I had tire problems coming home from work. I left a couple minutes early so I could pick up some contacts before 5 and when I was walking out to my car I noticed that my back tire was low. Casey had just filled them up last weekend end so I knew their was a problem. I figured the tire would make it to Jacks, so I drove over their and they were able to patch it up for me. They are open until 6 so that was really nice. My gas light turned on as I pulled up to Jack, they probably thought that I was a horrible car owner. I knew that I was low on gas and I was going to fill it up but I thought that I should do my tire first. Anyway everything worked out good. I got my tire fixed and I got some gas. I didn't even hit a deer on the way home. Work was good. It was a girls last day so we had a pizza party for her. It was nice. Me and Mom had a good time sewing last night. We got alot of cutting done. I had a ton of old jeans that I had been saving and we cut them all up. We also picked what fabric we are going to use. Here is a picture of my choices. Mom used the fabric that Karen got us also but ours look different it was neat.

I bought a new watch and it came in the mail today. I need to take it in to get some links taken off. It is so pretty and I love it. It doesn't have a battery it is charged by the sun. Here is a picture.
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