Saturday, April 1, 2023


Luna woke up at 5 but I was able to get her back down and we finally woke up around 8. Mom dad and Karen came down and helped with the garden boxes. We had a malfunction in the middle but we got it sorted. It was bulging in the middle so we had to brace the side. We got all the dirt filled and the extra off our driveway. We just relaxed the rest of the night. We were tired. 



 I got up early and went to exercise class which was fun.  I sewed a bit and I am really liking the block I made.  Ruth had a birthday party and she had a fun time.  I went Easter shopping while she was there.  Me and Ruth went and got our hair cut.  She let me straighten her hair and it looked really pretty.  We dyed Easter eggs and the kids were sad we didn't do it with everyone.  I need to plan better.  Casey took the trailer to the dump and I helped Isaac cook dinner.  We went on a walk and it was nice to get out.  Me and Casey watched The Unbearable Weight of Incredible Talent and it was really good.  I really liked it.  See you tomorrow.

Love Rachel


 We had a nice day. I slept in and then we went to Lehi. We helped get dirt into their garden shelves. It was starting to bend so we had to add more wood to it. It looks really nice. We decided to drive up to Kamas and get Karen's mail. She had another open house today and three more people came. We are going to ogden tomorrow and hook up with Rachel's gang for lunch. Love you all mom

Friday, March 31, 2023


I went to work early so I got to.leave early. We went and got me as a driver for the rental car. We went to.rei to look at hiking sticks and they wanted a fortune but KFC was next door so we got that for dinner. It was good. The snow was so.pretty this morning. I am sad that lagoon isn't opening. Rachel that is fun to have friends over. We are going to help move dirt with Robin tomorrow. Love mom


 Today was good.  Isaac didn't feel well again so he stayed home.  It is spring break for the kids next week so they have the week off.  Work was good.  I feel like I am getting better at everything and understand better what is going on.  On Fridays the kids walk home.  It was snowing so they called me and I picked them up.  Casey friend Pete and his wife Susan came up from Ogden came up and we took them to dinner at tandoori oven.  Then they came over and visited for a while.  It was a fun evening and it was good to visit.  Congratulations on the house Karen.  I think it will be perfect for you. 

Love Rachel 

Thursday, March 30, 2023


 Today was good but cold.  At work we edited instructions and it took all morning.  Then I did a little more training.  It was busy after school.  Oliver had a friend come over.  Ruth and Oliver had piano lessons.  Ruth had tumbling afterwards so during Oliver's lesson we got her a burrito for dinner.  Casey worked late so while Ruth was at tumbling the boys had their hour and I sewed.  That felt nice to work on my quilt.  Everyone have a good Friday.

Love Rachel 


 I went into work early today to help ser up a conference. They go half day tomorrow. I am going in early tomorrow also. It was busy. I left early to go to Sam's club to get treats for rounding for work. It snowed all day and suppose to be crazy snow all night. I am excited for Karen. The house is really nice. I get to leave work early so that will be nice. Every one enjoy the last day if March. Love mom


 My day was good.  They agreed to sell me the house. I am still waiting for the paperwork so not totally official but pretty close. I am excited. Work was good, I am getting more stuff to work on so it is more fun. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday also. I hope everyone has a great one. Bye


It snowed a lot today. Luckily it didn't stick. We went to one man band for dinner. Luna likes getting Skittles from the machine. After dinner it was sunny so we played outside for a while. Luna likes running around. I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday. I hope things go well with your house


Wednesday, March 29, 2023


 Work was busy. I was tired I had a hard time going to sleep. We met Karen at the mall and had dinner and then looked at that house it is really cute. It has a walking trail right by it. We went to Walmart and got scammed by a girl that that said she needed formula. I didn't catch it until it was too late. Well I learned my lesson on that one. I have to go to work early tomorrow. I loves Oliver's scope. Robin Luna is on the loose now. Make sure you lock the outside doors. She is an escape artist. Everyone be careful in the weather. Love mom


 I love the house you sent.  It looks perfect. Isaac stayed home again from school.  He has a bad cough.  Work was good.  I did a little bit of training on how to be a team lead.  It went fast today.  Oliver had been wanting a scope to take hiking.  He still has his birthday money.  So last night Casey and him went looking and told Randy what he wanted so Randy could use his discount.  It is a monocular and it is pretty neat.  It can zoom, has night vision and can take pictures.  Randy dropped it off today and he was so excited.  Casey had activity days this evening.  Me and Casey folded a mountain of laundry.  I went to exercise class and it was high tonight.  It is so fun and they did some old songs which liked.  It is raining here.  Hopefully it will melt all the snow.

