Saturday, March 19, 2016


It was such a pretty day outside.  Karen came down and spent the night and that was a lot of fun. Thanks Karen.  We went to Costco to get food for next weekend.  I can't believe Easter is so early.  We met up with Rachel's family at the dinosaur park in Ogden.  It was fun and I had a really good time.  Robin traveling can wear you right out.  I hope you get some rest.  Working full shifts all weekend isn't going to help that much.  I hope you get over jet lag soon.  Have a wonderful Sunday.  LOVE MOM


Sorry I didn't blog. I was so tired. I layed on the couch and was out. I still feel tired but I think it's going to be a couple days to recoupe. I am working scheels sat and sunday so it will be a long weekend. Walter hasn't moved. They are still doing paper work I guess. They said the 1st of april. So hopefully that date sticks. Well have a good night


Friday, March 18, 2016


Robin, I hope you are recovering from your trip.  Did Walter get moved?  Karen came down tonight and we went to Hoppers for dinner.  I have always wanted to try it and it was really good.  We will have to go there again.  We are going grocery shopping in the morning but free the rest of the day. Rachel do you want to play on Saturday or Sunday. I am good either way.  Everyone have a really nice weekend.  Enjoy the nice weather.  LOVE MOM

It's Friday :)

The weather was a lot nicer today and we were able to spend a lot of time outside which made the day go a lot better.  It was nice.  This afternoon me and Isaac did some stretching and it was really fun and it felt really good.  Isaac even had a fun time doing it.  I think it is going to be good for both of us to do.  We were coloring with the smelling markers and I drew a rainbow.  Isaac didn't like the smell of some of the colors so he just made a purple rainbow for the smell, I attached a picture.  He also made me and Casey pictures to hang by our bed so we have something nice to smell at night.  Casey took the boys to a show, zootopia, tonight so I took Ruth on a walk and after I got her to bed did some sewing.  It was nice.  Casey isn't going to change the timing belt Mom so we can meet you anywhere on Sunday if you want.


Thursday, March 17, 2016

St Patrick's Day

Today was a little harder but we made it through.  I tried to take a picture of all three of them this morning and it didn't go great.  It is hard to get them together but I will keep working on it.  Isaac had school and we went shopping.  I felt bad I didn't have anything for St Patrick's so I went and got corned beef and green cookies.  Oliver was cranky today and wouldn't take a nap, I think he is getting his molars in.  We all went and registered Isaac for kindergarten.  They did a little assessment and he did really well.  He has to get more shots.  I guess he has to have had some shots after he was 4 and he got them when he was 2.  That is about it, enjoy the crazy pictures.


Is it Friday?

Today was good.  I went to pick up a plague and they spell Resident residet so I have to take that back.  Work is getting too much but I will forge ahead.  I am so ready for the weekend.  I met Kay, Julie, Jeff, Rylie, Jen tonight at Oliver Garden it was nice to get together.  I hope you had a nice day Robin. That is a long day.  Karen drive safe tomorrow.  We are going to buy food for Easter Weekend.  I am getting excited to play in Kamas.  Have a great Friday.  I am glad the dentist went well Karen.  That is nice to have that all over with.  LOVE MOM

all done

Well i am finally all done with the dentist.  It is nice to have that done. Work is going good. Nothing too exciting to report. It was super windy here today. I nearly blow away. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Family size

Today was busy. We were at the show most the day my feet were killing me. Then around 6 ish we finally got back to the hotel. We decided to go out to this fancy Italian place. It was really funny. The lady kept saying it's more family style food. So the ladies I went with ordered wine and "family style" food. And since I'm a water drinker I got me own pasta so it was cheaper and I didn't have to split their bill. Any way there meal came out for the 4 of then and there was a total of 6 raviolis on the plate for all of them. My meal was a feast in comparison. I totally lucked out lol. Any way we stayed up late and talked with everyone so it will be a long day tomorrow. Have a good st patty day.


So cute

Karen that was a really good idea.  I am glad that the boys loved them.  I made spaghetti for dinner and it didn't smell like heaven but it tasted pretty good.  Not much else going on with us.  Work is crazy and I am hoping it will change soon.  I am going in a little late tomorrow because I have to go pick up trophies for work and they open at 8:00.  That is a nice excuse to sleep in a little bit.  Robin I hope you had a wonderful time in Chicago.  Be safe coming home.  Ruth is so cute.  She is getting big.  Good luck at the dentist Karen.  LOVE MOM


Rachel i am glad that the boys liked the cards. Things are going good here in Kamas. Work is going good. The sun actually came out today. It was nice to see. I go to the dentist tomorrow to get my permanent crown on. So i get to leave work a little early. Robin have a safe trip home. I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow.  Bye


Thank you Karen for the gift cars and the cute St Patricks Day cards, the boys loved them.  Isaac was so hyper after we got them and when we got to panda he said it smelled like heaven.  Oliver liked handing his card to the cashier at the ice cream store.  Other that that today was pretty normal and busy.  Isaac had school and it was blue day today.  Casey's car is having some electrical problems so worked on that today.  He thinks he has it fixed.  We worked in Isaac's kindergarten book and stretched his feet.  I am trying to make both of those a habit that we do every day.  Thanks again for the fun night Karen.


