Saturday, April 12, 2014

Home Again

I made it home safe and sound.  Way to go.  Robin I want to see your nails and Karen I bet your house feels so nice and clean.  I am excited for your new fridge.  This will be a fun weekend.  We went grocery shopping when I got home.  I am all set to veg all Sunday.  I got the new superman movie and snacks.  We are ready.  Have a great Sunday.  Thanks Rachel, Casey, Isaac and Oliver for letting me come up and spend the weekend.  I had such a fun time.  It was so nice to be outside in the sunshine.  LOVE MOM


Today was good.  Walter picked me up and took me to breakfast. Then I had a photoshoot in draper, it was with a new girl. After the shoot I got a notification that she recommended me to some one else on face book who wants to do a couple creative shoots which will be fun. I got got my tax refund yesterday and I ordered some worbla. So I want to make a costume piece for a shoot. Then I got a gift card from Walters mom from January to get a pedicure so I thought I would get pampered so after the shoot I went and got a pedicure then I also got a manicure. I mostly just enjoyed sitting in a massager chair. Then I went grocery shopping and got some hair dye. I was getting some greys pop out. And while I was shopping I went to lowes and bought stuff for Walters hellboy hand. I got a heat gun also for the worbla stuff. Then I came home and dyed my hair and relaxed, it was a busy day but it was fun. Have a good night



Wow Karen, that is a lot of work.  I need to you to come up here and do the same thing.  Good job.  We were talking tonight and I we are going to stay till Sunday if that is alright with everyone.  So we will come up Friday night and leave Sunday.  Let me know what you think.  We have had a fun time with Grandma here.  Today we went to an Easter egg hunt at the park and that was fun.  We walked and it was nice to be outside.  Then we went to five guys for lunch which is always good.  Then me and Mom went shopping and got everything ready for Easter, thanks Mom.  Then after dinner Mom, Casey and Isaac went to the fun park and grocery store.  Thanks Mom for coming up.  Robin on facebook your project for Halloween looks pretty involved.  Good luck with that.



Well I got my house all cleaned up. I swept and steamed all my floors. Then I used floor polish on the empty big room. It looks really nice. Then I scrubbed all my bathrooms. It is nice having it all cleaned. I am totally counting this as a spring cleaning. I went to WalMart after that to pick up a few things. Also when I picked up last time they told me that I couldn't get the pen needle tops without a prescription and that it has always been that way. Which is odd because the last two years I have bought them there. So today I noticed there was a different person working the register so I went to ask for them and I got them no trouble. I think the other person was just being stupid. Well I hope that everyone had a great Saturday. Bye

Friday, April 11, 2014


It was a nice day we played outside and it felt nice. We went and checked out a preschools for Isaac and it's is nice he is going two days next fall for two hours.  We took him to see Shaun and he said he has good range of motion and his hamstrings aren't tight.  Those are all good.  They are going to make him some braces and he will wear them five hours at home to help him keep flat footed.  We went to the trampoline park tonight.  It is a really nice place.  The day went by to fast.  Oliver did smile at me this morning.  He is growing out of his newborn clothes.  He is so cute.  Two cutest boys.  Have a nice weekend, I am going home tomorrow night.  Love mom


Robin lunch time will be great. We can dye Easter eggs if everyone wants too. Just let me know and I will boil some eggs. My day was good. I had my evaluation today and I got a .50 raise. That is my big news. I am also cleaning up my place for everyone's visit. I hope that Isaac's appointment went well. Have a great weekend everyone

Thursday, April 10, 2014

At isaacs house

I made it safe and sound to Logan.  It was nice to have today as my Friday.  I am going to play and play.  It should be a really good time.  Have a great Friday love mom

It's a hot one

Robin, I like house also.  Me and Casey watched it a couple of years ago so I haven't seen the last couple seasons.  It is a good show.  I just finished watching the last season of Breaking Bad.  I like how it ended but it was a heartbreaking season.  It made me sad.  I am sad it is over also.  Karen, thanks for the picture.  That is cute.  I am excited for your fridge.  Mom made it to Isaac's house and we are excited.  We are checking out a preschool for Isaac and going to the PT.  It has been hot the last two days.  We all have been hot and sticky.  We were weeding the front yard today and we had to go in because we were getting too hot.  I hope that everyone has a good Friday.


Isaac is a star with start stickers on him


I started watching house I am now addicted. Work was good it's been really busy. So it's been nice to have time go fast. I came home and rested, last night I went out with mom And Julie it was fun. All of your pictures are really cute. I'm excited to see everyone next week. The plan for me and Walter as of now. Is the 18th his nephews are having a birthday party on the 18th. Then we are thinking on the 19th coming up and be there by lunch or Whatever is a good time. Well that is about all for me have a good night



Well I am ready for it to be the weekend. Just one more day to go. Work was a little slow today, but I made it thru. I even had stuff to do and it still seemed to drag. Oh well what can you do. It is really pretty outside today. I am glad that spring finally got here. I have also put a picture on Grandma with Isaac sitting on her lap. She thought this was the best moment of her whole weekend.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Nice day

The weather was nice again today.  We didn't do much but play in the backyard.  After dinner we all walked to the park which was nice.  I am giving Oliver a bath at night now to start a bedtime routine with him so bed time got a bit busier but I think it will be for the best.  We are excited to have you mom.  Their is an Easter egg hunt at the park Saturday I thought it would be fun to go to.  Well everyone have a goodnight.  Here are the pictures.  Their are some back from baby animal days. :)


