Saturday, September 28, 2019


We slept in then we took Jenkins to the dog park. It started to rain so we went home and took a nap. I started working on the kraken arms but I need  tape so it turned into a full Walmart trip. I made chilli it tasted good. Jeramy is starting to feel.crappy so it might be another nap and chill day tomorrow



Today was good. I slept in. Then I went down to salt lake and we went to lunch. We went to Saudee, but they were closed for lunch today so we went to  Yellowfin instead. Then we went to Lowes and got a filter for my fridge. Then we went to  Sportsman and got a quiver for my bow. Then we worked on my computer for a bit. It was fun. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


We had a good day.  I didn't take any pictures though, sorry.  I don't know what happened.  Calleen and Allen came by this morning to drop off the fuel pump for the the truck.  They visited for a while and then they went and looked at trees with Casey.  Randy came over and finished grouting the shower.  I finished pudding the dry wall.  I textured some of the wall but it didn't go very far.  We set up the cameras and the door bells.  They are nice and I think it will be really nice to have.  After dinner Casey took the kids to the jump zone and I stayed and sewed.  I made a easy quilt and loaded on my new quilt frame.  It was fun to do.  Love you guys and it looks like you are having a fun trip Mom.


Friday, September 27, 2019

Safe and sound

We made it safe and sound. I used map quest in st George and it was nice because we got lost. My phone lost its battery in Las Vegas and we got really lost but we found our way. That is weird about the roof. Make sure it isn’t a Scam. We will plan on the Jeep next weekend. Austin is coming down tomorrow so that should be fun. Love momm


Robin, Casey was thinking of using the Jeep next week to cut some trees so that would work great if you pick up the pallets and then drive the Jeep up here.  Thanks for decorating the house, we are excited.  We noticed that Zuchers is in Logan now which is fun.  Today was good.  I walked and we went to exercise class.  I helped in Oliver's class.  The kids were crazy today and the teacher was busy.  We ate lunch with Isaac and that was fun.  We went to the library after school.  Isaac had scouts and they walked around the cemetery and talked to the guys who takes care of it.  Someone came by and looked at our roof.  They said that we have a lot of hail damage and our insurance would pay for a new roof.  Randy has the same thing and they are going to get a new roof.  We aren't sure and might get a second opinion.  We have been talking about what to get Casey for his birthday and he decided to get a camera like Karen has. So we went to Best Buy and got one.  Then we went out to ice cream.  We will install the camera's tomorrow.  Thanks guys and have a good weekend.  Have fun Mom.



Made it

It was so nice it was Friday. I still felt sick but no fever so that was nice. Take the little things. I had to stay late last night at work so I got to leave early today. It was bitter sweet. They re finished the concrete at my apt and we couldn't get in our places till 5. Apartment living is lame. So I went to Lowe's to get some things.for my Bowser shell and the kraken arms for the pirate ship.

Mom could we use your Jeep next Saturday? Jeramys work will let us have so we thought we could pick them up on the way to Logan Saturday. Have fun in Vegas. Win big :)



My day was good. I took a half day off so I could go get my teeth cleaned. I haven't been for like 3 years, so I had a pessimistic attitude. I only had 3 cavities though so that wasn't too bad. I am going back on the 14th to fix them. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Thursday, September 26, 2019

And I am off

I am glad everyone had a nice day.  Mine was busy.  WE just came home and vegged.  Dad didn't feel a hundred percent and we figured it out.  He forgot his pills this morning.  I thing he will feel better soon.  I did get frightmare tickets.  I had a hard time printing them so I hope I can figure that out. I did pay for them so I figure that was a formality.  I am leaving in the morning for Vegas.  You guys be careful in the weather this weekend.  Robin, I hope you aren't getting really sick.  You rest.  If you need anything you let us know.  Karen is coming down on SAturday and dad is going to help her with her computer class.  He is excited about that one.  Not much else to report.  LOVE MOM


My day was good. I am glad that Tomorrow is Friday.  I hope you have a fun trip to Vegas tomorrow mom. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye


