Friday, November 9, 2018


I am done with my class and that feels really nice.  We played with Karen and Robin and while I was at dinner my boss called me and said he was transferring to a new job.  So now for sure I am out on the look for a new job.  I am excited to come and play tomorrow.  Jenkins looks like he isn't loving his sweater.  I am glad he will wear it.  It will make him warmer outside.  I am so proud of Isaac.  He is doing so good.  LOVE MOM


Cute sweater, it makes him look skinny.  We are excited to see him tomorrow.  Today was busy and good.  I worked out this morning which was fun.  We went and had lunch with Isaac and played with him at recess.  He did well on his spelling test so they had his up on the wall so I took a picture of him.  He is a really good speller.  After school we went to the library and got two book on finding rocks and minerals.  It had where to go to find geodes and what to bring so I think we are ready.  Love you guys and drive safe tomorrow.



I'm so glad today was friday. Work went well. Then I met up with mom, dad and karen. We went to black bear dinner it tasted good. Then we went to Walmart and mom bought Jenkins a sweater. He let me dress him up but I think it wasn't his favorite thing lol he will grow to love it. I thought he looked adorable. We will see how it goes tomorrow I hope hes really sweet with the kids.


Thursday, November 8, 2018


Sorry about your floors rachel that is sad. I'm glad you got a new washer though. My day was good. I got a 2 dollar raise so that was exciting. Then I came home and vegged with Jenkins I pretty much slept all night. Let's hope I can sleep. I'm glad tomorrow is friday :) have a good one



Thanks guys.  I think we are doing good for now but this spring we will need some help redoing the floors.  Good job on your presentation and you class Mom, that is a great experience.  Ruthie didn't sleep well last night again so we were tired.  Oliver had school and me and Ruthie ran errands.  It was a nice day so we walked to picked up Isaac.  Roxanna came over and played until dinner.  Nothing too exciting today.  Love you guys and have fun tomorrow.  I am glad that it is a short day for Karen and Mom.


It is almost done

I only have to go to class 1/2 day tomorrow.  I have been working extra time to cover it.  Karen is going to come down and we are going to Costco.  If anyone needs anything let me know.  My presentation went good (I think) and I am glad it is over.  Tomorrow they are doing a couple of lectures and then going to bring a food truck in.  That will be fun.  Grandma didn't feel up to seeing anyone so dad didn't go down today.  I am so ready for a weekend.  This week has seemed really long to me.  Everyone have a great Friday and we will play on Saturday.  LOVE MOM


Rachel sorry about your flood. If you need any help let me know. I will come up and help fix things I'd you need me to. My day was good. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. Work was busy until the last hour and then it calmed down. Good job on finishing your class mom. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

So Sorry

Rachel, I am so sorry you had another flood.  What a mess.  If you need any help we will be up there on Saturday.  I am glad you got a new dishwasher.  Grandma had her surgery tonight.  They said the infection was in the bone and surgery was the only option to help her get well.  Dad went and saw her this morning and said the foot looked really bad and everyone kept saying how much better it was.  I went to the mall after work and took Rachel's advice and bought me a new outfit for tomorrow.  I am a nervous wreck but will just be glad when it is over.  We do get free dinner tomorrow night at Market Street Grill.  I hope it is yummy.  I think that is so strange that Jenkins got mad.  He has never done that.  Weird.  Rachel I am so sorry you had a leak.  LOVE MOM

Another Flood

Good luck tomorrow Mom, you will do great.  I am excited for you.  I am sorry about your headache Karen, that is the worst.  That is funny about Jenkins, maybe he looked like someone he used to know.  We had another flood today.  I started the dishwasher after lunch and we were playing in the front living room and we heard a loud gushing.  I turned off the water and put bowls downstairs and was able to clean it up so it didn't get too bad.  I called Casey and he came home.  It turned out all the valves under the sink were really loose and leaking.  The hose to the dishwasher had come off so Casey replaced that but hooking it up to the dishwasher the dishwasher door broke and it wouldn't close anymore.  So we ended up buying a new dishwasher, it is a kitchen aid and seems nice.  So we have all new valves, hoses and a dishwasher.  Hopefully it wont flood again, my poor sewing room can't take much more.  We just barley got everything back together, it was a long day but I think we should be set now.  Love you guys and I hope that you have a good day tomorrow.



They were painting the add on today so the whole building was stinky. It gave me a headache but I made it thru. Tomorrow they are still painting and they are also testing the fire alarm so that should be fun for my head. Other than that my day was good. I am glad that the week is half over. Good luck with your presentation tomorrow mom you will do awesome. Have a great Thursday tomorrow everyone. Bye


Today was good but I was tired. I took Jenkins out once I got home from work. My matianace guy walked by and said hi. Jenkins lost it he was barking and jumping around. His collar came off and jenkins just stood there so it was ok. I finally got him put back together. That is the only time he has ever done that. so weird. We walk around the block and I saw the guy walking with the apt manager girl and he just ignored them. I'm assuming he just hates matience guys??? It was so weird . Its the only time hes ever.done that hes always been so mellow. Hope everyone had a good night


Tuesday, November 6, 2018


Rachel that quilt is amazing.  You are so gifted.  Thanks for doing that.  I love it.  It was cold this morning Karen.  Your place is always the coldest.  We are going to have to buy you some more warm blankets for your house.  Robin, I am so glad that Jenkins is doing well.  It will take time but he will know that he is staying.  He is a cute dog.  I went to work early and stayed late.  It was a long day but my class ends early on Friday so I am going to not go back to work.  It will be worth it to have an afternoon off.  They didn't do the surgery on Grandma.  She is on blood thinners and she needs to be off of them before they can do the surgery.  I don't have all the details.  Hopefully I will have more later.  Dad made it home safe and sound.  His trip went well.  Every one enjoy hump day.  LOVE MOM


