Saturday, February 10, 2018


It snowed here off and on here all day. It did really stick so it wasn't too bad.  I did go grocery shopping. I found a new recipe for chili so I am going to try that tomorrow.  I also got laundry done. Whick is really nice because my laundry basket was overflowing. I hope everyone has a great Sunday tomorrow. Bye

Beautiful evening

It was such a beautiful drive home tonight.  It seemed like the sunset we on for such a long time.  It was so clear and pretty.  We sure had a nice time in Logan.  It will be tough to get back to the real world.  Since we had some extra time we started going through boxes and ended up with a whole trailer worth of stuff we got rid of.  It was nice to be able to do that.  I have been wanting to do that for a really long time.  It is quiet here.  I always miss the sounds when I leave.  Everyone have a great Sunday.  I think we are going to try and go to Grandmas.  LOVE MOM

I'm back

The quilt retreat was a lot of fun and the cabin was so pretty.  I would love to have a cabin like that.  We just sewed, ate and talked the whole time which was fun.  I attached a group picture but I didn't sew the quilt I am holding.  We had packed up so we just held up the ones that were finished.  I was working on a postage stamp quilt and I attached a picture of some of what I have done, it is a lot of sewing.  Mom and Dad cleaned up a lot of stuff at the house so we spend most of the day working on that.  Me and Mom did go shopping the two of us which was fun to do.  We miss them and it is hard to let them go home.  The kids are tired, Ruthie wanted to take a bath and went to sleep early.  Love you guys.



Today was good. I didn't do much it was nice. I kept wanting to be productive but I couldn't get the energy up. Lol. Hope everyone had a good day


Friday, February 9, 2018


Things are going good here in Kamas. Work went by quick which is always nice for a Friday. Andy bought all of us in engineering lunch today. We got stuff at the Mexican place. It tasted really good and was super nice of him. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Good day

Today went good children were dropped off and picked up right on time. We went to pizza pie buffet. It tasted good. Rachel left around 10. I hope she has fun. Robin I hope you are surviving. Karen were you able to change you tooth appt. love you guys mom

So glad

I'm so happy tomorrow if friday. Today was busy but it always is. We are having a potluck tomorrow so that will be fun. Not much else going on have a good night



My day has been good. Sorry I didn't blog last night I forgot. Work was busy. It went by quick. I did manage to get my dishes done so that was good. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, February 7, 2018


We made it to Logan safe and sound. We are set to babysit. We met Karen at spaghetti factory me and dad had meatloaf with spaghetti. It was really good.. robin your room is amazing. Wow. I am sorry that girl quit. That sucks. You almost had them trained.


Your craft room looks amazing Robin, that is a lot of work.  Good job.  That is lame that the girl quit, really lame.  I am sorry.  Mom and Dad made it up here safely and I really appreciate them coming up.  I am going to be gone tomorrow so I will not blog, I will be sewing all day so don't be too jealous.  This morning I volunteered at Isaac's school.  The little kids were good and it was fun to hear Isaac and his friend talking about a haunted door at school.  I even got to see it.  I took the kids to Sam's for lunch for being good and we got some treats.  Casey had scouts this evening so he was gone till later.  Thanks for everything and have a great night. 

Scheduling:  Oliver birthday party will be on Sunday February 18. 



Today one of the new girls quit. She left yesterday at lunch because she was sick. And then today texted in she couldn't work anymore for health reasons. So that was lame. I was tired today already so I had a short patience span. Hopefully tomorrow goes a bit smoother. I finished the bulk of my craft room. I have to now put a few things away and it's done. I still have way to much stuff but I'm baby stepping.


Tuesday, February 6, 2018


Good job on your craft room Robin, it looks really good.  Today was busy and good.  I babysat this morning and it was really nice weather so the kids played outside for most of the time which is fun.  Oliver had school and Ruthie wouldn't nap.  She doesn't realize that she can get out of bed, she dropped her blanket and was crying for me to pick it up.  Isaac has a lot reading he needed to do today and was dragging his feet on it.  Casey picked up Thai food for dinner and it tasted really good.  We sewed teddy bears for young women's.  We didn't even get to the sewing machines, the girls were embroidering their faces so we are going to finish it for another activity.  I forgot how much they don't know.  We went shopping afterwards for food for the retreat.  I hope that it works out ok and is fun.  Thanks Mom for coming up.



