Thursday, March 29, 2018

One more day

I am excited to play this weekend. I am also super glad that tomorrow is Friday.  I got my laundry done tonight so that was nice. Work is still busy so it is going by quickly. I have a puzzel i am working on. I tried to finish it tonight but I didn't finish. I am so close though so maybe we can finish it tomorrow night. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye


Robin bought us a surprise.  Year passes to the Zoo.  I am pretty excited.  We will use them a lot.  Thank you Robin.  We met the Gumm gang for dinner and that was fun.  WE walked around Walmart and Robin got her some shoes.  That was a nice Walmart.  They had a lot of fun things.  I asked Kay if you could have the swing set and she said yes.  After looking at the pictures I am not sure you are going to need it.  That looks like so much fun.  I love having sunshine again.  Everyone drive safe tomorrow.  I worked my lunch hour so I get to leave a little early.  Robin is going to meet us in Park City.  LOVE MOM


Robin, Mom told me about the year zoo passes, thank you so much.  We are going to have so much fun.  It will be a awesome year, thank you.  We have the most generous family, thank you.  Ruthie wouldn't fall asleep last night so she ended up in bed with us so none of us got a lot of sleep.  But other than that today was good and we spent most of it outside.  Yesterday Oliver found Robins old dragon fly decorations.  He brought one up to the house but we can't get the other one out so Ruthie brought her chair back and was trying to pull it out, it was cute.  When Casey came home from lunch the circle swing we order had arrived so he hung it up for the kids to play with, it is so fun but a little low so he will have to move it up tomorrow.  I have attached a hundred swing pictures because the kids loved it.  Oliver had school and they had a Easter egg hunt and he had a fun time.  We rode our bikes up to the park and Casey met up with us when he got home.  It was fun to be at the park.  Isaac was playing with his friend and Ruthie climbed the rope ladder by herself so they are growing up.  Casey went home teaching so we played in the backyard until dark.  Imogene came over for a little bit and they had fun.  We are headed down tomorrow, thanks for having us Karen.  The kids are excited to go to your house.


Wednesday, March 28, 2018


Mom, that sounds like a good plan.  The zoo will be fun on the 6th.  We are leaving here around 3 or 3:30 on Friday.  Today was good.  I had an eye doctors appointment this morning, I took the little ones with me and they did really good.  My eyes are good and are about the same prescription.  We ran to walmart to get them a prize for doing good and then went to the school to volunteer which went well.  This afternoon we played outside and I cleaned up Robin's patio area.  I should of take a before picture because it does look a lot better.  Ruthie was getting whinny so I laid her down and she took a late nap.  When Isaac came home they rode bikes for a bit and then played outside.  Casey had scouts so we rode our bikes to pick him up and then we all rode home.  Isaac was cute and wanted to clean up his bike after we got home, he wants to take good care of it.  We put the concrete in the holes and the swing set is up.  Tomorrow hopefully we will put the slide on.  I hope that everyone is doing well, love you guys.




My day was good. The ground breaking ceremony went well. It was cild, windy, and snowing but it went good. Since it was cold they finished up in 15 minutes. Then we had lunch and a meeting.  So with helping to set up and clean up i was busy with that from 10 until 230. So that was half my day. The rest was good, just the usual though. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Hump day

Well we made it through Wednesday.  Karen, I hope your groundbreaking ceremony was fun and that the lunch was good.  It was a quiet day for me and I just slowing worked through things.  It seems so strange to have no big important things going on around me.  I think things are starting to settle down a bit.  We went grocery shopping after work.  I had no caffeine products at work so we had to go shopping.  I hope everyone had a nice day.  LOVE MOM


Today I looked into the car insurance that Karen got and I signed up I'm saving a ton of money so that is nice. Thanks for the idea Karen :) work was good. Tomorrow is my Friday so that will be nice I can meet up Friday night for dinner mom. I embroidered some more of my elephant tonight. It's going to take a million years to finish


Tuesday, March 27, 2018

I have a plan?

So I think we have a plan.  Yes Robin on the 6th of April we are going to the Zoo.  I want to see the polar bears.  There are two new ones.  I hope the weather agrees with that decision.  If not we will go somewhere indoors.  I might have to work for a little bit but I am going to see if someone will trade me for Friday DSB at 9:00.  This weekend we are going to meet Karen in Park City on Friday after work.  Robin if you want to drive up with us you are welcome to. Rachel if you make it in time for dinner we will be eating in Park City but I remember you said it would be later before you got to Kamas.  After dinner we are going grocery shopping that way everything is fresh and I don't have to worry about how to keep it in the car on Friday.  Saturday we will play and have a lot of fun and dye Easter eggs.  Sunday we will hunt for Easter baskets and play and play.  Does that sound fun to you?  We stopped at Liberty Park after work and went for a walk.  It was so nice and pleasant.  It felt really nice.  I am meeting the Gumm gang for dinner on Thursday night.  Robin, I am glad you got a check.  I hope it was enough to pay something off with it.  Have a great hump day. Karen good luck with you ground breaking ceremony and lunch.  I hope it is fun.  LOVE MOM