Poor Jenkins, I wish you could tell him he wasn't leaving.  That has got to be stressful for him.  It is getting cold Karen, it even snowed a bit here but didn't stick.   I finished Mom's quilt last night and I really like it, it turned out good. Today was pretty good.  Isaac rode his bike to school with his friends, it was snowing when it was time to come home so I just threw their bikes in the van and drove them home.  We went grocery shopping and then took Oliver to school.  They were dancing in the dark with flashlights and Oliver fell and has a big goose ache on his head.  A customer Casey helped sent him a gift card to Subway so we picked him up and had lunch their, it was fun.  After we dropped Casey off we walked around the Hobby Lobby.  After dinner we made cupcakes and it was fun, the kids were excited.  This week is so slow with the time change.  It is crazy.  I hope Grandma is ok, that sounds horrible.


Wore out

Today was good nothing amazing. Jenks did a good job today and no accidents to report. I took him on a walk around Taylorsville park. He did not want to go to the car but we baby stepped and hes little so I Carried him in lol. He had fun once we got there though. I wore him out. Hes been asleep since we got back. So tonight's been pretty chill



Things are going good here in Kamas. I had a bunch of meetings today, so I didn't feel very productive, but the day went by pretty quick. It was cold today. I guess winter is on the way. I hope dad made it home safe and sound. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help with grandma. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, November 5, 2018


Rachel what a cute idea getting geodes.  I bet the kids loved that they are really into crystals.  I am sorry you are getting sickness in your family.  I hope they sleep better tonight.  Today at work was a zoo but I made it through.  I am glad that Jenkins made it through the day without you  Geode hunting would be really fun.  Let's do that.  Dad said he had a quiet day and did a lot of reading on Karen's book.  he said he is enjoying that.  He needed some down time.  I have to go to work early tomorrow.  I have to take minutes for a 7:00 meeting.  I turn my project in tomorrow so that should be interesting.  I hope I do OK.  I got one today and it was pretty fancy.  Mine doesn't look that professional but Oh well I am so ready to be done.  Karen stay warm.  It is getting chilly up your way.  LOVE YOU GUYS MOM

Hello darkness

The boys did get their hair cut on Saturday, they look cute.  Ruthie and Isaac didn't sleep well last night.  Isaac had a runny nose, poor thing.  I was tired today but I went and worked out and that helped give me energy and I felt better.  It was dripping a bit in my sewing room today.  When Casey came home it he looked at it and it was dripping under the sink so he fixed it.  It was good to catch it early and it wasn't a lot of water.  Casey bought the kids some geodes and the had fun breaking them tonight.  They were really pretty.  We were thinking of staying after bingo and that Sunday go look for geodes on topaz mountain.  What do you guys think?  It is cold and dark now.  I miss going outside after dinner.  I am glad that Jenkins had a good day, he is so cute.


Oliver was superstar today


Robin I am glad that old man jenkins survived the day. Also thanks for making the elf shoes they look cute. My day was good. Work is still moving along. It was a chilly day. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

He made it

Today was good Jenkins made it with out any accidents. He almost busted once I got home but he made it out alive. I walked him around the complex twice to let off energy. I just chilled on the couch the rest of the night. He gave me a few face licks so I figured he missed me lol. It's an event at work so I have to dress up all week. But at least I got free pizza today  I hope everyone had a good day.


Sunday, November 4, 2018

Falliing back

Tonight seemed long because it got dark so fast but I enjoyed the quiet day.  I drove up and got may hair cut in Park City.  It was so long.  I hooked up with Karen and it was fun.  It was snowing so I went back to SLC to do some grocery shopping.  I walked Walmart.  I sure like the one at Jordan Landing better than the one by me.  Rachel, I love craft days.  That is fun.  It looks like you gave the boys hair cuts as well.  Robin, I love those elf shoes.  They will be fun Christmas presents.  Karen you are spoiled.  I am going to go to Logan on Saturday and start buying Thanksgiving.  The next Saturday is bingo so It would be hard to do it that weekend.  Dad made it safe and sound to Houston.  I hope the demo goes really well.  They do that on Tuesday.  Tomorrow night they are going to dinner with the guy and talking.  I am hoping he gets a quiet day tomorrow.  He said he was reading the book Karen bought him and enjoying it.  Everyone enjoy Monday.  LOVE MOM


Good job with your cupboard Karen.  Jenkins is so cute.  It is hard transitioning to a new home, he will catch on soon I think.  I am glad that he likes to snuggle, that is fun.  Cute elf shoes also.  It was raining and cold today.  We went to church this morning and the kids were grumpy about it.  Ruthie went to class with me and Oliver.  She was pretty cute singing all the songs, she would do all the actions.  Casey worked today and we did crafts this afternoon.  We made the chocolates Mom and Dad bought.  We made slime and Turkey crafts.  It was a good day and the kids were happy.  I hope that everyone has a good Monday.  Don't work too hard.  Two books that I have read stressed the importance and getting enough sleep.  It is important to do.



Today was chill. Old man isn't doing g great with potty training. So that is something we need to work on. Hes been really snuggly today. But I also changed his food so hes farty so it's a smelly snuggle. Hes cute so I'll take it. We went on a long walk today so that was fun.i also gave him a bath which he didn't super love but made it out alive. I sewed a set of elf shoes. My machine is doing the same thing were its not cutting my bobbin right. So I am going to try some things and see if I can fix it.



My day was good. I cleaned out my hall closet where I had batteries and meds. I also reorganized it so all my pumpvstuff is in there. It looks nice. Then I met mom in park city. I got my hair trimmed and so did she. Then we went to lunch. Then I came home and took a nap. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...