Friday, July 30, 2021


 It was a good work day I went in late and left early. Love that. We went to get our license plat s for the jeep. It felt officially ours. We went to south Towne mall and walked around. Dads shoulder was hurting so we came home and watched tv. I am excited for tomorrow. Everyone drive safe. I am glad Isaacs mouth isn't too sore. Love mom


 Casey had today off and it was nice to have him home.  It was raining this morning on my walk so I took a jacket but it was so hot and muggy.  We cleaned the house this morning and it looks nice.  Oliver had his friend Korver and his brother Conner over to play.  The played Ninja's in the backyard and had fun.  After lunch we went hiking up green canyon. We did the same trail as last time to try to find a knife Casey lost.  We didn't find it but it is ok.  We went a lot farther and had a fun time.  It is so pretty.  We are headed to the jump zone for black night.  Isaac's friend is coming with.  We are excited to see everyone tomorrow also.




 My day was good. It was rainy this morning so that kept it cool most of the day. Work is about the same nothing too wild and crazy. I am excited to see everyone tomorrow. Bye 

Thursday, July 29, 2021


 We had a busy morning also.  I walked and I tried a new canal walk I saw someone walking.  It just ended in someone's yard.  I am done with canal trails forever.  It never works out.  It was the last day of swimming lessons and they are doing well swimming.  Isaac's tooth has been hurting so I called the dentist while the kids were swimming outside and they were able to see us in a half an hour.  So we rushed home.  We had to stop at summer reading because it was the last day.  My gas light turned on so we had to stop for gas.  We ended up being 10 minutes late but it was fine.  Isaac had a cavity in a baby tooth.  We decided to pull it.  The tooth next needed to come in first, the order of the teeth coming in matter.  So they pulled both teeth.  He had a root from a tooth left over on the bottom so they got that out also.  I let the kids play the goat simulator game a little longer so Isaac could rest.  Casey worked on the tree house after dinner.  Love you guys.




 I had a busy day also. I had to take minutes for 4 meetings today. I don't think I have ever done that. I am really over my hours so I am going in a little late and leaving early. Luna is so cute. It is hard to know what to do when they are awake longer. Rachel I hope the last day of swim lessons was nice. They keep saying it will rain but we haven't gotten a drop yet. Everyone enjoy the last Friday in July. Love mom


Today was pretty chill. just eating and sleeping. Luna is awake a bit more. She seems bored so I try and talk and sing to her bit I don't think she loves it. When I was feeding her today it looked like she was going to punch me. It was funny, but she is starting to make cute noises here and there so I'm hoping she for real smiles soon.


 My day was good. Work is staying busy so it is going by quickly. After work I cook the cordon Blu you got me mom. It tasted pretty good. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Wednesday, July 28, 2021


Today was chill. We were going to go to lagoon day for coke but Jeramy has to work now. So he sold his tickets to his old brother in law. So we went over to his old father in laws to give him the tickets tonight. We talked about the RV again. He wanted Casey to look at it first since it needs work done. Then we went taco bell for dinner because it was late. I was thinking maybe on Saturday I can come down and do a loop at liberty park and we can go to spaghetti  factory for lunch?? Just an idea


Hump day

 I went into work a little early today so I left early.  I am still over my time so I get to leave early again.  I have to go in early tomorrow to take minutes for a meeting.  I took a nap this afternoon and that felt nice.  Not much else to report on my end.  I was going to suggest a hodoo on Saturday but I am not sure that will work out.  Jeramy has to work on Saturday so I am going to hook up with Robin and Luna for Lunch, I didn't know if any one else wanted to come and then I had several ideas afterwards.  l.  Craft time at my house, 2. go to the mall and walk around 3. go to some activity.  Just a thought.  We can do it another week if this one doesn't work out.  I am going to have lunch with Luna and Robin for sure.  LOVE YOU GUYS LOVE MOM 


 Casey's sister's, Tiffany and Charlotte are going to visit next week sometime which will be fun to see them.  Casey took Friday off and is going to drive down to look at the rv that Robin's in-laws have.  I had set up playdates for the kids so we aren't coming.  Sorry.  I need to see Luna again.  Today was good.  It was so hot on my walk this morning.  The kids didn't want to swim after swimming lessons today so we didn't stay long.  We went to the dollar store and got sponges and buckets for the primary party.  That felt nice to get done.  We went to the library and watched a magic show.  It was a good show and the kids liked it.  Oliver and Isaac had friends there and they love that.  We stayed and got new books.  Mom sent the boys a new game and they love it.  They played it all this afternoon and are showing it to Casey now.  They think it is the best, thanks Mom.  It rained here also and the kids ran around in it.  It felt nice.  We also worked a bit on the tree house.  Anyway everyone have a good night.  Love Rachel.


