Saturday, June 10, 2023


 We had a good day in Clifton and we had a fun time.  I also ordered an embroidery machine which is exciting.  I wanted one for my birthday and Casey said to just order one so I did.  I got up early and went to exercise class.  I stayed for both classes and it was a lot of fun.  The ping pong table was delivered this morning so we set it up and played.  We are not very good but we will get better.  We headed to Idaho and had lunch in Preston.  We visited and then headed over to the founders day party.  It wasn't very big this year.  Their were starting a bing game and the cards were only 1 dollar so we played.  I had a lot of fun.  They had fun prizes and we all won a couple of time.  I even won a blackout prize and got a blanket.  The kids thought it was a poncho and wanted it for Tiffany but it was just a blanket.  We just hung out at Calleen and I took the little kids to the park for a while when they were to hyper.  She invited some people over and we had dinner and watched the fireworks.  It was a nice evening.

Love Rachel


 We had a nice day. We got up and i found my shoe box. That was good. We went to Lehi and took some of our food to Robin to take to jeramys sisters. We went to the Saratoga temple open house. It was nice but seemed hot in there. Luna is so cute.she is saying more.and more words. We came uome and took Karen out to dinner and then went to lowes. We can figure out where to turn the water on. We did find tons of holes.but no water main. So we are having a hoodoo on Saturday for Father's day. I think that will be fun. Rachel I hope you had fun in Clifton. Love mom

Friday, June 9, 2023


 My day was good. Work went by fast and I left early to go to the zoo. It was fun painting but my baby zebra didn't turn out. I hope everyone has a great day. Bye


 I called out house insurance and they are going to send someone to assess the damage which is great.  Work fine.  Poor klesis's Mom is dying so she is going on FMLA starting on Monday.  They are going to have other people help me and I am in charge of the team.  After work we walked to the park and had a fun time.  We threw the ball a ton for Tony and he was happy.  We ran into a neighbor who has kids similar ages.  They have season passes to lagoon also and are going Thursday.  I told her we need to go together sometimes.  Another huge storm came in.  We made felt flowers, made cookies and watched a movie.  Casey worked late.  It is working out having him home in the mornings so it is great.  

Love Rachel

Paint night

 Work was busy and I was tired. My body just falls asleep. I hate that. I met dad and Karen at target at brickyard. It is too tiny. They don't have much there. We had dinner at taco bell and then went to the zoo. Karen got us a year pass if any one wants to see the elephants before they leave. I love watching them. We had paint night and did zebras. They just showed us the picture and we traced it.  The had a mom zebra and a rainbow baby. Let's say they will have a good home in the garbage. They used water colors and they are a lot harder to control. We went to munchies for ice cream. Rache you should make us a puff quilt dragon. Jk. We are going with robin to the temple open house. Karen has an eye appointment. Rachel have fun in Clifton. One of the guys said they went to lagoon after work and there were no lines. They rode 13 rides. Just FYI. Love mom


Luna woke up again last night at 3:30 and didn't go back down till 5. I finally got her Tylenol in her system and I think that helped. So I was tired all day.. luckily it was Friday and the day went fast. Tomorrow we are going to the Saratoga springs temple open house at 1 with mom and dad


Thursday, June 8, 2023


 Today was kind of stressful.  A lady at work got in trouble for something and she was upset and it made the day stressful.  I had a little spot on a panel I was making and that was frustrating.  They did the clear blue training again today and we helped with that.  The ping pong table came and we were excited.  It didn't have patels so we went and got some.  A big storm came when we were coming home.  Casey got home from the dentist about the same time and we were taking down the ping pong table and it was broken so Casey sent it back.  He ordered a new one.  The little kids had piano lessons and they did good.  Isaac came up and said the sewing room was flooding.  It wasn't too bad and we caught it early.  The dish washer was leaking and the sub floor underneath is ruined we think.  Anyway it is cleaned up and we will get it all fixed.  Have fun at the zoo tomorrow.

Love Rachel 


 Work was good. It was busy. I came home and made dinner and then we went to get Karen a new pair of shoes and went to smith's. I got luna some grapes for saturday. William Joseph is coming to ogden I am going to try and get tickets if they aren't too much.  It rains every afternoon but the front lawn is brown. Weird. Robin your flower is beautiful. Rachel your flowers look so beautiful as well. Have a nice Friday. We are going to the zoo for paint night. Karen bought me that for my birthday. Love mom


 My day was good. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am leaving work early tomorrow so we can go to paint night at the zoo. That is all my exciting news. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye 


Today at work we got our summer gift. They bought us kizx shoes.  they have a heel support so you can slide your foot right in. They are not my style but it was fun to get free things. I might wear them from time to time. I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday. We went on a walk after work and it went well. 


Wednesday, June 7, 2023


 Today was good.  At work they switched machines and I got one of the new brothers that is really expensive and awesome.  At work they get panicked about timelines and it is stressful.  They want us to do two projects at once to move things through faster.  We finished the puzzle and it was fun.  I had a idea of getting macaroons and eating them at a park.  So we went to buy some and they were sold out so we got cupcakes instead.  Then at the park a huge storm came through and it was so windy we just left.  The weather was fine before and after that, we just had bad luck.  We had activity days at our house.  They were going to fix bikes but no one showed up.  It actually was nice no one came.  Isaac had young men's and they played Lazer tag.  Casey worked late and I went to book group.  It was fun to talk with everyone.  We read lessons in chemistry.  It was a good book.

