to go to Village Inn tonight and it is closed until Saturday. They are remodeling. So we ended up at Angies. I like it there. I did do laundry all night and grandma watched the first Harry Potter. She seems liked she liked it. LOVE MOM


Well I finished shooting for the day I got done at 9 it was nice to not have it go on all night. I did get an email from the photography place and they want me to come in at 10 am tomorrow to 5 and then wens. and friday. so that will be good to do some shoots on the side. Then I think we are shooting the movie tues thurs and saturday. I'm kinda hoping for a early shoot on saturday but it doesn't look like it.. cross your fingers. so it looks like a busy week. But I think it should be good. well have a great snowy night.



I think I have been with Grandma too much becuase I am wanting shrimp now too. I went to the store and I got some for dinner and it tasted really good. I had a good really week weekend and it was really good to see everyone. I am glad that you made it back safetly Karen. I hope that one day you are able to watch netflixs online. I was rooting for you. Tonight I pined on of my quilts. I have three ready to quilt and I thought I would do one and then take one and pratice on the long arm. I don't have much else going on. I wish that spring would come back.

Wind and rain

Well it is really windy here and it has been raining off and on. Quiet hard at times. Work was good today. I wasn't even bored. I got my blue ray hooked back up and it plays movies, but I can't get it to hook to my wireless. But I am baby stepping in the right direction. I hope that you guys up north aren't getting to buried in snow. I got myself a bigger farm in farmville and mom will be so proud I even organized a little bit. Well have a great one. BYE

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Nice Easter

Karen I am glad you made it home safe and sound. I had a nice weekend. It was fun to have us all together. Not much going on here. Just got all the pills done for the week. Did farmville and now off to bed. It is payroll in the morning and I wanted to go early to get 1/2 off candy for easter eggs this saturday. Have a great week. Dad is going to Virginia on Sunday. Not sure how we are going to work that out yet. Will keep you posted.



Well I made it back to St. George. It is really windy, but no rain or snow so the drive was not bad. I had a fun time up in Logan. It was nice to hang out with everyone. Well I don't have much else to report so i hope that everyone has a great night. BYE


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...