Saturday, November 14, 2009
:( no snow :(
I wish I had snow Its barely even cold up here. They are starting to decorate the city for christmas and tomorrow is the santa walk. but no snow...... sigh......... at least utah is gearing up for my return it better not melt before i get there. :) anyway I went and saw " law abiding citizen" with gerald butler. it was a crazy movie it makes you think. well nothing else exciting. be safe through all your weather extravaganzas in utah and Idaho. :) love you
Wind is better than Snow
I am ready to live in St. George. The roads were bad going to SLC and then the pass was bad coming home. I really am not a fan of snow. Everything went well in SLC. Not to much else to report other than it is really cold out there. LOVE MOM
Well if you go outside right now you just might blow away. It looks like there is a storm blowing in. And it was so pretty outside this morning while I had to be in class. We didn't have to stay clear till one though so that was nice. I was home by noon. Just one more Saturday class and then that is it. I got mom's package in the mail. Thanks! That is nice of you to send me stuff. I like getting fun things in the mail. Well I got my grocery shopping done and all I can say is I hate waiting in line. And it is only going to get worse from here on out. Oh well. Hey since Christmas is coming in about a month I will like some suggestions on what everyone would like for Christmas. I don't think that I will be creative enough to think of things all on my own. Well I hope that everyone had a good Saturday. Love ya guys!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Blue Ray
Well we are the owners of a new Blue Ray DVD. It is really nice. Dad really wanted one. We have been looking for awhile. We were going to get a PSP3 but by the time you bought all the controllers and games that we really didn't want we just decided to get the blue ray. I have been cutting out my strips for my class on Wednesday. I have been working on cutting and I am getting a lot better. I am really excited for the class. Like Rachel said it is neat because we are using the same fabric and it looks completely different. I still have a lot more to do but I will get them done before Wednesday. Rachel is going to SLC with us tomorrow so that will be fun. It be nice to have her company. Dad made it home safe and sound and loves your Cheetos man. He is cool. Well I hope Karen has a fun class on Saturday for the last time. Boy you have been one busy girl. I hope your movie comes soon. LOVE MOM
Up (I watched it last night, Karen)
I had tire problems coming home from work. I left a couple minutes early so I could pick up some contacts before 5 and when I was walking out to my car I noticed that my back tire was low. Casey had just filled them up last weekend end so I knew their was a problem. I figured the tire would make it to Jacks, so I drove over their and they were able to patch it up for me. They are open until 6 so that was really nice. My gas light turned on as I pulled up to Jack, they probably thought that I was a horrible car owner. I knew that I was low on gas and I was going to fill it up but I thought that I should do my tire first. Anyway everything worked out good. I got my tire fixed and I got some gas. I didn't even hit a deer on the way home. Work was good. It was a girls last day so we had a pizza party for her. It was nice. Me and Mom had a good time sewing last night. We got alot of cutting done. I had a ton of old jeans that I had been saving and we cut them all up. We also picked what fabric we are going to use. Here is a picture of my choices. Mom used the fabric that Karen got us also but ours look different it was neat.

I bought a new watch and it came in the mail today. I need to take it in to get some links taken off. It is so pretty and I love it. It doesn't have a battery it is charged by the sun. Here is a picture.

I bought a new watch and it came in the mail today. I need to take it in to get some links taken off. It is so pretty and I love it. It doesn't have a battery it is charged by the sun. Here is a picture.

