Friday, June 24, 2022


 Today was a slower day which is good.  I walked this morning.  Exercise class was cancelled so I dyed my hair instead.  We went to Walmart and Kohl's this morning.  The kids were wild by the end.  The kids played outside until it was too hot and then had their hour.  We went to Karie Ann's after dinner and it tastes so good.  I love it.  We also went and got Casey some new shorts.  We are headed down tomorrow and it will be good to see everyone.

Love Rachel


 I think my interview went well. I guess I will have to wait and see if they call for an in person interview. Then I went grocery shopping. I came home and put dinner in the crockpot. I had to call the place I get my pump supplies and pay a bill. I also called to get an appointment to get a new pump. I also wrapped birthday presents so I am all set for tomorrow. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 


 I had a hard time focusing today but got some stuff done. Not as much as I wanted but oh well. I am excited for tomorrow. Everyone drive safe. We did some dry brushing of dads 3d printing stuff. I need to practice a little more. Dad did a wand and it looks really nice. See you all tomorrow. Love mom

Thursday, June 23, 2022


Today was good. Nothing too wild I started cooking cakes today because I figured I would start staggering things a bit. Luna was grumpy so it was hard to get alot done. Mom anytime works for Saturday. I was thinking of starting to put things together around 10 ish since the party is at 12



 Work was good. I am starting to not be buried. It feels nice. We met the gumm gang tonight for dinner. It was fun. We went to the spaghetti factory. Rachel that is neat Ruth can do that. I could never do that it is scary. Karen good luck with your interview tomorrow. You are so amazing. You are going to nail it. Robin let me know if I can help get ready for the party. What time do you want us? We can come early and set up love you all mom


 My day was good. Nothing too wild and crazy. My interview is at a place in Spanish Fork called Precision Castparts Corporation. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye 


 Today was good.  I walked this morning.  I went a different way and it wasn't as long as I usually go.  The kids slept in and I sewed a bit.  We cleaned the house this morning and that felt really nice.  After lunch we had Adam and Adien come over and play.  They are Oliver and Ruth's age.  They all played cute together and had a fun afternoon.  Adam likes to do crafts and that is fun for me.  After dinner we went to the park and Casey went on a run with Tony.  The park was fun and it was good to get out of the house.  Ruth has been practicing these back walk overs and she finally was able to land it tonight.  She was so excited.  A big wind storm came in so we left.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel

Wednesday, June 22, 2022


 Work was good we had a cook off and it was fun. A lot of people made stuff. I made Casey's roast sandwiches and people liked them. We went to Walmart after work to get stuff for the party. I am super excited. We came home and had feel asleep. I had a bad headache last night and it wore me out. Must be job interview day. They both sound like good jobs. Way to go. I am glad Luna is feeling better. Love mom


 Luna looks grown up in those pictures.  We will bring our swimming suits to the party.  Karen good luck on your interview.  You are so smart you will do great.  I got a interview also today.  It is on Monday for a part time booking Clerk for the county.  It is just doing paperwork.  Today we didn't do much.  I did walk and go to exercise class.  They wore me out.  The kids were tired also so we just played at home.  I had physical therapy this afternoon.  My pinky is moving more which is encouraging.  Casey got a bonus at work so we went out for dinner at la Unica.  Then we went to Ross and got Oliver a pair of headphones for his computer.  When we got home we mowed the lawn.  Isaac did the riding lawn mower.  I started with the edger and I cut the catalpa tree which was awful.  So I switched Casey and did the push mower.  The lawn looks so nice and it was such a pretty evening.  

Love Rachel


Was your interview for the place in Lehi Karen? That would be awesome. I love your quilt Rachel good job! You should put it in a fair and get a prize. I went to Walmart today to buy food for Luna's party. Jeramy worked late so it was just me and Luna. She didn't do great but we made it out alive. By the time I got home it was bath time for Luna then we were hungry. So we got her ready for bed and went and got food through a drive through. She fell asleep along the way. So we got home and I put her down it was 9 before we sat down. 

Public service announcement: we are having a small blow up pool at the party. And Cherry's on the tree are ready for picking. So take all of them 


 So random day. When I got up this morning I had an email from a job I applied for asking for a good time for a phone interview. So at 10 this morning I had a 15 minute call. Then he said he was going to move me along the process and I should hear back in about a week. Then 20 minutes later they called back and scheduled another phone interview for Friday. So wish me luck. Other than that it was just the usual. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Tuesday, June 21, 2022


 Today was good.  I walked this morning.  I got the kids up and we went to the hobby lobby to spend their gift cards.  We had a really fun time shopping.  Thank you again Karen, that was nice of you.  Isaac got a rocket, Oliver got a styrofoam airplane and Ruth got a bunch of those surprise balls.  Then we went grocery shopping and the kids are so good to help.  The are cute.  Ruth had tumbling and she loves going to that.  She is getting really good.  After lunch we went to the jump zone.  It was two hour Tuesday so we stayed w long time.  At the end some jerk kid called Oliver w looser.  He was upset and tired so we got a snack and left.  After dinner I cleaned up the backyard.  They kids are staying up late for the longest day of the year.  I finally finished a quilt.  I love it.  We saw some amazing rainbow clouds today.  They were so neat 