Ground breaking

Robin that is cool he finally paid you back. My day was good it was slightly less busy than yesterday so that was nice. Tomorrow we are having a ground breaking ceremony for the new expansion. Then we are having cafe rio. That should take up a lot of the day tomorrow. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Back up singers

Robin, that is so awesome about the check, that makes me happy.  Good job.  Ruthie and Isaac had a rough night so I was tired again today.  I babysat this morning and that went well.  We were playing play dough and Ruthie kept using a dentist mirror as a magnifying glass, it was so funny I attached pictures.  Oliver had school and they dyed Easter eggs, he made a green one and was super exctied about it.  After we picked up Isaac they wanted to go on a bike ride so I pulled out my bike and we went around the block.  It felt really good and was a lot of fun.  We were playing outside in the front and Imogene came over, then we moved to the backyard.  I love this weather and it is fun to play outside.  When Casey came home we ran to Lowe's and bought some cement to put up the swing set.  Casey has the holes all dug so tomorrow we will cement it in.  I had young women and we did Karaoke.  One girl did backup singing and it reminded me of when I made you guys do that.  It made me laugh. 

We got some sand for the table also


Today was busy work is piling up again. Im just living the dream all the time. Walter randomly sent me check to pay me back for his truck problems a long while ago. So that was a random surprise I went grocery shopping. Lol wild life. Are we doing the zoo on the 6th? I just forgot and was going to take the day off if we are.


Monday, March 26, 2018


My day started out busy and just kept going. I had 30 emails and 2 phone calls this morning. All to get 2 items entered into the new system. I hope they work out the kinks soon. Then after work I went to Walmart and picked up my prescription. It snowed off and on here all day as well. Mom, i still have a week to go before i get my tooth. April 3rd.  Have a great one. Bye


The kids didn't sleep last night so I was tired as well.  I babysat this morning and that went well and the kids had fun.  Oliver had school and had a fun time and was happy.  Ruthie laid down for a bit but didn't take a nap.  After we picked up Oliver we got some nuggets for a snack and that was fun.  When Isaac came home we made sugar cookie dough, I ran out of eggs so we ran to Lee's in a middle of a blizzard.  The kids wanted to use the new cookie cutters.  After dinner I baked the cookies and folded laundry with Ruth and the boys worked on digging holes for the swing set.  After the kids baths we frosted the cookies for a bed time snack.  The kids are so excited about the 3D pool.  The have talked about nothing else, thanks Robin.  We are ready for summer to come.



I was tired today also Robin, I had such a hard time getting out of bed.  Dad asked me if I wanted to call in dead today.  I finally made it to work and it was a quiet day.  It was nice.  It was so weird it snowed all morning and then about 11 it cleared out and it was so bright.  I was getting snow blindness, then I went to lunch and by the time I got back all the snow was melted.  It was weird how fast it disappeared.  We went to Whole Foods after work to get probiotics.  Rachel tell Casey that I think the jeep is running quieter since he worked on it.  Thanks.  Karen do you get your tooth tomorrow?  I knew it was a Tuesday.  Everyone have a nice last week of March.  LOVE MOM


Today was ok. I was really tired and work geared up again and since it's a short week for our work everything needs to get done sooner than later.i hope everyone had a good monday

Sunday, March 25, 2018


It snowed here also. I am ready for the snow to be over with. Oh well, it will melt quick at leadt. My day was good. Nothing too wild and crazy. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


Thank you guys so much for coming up and spoiling us.  You guys are so sweet.  We love you.  It snowed today which is so crazy, I didn't believe you Karen but it happened.  We did go to church in the first time in forever and it was nice.  The kids were happy.  A girl in the stake committed suicide last week so we had a combined young women's to talk about it.  We made hu hut again and Isaac made labels for all the items.  It was so cute.  He is acting like his old self again which is good to see.  Last night I finished all the duffel bags, it feels so good to be done, we are ready to come to KAren's house.  I am going to work on the class quilt now and hopefully get that done.  I hope that everyone has a good Monday, the weekends go too fast. 

Oliver only wanted one egg and then he was done


We went and saw Grandma today.  Man was it windy and cold.  We got her a new remote control for her TV so she only has to work one remote instead of two.  We went to lunch and it was so windy and cold.  On the way home it was snowing and the more we came home the more it was snowing.  I sure had a fun time yesterday hanging out.  It was fun to see everyone.  I can't believe it is the last week of March.  Wow time sure goes fast.  Have a nice Monday.  The weather is suppose to be good all week.  I love it staying light later.  LOVE MOM


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...