Well it started rainy here after midnight last night. And at about 2 am this morning the power went out for awhile. According to the people at work at least. I slept thru it. Robin I think that the movie is called Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs. Just thought I would add that. My day was okay at work. The training wasn't too bad. They at least have you on a computer so you can do stuff. I like that a lot better than just watching them do it. I have class tomorrow from 9 until 1 so no sleeping in for me. I hope that dad made it home safe and that the weather wasn't too bad for his drive home. I hope that everyone has a great weekend. Love ya BYE
So today I started working on the shoe of my cheetah. well lets just say they are huge. they are as big as the head is. Its kinda funny. I was going to make them smaller but I was having a good time making a mungo shoe. I'm just making one shoe and casting it twice, to save time. :) anyway. I still haven't gotten my photos :( I guess the photographer got sick and couldn't get it here on time. so hopefully next week sometime. I think tomorrow me and a girl from church might go see spotty with a chance of meatballs. the movie. I'm excited it will be nice to get away from makeup for a while. well have a great one
Thursday, November 12, 2009
I love weekends
I agree. Weekends are the best. It did snow here today, it never stuck but it was cold. My car was all covered in snow when I left from work. I guess I better buy a snow scraper for my new car. Sewing was fun tonight. We cut out strips from Robin and grandpa's old jeans. We are making a jean quilt with Karen's fabric next week. It is really going to be good. The fabric didn't work very well with the other class but this time it will be perfect. I am cutting out strips already. I love your head Robin. I bet everyone is loving it at school. You are really good. I am so proud. I am glad your class went well Karen. That is good training for many more meetings to come. Dad is coming home tomorrow so that is nice. It is suppose to be snowy this weekend. St. George is suppose to be bad tomorrow. Ha Ha. Well have a great friday.
I agree
I am ready for the weekend also. I got thru my first training session today. It wasn't too bad, but it was only 4 hours and the one tomorrow is 8. Oh well. I like your cheetah head Robin. I am impressed it looks really cool. I hope that mom and Rachel had a good time sewing tonight. I am enjoying having a off with nothing to do. Well I was waiting for it to rain here today but no such luck. It was just cloudy all day. I bet you got snow in Logan though. Well have a good night. BYE
Its thursday
yeah for thursday that means one more day till friday. :) :) :) :) i'm so ready for the weekend. A girl at school is having a huge birthday party on saturday. I haven't made up my mind if i'm going There's going to be alot of drinking and craziness, I think i'm going to be sick that day. Plus I want to work on Imats stuff. I know that sounds bad but i live on the wild side. Well I haven't got my pictures yet hopefully tomorrow. I think the guy that posed for my dwarf will die of excitement if I don't get them soon. :) I guess he wore the whole outfit to FHE, I'm pretty sure that there are people out there in the world that think I'm one strange duck. ;) I posted some pictures of the beginnings of chester. I haven't posted pictures in a while. I started on the head and I will work on the body soon. I hope. well i better go eat dinner. have a great night

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Well my bishops interview was just a get to you visit, so Whew. No new calling. My first training session for the new product is tomorrow. Just four hours so it shouldn't be too bad. There is a chance of rain here tomorrow, but they always say that and we never get rain so I am not hold my breath on that one. But you are probably going to get snow up where you guys are. Just two weeks until Thanksgiving. It seems like I haven't been up to Logan forever. I usually just stop in SLC and stay at the apartment. I still think that all shopping should be done in St. George where you at least don't freeze to death. Well I have a great one. BYE
Lillian Munster
I would love for you to dress us up like that. We will have to find a good occasion. Way to go Rachel on getting the pattern. That will make things go a lot nicer. I don't know about lunch yet. I might have to just get material after work. It has been a zoo around there lately. I am so far behind. I think I am feeling better. I don't think I got this from Casey. I think I got it at work. Everyone has had a really bad stuffy nose. I always just lose my voice with it. I got my orange juice tonight and have been drinking that. I can't think of anything else to do but wait it out now. I have been thinking steriods for my voice but those are one strong med so I am going to wait it out. My voice does sound a lot better and no one home at night really helps me not talk. I got up for me and Karen. It is the cutest show. I really like it. Well not much else going on here. Dad says he feels like he is getting it now. I hope he doesn't get real sick.
Happy Veterans Day
I had a good day today. I had a lot of projects at work so it went pretty fast. Casey didn't have to work today so he worked on his car. He made the tomato soup from Paradise bakery for dinner and it was really good. He also fixed my harddrive today so I am going to back up everything so if it breaks again it wont be a big deal. The Red Rooster called me today and said that they had the pattern for the log cabin in so I went and bought it. So we are good to go Mom. We can cut our fabric tomorrow. I am excited to take that class next week. I have a lot of sewing projects.
Well today I started on the big size of my cheeto guy. I am just working on the head right now. I have to make a metal frame to mold on so he can stand up right. but my teacher has to order in the stuff so I'm working on the parts that don't need a metal piece in it. Well nothing else to exciting. we were watching the munsters during class. I think it would be fun to turn dad into herman munster one day. :) and mom and be lilian . ha ha if you go to a costume party I will do the makeup for you. well i better run have a great night
I had enrichment on Tuesday. It was on Missionaries and how their Mom's influenced them. I had to make labels with all the missionaries addresses on them. I forgot that enrichment was this week so someone calls me on Monday and says that they have all the letters done and I just need to put on the labels because they weren't going to be their on Tuesday. I was thinking what is Tuesday. They hadn't given me that addresses yet so I had to call around and get those and then put them on the letters Monday. I am glad that they called or I would have forgotten. Enrichment went well but it was long. We have 9 missionaries and their Mom's spoke and then they read a letter from the missionary on how their Mom influenced them. Since it is vetrines day Casey has it off so he came home to work on his car and will go back down I think on Thursday. I hope that Mom gets better, I hope that we didn't make her sick.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
hanging in there
Well I think my voice is better but I haven't been talking much so I guess I will find out tomorrow. I am still feeling like have a cold. I hope that goes away soon. Not much going on here. Slept in took a nap and then took a nap. I was in resting mode. LOVE MOM
Mom I hope that you feel better sooner. i am sorry that you lost your voice, I hate it when that happens. I have to go to a bishop's interview tonight. Keep your fingers crossed on that one. I really like my calling now I hope that I don't get a new one. Oh well what can you do. Work was good, except that I got my desk cleared off. So tomorrow might be boring, but I will just have to see. Robin I wouldn't worry too much about the clutter. It seems like if you clean it up more clutter moves in to take its place. It is a never ending battle. Well i better go. BYE
flower power
I like the background Rachel :). Well today my day was good. I think i'm going to be pretty busy in creature design which will be good hopefully the time will pass quickly. I'm sorry that you don't feel well mom... Well My place is destroyed i have things thrown everywhere. I have a load of laundry to do, but I don't have the motivation to do it. And i have all my beauty makeup and imats makeup/costume in my tiny room. I think I need to go on a energy kick and get it all organized but I think I will wait and see if it kicks in tomorrow. :) i'll just avert my eyes for now :) anyway have a great night
love you
Monday, November 9, 2009
Well work was pretty good. I stayed busy most of the day. i have most of my desk clear off now, so by the end of the week I should be bored. We are updating our item maintenance program at work at I get to attend all the training meetings because all the engineers are busy. So while other people get to attend one or two meetings I get to go to four. One is four hours long and that is on the 12th. All the others are 8 hours long. They are on the 13th, 17th, and 18th. So hopefully they aren't too boring. They said that you get to be on a laptop to learn on so at least it is hands on. that is much better than just a straight lecture.
Crazy Days
Today at work was way busy. I needed to work at least 10 hours. Everyone is gone on friday so I am hoping I get a lot done that day. Tomorrow UP comes out. I am going to buy it. I love that movie. Dad is going to SLC tomorrow. He went to the eye doctor today and this weekend we are going to buy him some glasses. He needs a new pair, I have just been waiting for him to get his eyes checked before we got them. We have had to reschedule 3 times so I am glad we got that done. I am glad that all is going well. LOVE MOM
So today was the first day of creature design. Its the last class that I have. I hope it turns out well it was quite an interesting day. sculpting can have many joys and much anguish. Well nothing else to exciting. I went grocery shopping, I bought a new cereal, apple cinnamon cheerio's, I hadn't had them in a while so I thought I would have them again. Pure excitement. :) anyway better get back to sculpting yeah.....
Check your connections
I had internet problems this weekend. Sorry that I couldn't blog. It is fixed now so I am back. We had a good weekend. Casey wasn't feeling that good so we didn't do much. Saturday he had a bike class to teach so I cleaned the house and got to sew. I am working on my Sea Urchin quilt. Here is a picture of my first block. I really like it.