Love Rachel 


 Work went good. I got a lot done. It felt nice I came home and worked on food for the cook off tomorrow. I am making Casey's roast sandwiches and then I tried this jello salad. It looked really good and easy. I will see if it is good. We did finish painting the wands. We can dry brush them now. I am glad Luna is feeling better. I am excited for her party. Not.much else to report on my end. Have a nice hump day. I forgot to say today is a good day it is the longest day of the year. It gets darker everyday now. Love mom


I worked from home today it went well. Luna took a 3 hour nap so that helped. Around 3 she started to go wild. So after work we went on a walk. She is starting to get picky with eating so I'm struggling finding things for her to eat


 My day was good. Work is still moving along. After work I went to Food Town. I needed wrapping paper for Luna's birthday present. Then I came home and paid bills. I also got a notice that my driver's license is expiring this year. I did get to renew it online thought so that was nice. I hope that everyone has a great day. Bye

Monday, June 20, 2022


 My day was good. It rained this morning for a while so that was nice. Work is still moving along nothing too wild and crazy. I hope everyone feels better and/or stays healthy. I hope everyone has a great day. Bye


Since Friday Randy hasn't been feeling well and Tiffany started not feeling good yesterday so last night they took a covid test and it was positive.  Max and Lily tested positive also.  Max wasn't feeling good to whole trip and stayed in his room most of the time.  He thought it was allergies.  So Mandy and Charlotte were going to visit a friend in SLC today and they cancelled that just be safe with everyone getting covid.  Tiffany was going to go home today also but decided to stay so we got to spend the day with them which was nice.  I walked this morning and as soon as I got home a huge rain storm came through.  The kids were all asleep so I let them sleep in and went to exercise class.  It felt really good to go.  We went up to Randy's house.  We were going to go to lunch with them before they left but they decided to stay and had already eaten.  We watched pee wee Herman's big adventure then the kids got hungry and bored so we came home and ate.  Then they played for a while.  I had physical therapy so I took the kids back up and went to that.  After that Casey got off work and we all went to taco time for dinner.  We went back and everyone was watching a movie.  Oliver had a lot of energy so me and him went on a walk and played the park.  It was a really pretty evening.  Here are some pictures from yesterday, I forgot to post them.
Love Rachel

Charlotte left this doll lamp in my sewing room and it scared me to death.


 Today was good. Just same old same old. Tomorrow is the longest day of the year. That is always a good day. They are having a cooking contest on Wednesday so we went to WinCo to pick up some stuff. They had no totintos pizzas. I am sorry Luna is sick. Poor little thing. I hope her tummy gets better soon. I am glad you can work from home. Even if you just work half a day. Rachel.that is nice the girls stayed one more day. We'll have a nice Tuesday. Love you guys


Luna seemed to be better this morning but the day care called me and she had 3 blow outs in an hour. So I picked her up and tomorrow I am working from home. We drove down to Provo after work to re arrange washer and dryers for Jeramys sister. Always an exciting life

Sunday, June 19, 2022


 We had a really nice weekend. We played  with Karen. The weather was so nice up there. Rachel that is sad the girls left. I thought they would be there another week. That was a fun week. I am so sorry Luna is sick. I hate stomach stuff. Good luck. Let me know if you need anything. Love Mom 

Happy Father's Day

 Happy Father's Day Dad.  Thanks for being so amazing.  We love you.  It was good to talk to you on the phone today.  Today was good.  The kids slept at Randy's last night so we went over this morning and hung out.  I needed to deliver birthday books so I left for a bit.  We went to church.  The kids were singing in sacrament and I needed to go to primary.  We got a new piano player but she isn't going to be able to play for a while because she is having eye surgery.  It is werid.  Then we headed back to Randy's and stayed until bed time.  Collin smoked a brisket and it tasted so good.  He makes amazing things with his smoker.  We watched movies and talked.  We also walked to the park.  Their were a bunch of branches so we played war with them.  The girls are leaving tomorrow and we are sad.  We will miss them.

Love Rachel


 I hope everyone had a good fathers day. Luna woke up with a blowout. I changed her and 10 minutes later she had another blow out. Then she was acting tired. So I put on encanto and we both fell asleep. So I put her down and she slept for an hour. When she woke up she had another blow out. Then we went to Jeramys mom to set up a recliner chair for her. On the way home Luna threw up everywhere. So hopefully whatever she has goes quick. We went through 5 outfits poor little thing. We also took out the stump in our front yard. Luna helped and liked being outside


 I have had a fun weekend. Mom and dad came up last night. Then this morning mom was nice and mowed my lawn.  Then we went to Park City and had lunch.  I hope dad had a good father's day. Have a great week everyone. Bye 


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...