We had a big busy day. We went looking for cars and that had its up and downs. We did find a car so that is nice. We did have collision on any of our cars so they wouldn't let us take it. We will pick it up on Monday. We came home and took a nap and then went to the concert. She is amazing. That was an incredible show. Thank you robin. Tomorrow we are going to lehi to visit and then in the evening Rachel and crew are coming down and we are going to help take the jeep up to Logan. I am excited to see everyone. Love mom
Saturday, July 10, 2021
Good job on the new car Mom and Dad. It looks awesome. Today was good. I walked this morning and it was cooler which was nice. Casey went to Randy's house and finished cutting the tree down. The kids slept in and I fe asleep on the couch. When we got up we went over to Randy's and saw the last of the tree being cut. Then we went to lunch with everyone to del taco. Then we went to the car was and cleaned the van and crv. They look so nice now. Randy gave us some money and Ruth had her tooth fairy money so we went to red balloon toys and got everyone a new toy. Isaac made dinner all by himself which was very impressive. I noticed a canal walk in Hyde park and I wanted to check it out so we went and walked it for a while. It was a nice trail and we had a good time. We went to Katie Ann's on the way home. We are getting the jeep tomorrow. Thanks for letting us take it.
My day was good. I slept in which was nice. Then I read my hr book. It was on wages and compensation. I still need to watch the lecture but I am going to do that tomorrow. Congrats mom and dad on the new car. If looks cute. I hope everyone had a great Saturday. Bye
Friday, July 9, 2021
I went to work today and had the worst runny nose all day. I hope I am not getting sick. Work was quiet. I didn't get a lot done but I made it through. We were going to get a new car soon anyway we were just kind of waiting to see if I had a job in October. In a way this is nice we get a new car before that. They are closing all the IHC pharmacy's except at Primary's. We went today to pick up drugs and everyone was so sad. They are laying off 250 people and only have 25 job openings. It was hard to see all the people I have known have to go through that. We have an appointment at 10:00 to go check out Mitshibushi cars. They have a deal if you buy an SUV they throw in a car. It has manual transmission but dad seems to think we can do that. We will see what the catch is. We did take my car to the dealership and they said for sure my engine was doomed. Not much else to report on my end. Be careful in this heat. It is so hot. We are going to the Lindsey Springer concert tomorrow night. I am excited. Thanks Robin for the tickets. Rachel, I am so glad you got your van working again. LOVE MOM
Good luck car shopping mom and dad. I hate car shopping. I am also sorry Luna had a rough day. My day was good. Work was quiet but I made it through. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Bye
My phone updated last night so my alarm didn't go off so I slept in until 8 and didn't walk. So we decided to go to the park this morning and throw the ball for Tony. We couldn't find the ball thrower so we went to PetSmart and got a new one and new balls. Tony loved going there. Their was a huge soccer tournament at elk ridge park so we went to the new park with the rope tower. Oliver best friend Kover was their and they had fun playing. When we got too hot we can home and had lunch. Oliver wanted to do puzzles so we went to the dollar store to get some new ones. Isaac doesn't like puzzles or the dollar store. Oliver I guess wasn't interested in puzzles so me and Ruth did it ourselves. Ruth finally lost her front tooth. It was just hanging by a thread. After dinner we mowed the lawn. We haven't done it forever and it looks really nice. I finished digging up the Irises. I am going to plant flowers there I think. We are headed to the black light night at the jump zone so it will be a late night so I thought I would blog first. Good luck looking for cars Mom. Love you guys.
Thursday, July 8, 2021
Well work was ok nothing to exciting. Dad went into work and on his way home the jeep stopped working and had a lot of white smoke come out of it. I went and picked him up. It was legal to park there so it can stay there until we figure it out. It wouldn't be so bad but my car isnt doing great either. When it rain it pours right. We did meet up with the gumm gang and it was nice to visit. We went to Murdock Hyundai after wards and looked around. It is hard to know what the right thing to do is. We will figure it out love mom robin Luna is so cute and I love your pictures Karen congratulations on your test. Rachel that trident stick is really cool. I hope you are ok. Hornet stings really hurt
I am glad you got an elephant picture Robin. She is so beautiful. I hope your test went ok Karen. I am sorry about the jeep Mom, that is stressful. We had a good day. I walked this morning and it was nice. We cleaned the house the morning. The kids have been really good to help and it had been nice. Oliver's friend Ewen came over and played all afternoon. They all had a fun time. After dinner we went to the car part store. Casey was working on the van and I was weeding when a hornet stung me. We found a huge nest in the bricks. Casey burned them. I am working on digging up the Irises and am going to plant something different there. Oliver found some wood when we were hiking and had been wanting to make a Trident with them. We finally made it tonight and it turned out good. Love you guys have a good Friday.