Tonight I need to cut up some old jeans for our sewing class next week. It will be fun. Also I think that they new Wheel of time book comes out tomorrow. Am I right about that Karen? It will be fun to read. Well I am glad that things are going good with everyone. Sorry about being gone all weekend.
Tonight I need to cut up some old jeans for our sewing class next week. It will be fun. Also I think that they new Wheel of time book comes out tomorrow. Am I right about that Karen? It will be fun to read. Well I am glad that things are going good with everyone. Sorry about being gone all weekend.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Sunday, Sunday
I had a nice sunday. Slept in went to church and then Rachel and Casey came over for dinner. I won at Settlers. It was a good day. Rachel says she is having troubles with her internet so if you don't hear from her that is why. Robin is this your last class before you come home? We don't have much going on here. It is such nice weather. I am loving that. I did cook 30 clove garlic chicken to help fight all of our colds. It tasted really good. Love you guys
anther day another time
Well i went to church today and slept it was pretty easy day. I think I'm finally caught up on sleep. Tomorrow I start creature design. I have mixed feelings i'm excited to work on my creature but my class has turned into drama queens, sometimes I am very thankful for my sound supression earphones. They truly are a gift from heaven. :) ha ha ha anyway I'm glad that your play went well karen. I love seven bride for seven brothers. I have it at moms and dads house. If your up there before me you can borrow it. :) well I guess I better run. have a great one
love you
Well my Sunday has been good. It was nice outside so i went for a walk and then I took a nap. It was Stake Conference today so I didn't have to go to church today. The apartment upstairs from me has had a herd of elephants running up and down the stairs. So that has been a little annoying, but they only do it every couple of hours. so I get some quiet time in between. Well I hope that everyone else has had a good Sunday. I love ya BYE
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...