Saturday, March 14, 2015

Fun time

We got cars for the diesel engine.  Life is good.  We sure had a fun time.  Isaac was so excited.  We ate at Fat Catz and man were they so slow.  It was crazy but it was fun to just hang out.  Robin I hope that antelope island was fun.  I hope you had a good day also.  Not much else going on with us.  Oliver is so close to walking.  He is so dang cute.  Thanks Rachel and Karen for coming down.  LOVE MOM

Friday, March 13, 2015

Fun times

I am looking forward to tomorrow.  Everyone drive safe.  Robin do you want to meet up with us for lunch or dinner?  Walter can come if he wants to.  Not much going on with us.  We went to Sam's club after work.  It was nice to walk around.  Isaac will have treats to take home with him.  I will see you soon. I missed your entry Robin as I was writing.  WOW.  I love the wings.  You are amazing.  They are just perfect.  Have fun with Walter tomorrow.  Let me know how Antelope Island is.  I thought that would be a fun place to take the boys.   LOV EMOM

Make it happen

Today was good. I was so glad it was friday. I'm meeting up with walter tomorrow we are going to antelop island. Sorry we are missing the group meet up. Tonight I was super accomplished. I finished Julie's towels and I got my wings attached to the gown. I put pictures below. I am still painting the gown so it's not done. Now I'm working on monthly towels. I haven't done March yet for Walters family so I am finishing that then I will work in april. Have fun tomorrow its suppose to be 75 degrees. :)

The 13th

We are excited to meet up with everyone tomorrow, thanks.  My neck was feeling better today and I was able to sleep better.  It is still sore but not bad at all.  Isaac slept in till 11.  I opened his door at 10 and then 10:30 I opened his blinds but he told me it was still night so I closed them again.  He was up late talking in his room last night so he must of been up pretty late goofing around in his room.  We went grocery shopping today which was nice.  Today was really pretty so we spent a lot of time outside.  Casey drew trains with chalk for Isaac and it is really good.  He was sweet to do that.  Well we will see everyone tomorrow.  Slept in if you can.



Well my day has been good. I am glad that it is the weekend though. Work is staying busy so it went by fast. I am planning on meeting mom, Rachel and crew for lunch tomorrow. It will be fun. I hope everyone had a great Friday the 13th.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Friday the 13th

Rachel I am sorry about your neck.  That hurts so bad.  If your neck isn't up to driving, I can come up on Saturday also.  It is hard to drive when you neck won't move.  Oliver is so brave.  He does love to stand.  Thanks for the pictures.  Robin, I am glad you have a weekend off.  It will be nice to just move slow.  Not much going on with us either.  Dad has a cold and I feel like I am getting it also.  It is so hard for me to tell because I am always so congested.  Have a wonderful Friday the 13th.  Karen I hope they have death by Chocolate tomorrow.  LOVE MOM

Pain in the neck

I woke up in the middle of the night and my neck was killing me.  I must of slept wrong and pulled a muscle.  Casey was sweet and watched the boys this morning I took a nap and felt better.  Other than that we had a fun day.  Me and Isaac made a lion craft and he drew thomas they train, I attached a picture.  Then we played outside for a while.  After dinner Casey's Dad came over with his truck and helped Casey move his engine into the garage so he can work on it in there.  We also went and bought him a engine table to put it on.  So he is good to go.  I think Tiffany is coming to visit next week and Randy want to take everyone fishing so that should be fun.  Isaac has also talked of nothing else but going down on Saturday so I think we are for sure going on.  Well everyone have a good night and a good Friday.



Today was busy. We had a dept. Meeting that took all afternoon. Then I worked at scheels. I had a million signs to make. But it was good to be busy. I am so glad tomorrow is friday. I don't work at all this weekend so it will be nice to relax a bit. Have a good friday the 13th



Well there is just one more day until the weekend. Yea. My day was good. It went by pretty fast. I really don't have too much to report so I am going to sign off. I hope that everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

I relate

Robin that saying fits me exactly.  I drag into bed and then I am wide awake.  Go figure.  I am glad you had dinner with Walter. I hope he had a nice trip.  Karen, I really like your dishwasher.  I am glad everything went well with that.  You can cook us food and then you will have lots and lots of dishes to wash :)  Rachel thanks for the pictures they are so cute.  I am glad the shirt was a hit.  I am excited to see your basket.  I was going to work on my this weekend.  I am glad the machine is good.  I was worried it wouldn't be worth it.  I bet you have a basket mastered before we even go to the class.  You will be the expert.  I had a fun time going to the class.  LOVE MOM


Today was good, I was a little tired from the late night but not too bad.  This morning we went to Walmart and bought the boys toys with the two dollars from Grandma.  It was a lot of fun, we just got little toys and walked around.  They also had a new Thomas show so we bought that also.  Isaac had school and everyone really liked his shirt, it was pink and white day.  I worked on my basket and it has been fun to do.  Ironing went really fast with the tool we got Mom.  Casey worked on his engine, I attached a picture of it.  When Isaac got home we played outside it was a nice day.  They ended up wet and sandy so it was a success.  We went and got ice cream after dinner which was fun.  Well thanks for everything guys, have a good night.