Love Rachel


I didn't get much done at work we had a lot of meetings and it took up most of the day. I thought it was going to rain all day but luckily it hasn't started yet. So we were able to fill up the smaller planter box. We still have dirt in our driveway. But Jeramy made a path so I can get in the garage. It was sweet. Luna was tired all night until we gave her a bath and it rejuvenated her. She's getting chatty but just sounds like an alien running around the house. Last night she woke up around 12:30 and was playing in the kitchen I didn't hear her wake up. So I went out to see if Jenkins had to go out. I saw her door open but no Luna in her bed. So I turn in her light and she bolted down the hall from the kitchen. I need to put bells on her feet. She wouldn't let me put her down so I was up for 2 hours trying to get her back down. Tonight I was reading green eggs and ham and after I was done she read the book back. It was funny

Tuesday, March 28, 2023


 Work was good. Nothing to exciting. Dad got to rebuilt computer today and it wasn't good. He is sending it back. He was so excited. I felt bad it didn't work. We had dinner and just vegged. We will come down on Saturday and move dirt. Bet Luna loved that. Rachel I don't think the snow will ever melt. It is so weird. I am glad we are going south for camping. I am so excited as well. I also planned some time off this summer.  I can't get over Luna us getting into a new room. She us growing up too fast. Love mom


 That is fun you have dirt and your snow is melted.  We still have so much snow and it may never melt.  Work was ok.  I had a lot of meetings.  The Management went to a lean training last week and we got the low down on the changes they want to make.  We also switched machines around. We don't every quarter.  They are not having quarterly lunch meetings anymore which is sad.  Isaac had a bad cough so he stayed home today.  Casey had a dentist appointment to get his teeth cleaned but they wouldn't do it because he had a cardiac event in the last six months.  He walked to the university to look around the library and then we picked him up after school.  Everyone was home so we played that puzzle game.  It was fun, thank you for it.  The kids did last until the end but it was fun to do together.  I went to exercise class after dinner.  It was upbeat barr which I really like doing.  We are all super excited for camping next week.  I hope it isn't too cold.  

Love Rachel


 If you want help with the dirt Robin just let me know. My day was good. Just the usual for me. I was glad to see the sun today. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 


Since today was the only sunny day the dirt people delivered the dirt for our garden boxes today. They dropped it in our driveway so we are parking in the streets for a bit. The weather is supposed to be bad the next few days. Hopefully the dirt doesn't drift away.... Luna is moving to pre-preschool class next week. They are going to transition her slowly over so she gets use to it. I worked from home to help with dirt and I had an eye appointment to get more contacts. We tried to move as much dirt as we could tonight before it got dark. So we are tired.


Monday, March 27, 2023


 It was snowing when I went to work but then it turned to blizzard. I think it snowed 10 inches at primary. It was crazy. I was getting to think I would have to take trax home but around 1 it cleared and the roads were dry when I came home. We had a new girl start today that is going to be the admin At Lehi. I really like her. That coat looks really warm for Ruth. I am glad you found one. I am sorry you and Luna are sick. We need sunshine. No news on Karen's house. I hope it sells soon. Love mom


 Today was good.  Work was easy today and went fast.  I am making Christmas jar toppers and they are pretty cute.  We were telling Randy we couldn't find Ruth a coat and he said there were some at his work.  He bought her one and came by after school to give it to her.  I said to get her a big one so she could use it next year also so it is a little big.  Isaac had violin lessons.  He is going to have a recital on May 21.  I am going to accompany him so we ordered a book for that.  I went grocery shopping while he was at his lessons.  I went to exercise class this evening and it was weights.  It felt good to do it.  My ankle is sore and I think I pulled a tendon or something.  Love you guy's.

Love Rachel


Today was good nothing too wild. Luna has a cough and I have a runny nose. So we are a mess. We made it to daycare and work. Luckily it's just a light bug. I think it's just the neverending winter with the neverending cold. We didn't get a ton of snow but it was cloudy and cold. I'm ready for warmer weather. 



 I was tired today but I made it through work. It was snowing again today. I am tired of the snow. I keep hoping that spring will get here soon. Other than that my day was good. Just the usual. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye 

Sunday, March 26, 2023


 It was good to see everyone yesterday.  The day went too fast.  I would love to have a sewing day if anyone wants to.  Today Casey worked and we went to church.  A poor family's baby was still born and that was really sad.  I played the piano in primary.  I am not great but it went ok.  We went to Randy's house for dinner and to celebrate Max's birthday.  The kids played together really well and had fun.  I hope you feel better Mom.  Headaches are the worst.

Love Rachel


 I had a bad headache last night. Wish that would get better. We had a nice day we went and saw the house and it had pink carpet. It is a nice house just really out dated. It was awful driving there but was sunny when we left. We went to Winco and then capriottis for lunch. It tasted good. We came home and took naps. We just had warm ups for dinner. It is suppose to snow again tonight. I really need spring. It is so cold. They hired a new admi for the Lehi hospital. She starts tomorrow. I get to take her on A tour so that will take the morning up. Sure had a fun time yesterday. Thanks for getting together. Love mom 


Today was chill. We didn't do alot. The weather was bipolar. It was a complete blizzard then it was really sunny by the end of the night. Jenkins walked on a sticky pad for the bugs. So we had to get it off his paws. it wasn't super fun. Luna is wild and chatty. She's mostly talks in alien talk but I get a few words here and there. 



 I went and looked at another house this morning. It was a blizzard. The house was okay. It needs new carpet, paint, but it wasn't too bad. Then we went to the store and lunch. Then I took a nap. It was nice. I hope everyone had a great Sunday. Bye 


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...