Hump day

Today was a busy day.  The day went really fast.  I keep hoping things will slow down a bit.  I am getting behind.  I will get caught back up.  We had a fun time tonight.  It was so nice outside and everything looked so pretty.  We ate at Noodles and Company and it tasted good.  Have a great Thursday.  I am leaving around 7 to go to Logan.  LOVE MOM


Well the week is half over. Yea! My day was pretty good. Nothing too wild and crazy. One week from today my fridge gets here. I really don't have much to report. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Today as good. The last fifteen minutes of work we had all these crazy rush jobs and I kinda lost it. I have a temper. But the kid that does grommets was off in la la land and  so I had to grommet so I didn't have to stay all night. I was not amused. But whatever I came home and just had some cookies Amd relaxed. I did decide to go to the gym but the cookies I ate did not help the gym process. But it was nice coming home and having it light out. And I've watched arrested development so that was fun. Walter also told me of this thermal plastic called worlbla and people make cool chest and arm plates with it. So I have been watching you tube to see how with it. When I get my tax return I'm going to buy a sheet and play with it. There was a video on making masks I though I would try to make one like the ones at the venician. Well have a good Wednesday 



Thanks Karen for letting us be part of your fridge purchase.  That was a lot of fun.  It is just beautiful.  Tell Isaac he is the cutest boy in the world.  I love that he is sure of that.  I had a fun day.  Work was busy but not in a stressful way and then we went to dinner and we bought a present for someone that is leaving work on Thursday.  Then we hooked up with Karen.  It was really fun.  Tomorrow night I am meeting up with Julie and Robin.  That will be fun also.  Then Thursday I am going to Logan.  I am playing all week long.  Have a great hump day.  I see crushed ice in my future  YUM!

what a day

Whirlpool 28.5-cu ft French Door Refrigerator with Single Ice Maker (Mono Satinaâ„¢ Steel) ENERGY STAR

My fridge looks kind of like this. I am excited. It is going to be delivered a week from Wednesday. So we all can enjoy it when you come for the Easter egg hunt. Work was good. I went grocery shopping after work in Heber. Then I measured where my fridge is, then I went and bought one. I know what you are all thinking, "random purchase" but in my defense I have been wanting one for a while so it isn't that random. Well have a great day everyone. Bye


Sorry I didn't get back to your email Mom.  I got it after you had gone home from work.  Congratulations Karen on your new fridge.  Where did you get it?  What does it look like?  I am super excited for you.  We had a good day.  The weather was nice again.  This morning we just took it easy and cleaned the house.  Jennifer came over to sew and it went really well.  It felt so nice to sew, I had a good time.  We went grocery shopping when Casey got home and made stuff for his lunches.  Isaac played outside andd then we watched a movie.  I hope everyone has a good night.  I have been blogging on the kindle so I haven't put pictures on but I will put some on tomorrow.


Monday, April 7, 2014

It's me Isaac, the cutest boy in the world

That is what Isaac told me today, I thought it was cute.  The weather was so nice today.  We walked to the park and then spent the afternoon in the backyard.  After dinner Casey and Isaac rode a bike up to Randy s and me and Oliver drove.  It was nice to visit.  Isaac was so tired we just skipped a bath.  I am glad that everyone had a good day.


Monday, Monday

Work was busy for me as well.  It made the day go fast.  Afterwards we stopped at Firehouse subs for dinner.  Dad is addicted.  I thought you would like that Robin.  I went and got my hair cut also.  It was getting so long.  It feels so nice.  Not much else going on with me.  I am looking forward to going to Logan on Thursday night.  That will be fun.  Have a great Tuesday.  The weather is suppose to be amazing.  LOVE MOM

It's started

I really didn't want Monday to come I've been enjoying weekends. But it wasn't to bad work went fast then I went to the gym. But I ate brownies after so I am balanced. Not to much else with me have a good warm week!


Well it is just the same old same old here in Kamas. Work was good. My computer did seem a little slow, but other than that it wasn't too annoying of a day. It was nice weather here today. I am excited that it isn't suppose to snow at all this week. well have a great one. bye

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Quiet Day

We did have a fun weekend.  It was nice to go see a movie.  I do like the Larry H Miller theater better than the one on 33rd.  The seats are better.  Oliver was so cute.  He smiled at Karen.  It is my mission now to get him to smile at me.  Isaac was so cute at the store.  He has it all figured out.  He is a doll.  Robin I am glad your makeup is picking up.  That was nice you and Walter got to hang out.  You are so spoiled.  Have a wonder Monday.  I am going up to Logan on Friday to go to Cache Kids and see about Isaac's toe walking so it should be a short week for me.  I did get a nap today.  That felt so nice.  LOVE MOM


Well things are good here in Kamas. It has been cold and windy all day with occasional periods of rain. My day has been pretty relaxing. I got a nap even. I also planted the blueberry plant mom and dad got me. I also replaced the rubber plug in one of my toilets. It now doesn't run water all the time. I had a nice weekend. Me, mom, and dad went to the movies Friday and saw the new Captain America movie. It was good. Then Saturday we talked grandma Bodily into going up to Logan with us. It was fun hanging out in Logan. Well I hope that everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...