Today was good. I started a new project so that will be nice to keep me busy for a day or so. I am glad tomorrow is Thursday so close to the weekend. I work at scheels but that's ok I've had a light schedule. Walter picked me up and took me to Texas Roadhouse. It was tasty. I think we might try to go to antelope island on Saturday. I was going to work on projects but I'm tired so I'm just going to relax and work on things on Friday have a good night 

got it

Well I got my dishwasher installed. The sometime between noon and two turned into 2:45. So that was a little annoying, but I made it thru. It is nice to have a dish washer again. Although since I washed all my dishes while waiting for them to come and install it I don't have any dishes to wash. I might have to cook so I can try it out. Well I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Good luck

Good luck tomorrow with your new dish washer.  I am excited for you.  The sink looks really nice.  You did a really good job.  We had a nice evening tonight.  Rachel came down for a sewing class and we meet Robin for dinner and then went to our prep class to make baskets.  It was fun.  Rachel made it home safe and sound.  Have a great hump day tomorrow.  I think I am going to forget I am on a diet tomorrow also.  LOV EMOM


Today was good work was national middle name day. So we made name tags with our middle names. Then u meet up with mom and Rachel for dinner. It was fun. Then Walter us coming home late so I am picking him up from the airport. Not much else I hope you washer and dryer makes it safe and sound karen :)


Well I got under my sink put back together. I think it looks nice. I get my dishwasher tomorrow I am excited. I will put a picture of it on the blog tomorrow.
here is the picture I took of Oliver while we were watching ducks. I thought since everyone else posted a picture yesterday I should put some on the blog today.

Well other than putting my sink back together it has just been the same old same old here. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, March 9, 2015


I made it through the first day of daylight savings.  Dad didn't get up he is not adjusted to the time yet.  I love those towels Robin they are perfect and Rachel the bag is darling.  I bet she loved it.  I am so glad you got a new battery for your phone.  It was not holding a charge at all.  Karen I bet you will love having the most amazing dishwasher ever.  It won't be long now.  I had a quiet day.  I drove so I worked a few minutes over so I can leave a little early tomorrow to meet up with Rachel for our first sewing class.  I am excited for that.  It is a prep class for making baskets.  Not much else going on with me.  I am loving the weather.  So beautiful outside.  Drive safe tomorrow.  Robin if you want to hook up for dinner let us know.  LOVE MOM


Thanks for the fun weekend. I needed a get away. Today was good but I was tired. At work we are starting a point system for working out and being better in life.o noticed I didn't drink alot of water so it will be good to drink more water and hopefully work I did not do well but that's ok. I started working on Julie's towels I am on my 6th one. I also painted wings again. It's like the never ending wing project.

New Battery

Thanks again for the fun time this weekend.  You guys rock and are so fun to be with, thank you.  The boys did not sleep well last night, I think that they are getting a cold, lame.  Casey's friend Nat spent the night last night and showed us a really funny show.  Here is a you tube link for the first episode. We were watching the IT crowd and he said all these guys are in another funny show.  It is awesome.  We went to breakfast at Einstein with him and it was fun.  Isaac was really cute this morning showing him his room and his toys.  When Isaac was at school I made a cute little zipper pouch for a lady I visiting teach since it was her birthday.  I made it from my scraps and it was really cute.  Casey removed the engine from the tan car today.  He had fun doing it.  After dinner we went over and visited Randy.  They have a microphone and Isaac talked and talked in it.  It was pretty cute.  The best part of today was I got a new battery for my phone and it was cheap.  It works awesome.  It is lasting so much longer, I lover it.  Everyone have a good day tomorrow.


Too Early

Well it seemed like morning came to early this morning. But I got up any way. My day was good. It went by pretty fast for a Monday. Just 2 more days until I get my new dish washer. I am excited to have a dish washer again. Well I hope everyone had a great Monday bye

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Thanks for the fun weekend

I just wanted to thank you all for the wonderful weekend.  I had such a great time.  It was fun to get away.  Everyone have a wonderful Monday.  LOVE MOM


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...