Love Rachel


 Today was good. Just a normal day. I like those. Dad was so sweet and took up all the empty boxes and garbage upstairs today. It feels so much nicer. We had a bunch of suits and coats laying on the floor and I hang them up. Starting to look put together. I even hung a couple of pictures. It rained a little bit here this afternoon. Luna is so cute trying to jump. Karen bought Cafe Rio for dinner it tasted good. Love you all mom


Today was nice. Everyone worked from home today so it was quiet in the office. We bought Luna a big kid trampoline for her birthday we ordered it through Walmart so we went and picked it up. Then we went in and got some more milk. They have the limes front and center when you walk in Luna took one and threw it like a ball through the store. Luckily they were only 38 cents so it wasn't a huge deal. Then we strung up some rope on the garden. Everything is really growing so we wanted everything to have support and something to grow on. My peonies bloomed today too. They are so pretty. 


Tuesday, June 6, 2023


 Isaac didn't sleep.last night and was still awake when I went to work.  We had breakfast together which was nice.  He was asleep when I got home and then after dinner he was out.  Poor kid.  Work was good.  I just sewed today.  We decorated cookies for a team activity and that was fun.  After work we went and got Tony some food.  Then we went and got the kids new sandals and Isaac a new pair of shoes.  He is a men's size 8 now.  They fit him so much better.for width.  We also stopped at the library and got new books.  I gave Isaac the princess bride and he really like that and now he is half way through a walk the woods.  I think it is the funniest book.  Me and the little kids started a puzzle and I hope they work on it tomorrow also.  I went to exercise class and it was a spin class.  It was so hard and I was sweating all over the bike.   My peonies are blooming and I love them so much.  I want to plant them everywhere.

Love Rachel


 The commute was so much better this morning. work was good we had a baby shower for one of the girls on my team. I also was able to get some projects done that I have been struggling with. I came home in a huge thunderstorm. The lightening was amazing. we had dinner and then played race cars they are fun. I am terrible at them. I thought dad had an eye appointment but the recording said Friday. I need to call on that one. I called rc.willey and I think my couches are coming on the 19th. Yeah. I started unpacking books tonight. I am making a little progress. Have a nice hump day. Robin I am sorry Luna isn't sleeping that makes for long days. One of the guys at the shower played one of the messages from his little girl they just gave her a phone. She said she was horrible someone breathed in her face. He had 3 messages in 10 minutes that she was happy and then two minutes later she was sad. It was so funny. Well be safe Love mom


Luna woke up at 1 then she was up again at 6 for the day. So I feel tired. Nothing else too wild. We had to pick up Jeramys pills after dinner so we got a ice cream at Costco. Luna was wild and love every minute of her ice cream.



 Things are going good here. I got my lugi car in the mail today. So me and mom raced after work. It was fun. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Monday, June 5, 2023


 Do you not sleep well Robin?  I hope they can help.  Today was good.  Went went well.  I sewed two date pillows today.  My job is getting better and I am liking it more.  I paid the kids today and the little kids wanted to shop.  First we got a snack at whips.  They have benets on Monday's and we love them.  Then we went to Walmart and Oliver got a sniper gun and Ruth got a horse for her doll.  It was the library opening social.  Isaac didn't want to go so I took the little kids.  It was really crowded and crazy windy but overall we gave it a 7 out of ten.  They had a climbing wall and bounce houses.  Ruth got her face painted.  We made a bookmark and then played some games where it wasn't as crowded.  Casey went grocery shopping while we were gone which was awesome and stained some more.  I went to exercise class when we got home.  The kids were fighting a lot today so it crazy times.

Love Rachel


 Sorry I didn't blog last night. I slept most of the day and evening and I do  think I wasn't awake enough to remember to blog. I do feel better so the sleep was good. There was a wreck on the freeway this morning and it took me 20 minutes longer. Good days and bad days on driving. Work was good. I got some stuff done I have been struggling with. A clearer mind. I drove home and stopped at winco to get some snacks for tomorrow's babyshower. After dinner I mowed the lawn. The back was turning into a field. I love being outside. Rachel that tree house is amazing. Wow Robin good luck with your sleep study. I actually helps you sleep. Have a nice day. Love mom


Today was good work went by fast so that was nice. I started my fitness tracker sleep study today. They gave me a Fitbit to track my sleep. I don't do anything really this week since it's the wash out period. After work we had dinner and relaxed. 



 My day was good. It was hard getting up but I made it to work on time. Work is moving along. Then I came home. Rachel the tree house is looking great. Good job. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, June 4, 2023


The tree house looks amazing, good job. Sorry I've been a terrible blogger. Saturday we went to Jeramys friends funeral. It was sad we didn't stay very long. Then we met up with the gang and had Chinese food. Today we drove to Provo to try and help Jeramys sister. We thought she wanted a washer but it was the dryer she needed. So we need to go down again. Then Luna keeps waking up early and I was tired so Jeramy watched Luna and I took a nap. When I woke up Luna was asleep. So I finished my temple picture and got it posted on Etsy. I wish we had another day off. 

 Picture of the couch. It looks messy we had to move everything around to get them in....


 We had a good day and worked hard most of it.  We went to church this morning and I played the piano.  I messed up one song but it is fine.  We had lunch and then went out to stain the tree house and it started raining hard.  So we took a break and when the rained stopped we stained.  It was so much more work than I thought.  We worked until dark and used two gallons of stain and still have a bit more to do.  It is looking really good though.  This weekend went by too fast.

Love Rachel


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...