Saturday, September 3, 2022


 Wow rachel you got a lot done. I am glad you have wood for the tree house. We got up and went to Robin's house. We cut down her apple tree. It took longer thsn i thought it would. It was a bigger tree. It looked nice to have it down. That apricot tree is looking good. It was really hot. After Lunas nap we went to the aquarium. We had a fun time. Josh said it was his best time so that was nice. We left after the aquarium and went home to pack and have dinner. We drove up to Kamas and are spending the night. Rachel I would love play on Monday. What do the kids want to do. I am game for anything. Love you all mom


 I think are plans are we are going to hike the Wellsvilles tomorrow and then if you want to do something Monday Mom we can meet up if you want.  Today was good.  I got up early and went to an exercise class.  I sewed until everyone got up.  Casey borrowed Randy's chain saw and cut down the apricot tree stump.  Then we planted grass around it.  It looks better.  Ruth and Casey went grocery shopping.  Then we went to Lowes and got wood to work on the tree house.  It was so hot we didn't get much done on it but we have the wood.  I hope you guys had fun at the aquarium.

Love Rachel

Friday, September 2, 2022


 Work was so quiet and I was ready to go home at 9. I made it through the day. Karen came down after work.and I made hamburger pie. It tasted good. Karen took us to see bullet train. It was.cute. I liked it. Robin I love your cutting board. That is darling. I am glad you got some fun things done. Rachel you are rocking your job. Congratulations on your first paycheck. That is always fun. Love mom


 I forgot to say a couple things that have happened this week.  I got a new pair of headphones that are open ear and I like them.  They sit on top of your ear so you don't have anything inside and I like that.  Casey has early morning training for people in England so Randy took the kids to school twice this week.  It works so well I forgot to mention it.  I got paid today also which was fun.  Work was good.  I got my wreath approved which was so nice.  I made two collage letters that were pretty cute.  I was testing some smaller letters and my machine was having tension problems.  I don't think we have gotten it quite perfect yet.  The machines are really old and they are having a hard time replacing them with new ones because their aren't any new ones because of shortages.  The kids walked home school and that went good.  Ruth went to play with Emily and I talked to her mom for a while.  I like her.  They showed Ruth how to make lemon juice so we made it when she got home.  She was so excited.  I walked Tony a bit after dinner and now Casey is taking him on a run.  Have fun tomorrow.  

Love Rachel


Luna slept terrible last night. Me and Jeramy rotated twice around 3 because she would not go asleep. She would just toss and turn. I still took her into daycare then I slept to 10:30 it was so nice to get some sleep. Then I did some glowforge. I didn't get done everything I wanted but it was nice to have a craft day. Jeramys nephew came over tonight to spend the night. His mom was driving down today so we figured it would be easier. We grabbed Luna, groceries and some KFC for dinner. 


Thursday, September 1, 2022


 I took a unisom last night and it was nice I didn't want to get up. I was late for work. But I didn't care I felt so much better today. They really work for me. I am so glad tomorrow is Friday also. Robin I hope you get.lots of stuff done. Rachel I am glad you took Isaac in. It makes me feel.better knowing we aren't missing anything. I hope we get our taxes soon also. I am ready for a long weekend. Love mom


 I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. Things are going good here. Work was good. I got to build a prototype so that was fun. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow and good luck on your projects Robin. Bye


 Today was good.  I lifted weights w bit this morning.  I am hoping I will get better at it.  I walked Tony this evening.  Work was good.  I had meetings this morning.  I finished the two inch project finally which felt good.  After school I took Isaac to the pediatrician for his tics.  He said that their isn't much we can do for them and most of the time they just go away.  He said they aren't permanent and won't last his whole life.  Then we ran to the grocery store and Isaac made dinner.  We did homework and they are doing better.  Ruth programmed while the boys did their homework.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel 


Today was my Friday. I'm taking tomorrow off because I can. I want to try and get my items for Etsy made. I was going to take Luna to daycare so I can focus on working on projects. I think we are getting our federal tax return in the next few days so that is fun for us. 


Wednesday, August 31, 2022

An Add on

 Lets do the aquarium another day.  It is so hot and let Jeramy's nephew come spend the night.  I am sorry about unemployment that really sucks.  We are going to go to Provo Beach the next Saturday.  I would like to see Luna sometime this weekend but we will make it another day.  LOVE MOM 


Jeramy heard back from his appeal and they still denied his unemployment. It was documented and they said since he was a manager and new safety he should have known. So we are just going to leave it in the past. He starts his new job Tues and hopefully its all for the best. Other then that life is trudging along. Mom Jeramys nephew wants to spend the night Saturday. I'm not sure if you already made plans. We haven't really made plans but I figured we could work around. We can still whatever we wanted Saturday but in the late afternoon he might get dropped off.