 My day was good. Work is still moving along nothing too wild and crazy. It did rain here this afternoon so that was nice. The power went out for about 30 seconds about 3. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Tuesday, July 27, 2021


 Today was good.  We walked this morning and I finished my audio book called a night divided.  My book group recommend it and it wasn't great.  The kids had swimming lessons.  They swam afterwards for a long time.  It was nice to fill up the morning.  I am planning a primary party next weekend had to work on that for a bit.  It is so stressful planning things.  We did puzzles and played games in the afternoon.  Casey worked on the tree house after dinner and I watched him.  They sent out a email and we have to cut back on our irrigation water.  Oliver has stopped wearing shirts this week and I think it is so cute.  I will remember to take a picture tomorrow.   Love you guys.




Luna was in her chair and she kept pulling her body like she wanted to roll so I layed her down and she was rolling. I took a video but I can't figure out how to attach it. went on a walk this morning because it calms Luna down to be in her stroller. I also mowed the lawn. I'm glad you get some relaxing nights Karen. Those are the best.


 Work was crazy busy and I had a lot of meetings. It does make the time go by fast. We came home and vegged. Pam wanted us to go to a baseball game in August 7 but dad didn't want to go. I have to go into work early  for an 8 meeting. I love the movie of Luna rolling. She is amazing. Karen congratulations on finishing summer school. You are so smart. Rachel I hope you had a quiet day. I kept hoping it would rain but we didn't get any. I can't believe July is almost done over. Love mom


 My day was good. Work was kinda quiet but that just means I got to work on my to do list. After work I came home and didn't have any school stuff to work on. I really enjoyed being lazy. I have until August 23 to be lazy then school starts again. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Monday, July 26, 2021


 Today was good but we didn't do too much.  I walked this morning and the sun is coming up later.  It made me sad.  The kids had swimming lessons.  Isaac's friend was outside swimming and they had fun playing together.  We just played at home in the afternoon.  We painted the ceramics Mom bought.  Isaac finished up his Legos.  After dinner we went and bought some more wood for the tree house.  I am glad you took the day off Karen to finish up school.  That is exciting.  I am glad you didn't have to lay that bill Robin.  Having a baby is expensive.




 It was payroll Monday so the morning went fast. We did get new tires today. We knew we needed them when we bought the car. I feel better. Not much else to report on our end. We didn't get any rain. It is suppose to cool down a little bit that will be nice. Robin that is neat you had a credit. I love that. Congratulations on your test Karen. That is really good. Did you figure out your other test. I am glad you got your tax refund. I hope we get ours soon. Rachel I am glad that swimming lessons are going well. Love mom


Today was good. Luna woke up angry so we went on a walk and that helped calm her down.then I had a 900 dollar bill to pay with the obgyn office I wanted to use my HSA account so I called to pay. I guess I had a credit they hadn't applied yet so I really owed 12 dollars. It was a nice surprise. I'm glad I called in. Then I did dishes . 



 My day was good. I took the day off, so I got to sleep in which was nice. Then I took my HR final this afternoon. I got an 86 on the test and a 92 overall in the class. It rained here for a little while this afternoon so that was nice. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Home again.

 It was nice to spend some time in kamas. I mowed the lawn this morning and rounded up. It felt nice to be outside. Karen said she needed to see Luna and so we drive down and went to lunch and held Luna. She is so tiny and cute. We came home and had a nap and then we had some red tomatoes so we had tomatoes sandwiches for dinner. They tasted so good. I had to work tonight and there was a lot to do so I am late blogging. Rachel you did have a busy weekend. I hope the kids sleep good tonight. Karen good luck with your final tomorrow. I hope you have a nice day off. Robin I am glad you are feeling better. Love mom


 I am glad you guys met up and had a fun day.  I had meeting this morning.  The kids were super grumpy at church and there were tears.  Primary went well though and the kids liked that.  Casey worked for a bit and then came home and fixed the toilet in our room.  It was leaking.  We played and did puzzles this afternoon.  After dinner went went up green canyon and went hiking.  The kids were happy and had fun.  It was so good to have positive experience hiking.  We had fun.  We are all dreading Monday.  I hope you guys have a good one.




 I had a fun weekend. Mom and dad came down last night. Then today we went down an saw Luna, oh and Robin and Jeremy. Luna is a cutie. It was fun it see everyone. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye 


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...