Thanks for the tickets mom. You are was ok it dragged on all day. I came home and I felt crappy. I think I had a small fever. So me and Jeramy watched John wick and relaxed. Hope everyone has a good Friday



Thanks Mom for the Lagoon tickets.  The kids are super excited, especially Isaac.  We talked about roller coasters all night.  Today out road opened up and it is so nice.  The have been putting in a roundabout all summer.  It was so much easier to take Isaac to school and to get places.  We went to Joanns this morning to get a thread cutter, they didn't have it but the minky was on sale 60% off.  I bought a back for my next quilt which was fun.  Oliver and Ruth had school and I just sewed which was nice.  We walked to pick up the boys and the traffic on 6th East was so much better with the roundabout open, it was so nice.  Oliver was sad again that his scooter wasn't there and Isaac didn't want to walk with us.  He wasn't that far ahead so we caught up with him and he wasn't happy but by the time we got home everyone was ok.  The kids all had messy room so they cleaned them when we got home.  Casey worked late so we went to the park after dinner and that was a lot of fun.  Ruthie made a friend who also loves Rapunzel and has hair to her bum.  The boys were playing hide and seek with some kids so everyone had a fun time.  Sorry I feel like I am rambling.  Love you guys and I hope that you have a fun Friday.


Wednesday, September 25, 2019


Robin, that is fun.  I have no idea who that is but that is fun to go to a concert.  Rachel you have every right to be upset.  Kids just don't understand how dangerous things are and we panic and they don't understand because they were OK.  I am glad you went to the parade and it was fun.  I talked with Melody this evening.  I was calling Kay because last night after dinner her car broke.  THe battery light was on and she had it checked and they said there was nothing wrong so she drove it and the alternator bearing went out and the timing belt broke.  It was $2000.00 to fi it.  So Melody called last night and I missed it and so I called her and talked for a long time.  I think we are going to try and go up on November 2nd and visit.  She invited the whole family if any one else wants to come.  It was nice to visit with her.  We did walk the zoo after work and that felt nice.  It was so nice and cool.  I watched the weather tonight and they said it might snow this weekend.  That is weird.  I did instapot dinner tonight and I was cooking and the words burn came on so I think I did it wrong and we put more water in and then it cooked.  I made spareribs and they tasted good.  LOVE MOM


That is too fun Robin, I am jealous.  I am glad that you are having a fun night.  Today was good.  We were up late so I didn't walk but I did go to exercise class.  After we dropped Oliver off at school we brought Casey a sandwich for lunch, it was good to see him.  I volunteered in Oliver's class and that was fun.  It is good to get to know the kids.  Ruthie did really well.  We were waiting for Isaac to come out of school and Oliver was crying because I didn't bring his scooter so I wasn't watching super well.  But we never saw Isaac and all the kids were out so we walked to his classroom and he wasn't there.  I wasn't sure what to do so we walked home and luckily he was there.  He didn't see us so instead of looking around he just walked home.  I was worried about him and we talked about what to do and how it isn't ok just to leave.  I always stand in the same place so I am not hard to find.  I was mad but I was trying to be calm.  He wasn't trying to do it wrong.  We went to the homecoming parade and that was fun.  I used the wagon to carry all the chairs and it was so nice.  I even checked the parade route because it is always changing so I felt prepared.  It was fun because Oliver's best friend found us and sat by us.  Then another kid from his class came also so Oliver had friends to play with.  It was fun and they got a lot of candy.  Well have fun Robin and everyone have a good night.