 I took a day quill at work and it made me so tired.  I couldn't stay awake.  I am getting all caught up.  All that I have left it hard stuff that I am not quite sure how to do it.  I need to dive in and just do it.  We didn't do much after work.  We had left overs for dinner.  I have been cooking up a storm and have lots of food in the fridge.  It tasted good and no dishes.  I am ready to play over the long weekend.  I am going to work from home on Tuesday because I have to take minutes for a 7 morning meeting.  It is also payroll that day so it should be way busy.  This heat is so weird.  I keep thinking it should cool down.  Susan had her surgery today and jed wrote dad and said it went well.  Robin I was wondering if you had heard anything on the appeal yet.  Have a nice day.  LOVE MOM 


 Today was good and better than yesterday.  Work we had a team meeting in the morning.  Then they did a company photo shoot then each department.  We all wore neutral clothes, like black, tan, white or grey and I think that looked nice if we want to do that for our pictures.  The wreaths I have been working on one got approved and the project I messed up I finished again.  Emily came over to play after school and the girls had a fun time.  Isaac didn't have homework and he skipped young men's.  So he had a relaxing night.  Oliver did so much better on his homework.  We were teasing that banana's help him focus so he was eating a bunch.  It was funny.  Oliver wanted a frozen pizza for dinner since he did so well so he had that.  Me and Ruth got a jdwags hotdog and Isaac and Casey made Indian food.  Me and Casey walked while the kids had their hour and that was really nice.  It sure is hot.  The school sent a email out saying they don't have ac and it is hot for the kids.  I wish the would put a in the school.

Love Rachel 


 My day was good. I am still working on print updates so I am staying busy but it does get a little tedious after a while. After work I made a teryki and vegetable stir fry. It tasted really good. I hope everyone had a great Wednesday. Bye 

Tuesday, August 30, 2022


 Work was good. I had a hard time.concentrating. I put artichoke chicken in the crockpot for dinner and it tasted.good. I am glad well. We watched stardust and I love that movie. Not much h to report on my end either. I hate homework. It is dumb to have so much. Have a nice hump day and last day off August. I felt that went so fast. Jed called dad and Susan is having ablation surgery again tomorrow. Love mom


 Today was busy but good.  Work was good.  I am still trying to figure everything out.  We are trying to get some wreaths approved.  We edited some instructions.  I was cutting around applique wrong so I learned the right way to do it.  After work and school Ruth had tumbling.  I ran to the store after I dropped her off.  The boys had homework which takes forever.  Isaac had extra because he missed yesterday so we even had to do it after dinner.  I took Tony on a quick walk and that was nice.  I did lift weights this morning but I am not great at it.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel


Today was good but I was tired. Luna woke up and wouldn't go back down to sleep. I think she is growing and she doesn't feel good. Then we had dinner and ran around. Then it was bed time



 My day has been good.  It was meeting day so that made the day go by fast.  I really don't have anything exciting to report.  I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, August 29, 2022


 Work was good.  I felt better today.  I got some of that Unisom to help me sleep.  I didn't fall right to sleep but I was much more calmer today.  It felt so nice.  We went to the mall after work to walk.  The gym is painting this week and dad says is smells so bad and makes him sick.  they have a love sac at the mall and they have this new couch called sactionals.  They are really cool.  I kind of fell in love with them.  Kind of picey but you can do so much with them.  I made ramen noodle casserole for dinner and it tasted good.  I am sorry Isaac was sick.  I hope he feels better.  That is cool about your raise.  That is a lot of money.  Robin, I love all the pictures.  Thanks for posting them.  I am glad Jeramy did the appeal.  I bet that was really stressful.  I am glad it is over with.  Karen I am sorry you have allergies are so bad.  Dad's are bad also.  I think it is cute you have cats all over.  I promise I won't feed them.  It is suppose to get 100 degrees this week.  I keep hoping it cools off a bit.  LOVE MOM 


 Today was good.  I am trying to lift weights in the morning so I did that today.  Work went well.  I realized I made a mistake this weekend and had to redo a how table topper.  I made the batting too big and it was in the seam allowance which was everything too bulky.  Isaac stayed home sick today.  Casey checked in him at lunch and brought him sushi.  It is just his stomach which I think is stress.  He had violin lessons this afternoon and felt ok to go to that.  Oliver had a bunch of homework.  I need to sit with him so he stays on task.  Ron brought over leftover batter for pancakes so we had that for dinner.  The kids had their hour and then we went in a walk around the block.  Isaac got a papercut from a plant so he is holding his hand funny in the picture.  Casey worked late and just got home.  He got a ten percent raise at work which is awesome.  It will go into effect in September.  That was some good news.  

Love Rachel


Today was good. Jeramy had his appeal call for unemployment with a judge. It was just over the phone. We should hear back in a week. Jeramy gave Luna an oreo and she looked like the lady from Mulan she had an oreo beard. We went on a walk around the block. Then we just watched trolls and wiggles. Luna was tired and on edge. Every little thing she throws a fit. If you walk over her and do something else she gets over it. But we had to change scenery alot tonight. I also put pictures from Sunday. We walked around the park to get some energy out.


 Allergies were bad today so I had a headache most of the day. Work was good. It went by pretty fast so that was nice for a Monday. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye 

Sunday, August 28, 2022


 Sunday's are busy for me.  We got up early and went to church.  We were kind of late but it was ok.  I had a meeting after church. Casey worked today.  He had to get caught up from his trip.  We had lunch when I got home and we were out of frozen pizza.  Me and and Oliver went to the store to get some more.  It was fun to have one on one time with him.  When Casey got home we walked to the park.  I have been walking around while the kids play and we throw the ball for Tony.  It was a pretty day.  I like your balcony Mom.  You did a good job.

Love Rachel


 We had a lazy day as well.  We did hit McDonalds for a big mac and then went to Walmart.  Did needed a battery for our weigher.  He wants to weigh how much filament he has left.  I did get some fake flowers and put them in the pots on the porch.  I was hoping that would brighten things up.  It looked sad out there.  I hope everyone else had a quiet day as well.  Have a nice last week of August.  Man that went fast.  LOVE MOM 


 I just had a lazy day today. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...