Saturday, November 30, 2024

No chickens

 Thanks so much for the fun Thanksgiving and black friday. It was amazing. We went to schells today and got legos but no chickens. I didn't want to end up with a puppy. We had a good day. I took a long nap it was wonderful. Tomorrow Alyssa is coming to get her quilt. We are going to decorate for Christmas. I am not sure what is going on with the mice but we have enough poison to hopefully get rid of them. Love you all mom


 Thanks for having us for Thanksgiving Rachel. It was a lot of fun. I slept in today also. We went to Schell's today. It was fun to walk around. Then we stopped at  Fujis for lunch. It tasted really good. We then went to the Chinese Market to get more ramen noodles. After that we came home and took a nap. After dinner we went to Lowe's and got some more mouse traps because we caught another mouse. Then we just watched TV. I hope everyone had a great Saturday. Bye


 Thank you guys for coming all the way up and for being so awesome.  We had a fun time.  We slept in this morning.  Casey went and changed the brakes on coworkers car.  It took him all day.  I worked on embroidered a Thanksgiving pillow.  I am behind.  Ruth had a birthday party at the fun park and had a fun time.  It is Lily's birthday so we went to Randy's house and had pizza.  She has a beautiful frozen cake.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel 

Wednesday, November 27, 2024


 We got dads permanent crown on this morning. We made it safe and sound to logan. We have had a fun day playing games. Drive safe tomorrow. Love mom

Tuesday, November 26, 2024


 I took dad to work this morning so I could have the car. I met kay, Jeff, jen and rylee at Italian village for lunch. It was nice to visit. I went and got my hair cut and then went grocery shopping. Robin you have 5 days off. That is nice. We are going to Logan tomorrow. Dad is going to the dentist in the morning to get his permanent crown on. Rachel I need a pumpkin pie. I thought Costco might be fun. It was a cold and rainy day. I am excited for the holiday. Love mom


 Today was cold and rainy.  Oliver stayed home mostly for a mental health day.  I had prep day at work so I took a long lunch and picked up Oliver to meet Casey for lunch.  We went to Paco's to get a breakfast burrito and it was really good.  Isaac had violin lessons after school.  Ruth for a pizza pie cafe certificate for reading so we went there for dinner.  Casey and Isaac worked on getting the brine.  I went to exercise class and it was step aerobics.  It is really fun and I am getting better at it.  This morning I finished a horse pillow for Ruth which a pocket for books.  

Love Rachel 


Today was nice because it wasy Friday. I snuck out a little early and picked up Luna. It was fun to leave a little early. I have tomorrow off so we are going to cook. It should be fun 


Monday, November 25, 2024


 My day was good. Nothing too wild and crazy. I am jealous everyone is off after tomorrow. I still have to work on Wednesday.


 Poor Oliver threw up at school this morning.  Casey came and took him home then worked from home.  He seems okay now but I think he will probably stay home tomorrow.  Work went so much better today it was so nice.  All my classes went well and the kids all participated.  They had a friends giving lunch and I brought that pie.  It fun to have a nice lunch. Isaac had orchestra so I drove him their and got some groceries on the way home.  We did homework and then I picked up Isaac.  Since it snowed Casey is going to the park on Monday and they climb trees to exercise.  I went to exercise class and it felt good.  

Love Rachel 


 I had a nice day. I mostly just cleaned and did laundry. I did go to target when dad came home to pick up pills and then went to Walmart with Karen. Robin thanks for letting me know about black friday ending on Amazon. I ordered stuff today. That is fun tomorrow is your Friday. I bet it is rachels Friday also. I am going to meet kay and Jen for lunch tomorrow. I hope the weather isn't too bad. Love mom


Tomorrow isy Friday I'm excited to have a short week. It said the weather was going to be bad tomorrow so if it's too bad I might work from home. But we will see how it really plays out. I listened to wicked all day because I could lol. When we got home yesterday we cleaned up the front yard leaves. We need to work on the back yard next between snow storms


Sunday, November 24, 2024


 I just wanted to thank everyone for the fun weekend. I had a really fun time. Have a great short week. Love mom


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...