Saturday, January 2, 2016

We are all home safe and sound

We took the kids back to Logan today.  We first went to the mall and got build a bears and legos.  Karen I hope yours is a lot of fun.  Thanks Karen and Robin for all the fun times.  The kids were so good.  It is just way to quiet here after they leave.  Casey made tacos for dinner and they tasted really good.  There was a lot of traffic in and out of Logan.  School starts on Monday.  Good luck Rachel this week.  I hope Ruth decides to make her appearance really soon.  I am charging my phone as I type.  Robin I hope you got a lot of rest today and Karen I hope you got a nap.  Everyone have a wonderful Sunday.  It looks like it is going to warm up a bit.  LOVE MOM


Hello I don't have much to report so here are some picts.


Wednesday, December 30, 2015


I'm glad this is a short week. :) today was good. Work was work. I went to costco to get contacts but they didn't take my insurance so instead I grabbed some streak. Walter decided to come over since there was steak :) everyone drive safe and stay warm


Being 5

Isaac has hit the your not my friend age.  He is going to miss you.  I am not that amazing.  I sure like those bean bags you made.  They look really nice.  It looks like the boys like them.  I am so glad that I am done with work this week.  I was ready to be on vacation.  I did get a lot done this week and that was nice.  I feel all caught up.  I can't believe that New Years is here.  I am excited to come and get the boys.  We will have a fun time.  Dad's jeep needed to be inspected this month (I know we always wait until the last minute)  We were driving home and the place on the corner was open so he took it over there and it passed and we are all set for another year.  We will make sure we have a fun time with the boys.  Dad is coming tomorrow, I thought that Oliver would like that a lot better.   Everyone be safe out there.  LOVE MOM


Oliver has been so happy this week.  It has been really nice to see him happy and feeling better.  We had a pretty good day.  We just stayed at home and read a lot of books and played.  When Casey got home they played outside for a while but it is super cold out there.  Isaac wanted bread sticks for dinner so we got a pizza, it tasted good.  Thanks again Mom for picking up the boys, they are excited.  Isaac said he isn't going to miss me and is really happy at your house.  Drive safe and thanks again.



Well I am glad that I only have to work one more day this week. Work is going good. It was a little snowy here today, but the sun did come out for a little bit this afternoon. After work I finally went grocery shopping. It is nice to have food in the house. I hope everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow. Bye

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Need a moment

Today was good. Me and Walter had a date night. We went to baza grill and saw star wars. I liked it. Walter is still sad about Han solo. He needs a minute. I guess in the books he dies of old age. But he said he liked the movie. Thank you mom for the movie. Hope everyone has a good one


Thanks Mom

Thanks Mom for making a plan and for taking the boys.  Isaac is so excited, he talked about it all night long.  Thank you.  We didn't get any snow today but it is cold out their.  We just took it easy today and maybe watched too much TV.  Oliver did sleep all night long, it is a miracle.  He hasn't done that in probably two months.  I finished my book tonight while putting the boys to bed.  I read so much waiting yesterday, I need to find a longer book.  Thanks for everything guys.  I hope that Ruth can wait two more days.  Baby step to January.


I have a plan (maybe)

I talked with Rachel and I am going to pick the boys up on Thursday morning and bring them to SLC.  Robin gets off work at noon so I told her we would hook up later in the afternoon.  Karen, I thought you could come down and have dinner and if you and Robin want to go party for the new year eve's we will stay home and play with the kids or you can play with us also.  I thought on Friday we could do crafts and play and then on Saturday we are going to meet up with Casey and give them back the boys.  This is all conditional that Ruth decides to not be the first baby born on the New Year.  I am still holding out for 1/6/16 at 1616 :).  It snowed here most of the morning and some in the evening.  My hair was driving me crazy so after work we stopped and I got it cut.  It feels a lot better.  Tomorrow is my Friday.  Can I just say that sounds so good.  Everyone have a great Wednesday.  LOVE MOM


Since I don't work Friday my week is officially half over. It did snow about an inch here today. So I did have to shovel, but it didn't take very long so that was nice. I even put some ice melt out. Impressive I know. Work is going good. Nothing too exciting to report there. I do need to go grocery shopping at some point but when I got off work it was cold and snowing so I lost motivation to go. Maybe tomorrow I will go. I hope everyone had a great Tuesday. Bye

Monday, December 28, 2015

Still cold

Well we are still in the negative numbers here. The furnace was also out at work today until about two so it was chilly there as well. I am glad that Isaac's and Rachel's doctors appointments went okay. I hate it when they run late. I am good to play this weekend also. I only have new years day off though. I can take time off though if you want to meet up before then. Well I hope everyone has a great Tuesday tomorrow.