My day has been good. Work was just the usual for a Tuesday.  It did snow today but it didn't really stick so that was nice. Poor Isaac, tonsils are tough. Hopefully he will feel better after they are gone. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Long day

Today was a long day. I was tired from cleaning and I just wasn't in the mood to deal with life. I feel like everyone at work is struggling and they come to me for everything. I could get so much done if I was locked I'm my own room just focusing on work. Ha ha but I made it through and cleaned some more of my craft room. It is quite the process but I am really liking it. I moved a light out to my living room and it's so bright now. It's going in a good direction. Have a good one


My Friday

Well tomorrow is my Friday.  I am going to Logan and watch the kids while Rachel goes on her retreat.  I am pretty excited.  We are hooking up with Karen for dinner before we leave.  She has a doctor's appointment.  Work was good.  I think I am doing better.  Just doing what I have always done.  It is dumb but that is what they want me to do.  We went to Sam's this evening to get drugs and they have swim suits.  They were cute.  I was going to get some but I thought you might want to look at them before I bought them Rachel.  We did get a chicken for dinner.  They are so good.  Not much else to report. Everyone have a great hump day.  LOVE MOM

Monday, February 5, 2018


Im sorry Isaac has to have surgery. I can take some time off if you need help. Today was good. I didn't want to work i just wanted to work on my craft room. So I didn't work any extra hours. I finished putting it together. But now my place exploded in craft supplies. I have so much crap. But it's soooo nice to have it all in drawers. I love it already. I'm just cleaning up the junk items that are old. I put a before and after. Im still working on the other side so no pictures yet. Lol Have a good Tuesday


Poor Isaac

I am sorry that Isaac has to have his tonsils out.  He is going to be miserable for a couple of days.  I think he will breath a lot better when they are out.  Maybe foods will be easier for him to swallow also.  Well my day was good.  Just a normal day.  We did go to Del Taco for dinner and that tasted good.  We went to Fred Meyer's afterwards and then I did some laundry.  I am excited that I am going to Logan.  It will be a nice break for me.  I think that dad is coming with me.  That is a maybe.  I am glad that Casey is starting to feel better.  He still has a good week before he starts to feel better.  Karen, I am glad you had a nice day.  Robin, I hope you finished you chest of drawers.  They are beautiful.  LOVE MOM


Isaac has to have his tonsils and adenoid out. The doctor said his tonsils were really big, they are almost touching.  He said that they were a 4+ so we looked it up and that is the worst that there is.  We all knew that was probably going to happen and have been talking about it so it isn't too big a deal.  Isaac has been thinking about it so he had questions to ask the doctor which was good.  They are going to do it March 9 and he will miss a week of school.  It was a busy day.  I babysat this morning.  Oliver was super star and he wanted to bring pretzels which I didn't have to so we had to run to the store really fast.  Tomorrow for young women's we are sewing bears so me and Ruth went and bought the fabric and stuffing for that.  I have them all cut out so I think I am ready.  I picked Oliver up from school and then grabbed Isaac.  We were at the doctors for so long just waiting, the kids did really well, they were awesome.  Casey is feeling better but still has the cold.  I think he is over the worst of it which is great.  Love you guys and have a good night.




My Monday has been good. I did get sucked into a meeting for about an hour. It wasn't too bad though. Good job on the cabinet Robin. It looks good. Rachel I was wondering if you had any suggestions on what to get Oliver for his birthday. I  don't know what to get him. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, February 4, 2018


I meet up with Erick I'm the morning and we went and saw jumanji. It was a funny show. We went to the one in South jordan and the chairs were amazing. They were recliners and really comfy. We went to fujis for lunch. It was the Superbowl so he went home to watch the game. I decided to put my hutch together.since I had the night free. I got it up but still need to work on the drawers so I will do that tomorrow. Have a good night



I had a good day. I met up with mom for lunch. It was fun hanging out. Then I came home and took a nap. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye

Nice Sunday

I slept  in this morning and then went and had lunch with Karen.  It was nice to hook up and just visit.  We did go to Whole foods to get her probiotics and it is such a busy store.  It is really pretty.  It was kind of raining up in Park City and windy.  I came home and just hung out.  Dad worked all day.  I guess they are going to China tomorrow.  They aren't taking a detector because they still don't work.  Rachel, I am glad those shelves turned out nice.  They do look good in his room.  Robin, I hope you had a nice day.  If you need help with the chest let me know.  LOVE MOM


It was good to see everyone yesterday, it was a busy day.  Today I had a meeting and it was long but I am glad I went.  Ruthie didn't sleep well so she took a nap after lunch and Casey laid down too.  Me and the boys build the cubbies for Oliver's room.  They had a lot of fun building them and I really like how his room looks now.  It is a lot less cluttery, Oliver is a pack rack.  Oliver loved seeing all his toys and played with everything.  I think it is going to be a lot more accessible now which is nice.  We put the desk organizer in Isaac's desk and it really helped.  I took the boys to church, we just went to our classes we skipped sacrament meeting.  Oliver went to his class by himself with minimal whining.  We are taking Isaac to the ENT tomorrow and he told all of primary that he was having surgery and it was a trail for him.  It made me laugh and laugh.  For dinner we got Chinese food since it sounded good to Casey and it tasted good.  I hope that everyone has a good Monday.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...