Tuesday, March 15, 2016


Thanks for the pictures Robin, that is so fun.  Jenn said that she has been their and she said it is a clean city, she liked it.  I want to go now.  I forgot to say that yesterday I taught Isaac how to play Yahtzee and he loves it.  He got two yahtzee's (he didn't even cheap the whole time) and now he thinks he is the best and loves the game.  We played it again today but Oliver was crying and we didn't finish.  Also Isaac is back on spaghetti,  I have been trying to get him to try new things and he loves spaghetti again, it is nice. We went to story time this morning and it went well.  Ruth slept the whole time and the boys were really good.  Jenn came over to sew and that was fun.  It gets crazy with all the kids here but we still get to talk. Casey had scouts tonight and brought doughnuts so we got to sample a few, they were good.  When he got home they boys wanted to go outside and play.  It started to downpour snow and they loved it.  I attached a picture of the trampoline, they are on it but it is hard to see them.  I was thinking about Easter Mom and I think that they jump zone or swimming lessons or swimming passes would be fun.  I told the lady with the quilts that I only could stitch in the ditch, no fancy quilting, she would have to find someone else to do it.  She is thinking about it, I hope that she finds someone else.



Cool pictures Robin. I hope you have a great time there. My day was good. Work is still staying busy so work is going by fast. It did snow part of the day here. It is also snowing right now. At least i haven't had to shovel. Have a great one. Bye


Robin that does look like a lot of fun.  I am so glad you are safe and sound.  Have a wonderful working trip.  Karen and Rachel, I hope you aren't snowed out.  It was stormy here all day.  We interviewed someone today and I think they are going to offer her the job.  YEAH.  That will be good.  One down, one more to go.  It has been crazy busy and I am ready for it to slow down.  We did go to Sam's after work and I found a pop up book of tractors for Oliver.  I know I was way excited also.  I have to go to work early tomorrow so I am going to bed a little early.  That will be nice.  I hope that I sleep.  Have a great hump day.  LOVE MOM

Made it

I made it to Chicago. It's a fun city. I wish I could stay longer. We went out to dinner with a store owner and she bought us a steak dinner. It was sweet of her. Not much else on my front just travel day mostly.

Have a good night

Monday, March 14, 2016

Thank you

Thank you for the well wishes. Hopefully it goes well. It's my first work trip. My plane leaves tomorrow at 12:30. Walters going to take me to the airport around 10 ish.. then I fly home thursday. I should be home around 10:00pm, pending flight delays. Hopefully the weather behaves and I can walk around the city a bit. I should have Internet in my phone to blog if not I will text. Have a good night. Stay warm


Safe trip

Robin have a great trip.  I am with Rachel and Karen.  Have a great time and I hope all goes well.  This is what you do the best.  You are going to shine.  Rachel that is the most darling picture of Ruth.  That is one that you need to frame.  Those quilts are really darling.  What an amazing job.  Do you have to quilt them also?  Karen, it snowed here also.  We had a pie contest today at work and I made a pink lemonade pie.  It was OK.  I dyed the coconut and the was the funnest part.  I am glad the storm is here.  I had the worst headache all night.  It is nice to have it settled down.  Have a great Tuesday.  I can't believe that St. Patrick's day is almost here.  March is usually a really long month and it seems to be flying by.  LOVE MOM

Say Hello to the Windy City

Good luck tomorrow Robin.  I hope that your trip in amazing and you have a wonderful time.  I have always wanted to visit Chicago, take a lot of pictures.  It snowed her today also.  Isaac kept saying he missed spring.  Isaac had school today and he got to wear his rainbow shirt and he was very excited.  I needed some thread so we went to Joann's while he was at school.  Casey didn't sleep the night before so he called in sick.  He got a lot done today and had a good day.  We were setting things up on the dvd and signed into vudu.  I put on Jurassic world and Isaac and Oliver really liked it.  Isaac watched the whole thing which made me laugh.  I decided to hang my orange quilt up downstairs so we went to shopko tonight and got a curtain rod.  I used the $10 coupon that you gave us Mom so it was only 10 dollars, thanks Mom.  I finished the second quilt for that lady, it turned out good, thanks for the advice on it Mom.  Good luck again Robin, I am excited for you.



Well it was cold, snowy, and windy here today. I was so enjoying the warmer weather. Oh well it was be hot before i know it. It seemed super dark this morning when i got up. Sprining ahead makes me feel like i woke up too early. Work was good. I got a few things done off on to do list. I hope everyone had a great Monday and pi day. Have a great trip Robin.

Sunday, March 13, 2016


Today was good I made corned beef for the first time. It was really good. Walter came over and had some. I went to gordmas and walmart to get stuff for my trip. I leave on tuesday. It should be fun. I still have to pack but I am going to do that tomorrow. Have a good night



We had a good day also.  We slept in and then went and got Grandma for lunch and a stroll around Walmart.  We stopped at the Home Inc. store that was where Shopko use to be.  It was really fun.  We need to go there.  They have everything you can imagine there for your house.  I took a nap then made a pie for pie day tomorrow at work.  It is a contest.  I made pink lemonade pie.  I hope it tastes good.  Rachel it looks like you cut Isaac's hair.  Robin you have a safe trip to Chicago.  I am excited for you.  It is suppose to be rainy tomorrow, kind of all week.  Rachel I was wondering what I should get the kids for Easter.  Do you have some ideas?  LOVE MOM

The weekend

This weekend was good.  Yesterday we worked outside for a while.  Casey is fixing all the flower boxes and is starting with the one on the deck.  We went to lowes and got some new wood for that and went grocery shopping.  It was kind of rainy in the afternoon so Casey worked on his car and we played inside.  Today we all went to church and it went really good and was nice.  Oliver went to nursery all by himself and did really good.  Casey and Oliver took a nap this afternoon.  Me, Ruth and Isaac made cookies which was fun.  We played playdough also.  We didn't have lunch until 3 so we didn't really even have dinner.  The kids were tired so they even went to bed a little early.  Everyone have a good Monday and don't work too hard.



I had a quiet day. It was nice. I got a nap and everything. I really don't have anything to report. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...