Image result for cold temperature jokes

One day more

Today was good work went by fast. Then after work walter came over and I made chicken tezinniki. I found the recipe on pinterest. It tasted good. I work a half day on new years eve and on new year's i.have the day off. Walter has to be under watch for his disability claim. They are going to monitor his sleep and do tests so I'm free to play have a good one



We spent a lot of time in the waiting room for doctors today.  Isaac had a doctors appointment this morning.  We had talked about it a lot but he still was nervous and it took a while for him to calm down.  He did really good and he earned a prize, we went to Walmart and he choose a lego space shuttle.  One thing is they forgot to give him a shot so they called after I had gotten everyone in the car and we had to go back in and wait for the shot.  Isaac did really good and handled it really well.  We came home and did legos and had lunch, the morning went really fast.  Oliver took a good nap which was nice.  I had a doctors appointment at 5:15.  My doctor had a busy day so he was behind anyway and then he had to go and deliver a baby so I didn't see him until 7.  Luckily I brought my book and it didn't seem bad.  Everything looks good and she is measuring good.  My blood pressure was higher but still in the normal range.  Thanks again for the fun Christmas, it was so nice.


Back to the real world

We made it back to work.  It was so quiet today.  Everyone was gone and boy did I get a lot of work done.  I need a couple more of those days.  I am going to get another one of those tomorrow also.  Rachel, I am glad that Isaac did good with his shots.  He isn't going to feel 100 percent for a couple of days.  I am glad you checked out also.  It sure is cold.  I talked with Robin tonight and she wants to play over the holiday.  Well not much else going on with me.  WE did go grocery shopping.  I left my phone at work.  I am such an air head.  Everyone have a great Tuesday.  LOVE MOM

Sunday, December 27, 2015


Thanks for the predictions.  I didn't even realize that 1/6/16 is an option, That would be a cool birthday.  Thanks for the 7 pound prediction Robin, I hope you are right.   I am excited that it is almost January.  I am feeling better today and we just took it easy.  Oliver didn't sleep well but I expected it.  It was so cold that I checked the thermostat this morning and the batteries were dead so it wasn't turning on the heat.  Casey fixed it and we were up and running.  Me and Isaac went to church and Casey stayed home to give Oliver a nap.  Next week the new time starts so it will be a lot better.  Isaac got a ton of stuff for Christmas and his birthday, he seemed pretty happy.  We had salmon for dinner and it tasted really good, thank Mom.  Well good luck going back to work tomorrow.  Luckily it is a short week again.  Thanks for the wonderful Christmas.


another prediction

Ruth could be born on 1/6/16 at 1616.  What are the chances of that?  :)


Well it was cold here today. It didn't hit zero here until lunch time. I had a great Christmas, thanks everyone for the fun time. I am glad that it is a short week. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye

Pajama Day

We had a pajama day today.  I did laundry and got everything moved into my new purse.  Thanks Karen.  It is so much bigger and nicer.  I love it.  We didn't go see Grandma because Susan is sick with a bad cold.  I sure hope she doesn't catch it.  Robin I love your prediction for Ruth.  That would just be perfect.  I hope you are feeling alright Rachel.  Robin, I am sorry you didn't get to go see Star Wars.  You will have to do it for New Years.  Karen, Rachel and Casey went and saw it.  They liked it.  Me and Grandpa got to play with the kids.  It was so much fun.  Everyone good luck going back to the real world.  I love you all.  Thanks so much for the fun holiday.  LOVE MOM

Back to life

Thank you all for the fun christmas. I'm glad the holidays are winding down. January is my slow month and I'm looking foward to it. :) I felt worse yesterday so I just vegged on the couch. I feel a but better today. But I had to work at scheels so it was an ok day. I am back to work at maggie tomorrow. I am excited to meet ruth friday ;) my guess is 1-1-16 at 1:16pm at 7lb 6 oz.

Love you


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...