My day has been good. Work was good. Although I did have a long meeting today. Then after work I did homework. Then I shot my arrow for a bit. I hope everyone had a great day . Bye


Work was good. It went by slow. Jeramy got vip tickets from work today so we went to the breaking Benjamin concert at usana. Last minute. It was fun. I though I would blog between singers because we might be out late lol. Love you


Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The start of Halloween

Today was good. Work went by fast so that was nice.a girl at work is going to be a piriahna plant from Mario for Halloween. She found a cute out fit but needed these plant hands so I made those tonight it was fun. I'm going to work on the pirate ship and the turtle shell next. Robin


I think you will have a fun time in Vegas.  It will be nice to just get away from work.   I am glad that Jeff liked the quilt, it will be warm for him.  Today was good.  I walked this morning and that was nice.  We went grocery shopping this morning.  The little kids had school this afternoon and I helped in Isaac's class.  After school we went to the jump zone.  It was two hour Tuesday.  They were hungry so we didn't make it the whole time but they had fun.  We picked up McDonald's for dinner.  Casey is taking a concealed weapons class tonight so he wont be home till late.  Love you guys.



Work was good.  I am getting caught back up and that felt really nice.  I loved it.  We met the Gumm gang for dinner and that was nice.  I gave Jeff one of Rachel's quilts and he loved it. He said he was so cold the other day and that he really needed it.  He said to tell Rachel thank you.  Not much else going on with me.  I did find that Intermountain has discount tickets for Lagoon but I can't figure out how to buy them.  I will continue that to try and figure that out.  Kay and Julie were super excited for this weekend so that made me a little excited to go.  I hope I have a good time.  Not much else to report on my end.  LOVE MOM


Things are going good here.  I got my flu shot today. That was about all the excitment I had. I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye

Monday, September 23, 2019

Big busy day

Work was quiet.  I got a lot done today.  It was payroll Monday and hopefully that went smooth.  You really never know until people  see their paychecks.  I drove this morning so after work, I stopped and got my hair cut.  It was so long.  I also took in all those papers that were in my car to shred.  It was 4 dollars.  I was so pleased about that.  I have two more huge bags of papers that need to be shredded.  I am going to take them in one day.  I also did a little grocery shopping so dad will have food this weekend while I am gone.  I was tired today to.  It was hard to focus.  I am meeting the gumm gang at Italian Village tomorrow if you want to hook up Robin.  It is really close to my house.  Rachel, I agree it is so hard to get up and going when it is dark.  It is also hard to go places after work.  I hibernate.  I am excited for Tiffany to see her quilt.  She is going to be so excited.  Robin, I hope everyone loved the bags.  LOVE MOM


Today was ok. Work was fast so that was nice. I made mushroom chicken and it tasted good. I think I will make it again..then I sewed the rest of the night. Against Jenkins will. He kept barking and rolling over my quilt pieces. He was all over the place



It is so hard to wake up in the morning with it cold and dark but I did it and went walking.  It is nice once you get going.  We went to exercise class but Oliver fell as soon as we got there so he was upset.  Near the end he finally started playing and fell again so we just left.  We mailed Tiffany's quilt and then went to Sam's club and had lunch.  The little kids had school which was nice.  We walked to pick up the boys and it was a pretty day.  Randy and Terry came over this evening and helped with the shower.  It is really nice of them.  Love you guys and have a good night.



My day was good. I was a little tired but I made it thru.  Work was good. Nothing too wild and crazy. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, September 22, 2019


I fixed the melted bag. The bag I had my wedding dress in was the same size and material so I just Frankenstein a bad together. The seams don't look great but in don't really care at this point. Hopefully no one will notice. Jeramy said it was fine. Then we just relaxed the rest of the day..we took a nap and watched Pokemon


Fall Soltitice

I had a really nice weekend.  Thanks Karen for letting me come to the Kingdom Ball.  We shot arrows today and went to get a quiver holder but didn't find one.  We met up with Rachel and crew in Ogden and found a really neat park.  I really enjoyed walking around.  We ate dinner at MOD pizza.  I am going to gripe for a minute because it was dark coming home.  I so love the summer light.  I will adjust I am sure but it has been fun to play all night long.  Robin, I hope your bags are doing OK.  I was wondering if you put a wet rag on top of them it would help not melt.  No really wet just sort of damp.  I really like the cat quilt Rachel.  LOVE MOM


My weekend was good.  Thanks mom and dad for coming up. Kingdom ball was a lot of fun. Robin I hope the bags went better for you. Have a great week everyone.


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...