Thursday, February 22, 2018


I am glad that tomorrow is Friday.  Work was good. Nothing too exciting, just the usual. It was still cold today but it was slightly warmer than it has been. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye


Today I took off work. It was nice I slept in and then they added the last season of bates motel so I finished off the last season. I had a massage and it was so nice. My back feels so much better. Have a good Friday



I made it through Thursday.  I was off today.  I was cold and not 100 percent so I went and bought me a fancy tea.  It warmed me up and I had a better day.  We went grocery shopping after work and I just love Winco.  It would be hard to shop by yourself but it is nice.  You have to bag your own groceries.  It is suppose to snow tomorrow so be careful Rachel.  It is suppose to clear out in the afternoon.  Robin, I hope you loved your massage.  Karen, I hope you don't have to snow blow tomorrow.  Well have a nice Friday.  I am really excited to play.  LOVE MOM

Crazy hat day

Isaac and Ruthie didn't sleep well so I was tired today.  It was crazy hat day so Isaac and I made a straw hat this morning.  It was fun and he was really happy with it.  We got our tax refund today which is fun.  I bought a batting roll and it should come next week, I am excited.  After we dropped Isaac off we ran some errands and walked around the fabric store.  I wanted to make Ruthie a nicer blanket to replace her tattered one.  I asked a lady who worked what would work best.  She said just kept making her ones like she has.  She said I could put a back on it but she probably wouldn't like it, so that is what I am going to do.  I bought two yards of the same fabric and I will just keep replacing it.  Oliver had school and Ruth took a nap so I finished ironing my postage stamp quilt, it is a lot of little blocks.  Casey went home teaching tonight and we just watched a movie.  It is so cold outside I hate to go out too much.  We are headed down tomorrow and we will be there around dinner.  Thanks guys.


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Happy Birthday

Oliver didn't sleep well last night so he was kind of grumpy today but we still had a good time.  I volunteered at school and that was fun and the little kids were great.  We met Casey at chick fil for lunch because Oliver loves it there.  For dinner we went to Calaway's and it tasted really good.  Ruthie inhaled all the food, it was so funny.  Have a good time off Robin.  I ironed our fabric tonight and traced the freezer paper so we are all set for our class.  Thanks for taking it guys.  Casey wants to eat at Sadi's Saturday for dinner so that will be fun.


Baby Oliver


Today was my Friday. I am so glad I am done for a while. It was so crazy today and I don't have to deal with it tomorrow lol. I went and talked to my apartment about my fridge. I figured since I was home it would be a good time for them to check it out. Hope everyone stats warm



I am glad that the week is half over.  My day has been good. Work is still moving along. I really don't have much to report. I am missing the nice weather we were having. It has been so cold. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


It was cold again this morning.  I know Karen I have nothing to complain about.  Work was quiet and I got a lot done.  It really hasn't changed much.  No one still knows what is going on.  Kind of crazy for sure.  I am looking forward to the weekend.  It will be fun to play.  Not much else to report on my end.  LOVE MOM

Tuesday, February 20, 2018


It snowed again so this morning was slow getting to work. I fell asleep on the couch watching the new season of bates motel on Netflix so I just wanted to jump on add nd say hi. Have a good Wednesday



Well it is freezing in Kamas. It also snowed here for a bit off and on. I had to go to Walmart after work and pick up my prescriptions. The weather and roads were good at that time though so it wasn't too bad. I got stuff to make tortilla soup in my instant pot. It turned out good but I think I need to adjust the time a bit. Don't worry I will perfect it soon. I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow. Bye

Baby it's cold outside

It was chilly today.  Dad came home early so I rode trax home and it was so crowded.  No one wanted to drive in this weather.  We went to Walmart afterwards and got some cough medicine for him but I bought the no name brand and it has a preservative that makes dad sick.  I will have to buy him the good stuff.  Work was quiet and I think I am getting numb with all the not knowing what is going on.  I am just going with the flow.  Rachel, those are darling pictures.  You do such a good job.  They are better than Penny's.  We need to spend some time and print some out.  I am going to try and do that one night.  Well tomorrow is hump day and the roads should be a lot better.  Everyone enjoy.  LOVE MOM


Today was good.  Babysitting was canceled which was nice.  I brought out my nice camera and wanted to take some pictures of Oliver for his birthday and I got a couple of good ones.  We played in the snow a lot and the new snow pants were nice.  Oliver had school and they sang happy birthday to him.  He had the sharing bag and the are doing the letter V so he brought his DS for video games, he was excited.  I had new beginnings for young women so I had to go early and help set up and then stay a little later to clean up.  I had to read two values and I get so nervous.   Have a good night and love you guys.


Monday, February 19, 2018

Snow drift

Today was good it was nice to finally get things a bit organized at work. The girls have been slow for a week and I finally am at the getting organized part ha ha. It was so snowy and as I was heading for bed it started to come down heavy again. It's so cold I'm ready for summer.

Just working

Well I worked today.  It turned out to be good.  I thought I would get more done but it was nice.  We have a lot of junk in a cage downstairs for Zero Harm and they are going to build a lot of offices down there so we have to move it all out.  We moved part of it today.  I think it worked out good.  They bought dad a free bird burrito for lunch but he had already eaten so he brought it home and we shared it for dinner.  It was huge and very yummy.  Rachel, I am glad you got to play in the snow.  That worked out great to have a day off after the first big snow of the year.  The roads were horrible this morning.  Not much else going on with us.  Dad has a cough, I hope he isn't getting sick again.  Poor guy.  Everyone have a great Tuesday.  LOVE MOM


Well things are good here in Kamas.  It has snowed here most all day. I also shoveled about a foot off my driveway this morning. I akso have to say snowblowers are awesome. Work was quite. I did get a lot done though. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


We had a good day off.  This morning we wanted to go sledding so we went and bought some new sleds and new gloves for the little kids, they were 70% off which was awesome.  We went to old main and it was fun.  Ruth and Oliver got cold so we came home and had lunch.  Casey went back to the store with Isaac and bought all the kids ski pants so they wouldn't get so cold and while they were on sale.  He found a cute coat for Ruthie also which she loved.  We went sledding again at Hyde park and we had a really fun time and the kids didn't get so cold with their pants.  We picked up dinner on the way home which tasted good.  Isaac got his science kit from Grandma and Grandpa in the mail so we had snot for dessert. We played a lot of video games today also, I am addicted.  Love you guys.


Sunday, February 18, 2018


You got alot of snow rachel. I didn't do much today I got a 60 percent coupon at joanns so I went to get batting for the quilt I made over thanksgiving. I thought I would finally finish it. I also bought the rest of the fabric for Saturday. Have a good Monday, drive safe.


Winter has come

Thank you guys again for the fun day yesterday.  Oliver is so happy and had a fun birthday.  Today I was tired so Casey got up with the kids.  He said when he got up it was just starting to snow and by 11 we had a foot of snow.  We shoveled before we went to church and then afterwards.  Church went good, we were late because of shoveling.  I taught and that went pretty well.  Oliver learned about the holy ghost and talked about it all day, he was so excited.  After dinner Casey took the boys sledding down old main, they had a really fun time.  We are all going to go again tomorrow.  Thanks again and have a good Monday.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...