My day was good. I only worked half day because I had my proctored test this afternoon. My test went good I got a 93% on it. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Wednesday, July 7, 2021
Good luck with your test Karen. You will do great. We had a good day. I walked this morning and I have a good book to listen to. We did exercise class outside and it was hot. The was the instructors birthday so they made it fun. All the kids came.to play at the park but since it is the drought they didn't turn on the water park. We went to the library for a puppet show. The kids thought it was cool and couldn't figure out how she made the puppets talk. We got a new movie and a switch game while we were there. The show was outside and it was hot so we got a drink on the way home. I didn't notice but Isaac got a mountain dew. Luckily he didn't drink a lot or it would have been a crazy afternoon. When we got home and watched the movie. I had book group tonight and it was fun. It is fun to talk with everyone. My flowers look so pretty I attached a picture. Sorry I am late blogging, love you guys.
Today at work was busy. We went to Arby's for dinner and went grocery shopping. It felt good to get some food. Luna.is such a doll. We are so blessed. Karen good luck with your test. You are so smart. Rachel I hope your survived the heat is exercising. It is so hot. Love you all mom
My day was good. I take my test tomorrow so wish me luck. I really don't have anything exciting to report. Have a great one. Bye
Tuesday, July 6, 2021
Today was good and we didn't do too much. I walked this morning. Oliver slept in late. When he got up we went to the library. We hung out there for a while. We just played on the deck until we got too hot then we watched a movie we got at the library. After dinner we just played in the backyard and Casey worked on the van. Oliver made a lot of spears when we were hiking. He wanted to eat an apple off one and was able to do that today. It was funny when we were talking about what to pack to go camping he asked what kind of weapons were we bringing. It was was funny. He brought his bow and arrows. I ended up carrying them but it was so cute. Anyway have a good night and love you guys.
I am with Karen. It was tough but I did it. I had to work late for a retirement party clean up. I came home and we watched manifest. Luna sure us cute. Love mom
My day was good. I got up and made it to work. Which is hard after having 4 days off. Work was good. It was meeting day so that took up a lot of the morning. After work I reviewed for a little while for my test on Thursday. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Monday, July 5, 2021
We had a really nice time at karens place. She took us back home by way of lehi. It was nice to visit with the everyone and hold the baby. Dad's stomach has been bad for days so we just took it easy to night. Rachel that place looks so beautiful. It looks like no one is there. What a perfect spot. I am glad you got to go. I am sorry about the van. I hope it passes emissions soon. Robin I hope you get some rest. I am off to work tomorrow. I am glad it is a short week. There are a lot of people on vacations for the rest of the month. It should be quiet. Love mom
Things are going good here. I had a fun weekend with mom and dad. We went and saw Luna today. She is a cutie. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye
We're back
We are back and had a good time. The little kids had some emotional times but it we survived. We left later on Saturday because Casey was working on the van. It still isn't working. We drove up to Franklin basin. We were going to try to get to the ridge to watch the fireworks. Oliver kept feeling car sick so we didn't make it took far. We backpacked to a nice camping place. It wasn't that far and Oliver and Ruth were crying. We ended up carrying their backpacks. Their were a ton of mosquitoes so we hurried in the tent and told stories. Casey bought me a air mattress and I slept better. I couldn't find Tony in the morning. He wasn't far but I accidentally woke the kids up. So we packed up and decided to drop the backpacks off and just do day hikes. We drove up to a lake and then hiked up to the ridge line. We had a good time and it was so pretty there. We went to a snow patch and Ruth did want to go farther. So I waited with her. Tony didn't know who to go with so he kept running back and forth between the girls and boys. It was funny. We decided to go home and get some sleep and then head out again early this morning. It was nice to get some sleep in our beds. We got up early and headed up to hike but their was a race so we went to the park until the canyon opened up. We hiked to a waterfall but it had dried up for the summer. It was still pretty and we had a fun time. We cleaned up the camping stuff when we got home. The raspberries are on so I picked a bowl of them. It felt really nice to be out hiking. Overall we had a really nice time.
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...